991 resultados para pEGFP-C3-Bicc1


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We present here a series of cholesterol based cationic lipid suspensions that solubilize single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) efficiently in water. Each cationic lipid formulation was characterized in terms of their energy minimized molecular structures, bilayer widths of the aggregates based on X-ray diffraction. Then these aggregates were investigated pertaining to their DNA binding and release efficiency, effect of CNT inclusion on the stability of cationic cholesterol lipid-DNA complexes, Zeta potential values and changes in the chiro-optical property of DNA, effect on Raman spectral shift and changes in morphology by SEM and AFM. Each cationic lipid formulation was optimized for the amount of SWCNT solubilized in water, lipid-DNA ratio, amount of the plasmid DNA that can be transfected and the effect on the cellular toxicity. The resulting SWCNT-lipid formulations were then used for in vitro transfection of pEGFP-C3 in A549 (human alveolar basal epithelial) cells and HeLa (human cervical cancer) cells. Advantageously, the CNT-loaded formulations confer an excellent transfection efficiency even in high percentages of blood serum and showed significantly better gene transfer efficiency compared to one of the potent, well-known commercial transfection reagent, Lipofectamine2000.


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Lipoplexes formed by the pEGFP-C3 plasmid DNA (pDNA) and lipid mixtures containing cationic gemini surfactant of the 1,2-bis(hexadecyl dimethyl ammonium) Acmes family referred to as C16CnC16, where n = 2 3, 5, or 12, and the zwitterionic helper lipid, 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylethanolamine (DOPE) have been studied from a wide variety of physical, chemical, and biological standpoints. The study has been carried out using several experimental methods, such as zeta potential, gel electrophoresis, small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), cryo-TEM, gene transfection, cell viability/cytotoxicity, and confocal fluorescence microscopy. As reported recently in a communication (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 18014), the detailed physicochemical and biological studies confirm that, in the presence of the studied series lipid mixtures, plasmid DNA is compacted with a large number of its associated Na+ counterions. This in turn yields a much lower effective negative charge, q(pDNA)(-), a value that has been experimentally obtained for each mixed lipid mixture. Consequently, the cationic lipid (CL) complexes prepared with pDNA and CL/DOPE mixtures to be used in gene transfection require significantly less amount of CL than the one estimated assuming a value of q(DNA)(-) = -2. This drives to a considerably lower cytotoxicity of the gene vector. Depending on the CL molar composition, alpha, of the lipid mixture, and the effective charge ratio of the lipoplex, rho(eff), the reported SAXS data indicate the presence of two or three structures in the same lipoplex, one in the DOPE-rich region, other in the CL-rich region, and another one present at any CL composition. Cryo-TEM and SAXS studies with C16CnC16/DOPE-pDNA lipoplexes indicate that pDNA is localized between the mixed lipid bilayers of lamellar structures within a monolayer of similar to 2 nm. This is consistent with a highly compacted supercoiled pDNA conformation compared with that of linear DNA. Transfection studies were carried out with HEK293T, HeLa, CHO, U343, and H460 cells. The alpha and rho(eff) values for each lipid mixture were optimized on HEK293T cells for transfection, and using these values, the remaining cells were also transfected in absence (-FBS-FBS) and presence (-FBS+FBS) of serum. The transfection efficiency was higher with the CLs of shorter gemini spacers (n = 2 or 3). Each formulation expressed GFP on pDNA transfection and confocal fluorescence microscopy corroborated the results. C16C2C16/DOPE mixtures were the most efficient toward transfection among all the lipid mixtures and, in presence of serum, even better than the Lipofectamine2000, a commercial transfecting agent Each lipid combination was safe and did not show any significant levels of toxicity. Probably, the presence of two coexisting lamellar structures in lipoplexes synergizes the transfection efficiency of the lipid mixtures which are plentiful in the lipoplexes formed by CLs with short spacer (n = 2, 3) than those with the long spacer (n = 5, 12).


