997 resultados para mixed-infection


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From an initial double infection in mice, established by simultaneous and equivalent inocula of bloodstream forms of strains Y and F of Trypanosoma cruzi, two lines were derived by subinoculations: one (W) passaged every week, the other (M) every month. Through biological and biochemical methods only the Y strain was identified at the end of the 10th and 16th passages of line W and only the F strain at the 2nd and 4th passages of line M. The results illustrate strain selection through laboratory manipulation of initially mixed populations of T. cruzi.


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The main objective of this work was to investigate the ability of Aphis gossypii and Myzus persicae to transmit Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) singly and mixed with two potyviruses (Papaya ringspot virus - type W, PRSV-W and Zucchini yellow mosaic virus, ZYMV), to zucchini squash plants (Cucurbita pepo). The results showed that the potyviruses in general were more efficiently transmitted by both species of aphids as compared to CMV. The transmission of PRSV-W, ZYMV and CMV separately was more efficient than in mixture.


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Mixed infections in cucurbits are frequently observed in natural conditions between viruses from the Potyvirus genus and Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), which significantly decreases productivity. The objectives of the present study was to compare the host range of PRSV-W, WMV, and ZYMV isolates and evaluate the effects of mixed infections with CMV in zucchini plants (Cucurbita pepo L.). Host range studies comprising 23 plant species confirmed some similarities and biological differences among the isolates of PRSV-W, ZYMV, and WMV. RT-PCR confirmed the amplification of DNA fragments of the PRSV-W, WMV, and ZYMV coat protein gene (cp) and cytoplasm inclusion gene (ci). The virus interaction studies in zucchini Caserta plants indicated synergistic interactions, particularly among species from the Potyvirus genus, and some CMV interference with some virus combinations.


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This study was carried out to determine the incidence of malaria in an endemic region of Amazonas State, Venezuela. For this, 200 random samples were collected from symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals from San Fernando de Atabapo and Santa Barbara. Epidemiological factors were related to malaria infection, which was diagnosed by microscopy observation and amplification of the 18S rDNA sequence by PCR. Malaria prevalence in these populations was 28.5%, whilst P. vivax and P. falciparum prevalences were 12 and 17%, respectively. No infection by P. malariae was found. A mixed infection was found on an asymptomatic individual. Prevalence patterns differed between age groups depending on the Plasmodium species. We found that 34.8% of the P. vivax and 15.2% of the P. falciparum infections were asymptomatic. The use of nets was helpful to prevent P. vivax infection, but did not protect against P. falciparum infection. The results suggest the presence of more than one mosquito vector in the area, displaying a differential pattern of infection for each Plasmodium species. There appear to be risk factors associated with malaria infections in some individuals. The population based approach and PCR diagnosis improved the accuracy of the statistical analysis in the study.


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Although Candida albicans is the main cause of fungal esophagitis, other species such as C. tropicalis, C. krusei and C. stellatoidea have also been implicated. Several studies have identified risk factors for C. albicans esophagitis. However, data for non-C. albicans species is still sparse. The aim of this study was to determine the etiology of Candida esophagitis in our medical centre over an 18-month period. Additionally, we aimed to investigate predisposing conditions for esophageal candidosis caused by different Candida species. A total of 21,248 upper gastroscopies were performed in Santa Casa Complexo Hospitalar between January 2005 and July 2006. The prevalence of Candida esophagitis was 0.74% (n = 158). C. albicans caused the vast majority of infections (96.2%), followed by C. tropicalis (2.5%), C. lusitaniae (0.6%) and C. glabrata (0.6%). There were 81 women (51.3%) and 77 men (48.7%). No case of mixed infection occurred. Concomitant oral candidosis was documented for 10.8% (n = 17). Most of cases (55.1%) involved outpatients. Around one fifth of patients in our cohort had no identifiable risk factors for esophageal candidosis (20.8%). Since nearly all infections were caused by C. albicans we were not able to determine risk factors for esophagitis caused by other Candida species.


