243 resultados para palpebral conjunctiva


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This is the first documented study of the anatomical details of the contents of the normal koala orbit, excluding the bulbus oculi. Baseline data were established which are necessary for understanding and treating ocular disease in the koala (Phascolarctos cinereus). The anatomy of the orbital contents of the koala were examined and described from animals that presented dead or were euthanized for humane reasons. Dissections of the orbital cavity were performed under magnification. Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) casts of the nasolacrimal system and the vascular supply of the orbit were also made in order to study these systems. The superficial lymphatic drainage of the conjunctival tissues was studied by subcutaneous injection of Evan's Blue into the palpebral conjunctiva of a freshly deceased animal, and by Microfil casts of the efferent lymphatics. In general, the orbital contents of the koala are consistent with those of other carnivorous polyprotodont and herbivorous diprotodont marsupials.


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Se estimó la sensibilidad y especificidad de la citología de impresión como prueba diagnóstica en lesiones conjuntivales clínicamente sospechosas de neoplasia usando como patrón de oro la patología. Se estudiaron 60 pacientes, que ingresaron al azar a la Fundación Oftalmológica Nacional, con diagnóstico clínico de neoplasia de superficie ocular o lesión sospechosa de neoplasia, quienes fueron sometidos a citología de impresión y posterior resección quirúrgica completa, más estudio patológico de la lesión. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo, analizando la sensibilidad y la especificidad con el método clásico y análisis bayesiano.


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Pós-graduação em Cirurgia Veterinária - FCAV


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Aim: To determine the theoretical and clinical minimum image pixel resolution and maximum compression appropriate for anterior eye image storage. Methods: Clinical images of the bulbar conjunctiva, palpebral conjunctiva, and corneal staining were taken at the maximum resolution of Nikon:CoolPix990 (2048 × 1360 pixels), DVC:1312C (1280 × 811), and JAI:CV-S3200 (767 × 569) single chip cameras and the JVC:KYF58 (767 × 569) three chip camera. The images were stored in TIFF format and further copies created with reduced resolution or compressed. The images were then ranked for clarity on a 15 inch monitor (resolution 1280 × 1024) by 20 optometrists and analysed by objective image analysis grading. Theoretical calculation of the resolution necessary to detect the smallest objects of clinical interest was also conducted. Results: Theoretical calculation suggested that the minimum resolution should be ≥579 horizontal pixels at 25 × magnification. Image quality was perceived subjectively as being reduced when the pixel resolution was lower than 767 × 569 (p<0.005) or the image was compressed as a BMP or <50% quality JPEG (p<0.005). Objective image analysis techniques were less susceptible to changes in image quality, particularly when using colour extraction techniques. Conclusion: It is appropriate to store anterior eye images at between 1280 × 811 and 767 × 569 pixel resolution and at up to 1:70 JPEG compression.


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This is a case report of a patient with Down's syndrome with an important mechanical ectropion and elongation of the lower lid related to chronic allergic conjunctivitis, besides cataract and keratoconus. The tarsal strip technique and ressection of redundant and thick conjunctiva was the surgical approach chosen for this case. Functional and cosmetic outcomes were considered satisfactory.


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Purpose: Subclinical inflammation may be observed in patients, using topical antiglaucomatous drugs. The objective,e of this study was to investigate inflammation in conjunctiva of glaucoma patients using prostaglandin analogs, by the detection of a immunogenetic marker (HLA-DR) and compare the effect of 3 different drugs: latanoprost, bimatoprost, and travoprost in the induction of this inflammation. Subjects and Methods: Thirty-three patients with primary open-angle glaucoma were evaluated without and with prostaglandin analogs topical therapy. Imprints of conjunctival cells were obtained, fixed on glass slides. and Prepared for immunohistochemical analysis. Results: Before the use of prostaglandin analogs, 4 of the 33 patients evaluated presented expression (of HLA-DR in the conjunctiva (mild). After 1 month oil prostaglandin analog treatment, all but 1 patient presented HLA-DR staining. HLA-DR expression of these 32 patients was scored as mild (19 patients), medium (11 patients), or intense (2 patients). The differences were statistically significant both when the presence and the increased expression of HLA-DR were considered (P<0.001). When the 3 different groups were analyzed (latanoprost, bimatoprost, and travoprost) no statistically significant difference was round (P 0.27). Conclusions: The use of prostaglandin analogs eye drops provokes, a reaction, observed by HLA-DR subclinical inflammatory expression, even after a short period of treatment, independently of the class of the prostaglandin analogs used.