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Lipoplex-type nanoaggregates prepared from pEGFP-C3 plasmid DNA (pDNA) and mixed liposomes, with a gemini cationic lipid (CL) 1,2-bis(hexadecyl imidazolium) alkanes], referred as (C(16)Im)(2)C-n (where C-n is the alkane spacer length, n = 2, 3, 5, or 12, between the imidazolium heads) and DOPE zwitterionic lipid, have been analyzed by zeta potential, gel electrophoresis, SAXS, cryo-TEM, fluorescence anisotropy, transfection efficiency, fluorescence confocal microscopy, and cell viability/cytotoxicity experiments to establish a structure-biological activity relationship. The study, carried out at several mixed liposome compositions, alpha, and effective charge ratios, rho(eff), of the lipoplex, demonstrates that the transfection of pDNA using CLs initially requires the determination of the effective charge of both. The electrochemical study confirms that CLs with a delocalizable positive charge in their headgroups yield an effective positive charge that is 90% of their expected nominal one, while pDNA is compacted yielding an effective negative charge which is only 10-25% than that of the linear DNA. SAXS diffractograms show that lipoplexes formed by CLs with shorter spacer (n = 2, 3, or 5) present three lamellar structures, two of them in coexistence, while those formed by CL with longest spacer (n = 12) present two additional inverted hexagonal structures. Cryo-TEM micrographs show nanoaggregates with two multilamellar structures, a cluster-type (at low alpha value) and a fingerprint-type, that coexist with the cluster-type at moderate alpha composition. The optimized transfection efficiency (TE) of pDNA, in HEK293T, HeLa, and H1299 cells was higher using lipoplexes containing gemini CLs with shorter spacers at low a value. Each lipid formulation did not show any significant levels of toxicity, the reported lipoplexes being adequate DNA vectors for gene therapy and considerably better than both Lipofectamine 2000 and CLs of the 1,2-bis(hexadecyl ammnoniun) alkane series, recently reported.


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Lipoplex nano-aggregates have been analyzed through biophysical characterization (electrostatics, structure, size and morphology), and biological studies (transfection efficiency and cell viability) in five cancer cell lines. Lipoplexes were prepared from pEGFP-C3 plasmid DNA (pDNA) and mixed liposomes, constituted by a zwitterionic lipid (DOPE) and a gemini cationic lipid (GCL) synthesized in this work, bis(hexadecyl dimethyl ammonium) oxyethylene], referred to as (C16Am)(2)(C2O)(n), (where n is the oxyethylene spacer length, n = 1, 2 or 3, between the ammonium heads). Cryo-TEM micrographs show nano-aggregates with two multilamellar structures, a cluster-type (at low-to-medium GCL composition) and a fingerprint-type that coexists with the cluster-type at medium GCL composition and appears alone at high GCL composition. SAXS diffractograms show that these lipoplexes present three lamellar structures, two of them coexisting at low and high GCL composition. The optimized transfection efficiency (TE) of pDNA was higher for lipoplexes containing GCLs with a longer (n = 3) or shorter (n = 1) polyoxyethylene spacer, at high GCL composition (alpha - 0.7) with low charge ratio (rho(eff) 2). In the all cancer cell lines studied, the TE of the optimized formulations was much better than those of both lipofectamine 2000 and lipoplexes with GCLs of the bis(hexadecyl dimethyl ammonium) alkane series recently reported. Probably, (a) the coexistence of two lamellar structures at high GCL composition synergizes the TE of these lipid vectors, (b) the orientation of the polyoxyethylene region in (C16Am)(2)(C2O)(3)/DOPE may occur in such a way that the spacing between two cationic heads becomes smaller than that in (C16Am)(2)(C2O)(2)/DOPE which is poor in terms of TE, and (c) the synergistic interactions between serum proteins and (C16Am)(2)(C2O)(n)/DOPE-pDNA lipoplexes containing a polyoxyethylene spacer improve TE, especially at high GCL content. Lipoplexes studied here show very low levels of toxicity, which confirm them as improved vectors of pDNA in gene therapy.


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The alpha v beta 3 and alpha v beta 5 integrins, transmembrane glycoprotein receptors, are over-expressed in numerous tumors and in endothelial cells that constitute tumor blood vessels. As this protein selectively binds to the Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) sequence containing peptides, it is an attractive way to target tumors. Herein we have developed novel formulations for integrin mediated selective gene delivery. These formulations are composed of a novel palmitoylated tetrameric RGD containing scaffold (named RAFT-RGD), cationic gemini cholesterol (GL5) and a natural helper lipid 1,2-dioleoyl-L-alpha-glycero-3-phosphatidylethanolamine (DOPE). We have optimized a co-liposomal formulation to introduce the multivalent RGD-containing macromolecule in GL5: DOPE (GL5D) mixture to produce GL5D-RGD. We have unambiguously shown the selectivity of these formulations towards cancer cells that over express alpha v beta 3 and alpha v beta 5 integrins. Two reporter plasmids, pEGFP-C3 and PGL-3, were employed for the transfection experiments and it was shown that GL5D-RGD Liposomes increased exclusively the transfection in alpha v beta 3 and alpha v beta 5 overexpressing HeLa cells.


