998 resultados para math.GR


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20 pages


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20 pages


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27 pages, 6 figures


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To determine the ability of probiotic lactobacilli to improve the treatment of vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) using a randomized, double-blind and placebo-controlled trial. Fifty-five women diagnosed with VVC by vaginal discharge positive for Candida spp. (according to culture method) associated with at least one of the symptoms (itching and burning vaginal feeling, dyspareunia and dysuria), were treated with single dose of fluconazole (150 mg) supplemented every morning for the following 4 weeks with two placebo or two probiotic capsules (containing Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1 and Lactobacillus reuteri RC-14). At 4 weeks, the probiotic treated group showed significantly less vaginal discharge associated with any of the above mentioned symptoms (10.3%vs 34.6%; P = 0.03) and lower presence of yeast detected by culture (10.3%vs 38.5%; P = 0.014). This study has shown that probiotic lactobacilli can increase the effectiveness of an anti-fungal pharmaceutical agent in curing disease. This novel finding of probiotic lactobacilli augmenting the cure rate of yeast vaginitis, not only offers an alternative approach to a highly prevalent condition that adversely affects the quality of life of women around the world, but also raises the question of how this combination works.


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Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is the most prevalent vaginal infection worldwide and is characterized by depletion of the indigenous lactobacilli. Antimicrobial therapy is often ineffective. We hypothesized that probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1 and Lactobacillus reuteri RC-14 might provide an adjunct to antimicrobial treatment and improve cure rates. Sixty-four Brazilian women diagnosed with BV were randomly assigned to receive a single dose of tinidazole (2 g) supplemented with either 2 placebo capsules or 2 capsules containing L. rhamnosus GR-1 and L. reuteri RC-14 every morning for the following 4 weeks. At the end of treatment (day 28), the probiotic group had a significantly higher cure rate of BV (87.5%) than the placebo group (50.0%) (p = 0.001). In addition, according to the Gram-stain Nugent score, more women were assessed with ""normal`` vaginal microbiota in the probiotic group (75.0% vs. 34.4% in the placebo group; p = 0.011). This study shows that probiotic lactobacilli can provide benefits to women being treated with antibiotics for an infectious condition.


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Vulvovaginal candidiasis, a high prevailing infection worldwide, is mainly caused by Candida albicans. Probiotic Lactobacillus reuteri RC-14 and Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1 have been previously shown to be useful as adjuvants in the treatment of women with VVC. In order to demonstrate and better understand the anti-Candida activity of the probiotic microorganisms in an in vitro model simulating vaginal candidiasis, a human vaginal epithelial cell line (VK2/E6E7) was infected with C. albicans 3153a and then challenged with probiotic L. rhamnosus GR-1 and/or L. reuteri RC-14 or their respective CFS (alone or in combination). At each time point (0, 6, 12 and 24 hr), numbers of yeast, lactobacilli and viable VK2/E6E7 cells were determined and, at 0, 6 and 12 hr, the supernatants were measured for cytokine levels. We found that C. albicans induced a significant increase in IL-1 alpha and IL-8 production by VK2/E6E7 cells. After lactobacilli challenge, epithelial cells did not alter IL-6, IL-1 alpha, RANTES and VEGF levels. However, CFS from the probiotic microorganisms up-regulated IL-8 and IP-10 levels secreted by VK2/E6E7 cells infected with C. albicans. At 24 hr of co-incubation, L. reuteri RC-14 alone and in combination with L. rhamnosus GR-1 decreased the yeast population recoverable from the cells. In conclusion, L. reuteri RC-14 alone and together with L. rhamnosus GR-1 have the potential to inhibit the yeast growth and their CFS may up-regulate IL-8 and IP-10 secretion by VK2/E6E7 cells, which could possibly have played an important role in helping to clear VVC in vivo.


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O presente estudo tem por finalidade discutir os limites e potencialidades dos instrumentos de pol??ticas p??blicas de prote????o ao patrim??nio imaterial, ?? luz das experi??ncias constitu??das em um caso concreto, qual seja, o registro da arte Kusiwa. Em 2003, a arte Kusiwa dos Waj??pi, no Amap?? recebeu o reconhecimento como Obra-Prima do Patrim??nio Oral e Imaterial da Humanidade, conferido pela UNESCO, um ano ap??s ter sido inscrita no Livro das Formas de Express??o e ter sido registrada pelo IPHAN. Entretanto, apesar dessas a????es de salvaguarda, esse patrim??nio imaterial vem sendo reiteradamente violado por meio do abuso comercial do uso n??o autorizado dos grafismos. O fato de as formas de produ????o e circula????o de conhecimento entre os coletivos ind??genas envolverem rela????es espec??ficas, que n??o se limitam ??s propostas atualmente dispon??veis na legisla????o sobre propriedade intelectual, confere um aspecto desafiador sobre a tem??tica. A partir do recorrente ass??dio da comercializa????o do Kusiwa, come??ou a haver um aprendizado institucional por parte do IPHAN e de diversos outros atores, principalmente quanto aos questionamentos envolvendo o alcance jur??dico de prote????o do patrim??nio dos bens registrados. Por tudo isso, o registro da arte Kusiwa foi o resultado de um processo mais amplo de conquistas de direitos e constru????o de cidadania, e gerou efeitos importantes n??o apenas para assegurar a transmiss??o intergeracional do conjunto de conhecimentos da cultura Waj??pi, mas, principalmente, porque a salvaguarda desse patrim??nio configurou-se como instrumento estrat??gico para o fortalecimento de a????es e lutas sociais que buscam assegurar a garantia de direitos culturais e at?? mesmo de direitos humanos de maneira ampla


