89 resultados para quantiles
Abstract: We scrutinize the realized stock-bond correlation based upon high frequency returns. We use quantile regressions to pin down the systematic variation of the extreme tails over their economic determinants. The correlation dependence behaves differently when the correlation is large negative and large positive. The important explanatory variables at the extreme low quantile are the short rate, the yield spread, and the volatility index. At the extreme high quantile the bond market liquidity is also important. The empirical fi ndings are only partially robust to using less precise measures of the stock-bond correlation. The results are not caused by the recent financial crisis. Keywords: Extreme returns; Financial crisis; Realized stock-bond correlation; Quantile regressions; VIX. JEL Classifi cations: C22; G01; G11; G12
Extremal quantile index is a concept that the quantile index will drift to zero (or one)
as the sample size increases. The three chapters of my dissertation consists of three
applications of this concept in three distinct econometric problems. In Chapter 2, I
use the concept of extremal quantile index to derive new asymptotic properties and
inference method for quantile treatment effect estimators when the quantile index
of interest is close to zero. In Chapter 3, I rely on the concept of extremal quantile
index to achieve identification at infinity of the sample selection models and propose
a new inference method. Last, in Chapter 4, I use the concept of extremal quantile
index to define an asymptotic trimming scheme which can be used to control the
convergence rate of the estimator of the intercept of binary response models.
Ranking variables according to their relevance to predict an outcome is an important task in biomedicine. For instance, such ranking can be used for selecting a smaller number of genes to then apply other sophisticated experiments only on genes identified as important. A nonparametric method called Quor is designed to provide a confidence value for the order of arbitrary quantiles of different populations using independent samples. This confidence may provide insights about possible differences among groups and yields a ranking of importance for the variables. Computations are efficient and use exact distributions with no need for asymptotic considerations. Experiments with simulated data and with multiple real -omics data sets are performed and they show advantages and disadvantages of the method. Quor has no assumptions but independence of samples, thus it might be a better option when assumptions of other methods cannot be asserted. The software is publicly available on CRAN.
This dissertation proposes statistical methods to formulate, estimate and apply complex transportation models. Two main problems are part of the analyses conducted and presented in this dissertation. The first method solves an econometric problem and is concerned with the joint estimation of models that contain both discrete and continuous decision variables. The use of ordered models along with a regression is proposed and their effectiveness is evaluated with respect to unordered models. Procedure to calculate and optimize the log-likelihood functions of both discrete-continuous approaches are derived, and difficulties associated with the estimation of unordered models explained. Numerical approximation methods based on the Genz algortithm are implemented in order to solve the multidimensional integral associated with the unordered modeling structure. The problems deriving from the lack of smoothness of the probit model around the maximum of the log-likelihood function, which makes the optimization and the calculation of standard deviations very difficult, are carefully analyzed. A methodology to perform out-of-sample validation in the context of a joint model is proposed. Comprehensive numerical experiments have been conducted on both simulated and real data. In particular, the discrete-continuous models are estimated and applied to vehicle ownership and use models on data extracted from the 2009 National Household Travel Survey. The second part of this work offers a comprehensive statistical analysis of free-flow speed distribution; the method is applied to data collected on a sample of roads in Italy. A linear mixed model that includes speed quantiles in its predictors is estimated. Results show that there is no road effect in the analysis of free-flow speeds, which is particularly important for model transferability. A very general framework to predict random effects with few observations and incomplete access to model covariates is formulated and applied to predict the distribution of free-flow speed quantiles. The speed distribution of most road sections is successfully predicted; jack-knife estimates are calculated and used to explain why some sections are poorly predicted. Eventually, this work contributes to the literature in transportation modeling by proposing econometric model formulations for discrete-continuous variables, more efficient methods for the calculation of multivariate normal probabilities, and random effects models for free-flow speed estimation that takes into account the survey design. All methods are rigorously validated on both real and simulated data.