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Parasites belonging to Leishmania braziliensis, Leishmania donovani, Leishmania mexicana complexes and Trypanosoma cruzi (clones 20 and 39) were searched in blood, lesions and strains collected from 28 patients with active cutaneous leishmaniasis and one patient with visceral leishmaniasis. PCR-hybridization with specific probes of Leishmania complexes (L. braziliensis, L. donovani and L. mexicana) and T. cruzi clones was applied to the different DNA samples. Over 29 patients, 8 (27.6%) presented a mixed infection Leishmania complex species, 17 (58.6%) a mixed infection Leishmania-T. cruzi, and 4 (13.8%) a multi Leishmania-T. cruzi infection. Several patients were infected by the two Bolivian major clones 20 and 39 of T. cruzi (44.8%). The L. braziliensis complex was more frequently detected in lesions than in blood and a reverse result was observed for L. mexicana complex. The polymerase chain reaction-hybridization design offers new arguments supporting the idea of an underestimated rate of visceral leishmanisis in Bolivia. Parasites were isolated by culture from the blood of two patients and lesions of 10 patients. The UPGMA (unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic averages) dendrogram computed from Jaccard's distances obtained from 11 isoenzyme loci data confirmed the presence of the three Leishmania complexes and undoubtedly identified human infections by L. (V.) braziliensis, L. (L.) chagasi and L. (L.) mexicana species. Additional evidence of parasite mixtures was visualized through mixed isoenzyme profiles, L. (V.) braziliensis-L. (L.) mexicana and Leishmania spp.-T. cruzi.The epidemiological profile in the studied area appeared more complex than currently known. This is the first report of parasitological evidence of Bolivian patients with trypanosomatidae multi infections and consequences on the diseases' control and patient treatments are discussed.


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Porcine group A rotavirus (PoRVA) is a major cause of neonatal diarrhea in suckling and recently weaned piglets worldwide. The involvement of non-group A rotavirus in cases of neonatal diarrhea in piglets are sporadic. In Brazil there are no reports of the porcine rotavirus group C (PoRVC) as etiologic agent of the diarrhea outbreaks in piglets. The aim of this study was to describe the identification of rotavirus group C in single and in mixed infection with rotavirus groups A and B in three neonatal diarrhea outbreaks in suckling (<21-day-old) piglets, with 70% to 80% and 20% to 25% of morbidity and lethality rates, respectively, in three pig herds located in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. The diagnosis of PoRV in the diarrheic fecal samples was performed using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) to identify the presence of porcine rotavirus groups A, B (PoRVB), and C, and by RT-PCR (PoRVA and PoRVC) and semi-nested (SN)-PCR (PoRVB) to partially amplify the VP4 (VP8*)-VP7, NSP2, and VP6 genes of PoRVA, PoRVB, and PoRVC, respectively. One RT-PCR (PoRVA and PoRVC) and SN-PCR (PoRVB) product of each group of rotavirus of each diarrhea outbreak was submitted to nucleotide (nt) sequence analysis. Based on the PAGE technique, 4 (25%) and 1 (6.25%) of the 16 diarrheic fecal samples evaluated in the first outbreak presented PoRVA and PoRVC electropherotype, respectively, and 11 (68.75%) were negative. In the second outbreak, 3 (42.85%) of the 7 fecal samples evaluated presented PoRVA electropherotype, and in 3 (42.85%) and in 1 (14.3%) fecal samples were detected inconclusive and negative results, respectively. Three (30%) of the 10 fecal samples of the third outbreak presented PoRVC electropherotype; 5 (50%) and 2 (20%) samples showed negative and inconclusive results, respectively. Based on the RT-PCR and SN-PCR assays in the first neonatal diarrhea outbreak, PoRVC was detected in 13 (81.2%) of the 16 diarrheic fecal samples evaluated. PoRVC single infection was identified in 4 (25%) of these samples and mixed infections with PoRVA and PoRVB in 9 (56.2%) fecal samples. All of the seven diarrheic fecal samples evaluated from the second neonatal diarrhea outbreak were positive for PoRVC, whereas its mixed infection with other PoRV groups was detected in 4 (57.2%) samples. In the third outbreak, PoRVC in single infection was detected in all of the 10 diarrheic fecal samples analyzed. In the nt sequence analysis, the PoRVA strains of the first and second outbreaks demonstrated higher nt identity with G4P[6] and G9P[23] genotypes, respectively. The PoRVB strains (first and second outbreaks) and the PoRVC strains (first, second, and third outbreaks) showed higher nt identity and clustered in the phylogenetic tree with PoRVB and PoRVC strains that belong to the N4 and I1 genotypes, respectively. This is the first description in Brazil of the involvement of PoRVC in the etiology of diarrhea outbreaks in suckling piglets. The results of this study demonstrated that PoRVC, in both single and mixed infections, is an important enteropathogen involved in neonatal diarrhea outbreaks in piglets and that the use of more sensitive diagnostic techniques allows the identification of mixed infections involving two or even three groups of PoRV, which may be more common than previously reported.