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There is virtually no literature on the effect of correction of syndromal faciocraniosynostosis with monobloc advancement on the palpebral fissure shape. Using image processing software, we measured the effect of monobloc advancement on the position of the upper and lower eyelids as well as the palpebral fissure slant in a series of 18 patients with syndromal faciocraniosynostosis who had undergone surgery for correction of orbital and midface hypoplasia. For both eyed of each patient, 3 variables were measured on the pre- and postoperative photographs: the linear distances between the upper and lower eyelid margins, the pupil center and the angle between the inner and outer canthi. The globe protrusion was also measured on axial computed tomography scans before and after surgery. The results indicate that the exorbitism reduction induced by monobloc advancement is accompanied by a diminution of the distance between both eyelids and the pupil center. However, the downward slant of the palpebral fissure is increased after surgery. The data suggest that the lower and upper eyelid retraction seen preoperatively in the majority of patients with faciocraniosynostosis tend to be corrected when the frontofacial region is advanced by the monobloc. On the other hand, the surgery tends to lower the outer canthus, increasing the negative slant of the fissure. The postoperative changes induced by the frontofacial monobloc advancement need to be taken into account when the surgery is going to be performed.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Optometria Avançada


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Estudi retrospectiu que analitza les característiques de l’apertura palpebral en 22 pacients amb regeneració aberrant secundària a paràlisi adquirida del III nervi cranial. S’ha estudiat el percentatge d’apertura palpebral de l’ull parètic respecte a la posició primària i respecte a l’ull sà en 5 posicions de la mirada i la relació entre l’apertura palpebral en adducció i en depressió respecte a la posició primària mitjançant regressió lineal. S’ha comprovat que, rere un quadre de regeneració aberrant, no només hi ha una recuperació parcial o total de la parpella en posició primària, sinó una retracció palpebral en adducció i en depressió.


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A case of meibomian carcinoma of the left eyelid is reported in a 72-year-old female patient. The tumor had been present on the left eyelid for months. Clinically, the tumor appeared as a reddish mass implanted on the external part of the free margin of the left superior eyelid. An excisional biopsy disclosed meibomian carcinoma. A total resection of the left superior eyelid was followed by plastic surgery. Results after a one-month follow-up were very satisfactory. This case is emphasizes the importance of an early diagnosis which enabled us to perform a rather conservative treatment limited to the removal of the affected eyelid. The diagnosis of meibomian carcinoma is infrequent but it must be kept in mind in cases of tumor without the typical clinical characteristics of a basal cell or squamous cell carcinoma. Complete removal surgery may bring a curative effect and histopathology has a key role in the diagnosis of meibomian carcinoma.


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Purpose: The genetics events occurring in the development of mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the conjunctiva have not been extensively investigated. A t(11;19)(q21;p13) translocation has been reported in more than 50% of mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the salivary glands. This translocation induces a chimeric MECT1-MAML2 protein that act as a transcription activation factor in CREB and Notch pathways. Sustained expression of MECT1-MALM2 in RKE3 cells was tumorigenic in a mouse model. The presence of this translocation has been correlated with a better prognosis in mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the salivary glands. The purpose of this study was to identify the presence or absence of this translocation in mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the conjunctiva.Methods: We retrospectively reviewed all conjunctival mucoepidermoid carcinoma cases from the pathological files of Jules Gonin Eye Hospital from 1960-2010. The relevant clinico-pathological data was obtained. The presence of the t(11;19)(q21;p13) translocation was investigated by FISH using a dual color break apart probe. 100 nuclei were evaluated in each case. Normal conjunctiva was included as a control.Results: Material for FISH analysis was available in 9 patients (11 tumors). There were 2 females and 7 males. The mean age was years 71, 4 years old. Tumors were involving the bulbar conjunctiva in 6 cases and the tarsal conjunctiva in 5 cases. In a young patient of 30 years old, mucoepidermoid carcinoma was developed in the context of Xeroderma Pigmentosum. Hybridization could successfully be performed in 8 patients (9 tumors). No disruption of the dual color fusion signal was observed in all the cases, suggesting an absence of t(11;19)(q21;p13) translocation in mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the conjunctiva.Conclusions: Although our study encompasses only a limited number of cases due to the rarity of mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the conjunctiva, it demonstrates that a translocation commonly found in this tumor at other locations is not identified in the conjunctiva, suggesting that different mechanisms occur in the development of these tumors.


