991 resultados para macroeconomic model


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This paper provides a new benchmark for the analysis of the international diversi…cation puzzle in a tractable new open economy macroeconomic model. Building on Cole and Obstfeld (1991) and Heathcote and Perri (2009), this model speci…es an equilibrium model of perfect risk sharing in incomplete markets, with endogenous portfolios and number of varieties. Equity home bias may not be a puzzle but a perfectly optimal allocation for hedging risk. In contrast to previous work, the model shows that: (i) optimal international portfolio diversi…cation is driven by home bias in capital goods, independently of home bias in consumption, and by the share of income accruing to labour. The model explains reasonably well the recent patterns of portfolio allocations in developed economies; and (ii) optimal portfolio shares are independent of market dynamics.


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This project constructs a structural model of the United States Economy. This task is tackled in two separate ways: first econometric methods and then using a neural network, both with a structure that mimics the structure of the U.S. economy. The structural model tracks the performance of U.S. GDP rather well in a dynamic simulation, with an average error of just over 1 percent. The neural network performed well, but suffered from some theoretical, as well as some implementation issues.


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This paper develops methods for Stochastic Search Variable Selection (currently popular with regression and Vector Autoregressive models) for Vector Error Correction models where there are many possible restrictions on the cointegration space. We show how this allows the researcher to begin with a single unrestricted model and either do model selection or model averaging in an automatic and computationally efficient manner. We apply our methods to a large UK macroeconomic model.


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A stylized macroeconomic model is developed with an indebted, heterogeneous Investment Banking Sector funded by borrowing from a retail banking sector. The government guarantees retail deposits. Investment banks choose how risky their activities should be. We compared the benefits of separated vs. universal banking modelled as a vertical integration of the retail and investment banks. The incidence of banking default is considered under different constellations of shocks and degrees of competitiveness. The benefits of universal banking rise in the volatility of idiosyncratic shocks to trading strategies and are positive even for very bad common shocks, even though government bailouts, which are costly, are larger compared to the case of separated banking entities. The welfare assessment of the structure of banks may depend crucially on the kinds of shock hitting the economy as well as on the efficiency of government intervention.


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Includes bibliography


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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A tanulmányban a Pénzügyminisztérium gazdaságpolitikai főosztálya és az MTA Közgazdaságtudományi Intézete által kifejlesztett középméretű negyedéves makrogazdasági modell segítségével elemezzük a magyar gazdaság legfontosabb mechanizmusait. A modellezés során követett alapelvek és a modell blokkjainak bemutatása után egy forgatókönyv-elemzés keretében vizsgáljuk a makrogazdasági és költségvetési folyamatokat befolyásoló főbb faktorok hatásait. A - tágan értelmezett - "bizonytalansági tényezőket" három csoportba soroljuk: megkülönböztetjük a külső környezet (például árfolyam) változását, a gazdasági szereplők viselkedésében rejlő bizonytalanságokat (például a bérigazodás sebességének vagy a fogyasztássimítás mértékének bizonytalanságát), valamint a gazdaságpolitikai lépéseket (például állami bérek emelését). Megmutatjuk, hogy e kockázatok makrokövetkezményei nem függetlenek egymástól, például egy árfolyamváltozás hatását befolyásolja a bérigazodás sebessége. ______ This paper analyses the most important mechanisms of the Hungarian economy using a medium-sized quarterly macroeconomic model developed jointly by the Economic Policy Department of the Ministry of Finance and the Institute of Economics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. After introducing the fundamental principles of modelling and the building blocks of the model investigated, within a scenario analysis, the authors present the effects of the main factors behind the macroeconomic and budgetary processes. The sources of uncertainty - defined in a broad sense - are categorized in three groups: change in the external environment (e.g. the exchange rate), uncertainties in the behav-iour of economic agents (e.g. in speed of wage adjustment or extent of consumption smoothing), and economic policy decisions (e.g. the increase in public sector wages). The macroeconomic consequences of these uncertainties are shown not to be independent of each other. For instance, the effects of an exchange rate shock are influenced by the speed of wage adjustment.