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Background Limited information is available on the role of human metapneumovirus (HMPV) as the unique pathogen among children hospitalized for community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) in a tropical region. Objective We aimed to describe HMPV infection among children with CAP investigating bacterial and viral co-infections. Patients and methods A prospective study was carried out in Salvador, North-East Brazil. Overall, 268 children aged <5 years hospitalized for CAP were enrolled. Human metapneumovirus RNA was detected in nasopharyngeal aspirates (NPA) by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. Sixteen other bacterial and viral pathogens were investigated by an expanded panel of laboratory methods. Chest X-ray taken on admission was read by an independent paediatric radiologist unaware of clinical information or the established aetiology. Results Human metapneumovirus RNA was detected in NPAs of 11 (4.1%) children, of which 4 (36%) had sole HMPV infection. The disease was significantly shorter among patients with sole HMPV infection in comparison with patients with mixed infection (4 +/- 1 versus 7 +/- 2 days, P = 0.03). Three of those four patients had alveolar infiltrates. Conclusion Sole HMPV infection was detected in children with CAP in Salvador, North-East Brazil. HMPV may play a role in the childhood CAP burden.


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We recently identified 15 genes encoding putative surface proteins with features of MSCRAMMs and/or pili in the Enterococcus faecium TX0016 (DO) genome, including four predicted pilus-encoding gene clusters; we also demonstrated that one of these, ebpABC(fm), is transcribed as an operon, that its putative major pilus subunit, EbpC(fm) (also called pilB), is polymerized into high molecular weight complexes, and that it is enriched among clinical E. faecium isolates. Here, we created a deletion of the ebpABC(fm) operon in an endocarditis-derived E. faecium strain (TX82) and showed, by a combination of whole-cell ELISA, flow cytometry, immunoblot and immunogold electron microscopy, that this deletion abolished EbpC(fm) expression and eliminated EbpC(fm)-containing pili from the cell surface. However, transcription of the downstream sortase, bps(fm), was not affected. Importantly, the ebpABC(fm) deletion resulted in significantly reduced biofilm formation (p < 0.0001) and initial adherence (p < 0.0001) versus the wild-type; both were restored by complementing ebpABC(fm) in trans, which also restored cell surface expression of EbpC(fm) and pilus production. Furthermore, the deletion mutant was significantly attenuated in two independent mixed infection mouse urinary tract experiments, i.e., outnumbered by the wild-type in kidneys (p = 0.0003 and < 0.0001, respectively) and urinary bladders (p = 0.0003 and = 0.002). In conclusion, we have shown that the ebpABC(fm) locus encodes pili on the E. faecium TX82 cell surface and provide the first evidence that pili of this emerging pathogen are important for its ability to form biofilm and to cause infection in an ascending UTI model.