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La prótesis maxilofacial comprende aquellos dispositivos artificiales que restauran una parte ausente de la cara, debido a tumores, traumatismos, o como resultado de una anomalía congénita. El objetivo de este artículo es la exposición de un caso clínico que precisaba la confección de una prótesis óculo-palpebral tras sufrir una pérdida de sustancia por causa oncológica. Este tipo de prótesis son de las más difíciles de elaborar con buenos resultados pues intentan reconstruir un órgano móvil con una prótesis estática. La prótesis maxilofacial tiene la finalidad de aumentar la calidad de vida del paciente y ayudar a la seguridad emocional de los mismos, quedando así rehabilitados para poder integrarse nuevamente en la sociedad.


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Rapport de synthèse : Le glaucome à angle ouvert est une neuropathie optique chronique progressive pour laquelle de nombreux traitements tant médicaux que chirurgicaux ont été proposés. La prise en charge chirurgicale s'articule principalement autour de deux chirurgies filtrantes, la trabéculectomie et la sclérectomie profonde avec implant de collagène. Cependant, les complications postopératoires de ces deux interventions étant relativement fréquentes, la recherche s'est orientée vers des traitements alternatifs dont la mise en place de micro-drains. Ces implants de drainage diminuent la pression intraoculaire en créant un court-circuit du flux d'humeur aqueuse de la chambre antérieure vers l'espace sous-conjonctival avec formation d'une bulle de filtration. L'implant Ex-PRESS R-50 est un implant miniature (2.5 mm de long pour 400 µm de diamètre) en acier inoxydable et biocompatible. La présente étude s'est proposée d'étudier l'efficacité et la sécurité de l'implant miniature Ex-Press R-50 lors d'une opération combinée cataracte-glaucome. Trente-cinq yeux de 35 patients (âge moyen: 75 ans) ont été inclus dans l'étude. Tous les patients ont bénéficié d'une opération de la cataracte par phacoemulsification et mise en place d'un implant de chambre postérieure suivie de l'implantation du micro-drain. Les pressions intraoculaires préopératoires et postopératoires, la meilleure acuité visuelle corrigée, le nombre de médicaments anti-glaucomateux ainsi que le type et le nombre de complications ont été évalués mensuellement puis tous les 6 mois pendant 4 ans. Le succès total a été défini par une pression postopératoire finale inférieure à 18mmHg sans traitement médical associé, le succès partiel par une pression postopératoire finale inférieure à 18mmHg avec ou sans traitement médical associé.. Le suivi moyen a été de 36.9 mois avec une baisse de la pression intraoculaire significative d'environ 25%. Une augmentation de l'acuité visuelle a été observée après l'opération de la cataracte et le nombre de médicaments anti-glaucomateux a été réduit de 57%. Dix patients ont bénéficié d'un traitement supplémentaire de la bulle de filtration par injection d'anti-métabolite (mitomycine C). Nous avons observé 8 complications majeures (4 érosions conjonctivales et 4 obstructions de l'orifice interne du micro-drain), toutes suivies de l'ablation de l'implant et de la réalisation d'une chirurgie classique du glaucome. En se basant sur les courbes de Kaplan-Meier à 48 mois, le taux de succès total était de 32.7% et le succès partiel de 53.7%. Nous pouvons conclure suite à ce travail que l'implant miniature Ex-PRESS R-50 est associé à un nombre trop élevé de complications, même si les cas non compliqués ont bénéficié d'une baisse significative de la pression intraoculaire. La modification de l'architecture du micro-drain ainsi que de la technique chirurgicale devrait augmenter le taux de succès.


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OBJETIVO: avaliar as complicações, vantagens e desvantagens da abordagem subtarsal quando utilizada para exposição da borda infra-orbital e do assoalho da órbita em fraturas zigomático-orbitais. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo de 41 incisões subtarsais empregadas em 39 pacientes com fraturas do complexo zigomático e/ou do assoalho da órbita do tipo blow-out, no período de janeiro de 2002 a dezembro de 2006. RESULTADOS: As complicações observadas foram conjuntivite, epífora e cicatriz aparente em seis (14,6%), cinco (12,2%) e dois (4,9%) dos casos, respectivamente. Não houve presença de ectrópio, entrópio ou esclera aparente nos pacientes reavaliados. CONCLUSÃO: As principais vantagens dessa abordagem são os resultados estéticos e funcionais associados aos benefícios trans-operatórios.