In quantitative risk analysis, the problem of estimating small threshold exceedance probabilities and extreme quantiles arise ubiquitously in bio-surveillance, economics, natural disaster insurance actuary, quality control schemes, etc. A useful way to make an assessment of extreme events is to estimate the probabilities of exceeding large threshold values and extreme quantiles judged by interested authorities. Such information regarding extremes serves as essential guidance to interested authorities in decision making processes. However, in such a context, data are usually skewed in nature, and the rarity of exceedance of large threshold implies large fluctuations in the distribution's upper tail, precisely where the accuracy is desired mostly. Extreme Value Theory (EVT) is a branch of statistics that characterizes the behavior of upper or lower tails of probability distributions. However, existing methods in EVT for the estimation of small threshold exceedance probabilities and extreme quantiles often lead to poor predictive performance in cases where the underlying sample is not large enough or does not contain values in the distribution's tail. In this dissertation, we shall be concerned with an out of sample semiparametric (SP) method for the estimation of small threshold probabilities and extreme quantiles. The proposed SP method for interval estimation calls for the fusion or integration of a given data sample with external computer generated independent samples. Since more data are used, real as well as artificial, under certain conditions the method produces relatively short yet reliable confidence intervals for small exceedance probabilities and extreme quantiles.
A avaliação do coeficiente de variação (CV) como medida da precisão dos experimentos tem sido feita com diversas culturas, espécies animais e forrageiras por meio de trabalhos sugerindo faixas de classificação dos valores, considerando-se a média, o desvio padrão e a distribuição dos valores de CV das diversas variáveis respostas envolvidas nos experimentos. Neste trabalho, objetivouse estudar a distribuição dos valores de CV de experimentos com a cultura do feijão, propondo faixas que orientem os pesquisadores na avaliação de seus estudos com cada variável. Os dados utilizados foram obtidos de revisão em revistas que publicam artigos científicos com a cultura do feijão. Foram consideradas as variáveis: rendimento, número de vagens por planta, número de grãos por vagem, peso de 100 grãos, estande final, altura de plantas e índice de colheita. Foram obtidas faixas de valores de CV para cada variável tomando como base a distribuição normal, utilizando-se também a distribuição dos quantis amostrais e a mediana e o pseudo-sigma, classificando-os como baixo, médio, alto e muito alto. Os cálculos estatísticos para verificação da normalidade dos dados foram implementados por meio de uma função no software estatístico livre R. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que faixas de valores de CV diferiram entre as diversas variáveis apresentando ampla variação justificando a necessidade de utilizar faixa de avaliação específica para cada variável.
In this paper we proposed a new two-parameters lifetime distribution with increasing failure rate. The new distribution arises on a latent complementary risk problem base. The properties of the proposed distribution are discussed, including a formal proof of its probability density function and explicit algebraic formulae for its reliability and failure rate functions, quantiles and moments, including the mean and variance. A simple EM-type algorithm for iteratively computing maximum likelihood estimates is presented. The Fisher information matrix is derived analytically in order to obtaining the asymptotic covariance matrix. The methodology is illustrated on a real data set. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this paper we intend to analyse the effect of quality certification,as well as a set of other variables, specific to the company and to the industry, on the performance of Portuguese companies considering the different performance levels presented by companies. Results suggest a sensibility to quantiles regression. We highlight the fact that in industries with a high number of companies possessing quality certification the impact of the certificate`s tenure on the companies performance is only significantly positive in companies with lower levels of performance. On the other hand, in these industries, industry characteristics have a significant positive effect on companies performance, specially on companies with high levels of performance.