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Descrevem-se 24 surtos de tristeza parasitária bovina no sertão paraibano, sendo 18 de anaplasmose por Anaplasma margimale, dois de babesiose por Babesia bigemina, dois por Babesia não identificada e dois por infecção mista de A. marginale e Babesia sp. Os surtos ocorreram entre agosto de 2007 a outubro de 2009, porém, com uma concentração dos surtos no final do período chuvoso e início do período seco de cada ano, sendo 22 em animais adultos e dois em bezerros de aproximadamente 11 meses. Dois surtos ocorreram em bovinos da raça Nelore, um em animais da raça Gir e os 21 restantes ocorreram em animais das raças Holandês, Pardo Suiço e mestiços das mesmas com zebuínos. Conclui-se que no sertão da Paraíba há áreas de instabilidade enzoótica, ocorrendo surtos de tristeza no final da época de chuvas, principalmente nas áreas de planaltos e serras da região da Borborema e em áreas úmidas como a Bacia do Rio do Peixe, Rio Piranhas e Rio Espinharas em que há a formação de microclimas favoráveis à sobrevivência do carrapato.


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Chagas disease caused by Trypanosoma cruzi is a complex disease that is endemic and an important problem in public health in Latin America. The T. cruzi parasite is classified into six discrete taxonomic units (DTUs) based on the recently proposed nomenclature (TcI, TcII, TcIII, TcIV, TcV and TcVI). The discovery of genetic variability within TcI showed the presence of five genotypes (Ia, Ib, Ic, Id and Ie) related to the transmission cycle of Chagas disease. In Colombia, TcI is more prevalent but TcII has also been reported, as has mixed infection by both TcI and TcII in the same Chagasic patient. The objectives of this study were to determine the T. cruzi DTUs that are circulating in Colombian chronic Chagasic patients and to obtain more information about the molecular epidemiology of Chagas disease in Colombia. We also assessed the presence of electrocardiographic, radiologic and echocardiographic abnormalities with the purpose of correlating T. cruzi genetic variability and cardiac disease. Molecular characterization was performed in Colombian adult chronic Chagasic patients based on the intergenic region of the mini-exon gene, the 24S alpha and 18S regions of rDNA and the variable region of satellite DNA, whereby the presence of T. cruzi I, II, III and IV was detected. In our population, mixed infections also occurred, with TcI-TcII, TcI-TcIII and TcI-TcIV, as well as the existence of the TcI genotypes showing the presence of genotypes Ia and Id. Patients infected with TcI demonstrated a higher prevalence of cardiac alterations than those infected with TcII. These results corroborate the predominance of TcI in Colombia and show the first report of TcIII and TcIV in Colombian Chagasic patients. Findings also indicate that Chagas cardiomyopathy manifestations are more correlated with TcI than with TcII in Colombia.


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Candida albicans and C. tropicalis obtained from whole saliva of patients presenting signs of oral candidosis were assayed for quantification of colony forming units, exoenzyme activity (phospholipase and proteinase) and antifungal drug sensitivity (amphotericin B, fluconazole and itraconazole) by the reference method of the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. The number of colony forming units per milliliter varied according to the Candida species involved and whether a single or mixed infection was present. Proteinase activity was observed in both C. albicans and C. tropicalis, but phospholipase activity was noted only in C. albicans. In vitro resistance to antifungals was verified in both species, but C. tropicalis appears to be more resistant to the tested antifungals than C. albicans.


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Background, aim: The present study describes (i) the natural distribution of the three putative periodontopathogens Porphyromonas gingivalis, Prevotella intermedia and Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans in an Australian population and (ii) the relationship between these organisms, pocket depths and supragingival plaque scores. Methods: Subgingival plaque was collected from the shallowest and deepest probing site in each sextant of the dentition. In total, 6030 subgingival plaque samples were collected from 504 subjects. An ELISA utilising pathogen-specific monoclonal antibodies was used to quantitate bacterial numbers. Results:: A. actinomycetemcomitans was the most frequently detected organism (22.8% of subjects) followed by P. gingivalis and P. intermedia (14.7% and 9.5% of subjects respectively). The majority of infected subjects (83%) were colonised by a single species of organism. A. actinomyceteincomitans presence was overrepresented in the youngest age group but under-represented in the older age groups. Conversely, P. gingivalis and P. intermedia presence was under-represented in the youngest age group but over-represented in the older age groups. Differing trends in the distribution of these bacteria were observed between subjects depending upon the site of the infection or whether a single or mixed infection was present; however, these differences did not reach significance. Bacterial presence was strongly associated with pocket depth for both A. actinomyceteincomitans and P. gingivalis. For A. actinomycetemcomitans, the odds of a site containing this bacterium decrease with deeper pockets. In contrast, for P. gingivalis the odds of a site being positive are almost six times greater for pockets >3 ram than for pockets less than or equal to3 nun. These odds increase further to 15.3 for pockets deeper than 5 mm. The odds of a site being P. intermedia positive were marginally greater (1.16) for pockets deeper than 3 mm. Conclusions: This cross-sectional study in a volunteer Australian population, demonstrated recognised periodontal pathogens occur as part of the flora of the subgingival plaque. Prospective longitudinal studies are needed to examine the positive relationship between pocket depth and pathogen presence with periodontal disease initiation and/or progression.


