989 resultados para ideal society
Since begging East European Roma became a common view in the streets of larger Nordic cities, vivid discussions about their presence and activities have been carried out in the mass media. This thesis examines the public debates in Finland and Norway through a discursive analysis and comparison of press content from the two countries. The aim of the study is firstly to identify the prominent discourses which construct certain images of the beggars, as well as the elements and internal logics that these discourses are constructed around. But in addition to scrutinizing representations of the Roma, also an opposite perspective is applied. In accordance with the theoretical concept of ‘othering’, debates about ‘them’ are assumed to simultaneously reveal something significant about ‘us’. The second research question is thus what kind of images of the ideal Finnish and Norwegian societies are reflected in the data, and which societal values are salient in these images. The analysis comprises 79 texts printed in the main Finnish and Norwegian quality newspapers; Helsingin Sanomat and Aftenposten. The data consists of news articles, editorials, columns and letters to the editor from a three-month period in the summer of 2010. The analysis was carried out within the theoretical and methodological framework of critical discourse analysis as outlined by Norman Fairclough. A customized nine-step coding scheme was developed in order to reach the most central dimensions of the texts. Seven main discourses were identified; the Deprivation-solidarity, Human rights, Order, Crime, Space and majority reactions, Authority control, and Authority critique discourse. These were grouped into two competing normative stances on what an ideal society looks like; the exclusionary and the inclusionary stance. While the exclusionary stance places the begging Roma within a frame of crime, illegitimate use of public space and threat to the social order, the other advocates an attitude of solidarity and humanitarian values. The analysis points to a dominance of the former, although it is challenged by the latter. The Roma are “individualized” by quoting and/or presenting them by name in a fair part of the Finnish news articles. In Norway, the opposite is true; there the beggars are dominantly presented as anonymous and passive. Overall, the begging Roma are subjected to a double bind as they are faced with simultaneous expectations of activity and passivity. Theories relating to moral panics and ‘the good enemy’ provide for a deepened understanding of the intensity of the debates. Keywords: East European Roma, begging, media, newspapers, Helsingin Sanomat, Aftenposten, critical discourse analysis, Norman Fairclough, othering, ideal society, moral panics, good enemy, double bind, Finland, Norway
In Insel Felsenburg, the most popular of the German Robinsonades, the link between this novelistic subgenre and utopia becomes obvious, because, unlike what had been the case in Robinson Crusoe, the island functions as a contrast with respect to the starting point: Europe, conceived as unmoral and far away from God. The Felsenburg Island becomes a symbol of a patriarchal-bourgeois ideal society, whose centre is the family. It is conceivable that this idealized sociability form is reelaborated in the last third of the 18th Century, when the utopian story is temporalized and the Robinsonades lose their force. Novels such as Anton Reiser and Wilhem Meisters Lehjahre testify for these transformations.
La pobreza ha sido una cuestión vinculada a la justicia desde Platón a Thomas Pogge. El objetivo del presente texto es hacer hincapié en que Aristóteles establece que la pobreza es un mal en sí misma, fuente de conflictos sociales que -él piensa- una sociedad justa debería evitar. Por una parte, el lado histórico de la teoría aristotélica de la pobreza plantea que la democracia paradigmática promueve alguna clase de bienestar. Por otra parte, la faceta utópica expone los pensamientos de Aristóteles acerca de una sociedad ideal donde el crecimiento de la clase media reduce la lucha entre ciudadanos ricos y pobres. Sucintamente, encuentro en la filosofía política clásica lo que denomino una "Economía utópica del bienestar". Por lo tanto, me adhiero a aquellos que ven el origen de la teoría de los derechos humanos en Grecia Clásica
La pobreza ha sido una cuestión vinculada a la justicia desde Platón a Thomas Pogge. El objetivo del presente texto es hacer hincapié en que Aristóteles establece que la pobreza es un mal en sí misma, fuente de conflictos sociales que -él piensa- una sociedad justa debería evitar. Por una parte, el lado histórico de la teoría aristotélica de la pobreza plantea que la democracia paradigmática promueve alguna clase de bienestar. Por otra parte, la faceta utópica expone los pensamientos de Aristóteles acerca de una sociedad ideal donde el crecimiento de la clase media reduce la lucha entre ciudadanos ricos y pobres. Sucintamente, encuentro en la filosofía política clásica lo que denomino una "Economía utópica del bienestar". Por lo tanto, me adhiero a aquellos que ven el origen de la teoría de los derechos humanos en Grecia Clásica
