895 resultados para reverse bias
Includes bibliographical references (p. 14).
A large area colour imager optically addressed is presented. The colour imager consists of a thin wide band gap p-i-n a-SiC:H filtering element deposited on the top of a thick large area a-SiC:H(-p)/a-Si:H(-i)/a-SiC:H(-n) image sensor, which reveals itself an intrinsic colour filter. In order to tune the external applied voltage for full colour discrimination the photocurrent generated by a modulated red light is measured under different optical and electrical bias. Results reveal that the integrated device behaves itself as an imager and a filter giving information not only on the position where the optical image is absorbed but also on it wavelength and intensity. The amplitude and sign of the image signals are electrically tuneable. In a wide range of incident fluxes and under reverse bias, the red and blue image signals are opposite in sign and the green signal is suppressed allowing blue and red colour recognition. The green information is obtained under forward bias, where the blue signal goes down to zero and the red and green remain constant. Combining the information obtained at this two applied voltages a RGB colour image picture can be acquired without the need of the usual colour filters or pixel architecture. A numerical simulation supports the colour filter analysis.
Low-cost UHF-band p-i-n diodes are used to develop high-performance L-band series and parallel switches. To stop the rectification of large RF, signals, the diodes are biased at a large reverse-bias voltage. Parasitic elements of the diodes are tuned out using LC circuits in biasing circuits without increasing the size of the switches. (C) 2002 John Wiley Sons, Inc.
Este estudo buscou conhecer as representações sociais de alunos do ensino médio acerca da política afirmativa de cotas da UFES. Ao escolher realizar esta investigação científica, optei trabalhar com a Teoria das Representações Sociais (TRS), justamente por se tratar de uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, permitindo compreender melhor esse conjunto de saberes sociais cotidianos, explicações e afirmações que se originam na vida diária desses alunos. Para coleta e análise dos dados elegi trabalhar com grupos focais e análise de conteúdo, por acreditar que se tratam de técnicas mais apropriadas pelo tempo hábil destinado a tal propósito e o caráter exploratório dessa investigação. Foram eleitos como campo de pesquisa três escolas que ofertam o ensino médio no município de Cachoeiro de Itapemirim. Sendo, respectivamente, uma da rede particular, uma estadual e uma federal. Apresentei também de forma introdutória os principais conceitos sistematizados por Serge Moscovici que serviram de coordenadas para a formulação da TRS. Em um segundo momento, faço um debate dialogado sobre as relações raciais no Brasil através de autores que tentaram interpretar a realidade de um país de passado escravista e patriarcal. Como resultado dos diálogos com alunos do ensino médio, percebi que as representações sociais desses estudantes estão ancorados a um conjunto de palavras ligadas a ideia de igualdade, mérito, preconceito pelas avessas, “medida tapa buraco”. Entretanto, alunos favoráveis às políticas de cotas utilizaram muito a palavra igualdade no sentido material da existência (econômico e social). Percebeu-se também diferenças significativas não somente de instituição para instituição, como uma diversidade muito grande de concepções dentro de uma mesma instituição de ensino. Exemplo disso foi encontrado no IFES de Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, onde a visão sobre as cotas do primeiro grupo pertencente à turma de informática se aproximou mais das representações sociais dos alunos da escola particular, enquanto que as concepções do segundo grupo do curso de eletromecânica se conectavam mais com as falas dos alunos de escola pública.
This article reports on a-Si:H-based low-leakage blue-enhanced photodiodes for dual-screen x-ray imaging detectors. Doped nanocrystalline silicon was incorporated in both the n- and p-type regions to reduce absorption losses for light incoming from the top and bottom screens. The photodiode exhibits a dark current density of 900 pA/cm(2) and an external quantum efficiency up to 90% at a reverse bias of 5 V. In the case of illumination through the tailored p-layer, the quantum efficiency of 60% at a 400 nm wavelength is almost double that for the conventional a-Si:H n-i-p photodiode.