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O câncer de colo uterino (CCU), cujo agente etiológico é o papilomavírus humano (HPV), é um dos tipos de câncer mais frequentes em mulheres em todo o mundo, não só em incidência como também em mortalidade. Alguns genótipos de HPV, denominados de alto risco (HR-HPV), e suas variantes gênicas, estão mais associados à indução de lesões malignas, sendo HPV16 e 18 os mais frequentes. Algumas infecções do trato genital podem atuar como cofatores da progressão carcinogênica do CCU, porém a infecção por vírus adeno-associado (AAV) parece estar inversamente relacionada, o que pode refletir em um papel protetor no desenvolvimento do CCU induzido pelo HPV. Portanto, este estudo objetivou investigar o papel da infecção mista AAV-HPV e das variantes oncogênicas de HPV na progressão das lesões intraepiteliais de colo de útero e acompanhar a eliminação / persistência viral em relação à progressão / regressão das lesões cervicouterinas. Exames citológicos foram realizados em amostras de espécime cervical, coletadas em dois momentos, de mulheres atendidas no Hospital Universitário Cassiano Antonio Moraes – HUCAM e seguiram para tratamento conforme preconizado. DNA foi extraído pelo kit comercial QIAamp® DNA Mini Kit, seguindo instruções do fabricante. DNA de AAV foi investigado por PCR e nPCR e, de HPV, por PCR e Captura Híbrida® (CH). Genotipagem de AAV e HPV foram realizadas por RFLP e RLB, respectivamente. Dos casos encaminhados ao ambulatório de colposcopia, 57,3% tiveram citologia normal, 23,1% lesões de baixo grau e 19,6% lesões de alto grau. Dos casos com citologia normal, 78% permaneceram normais, enquanto 22% progrediram à lesão; dos casos com lesão de baixo grau, 74% regrediram para citologia normal, enquanto 78,6% dos casos com lesão de alto grau apresentaram lesão de baixo grau ou citologia normal na segunda coleta. Foram positivas para HPV, 56% e 36,5% das amostras da primeira e segunda coletas, respectivamente. Foi observada boa correlação (kappa= 0,66) entre os testes de PCR e CH para detecção de HPV. Os HR-HPV foram detectados em mais de 90% das amostras de ambas as coletas, sendo os mais frequentes os HPV16, 58, 51, 52 e 53. Variante não-europeia esteve associada ao desenvolvimento de lesão cervical de alto grau, enquanto a presença de AAV foi inversamente relacionada à progressão da lesão cervical induzida por HPV.


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IIF in the detection of invasive and classic enteropathogenic E. coli and Shigella serotypes was compared with traditional coproculture methods. IIP results agreed with the coproculture findings in 128 out of 140 cases tested for enteropathogenic E. coli (91%) and in 108 out of 112 for Shigella (96%). All cases with positive reactions by coproculture were confirmed by IIP. In the control group it were obtained by IIF 12 cases with positive reactions for enteropathogenic E. coli and 4 cases for Shigella, including two cases of mixed infection by E. coli 026/Sh. dysenteriae and E. coli 0124/Sh. dysenteriae. It was discussed the high sensitivity and specificity of the IIF when compared with the traditional methods, being suggested that IIF is a valuable tool in epidemiological studies involving these organisms and an important aid in the stablishment of an early presumptive diagnosis of the acute infantile diarrhea.