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O Sistema de Controle Interno do Poder Executivo sofreu recente reformula????o que culminou na cria????o da Secretaria Federal de Controle (SFC), ??rg??o respons??vel pela avalia????o da gest??o p??blica e acompanhamento dos programas de governo. A Secretaria de Controle Interno (Ciset) no Minist??rio da Agricultura, unidade seccional da SFC, desenvolveu trabalho na ??rea de estoques governamentais de gr??os, geridos pela Companhia Nacional de Abastecimento (Conab), afetos ao Programa de Garantia de Pre??os M??nimos (PGPM). Para operacionalizar o PGPM, o governo adquire estoques de gr??os no per??odo da safra, quando os pre??os est??o rebaixados pelo excesso de oferta e administra esses estoques at?? o per??odo de entressafra, quando os mesmos retornam ao mercado consumidor, por meio de leil??es de venda. Foram cobradas in??meras d??vidas atrasadas de empresas armazenadoras, com o retorno de recursos aos cofres p??blicos, aliviando, assim, a carga de processos em cobran??a administrativa e judicial. Foi cobrado o ressarcimento de preju??zos causados por desvio, perda e sinistro de estoques, bem como foi determinada a cobran??a de preju??zos por desvios perda e sinistro que se encontravam pendentes de solu????o. Desenvolveu-se a????o preventiva, evitando preju??zos relativos a safras antigas mal armazenadas e com riscos de perda de qualidade. Procedeu-se ?? redu????o do quantitativo de estoques p??blicos de safras antigas, reduzindo-se os riscos de deprecia????es e perdas. Realizou-se o saneamento de inconsist??ncias e falhas no sistema de controle do cadastro de armaz??ns e dos contratos de dep??sito de estoques p??blicos por empresas armazenadoras privadas. Iniciou-se efetivamente a aferi????o da qualidade dos estoques p??blicos, de acordo com a classifica????o oficial do Maara, quando das opera????es de aquisi????es indiretas (transforma????o de estoques de empr??stimos do governo federal ??? EFG ??? em Aquisi????es do Governo Federal ??? AFG) e das vendas em leil??es p??blicos (via bolsas de mercadorias). O sucesso da iniciativa levou ?? cria????o de um grupo de trabalho interministerial envolvendo os Minist??rios da Fazenda e da Agricultura, destinados a analisar e a oferecer alternativas de solu????o para os problemas operacionais do PGPM


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Learning is not a spectator’s sport. Students do not learn much by just sitting in class listening their teachers, memorizing pre-packaged assignments and spitting out answers. The teaching-learning process has been a constant target of studies, particularly in Higher Education, in consequence of the annual increase of new students. The concern with maintaining a desired quality level in the training of these students, conjugated with the will to widen the access to all of those who finish Secondary School Education, has triggered a greater intervention from the education specialists, in partnership with the teachers of all Higher Education areas, in the analysis of this problem. Considering the particular case of Engineering, it has been witnessed a rising concern with the active learning strategies and forms of assessment. Research has demonstrated that students learn more if they are actively engaged with the material they are studying. In this presentation we describe, present and discuss the techniques and the results of Peer Instruction method in an introductory Calculus courses of an Engineering Bach


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In the past few years we have witnessed the fast development of distance learning tools such as Open Educational Resources (OER) and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). This paper presents the “Mathematics without STRESS” MOOC Project, which is a cooperation between four schools from the Polytechnic Institute of Oporto (IPP). The concepts of MOOC and their quickly growing popularity are presented and complemented by a discussion of some MOOC definitions. The process of the project development is demonstrated by focusing on used MOOC structure, as well as the several types of course materials produced. At last, is presented a short discussion about problems and challenges met throughout the project. It is also our goal to contribute for a change in the way as teaching and learning Mathematics is seen and practiced nowadays.


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MOOC (as an acronym for Massive Open Online Courses) are a quite new model for the delivery of online learning to students. As “Massive” and “Online”, these courses are proposed to be accessible to many more learners than would be possible through conventional teaching. As “Open” they are (frequently) free of charge and participation is not limited by the geographical situation of the learners, creating new learning opportunities in Higher Education Institutions (HEI). In this paper we describe a recently started project “Matemática 100 STRESS” (Math Without STRESS) integrated in the e-IPP project | e-Learning Unit of Porto’s Polytechnic Institute (IPP) which has created its own MOOC platform and launched its first course – Probabilities and Combinatorics – in early June/2014. In this MOOC development were involved several lecturers from four of the seven IPP schools.


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Comunicação apresentada no 2º Congresso Nacional de Administração Pública, em Lisboa, de 3 a 4 de Novembro de 2004.