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Lipoplex nano-aggregates constituted of plasmid DNA (pDNA) pEGFP-C3 and mixed cationic liposomes, consisting of several percentages of a gemini cationic lipid (GCL) of the 1,2-bis(hexadecyl imidazolium) oxyethylene series, referred to as (C(16)Im)(2)(C2O)(n), with oxyethylene spacers (n = 1, 2 or 3) between the imidazolium cationic groups and the DOPE zwitterionic helper lipid, have been characterized by various biophysical and biological approaches carried out at several GCL compositions (alpha), and either the mass or the effective charge ratio of the lipoplex. The electrochemical study by zeta-potential confirms that the three GCLs yield a 10% lower effective charge than the nominal one, while compacted pDNA yields only a 25% effective negative charge. The SAXS study reveals, irrespective of the spacer length (n) and effective charge ratio (rho(eff)), the presence of two lamellar structures, i.e., one (L-alpha,L-main) in the whole GCL composition and another (L-alpha,L-DOPE,L-rich) with higher periodicity values that coexists with the previous one at low GCL composition (alpha = 0.2). The cryo-TEM analysis shows two types of multilamellar structures consisting of cationic lipidic bilayers with pDNA sandwiched between them: a cluster-type (C-type) at low alpha = 0.2 and a fingerprint-type (FP-type) at alpha >= 0.5, both with similar interlamellar spacing (d) in agreement with the L-alpha,L-main structure determined by SAXS. Transfection efficacies (TEs) of each lipid mixture were determined in four different cell lines (HEK293T, HeLa, Caco-2 and A549) at several alpha and rho(eff) values in the absence and presence of serum (FBS). The optimized formulations (alpha = 0.2 and rho(eff) = 2.0) substantially transfect cells much better than a commercial transfection reagent, Lipofectamine 2000 and previously studied efficient lipoplexes containing other cationic head groups or spacers both in the absence and presence of serum. The activity of optimized formulations may be attributed to the combination of several factors, such as: (a) the fusogenic character of DOPE which results in higher fluidity of the lipoplexes at alpha = 0.2, (b) the coexistence of two lamellar structures at alpha = 0.2 that synergizes the TE of these lipid vectors, and mainly (c) the higher biocompatibility of the GCLs reported in this work due to the presence of two imidazolium cationic groups together with an oligo-oxyethylene spacer. The length of the spacer in the GCL seems to have less impact, although (C(16)Im)(2)(C2O)(n)/DOPEpDNA lipoplexes with n = 1 and 3 show higher gene transfection than n = 2. All the optimum formulations reported herein are all highly efficient with negligible levels of toxicity, and thus, may be considered as very promising gene vectors for in vivo applications.


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In this report, we present cationic dimeric (gemini) lipids for significant plasmid DNA (pDNA) delivery to different cell lines without any marked toxicity in the presence of serum. Six gemini lipids based on alpha-tocopherol were synthesized, which differed in their spacer chain lengths. Each of these gemini lipids mixed with a helper lipid, 1,2-dioleoyl phosphatidyl ethanolamine (DOPE), was capable of forming stable aqueous suspensions. These co-liposomal systems were examined for their potential to transfect pEGFP-C3 plasmid DNA into nine cell lines of different origins. The transfection efficacies noticed in terms of EGFP expression levels using flow cytometry were well corroborated using independent fluorescence microscopy studies. Significant EGFP expression levels were reported using the gemini co-liposomes, which counted significantly better than one well known commercial formulation, Lipofectamine 2000 (L2 K). Transfection efficacies were also analyzed in terms of the degree of intracellular delivery of labeled plasmid DNA (pDNA) using confocal microscopy, which revealed an efficient internalization in the presence of serum. The cell viability assays performed using optimized formulations demonstrated no significant toxicity towards any of the cell lines used in the study. We also had a look at the lipoplex internalization pathway to profile the uptake characteristics. A caveolae/lipid raft route was attributed to their excellent gene transfection capabilities. The study was further advanced by using a therapeutic p53-EGFP-C3 plasmid and the apoptotic activity was observed using FACS and growth inhibition assay.