A tese estrutura-se em dois ensaios versando temas distintos, se bem que entre eles se possam perceber algumas afinidades decorrentes do facto de ambos se subsumirem à análise de diferentes tipos de investimento em capital humano: a formação profissional e a formação académica superior. No primeiro ensaio, aborda-se a questão da avaliação do impacto de diferentes tipos de formação profissional sobre os salários, a estabilidade da relação contratual trabalhador-empregador e a empregabilidade, em Portugal, por recurso a uma metodologia de estimação semiparamétrica, mais especificamente, através de uma metodologia de enlaçamento baseado em índices de propensão aplicada aos dados do Inquérito ao Emprego do INE, relativos aos anos de 1998 a 2001. Quanto aos impactos salariais, conclui-se que a formação obtida nas empresas será a mais compensadora, mas os restantes tipos de formação também propiciarão ganhos salariais, sendo que a formação obtida nas escolas ou centros de formação profissional será aquela com efeitos menos expressivos. Quanto ao efeito sobre a empregabilidade, as estimativas obtidas apontam para a conclusão de que a formação profissional potenciará o abandono da inactividade, mas não garantidamente o emprego, verificando-se mesmo que a formação recebida nas escolas e centros de formação profissional conduzirá, mais provavelmente, ao desemprego, se bem que, para uma certa fracção de desempregados, o sentido da causalidade possa ser inverso. O segundo ensaio versa a decomposição, da média condicional e por quantis, do diferencial salarial entre homens e mulheres específico do universo dos diplomados do ensino superior, em Portugal (dados do 1.º Inquérito de Percurso aos Diplomados do Ensino Superior realizado em 2001), por forma a apurar o grau de discriminação por género nele indiciado. Usando a metodologia de Machado-Mata e, em alternativa, a metodologia de enlaçamento baseado em índices de propensão, dir-se-ia que, no sector público, a discriminação salarial por género, a existir, será reduzida, i.e. o diferencial salarial observado explicar se á quase integralmente pelas diferenças entre os atributos produtivos dos homens e das mulheres. Diferentemente, no sector empresarial, a discriminação é potencialmente ponderosa. Especial atenção é dedicada ao contributo da área de formação escolar para a explicação do diferencial salarial.
In this paper we explore the determinants of firm start-up size of Spanish manufacturing industries. The industries' barriers to entry affect the ability of potential entrants to enter the markets and the size range at which they decide to enter. In order to examine the relationships between barriers to entry and size we applied the quantile regression techniques. Our results indicate that the variables that characterize the structure of the market, the variables that are related to the behaviour of the incumbent firms and the rate of growth of the industries generate different barriers depending on the initial size of the entrants. Keywords: Entry, regression quantiles, start-up size. JEL classification: L110, L600
This paper explores the effects of two main sources of innovation -intramural and external R&D- on the productivity level in a sample of 3,267 Catalonian firms. The data set used is based on the official innovation survey of Catalonia which was a part of the Spanish sample of CIS4, covering the years 2002-2004. We compare empirical results by applying usual OLS and quantile regression techniques both in manufacturing and services industries. In quantile regression, results suggest different patterns at both innovation sources as we move across conditional quantiles. The elasticity of intramural R&D activities on productivity decreased when we move up the high productivity levels both in manufacturing and services sectors, while the effects of external R&D rise in high-technology industries but are more ambiguous in low-technology and knowledge-intensive services. JEL codes: O300, C100, O140. Keywords: Innovation sources, R&D, Productivity, Quantile regression
This paper explores the effects of two main sources of innovation —intramural and external R&D— on the productivity level in a sample of 3,267 Catalan firms. The data set used is based on the official innovation survey of Catalonia which was a part of the Spanish sample of CIS4, covering the years 2002-2004. We compare empirical results by applying usual OLS and quantile regression techniques both in manufacturing and services industries. In quantile regression, results suggest different patterns at both innovation sources as we move across conditional quantiles. The elasticity of intramural R&D activities on productivity decreased when we move up the high productivity levels both in manufacturing and services sectors, while the effects of external R&D rise in high-technology industries but are more ambiguous in low-technology and services industries.
Bayesian model averaging (BMA) methods are regularly used to deal with model uncertainty in regression models. This paper shows how to introduce Bayesian model averaging methods in quantile regressions, and allow for different predictors to affect different quantiles of the dependent variable. I show that quantile regression BMA methods can help reduce uncertainty regarding outcomes of future inflation by providing superior predictive densities compared to mean regression models with and without BMA.