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Léon Walras (1874) already had realized that his neo-classical general equilibrium model could not accommodate autonomous investment. Sen analysed the same issue in a simple, one-sector macroeconomic model of a closed economy. He showed that fixing investment in the model, built strictly on neo-classical assumptions, would make the system overdetermined, thus, one should loosen some neo-classical condition of competitive equilibrium. He analysed three not neo-classical “closure options”, which could make the model well determined in the case of fixed investment. Others later extended his list and it showed that the closure dilemma arises in the more complex computable general equilibrium (CGE) models as well, as does the choice of adjustment mechanism assumed to bring about equilibrium at the macro level. By means of numerical models, it was also illustrated that the adopted closure rule can significantly affect the results of policy simulations based on a CGE model. Despite these warnings, the issue of macro closure is often neglected in policy simulations. It is, therefore, worth revisiting the issue and demonstrating by further examples its importance, as well as pointing out that the closure problem in the CGE models extends well beyond the problem of how to incorporate autonomous investment into a CGE model. Several closure rules are discussed in this paper and their diverse outcomes are illustrated by numerical models calibrated on statistical data. First, the analyses is done in a one-sector model, similar to Sen’s, but extended into a model of an open economy. Next, the same analyses are repeated using a fully-fledged multisectoral CGE model, calibrated on the same statistical data. Comparing the results obtained by the two models it is shown that although, using the same closure option, they generate quite similar results in terms of the direction and – to a somewhat lesser extent – of the magnitude of change in the main macro variables, the predictions of the multi-sectoral CGE model are clearly more realistic and balanced.


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This paper analyses the theoretical relevance of the dynamical aspects of growth on the discussion about the observed positive correlation between per capita real income and real exchange rates. With this purpose, we develop a simple exogenous growth model where the internal, external and intertemporal equilibrium conditions of a typical macroeconomic model are imposed; this last one through the inclusion of a balanced growth path for the foreign assets accumulation. The main result under this consideration is that the relationship defended by the Balassa-Samuelson hypothesis is no more so straightforward. In our particular approach, the mentioned bilateral relationship depends on a parameter measuring thriftiness in the economy. Therefore, the probability of ending up with a positive relationship between growth and real exchange rates -as the classical economic theory predicts- will be higher when the economy is able to maintain a minimum saving ratio. Moreover, given that our model considers a simple Keynesian consumption function, some explosive paths can also be possible.


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Four general equilibrium search models are compared quantitatively. Thebaseline framework is a calibrated macroeconomic model of the US economydesigned for a welfare analysis of unemployment insurance policy. Theother models make three simple and natural specification changes,regarding tax incidence, monopsony power in wage determination, and therelevant threat point. These specification changes have a major impacton the equilibrium and on the welfare implications of unemploymentinsurance, partly because search externalities magnify the effects ofwage changes. The optimal level of unemployment insurance dependsstrongly on whether raising benefits has a larger impact on searcheffort or on hiring expenditure.


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The main objective of the paper is to assess the impact of fiscal variables on private investment comparing some Latin-American economies to other advanced ones. For such purposes, the authors carry out an econometric analysis for the period 1990-2008. They make use of two dynamic panel models in which they group countries with similar characteristics and development levels. In one of them, they include Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Uruguay; whereas in the second one the countries accounted for are the U.S., Canada, Spain, Korea, Ireland and Japan. They specify in both models an investment function using as arguments a wide range of variables, including those related with fiscal policy. From their results the authors infer that governments can, with higher spending, boost up the economy even when they finance spending with higher taxes. In Latin America, where income concentration is enormous, a proposal to boost up the economy through higher government expenditure financed with a progressive income tax, is even more justified.


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This paper describes a human management model as conceived in organizations that carry out a strategic direction of staff, based on a critical look of traditional management and some of its notions, such as the classical perspective of strategic addressing and human resources management. The privileged theoretical framework is the epistemological ground of the organizational theory and some of its sociological resources. In addition to the documentary review and the proposal of experts in consulting, a group of graphics made under the basic logicof set theory, designed from the analysis of several Colombian organizations, are presented. The main finding is that despite the efforts of executives, consultants and scholars to build management models different from functionalists, the way they have been thought in order to make them more strategic has made them still more functionalists that in the traditional approach. The strategic human management reproduces, with enormous power, the ideology of the macroeconomic model.