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Herein, we present the design and synthesis of new redox-active monomeric and dimeric (gemini) cationic lipids based on ferrocenylated cholesterol derivatives for gene delivery. The cationic cholesterols are shown to be transfection efficient after being formulated with the neutral helper lipid DOPE in the presence of serum (FBS). The redox activity of the resulting co-liposomes and their lipoplexes could be regulated using the alkanyl ferrocene moiety attached to the ammonium head groups of the cationic cholesterols. Atomic force microscopy (AFM), dynamic light scattering (DLS) and zeta potential measurements were performed to characterize the co-liposomal aggregates and their complexes with pDNA. The transfection efficiency of lipoplexes could be tuned by changing the oxidation state of the ferrocene moiety. The gene transfection capability was assayed in terms of green fluorescence protein (GFP) expression using pEGFP-C3 plasmid DNA in three cell lines of different origins, namely Caco-2, HEK293T and HeLa, in the presence of serum. The vesicles possessing ferrocene in the reduced state induced an efficient transfection, even better than a commercial reagent Lipofectamine 2000 (Lipo 2000) as evidenced by flow cytometry and fluorescence microscopy. All the co-liposomes containing the oxidized ferrocene displayed diminished levels of gene expression. Gene transfection events from the oxidized co-liposomes were further potentiated by introducing ascorbic acid (AA) as a reducing agent during lipoplex incubation with cells, leading to the resumption of transfection activity. Assessment of transfection capability of both reduced and oxidized co-liposomes was also undertaken following cellular internalization of labelled pDNA using confocal microscopy and flow cytometry. Overall, we demonstrate here controlled gene transfection activities using redox-driven, transfection efficient cationic monomeric and dimeric cholesterol lipids. Such systems could be used in gene delivery applications where transfection needs to be performed spatially or temporally.


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Early detection, clinical management and disease recurrence monitoring are critical areas in cancer treatment in which specific biomarker panels are likely to be very important in each of these key areas. We have previously demonstrated that levels of alpha-2-heremans-schmid-glycoprotein (AHSG), complement component C3 (C3), clusterin (CLI), haptoglobin (HP) and serum amyloid A (SAA) are significantly altered in serum from patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the lung. Here, we report the abundance levels for these proteins in serum samples from patients with advanced breast cancer, colorectal cancer (CRC) and lung cancer compared to healthy controls (age and gender matched) using commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kits. Logistic regression (LR) models were fitted to the resulting data, and the classification ability of the proteins was evaluated using receiver-operating characteristic curve and leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV). The most accurate individual candidate biomarkers were C3 for breast cancer [area under the curve (AUC) = 0.89, LOOCV = 73%], CLI for CRC (AUC = 0.98, LOOCV = 90%), HP for small cell lung carcinoma (AUC = 0.97, LOOCV = 88%), C3 for lung adenocarcinoma (AUC = 0.94, LOOCV = 89%) and HP for squamous cell carcinoma of the lung (AUC = 0.94, LOOCV = 87%). The best dual combination of biomarkers using LR analysis were found to be AHSG + C3 (AUC = 0.91, LOOCV = 83%) for breast cancer, CLI + HP (AUC = 0.98, LOOCV = 92%) for CRC, C3 + SAA (AUC = 0.97, LOOCV = 91%) for small cell lung carcinoma and HP + SAA for both adenocarcinoma (AUC = 0.98, LOOCV = 96%) and squamous cell carcinoma of the lung (AUC = 0.98, LOOCV = 84%). The high AUC values reported here indicated that these candidate biomarkers have the potential to discriminate accurately between control and cancer groups both individually and in combination with other proteins. Copyright © 2011 UICC.