We report in this paper the recent advances we obtained in optimizing a color image sensor based on the laser-scanned-photodiode (LSP) technique. A novel device structure based on a a-SiC:H/a-Si:H pin/pin tandem structure has been tested for a proper color separation process that takes advantage on the different filtering properties due to the different light penetration depth at different wavelengths a-SM and a-SiC:H. While the green and the red images give, in comparison with previous tested structures, a weak response, this structure shows a very good recognition of blue color under reverse bias, leaving a good margin for future device optimization in order to achieve a complete and satisfactory RGB image mapping. Experimental results about the spectral collection efficiency are presented and discussed from the point of view of the color sensor applications. The physics behind the device functioning is explained by recurring to a numerical simulation of the internal electrical configuration of the device.
A visible/near-infrared optical sensor based on an ITO/SiOx/n-Si structure with internal gain is presented. This surface-barrier structure was fabricated by a low-temperature processing technique. The interface properties and carder transport were investigated from dark current-voltage and capacitance-voltage characteristics. Examination of the multiplication properties was performed under different light excitation and reverse bias conditions. The spectral and pulse response characteristics are analysed. The current amplification mechanism is interpreted by the control of electron current by the space charge of photogenerated holes near the SiOx/Si interface. The optical sensor output characteristics and some possible device applications are presented.
Glucose sensing is an issue with great interest in medical and biological applications. One possible approach to glucose detection takes advantage of measuring changes in fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) between a fluorescent donor and an acceptor within a protein which undergoes glucose-induced changes in conformation. This demands the detection of fluorescent signals in the visible spectrum. In this paper we analyzed the emission spectrum obtained from fluorescent labels attached to a protein which changes its conformation in the presence of glucose using a commercial spectrofluorometer. Different glucose nanosensors were used to measure the output spectra with fluorescent signals located at the cyan and yellow bands of the spectrum. A new device is presented based on multilayered a-SiC:H heterostructures to detect identical transient visible signals. The transducer consists of a p-i'(a-SiC:H)-n/p-i(a-Si:H)-n heterostructure optimized for the detection of the fluorescence resonance energy transfer between fluorophores with excitation in the violet (400 nm) and emissions in the cyan (470 nm) and yellow (588 nm) range of the spectrum. Results show that the device photocurrent signal measured under reverse bias and using appropriate steady state optical bias, allows the separate detection of the cyan and yellow fluorescence signals presented.
The transducer consists of a semiconductor device based on two stacked -i-n heterostructures that were designed to detect the emissions of the fluorescence resonance energy transfer between fluorophores in the cyan (470 nm) and yellow (588 nm) range of the spectrum. This research represents a preliminary study on the use of such wavelength-sensitive devices as photodetectors for this kind of application. The device was characterized through optoelectronic measurements concerning spectral response measurements under different electrical and optical biasing conditions. To simulate the fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) pairs, a chromatic time-dependent combination of cyan and yellow wavelengths was applied to the device. The generated photocurrent was measured under reverse and forward bias to read out the output photocurrent signal. A different wavelength-biasing light was also superimposed. Results show that under reverse bias, the photocurrent signal presents four separate levels, each one assigned to the different wavelength combinations of the FRET pairs. If a blue background is superimposed, the yellow channel is enhanced and the cyan suppressed, while under red irradiation, the opposite behavior occurs. So, under suitable biasing light, the transducer is able to detect separately the cyan and yellow fluorescence pairs. An electrical model, supported by a numerical simulation, supports the transduction mechanism of the device.