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El presente trabajo desarrolla un modelo macroeconómico de equilibrio general dinámico y estocástico (DSGE), con el fin de analizar los efectos macroeconómicos que se derivan de simular un choque positivo al componente estocástico de la productividad del sector minero-energético. Este hecho genera un aumento generalizado de los salarios en el sector formal y en el recaudo tributario, incrementando el consumo total de los miembros del hogar. Esto genera un incremento del precio de los bienes no transables relativo al precio de los bienes transables, disminuyendo la tasa de cambio real (apreciación) y provocando un desplazamiento de los recursos productivos, desde el sector transable (manufacturero) al no-transable, seguido de un aumento en el PIB y empleo formal de la economía. Esto hace que el sector formal agregado absorba trabajadores desde el sector informal a través del subsector formal no-transable, lo que disminuye el PIB informal. En consecuencia, el consumo neto de los miembros informales disminuye, lo que incentiva a que algunos miembros del hogar no se empleen en el sector informal y prefieran quedarse desempleados. Por lo tanto, el resultado final sobre el mercado laboral es una disminución de los trabajadores informales, de los cuales una parte se encuentra en el sector formal, y la parte restante está en condición de desempleo.


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Este ensaio se propõe confrontar a abordagem neoclássica da economia como ciência positiva, com a modelo keynesiano e a visão da economia dinâmica de Kalecki, onde a economia é tratada desde a perspectiva de uma ciência moral e normativa. Para tanto analisaremos as bases teóricas de cada modelo, seus pressupostos, leis fundamentais e principais conclusões. Dado o propósito didático do texto nos preocupamos em tentar explicar os antecedentes, axiomas, leis e relações funcionais de cada modelo, dando especial ênfase às que surgem da crítica de postulados anteriores, pois admitimos que cada modelo incorpora valores, pressupostos e metodologia própria, cuja crítica é essencial para o avanço da ciência. A economia neoclássica supõe agentes racionais, informação completa e ações e resultados imediatos. Seu método de análise é a otimização com restrições. O principio ordenador, necessário e suficiente da atividade econômica, consiste no comportamento racional dos agentes. Este modelo tem sua concepção política e ética das relações econômicas, consistente com seus pressupostos, o que fica patente, por exemplo, a propósito de sua teoria da distribuição da renda. Com a introdução de conceitos como: o tempo histórico; o caracter monetário da produção; a preferência pela liquidez; o comportamento subjetivo dos agentes; o predomínio da procura sobre a oferta; as expectativas e a incerteza em relação ao futuro, etc., a macroeconomia de Keynes consegue romper o paradigma anterior, do ajuste automático dos mercados de acordo com um feedeback contínuo e estável, capaz de garantir o equilíbrio de pleno emprego. Embora a análise keynesiana tivesse permitido a abordagem precisa de questões tão importantes como: a natureza e as causas do desemprego; o papel da moeda e do crédito; a determinação dos juros; os condicionantes do investimento, etc., faltava ainda uma teoria dos preços, da distribuição e do ciclo econômico, no que o trabalho de M. Kalecki, certamente parece ter avançado. Este autor parte de um contexto cultural e ideológico que lhe permite abordar sem entraves a natureza do capitalismo. Seu enfoque micro e macroeconômico é integrado e está apoiado no pressuposto da concorrência imperfeita. No universo keynesiano os mercados podem estar em equilíbrio, mas não no de pleno emprego, já segundo Kalecki o ciclo econômico é inevitável. Em ambos os casos os mercados não são perfeitos e não tendem naturalmente para o equilíbrio, o que justifica a ação reguladora do Estado, de acordo sua opção política e um código de valores preestabelecido. É de se imaginar que cada modelo de análise esteja condicionado pelo conjunto de valores dominantes do momento, o que não invalida o caracter de ciência social da economia. Por exemplo, desde a perspectiva individualista da troca mercantil, a economia se apresenta com a metodologia de ciência pura, porém, levando em conta as relações de classe social, é uma ciência moral.