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Five different anionic [C3′H4′O]•- isomers, i.e. the radical anions of acrolein, acetyl carbene, formyl methyl carbene, methoxy vinylidene, and oxyallyl are generated in an ion beam mass spectrometer and subjected to neutralization-reionization (NR) mass spectrometric experiments including neutral and ion decomposition difference (NIDD) mass spectrometry; the latter allows for the examination of the neutrals' unimolecular reactivity. Further, the anionic, the singlet and triplet neutral, and the cationic [C3′H4′O] •-/0/•+ potentialenergy surfaces are calculated at the B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p) level of theory. For some species, notably the singlet state of oxyallyl, the theoretical treatment is complemented by G2, CASSCF, and MR-CI calculations. Theory and experiment are in good agreement in that at the neutral stage (i) acrolein does not react within the μsec timescale, (ii) acetyl and formyl methyl carbenes isomerize to methyl ketene, (iii) methoxy vinylidene rearranges to methoxy acetylene, (iv) singlet 1A1 oxyallyl undergoes ring closure to cyclopropanone, and (v) triplet 3B2 oxyallyl may have a lifetime sufficient to survive a NR experiment.


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The p53 protein mediated anti-tumor strategy is limited due to the lack of suitable delivery agent with insignificant immunogenic response, serum compatibility, and early and easy detection of the transfected cell population. To overcome these problems, we generated a p53-EGFP-C3 fusion construct which expressed easily detectable green fluorescence protein (GFP) and allowed an estimation of p53 mediated anti-tumor activity. A mixture of cationic cholesterol gemini (Choi-5L) with natural lipid, DOPE (molar ratio 1:4), acronymed as Chol-5LD, formed a nano-liposome as characterized by various physical methods. The prepared clone was evaluated for the expression of GFP and functional p53 in HeLa and two additional cell lines with varied p53 status namely, H1299 (p53(-/-)) and HEK293T (p53(+/+)). Transfected cells were screened using RT-PCR, Western blotting, FACS analysis, MTT, Trypan blue assay and visualized under a fluorescence microscope. The p53-EGFP-C3 fusion protein induced apoptosis in cancer cells as evident from DNA fragmentation, cell cycle analysis, Annexin-V staining and PARP cleavage assays. The transfection and apoptosis induction efficiency of Chol-5LD was significantly higher than commercial reagents Lipofectamine2000 and Effectene irrespective of the cell lines examined. Further it significantly decreases the xenograft tumor volume in nude mice tumors via apoptosis as observed in H&E staining. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A doença venosa crônica (DVC) é uma desordem complexa que compreende sinais e sintomas que variam das telangiectasias às úlceras ativas. A DVC é classificada de acordo com aspectos clínicos, etiológicos, anatômicos e fisiopatológicos (CEAP) em sete classes variando de C0 à C6. A principal causa da DVC é a hipertensão venosa que altera o fluxo venoso e, consequentemente, a força de cisalhamento que induz alterações fenotípicas nas células endoteliais que passam a expressar mediadores pró-inflamatórios e pró-trombóticos, que levam à adesão de leucócitos, ao aumento do estresse oxidativo, da permeabilidade vascular e do dano endotelial e ao remodelamento tecidual e vascular.Em virtude dos inúmeros mecanismos e da diversidade de moléculas envolvidas na patogênese e progressão da DVC, é essencial conhecer a interação entre elas e também saber quais são as moléculas (biomarcadores) que se correlacionam positivamente ou negativamente com a gravidade da doença. Foram avaliados os níveis de Interleucina-6 (IL-6), sL-selectina, sE-selectina, sP-selectina, molécula de adesão intercelular-1solúvel (sICAM-1), molécula de adesão das células vasculares-1 solúvel (sVCAM-1), ativador tecidual do plasminogênio (tPA), atividade do inibidor do ativador do plasminogênio-1 (PAI-1), trombomodulina solúvel (sTM), fator de von Willebrand (vWF), metaloproteinase de matriz (MMP)-2, MMP-3, MMP-9, inibidor tecidual das MMPs -1 (TIMP-1), angiopoietina-1 e -2, sTie-2 e s-Endoglina e fator de crescimento do endotélio vascular (VEGF) no sangue coletado da veia braquial de 173 mulheres com DVC primária divididas em grupos C2, C3, C4 e C4 menopausadas (C4m) e de 18 voluntárias saudáveis (grupo C0a). Foram também analisados os níveis urinários de ent-prostaglandina F2α nesses grupos. Não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas com relação às concentrações sanguíneas e urinárias de sE-selectina, sP-selectina, sICAM-1, atividade de PAI-1, MMP-3, razão TIMP-1/MMP-3, angiopoietin-2, razão angiopoietina-1/angiopoietina-2, s-Endoglina e ent-prostaglandina F2α entre os grupos estudados, possivelmente devido à alta variabilidade na concentração desses biomarcadores entre as participantes do mesmo grupo. Entretanto, as concentrações sanguíneas de IL-6 sL-selectina, sVCAM-1, tPA, vWF, sTM, MMP2, MMP-9, TIMP-1, razão TIMP-1/MMP-2, razão TIMP-1/MMP-9, angiopoietina-1 e VEGF foram estatisticamente diferentes entre os grupos. Não foi identificado nenhum biomarcador que se correlacionasse diretamente ou inversamente com a progressão da DVC, provavelmente devido à diversidade de fatores envolvidos e à complexa interação entre eles durante o curso da doença.