Glucose sensing is an issue with great interest in medical and biological applications. One possible approach to glucose detection takes advantage of measuring changes in fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) between a fluorescent donor and an acceptor within a protein which undergoes glucose-induced changes in conformation. This demands the detection of fluorescent signals in the visible spectrum. In this paper we analyzed the emission spectrum obtained from fluorescent labels attached to a protein which changes its conformation in the presence of glucose using a commercial spectrofluorometer. Different glucose nanosensors were used to measure the output spectra with fluorescent signals located at the cyan and yellow bands of the spectrum. A new device is presented based on multilayered a-SiC:H heterostructures to detect identical transient visible signals. The transducer consists of a p-i'(a-SiC:H)-n/p-i(a-Si:H)-n heterostructure optimized for the detection of the fluorescence resonance energy transfer between fluorophores with excitation in the violet (400 nm) and emissions in the cyan (470 nm) and yellow (588 nm) range of the spectrum. Results show that the device photocurrent signal measured under reverse bias and using appropriate steady state optical bias, allows the separate detection of the cyan and yellow fluorescence signals. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A bidimensional array based on single-photon avalanche diodes for triggered imaging systems is presented. The diodes are operated in the gated mode of acquisition to reduce the probability to detect noise counts interfering with photon arrival events. In addition, low reverse bias overvoltages are used to lessen the dark count rate. Experimental results demonstrate that the prototype fabricated with a standard HV-CMOS process gets rid of afterpulses and offers a reduced dark count probability by applying the proposed modes of operation. The detector exhibits a dynamic range of 15 bits with short gated"on" periods of 10ns and a reverse bias overvoltage of 1.0V.
Avalanche photodiodes operated in the Geiger mode offer a high intrinsic gain as well as an excellent timing accuracy. These qualities make the sensor specially suitable for those applications where detectors with high sensitivity and low timing uncertainty are required. Moreover, they are compatible with standard CMOS technologies, allowing sensor and front-end electronics integration within the pixel cell. However, the sensor suffers from high levels of intrinsic noise, which may lead to erroneous results and limit the range of detectable signals. They also increase the amount of data that has to be stored. In this work, we present a pixel based on a Geiger-mode avalanche photodiode operated in the gated mode to reduce the probability to detect noise counts interfering with photon arrival events. The readout circuit is based on a two grounds scheme to enable low reverse bias overvoltages and consequently lessen the dark count rate. Experimental characterization of the fabricated pixel with the HV-AMS 0.35µm standard technology is also presented in this article.
Three different pixels based on single-photon avalanche diodes for triggered applications, such as fluorescence lifetime measurements and high energy physics experiments, are presented. Each pixel consists of a 20µm x 100µm (width x length) single photon avalanche diode and a monolithically integrated readout circuit. The sensors are operated in the gated mode of acquisition to reduce the probability to detect noise counts interferring with real radiation events. Each pixel includes a different readout circuit that allows to use low reverse bias overvoltages. Experimental results demonstrate that the three pixels present a similar behaviour. The pixels get rid of afterpulses and present a reduced dark count probability by applying the gated operation. Noise figures are further improved by using low reverse bias overvoltages. The detectors exhibit an input dynamic range of 13.35 bits with short gated"on" periods of 10ns and a reverse bias overvoltage of 0.5V. The three pixels have been fabricated in a standard HV-CMOS process.
Avalanche photodiodes operated in the Geiger mode present very high intrinsic gain and fast time response, which make the sensor an ideal option for those applications in which detectors with high sensitivity and velocity are required. Moreover, they are compatible with conventional CMOS technologies, allowing sensor and front-end electronics integration within the pixel cell. Despite these excellent qualities, the photodiode suffers from high intrinsic noise, which degrades the performance of the detector and increases the memory area to store the total amount of information generated. In this work, a new front-end circuit that allows low reverse bias overvoltage sensor operation to reduce the noise in Geiger mode avalanche photodiode pixel detectors is presented. The proposed front-end circuit also enables to operate the sensor in the gated acquisition mode to further reduce the noise. Experimental characterization of the fabricated pixel with the conventional HV-AMS 0.35µm technology is also presented in this article.
A new design for a compact electronically reconffgurable singlefeed dual frequency dual-polarized operation of a square-microstrip antenna capable of achieving tunable frequency ratios in the range 1.1 to 1.37 is proposed and experimentally studied. Varactor diodes inlegruted with the arms of the hexagonal slot and embedded in the square patch are used to tune the operating frequencies by applying reverse-bias voltage. The design has the advantage of size reduction up to 73.21% and 49.86% for the two resonant frequencies, respectively, as compared to standard rectangular patches. The antenna offers good bandwidth of 5.74% and 5.36% for the two operating frequencies. A highly simplified tuning circuitry without any transmission lines adds to the compactness of the design