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O carcinoma epidermóide de pênis (CEP) representa 95% das neoplasias penianas e afeta quase sempre pacientes não circuncidados estando muitas vezes associado à falta de higiene local adequada e à fimose. No Brasil a sua incidência é de 2,7 % porém em algumas áreas do país pode chegar a 17% dos casos diagnosticados por ano. O tumor pode ocorrer em qualquer parte do órgão sexual masculino e o tipo de estadiamento empregado é controverso. A classificação de Broders é a mais utilizada. Estudos sugerem a relação entre o desenvolvimento do carcinoma de pênis com a infecção por HPV (Papiloma Vírus Humano). O método de avaliação dos linfonodos inguinais permanece controverso sendo difícil a diferenciação entre linfadenomegalia inflamatória reacional e metastática. O exame físico não é um preditor confiável do comprometimento linfonodal pois pacientes com linfonodos palpáveis podem não apresentar metástases. Há poucas publicações sobre os mecanismos moleculares envolvidos na gênese e progressão do CEP. Apesar de vários marcadores terem sido avaliados, atualmente a aplicação clínica destes é limitada. A maior parte dos marcadores estudados requer procedimentos invasivos para obtenção do tecido tumoral. Existe a necessidade de encontrar através de uma técnica pouco invasiva marcadores tumorais circulantes capazes de diferenciar portadores de CEP com e sem envolvimento metastático. Neste tipo de neoplasia, a descoberta de biomarcadores que avaliem o prognóstico é relevante, pois o exame físico não é um indicador confiável do comprometimento linfonodal e da sobrevida.Os objetivos foram 1) revisar e discutir a epidemiologia, a etiologia, os diversos tipos de abordagem cirúrgica e as controvérsias no tratamento cirúrgico do câncer de pênis 2) investigar através da plataforma ClinProt/ MALDI / TOF a presença de marcadores plasmáticos capazes de discriminar indivíduos saudáveis de pacientes afetados por carcinoma epidermóide de pênis (CEP) 3) avaliar a importância destes marcadores na evolução da doença. Foram coletados e analisados pela plataforma ClinProt / MALDI / TOF o plasma de 36 indivíduos saudáveis e 25 pacientes com CEP invasivo, submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico entre junho de 2010 e junho de 2011, nos serviços de urologia do Instituto Nacional de Câncer e do Hospital Mário Kröeff (Rio de Janeiro). Nossos resultados apontaram para um conjunto de dois peptídeos (A = m / z 1897,22 + -9 Da e B = m / z 2021,99 + -9 Da) que foram capazes de diferenciar pacientes com CEP de indivíduos controles. Esses peptídeos foram posteriormente identificados como fragmentos C3 e C4 A/B do sistema complemento. A validação cruzada, utilizando toda casuística apresentou 62,5% e 86,76% de sensibilidade e de especificidade, respectivamente, com uma alta sensibilidade (100%) e especificidade (97%) nos pacientes que morreram pela doença. Além disso, os pacientes com envolvimento ganglionar obtiveram uma sensibilidade e uma especificidade de 80 % e 97%, respectivamente. Ficou demonstrado que à medida que a doença progride mais subexpressos está o conjunto de peptídeos quando comparados com indivíduos saudáveis. Estes resultados podem ser úteis como ferramentas para a avaliação do prognóstico destes pacientes.