La pobreza ha sido una cuestión vinculada a la justicia desde Platón a Thomas Pogge. El objetivo del presente texto es hacer hincapié en que Aristóteles establece que la pobreza es un mal en sí misma, fuente de conflictos sociales que -él piensa- una sociedad justa debería evitar. Por una parte, el lado histórico de la teoría aristotélica de la pobreza plantea que la democracia paradigmática promueve alguna clase de bienestar. Por otra parte, la faceta utópica expone los pensamientos de Aristóteles acerca de una sociedad ideal donde el crecimiento de la clase media reduce la lucha entre ciudadanos ricos y pobres. Sucintamente, encuentro en la filosofía política clásica lo que denomino una "Economía utópica del bienestar". Por lo tanto, me adhiero a aquellos que ven el origen de la teoría de los derechos humanos en Grecia Clásica
Les bergères de l'Apocalypse est le récit de la protagoniste Ariane qui projette de réécrire, en marge du discours officiel, les événements qui ont conduit à la création d'une société gynocentrique. À la diversité des préoccupations qui alimentent cette vision utopiste de la société répond une indétermination générique qui rend le récit difficile à classer. Mettant en scène une société idéale qui n'en est pas une (puisque les femmes, après l'extermination des hommes, ont reproduit certaines structures de pouvoir patriarcales), l’ouvrage ne peut pas être identifié uniquement comme un roman de science-fiction puisqu'il emprunte à la fois à l'essai, à l’utopie féministe et au récit apocalyptique. Cette hybridation apparaît comme l’un des traits de cet ouvrage éclaté qui multiplie les techniques narratives et les récits dans un cadre où l’intertextualité joue un rôle important. L'hypothèse que je propose pour expliquer une telle variation générique est que le roman représente ici une forme modulable qui marie à la complexité des propositions apportées au discours féministe ambiant. Grâce au mélange des genres et des discours, l'auteure, à travers Ariane, parvient à dialoguer avec une panoplie d'intertextes dont le contrepoint original et touffu ne peut que déconcerter la lectrice. Afin d'analyser le roman, j'observerai comment l’oeuvre exploite les potentiels de généricité dans la forme, les techniques narratives, leur liens avec les motifs écoféministes, ainsi que le mode d'inscription des différents discours.
Les bergères de l'Apocalypse est le récit de la protagoniste Ariane qui projette de réécrire, en marge du discours officiel, les événements qui ont conduit à la création d'une société gynocentrique. À la diversité des préoccupations qui alimentent cette vision utopiste de la société répond une indétermination générique qui rend le récit difficile à classer. Mettant en scène une société idéale qui n'en est pas une (puisque les femmes, après l'extermination des hommes, ont reproduit certaines structures de pouvoir patriarcales), l’ouvrage ne peut pas être identifié uniquement comme un roman de science-fiction puisqu'il emprunte à la fois à l'essai, à l’utopie féministe et au récit apocalyptique. Cette hybridation apparaît comme l’un des traits de cet ouvrage éclaté qui multiplie les techniques narratives et les récits dans un cadre où l’intertextualité joue un rôle important. L'hypothèse que je propose pour expliquer une telle variation générique est que le roman représente ici une forme modulable qui marie à la complexité des propositions apportées au discours féministe ambiant. Grâce au mélange des genres et des discours, l'auteure, à travers Ariane, parvient à dialoguer avec une panoplie d'intertextes dont le contrepoint original et touffu ne peut que déconcerter la lectrice. Afin d'analyser le roman, j'observerai comment l’oeuvre exploite les potentiels de généricité dans la forme, les techniques narratives, leur liens avec les motifs écoféministes, ainsi que le mode d'inscription des différents discours.
THE YOUTH MOVEMENT NASHI (OURS) WAS FOUNDED IN THE SPRING of 2005 against the backdrop of Ukraine’s ‘Orange Revolution’. Its aim was to stabilise Russia’s political system and take back the streets from opposition demonstrators. Personally loyal to Putin and taking its ideological orientation from Surkov’s concept of ‘sovereign democracy’, Nashi has sought to turn the tide on ‘defeatism’ and develop Russian youth into a patriotic new elite that ‘believes in the future of Russia’ (p. 15). Combining a wealth of empirical detail and the application of insights from discourse theory, Ivo Mijnssen analyses the organisation’s development between 2005 and 2012. His analysis focuses on three key moments—the organisation’s foundation, the apogee of its mobilisation around the Bronze Soldier dispute with Estonia, and the 2010 Seliger youth camp—to help understand Nashi’s organisation, purpose and ideational outlook as well as the limitations and challenges it faces. As such,the book is insightful both for those with an interest in post-Soviet Russian youth culture, and for scholars seeking a rounded understanding of the Kremlin’s initiatives to return a sense of identity and purpose to Russian national life.The first chapter, ‘Background and Context’, outlines the conceptual toolkit provided by Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe to help make sense of developments on the terrain of identity politics. In their terms, since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia has experienced acute dislocation of its identity. With the tangible loss of great power status, Russian realities have become unfixed from a discourse enabling national life to be constructed, albeit inherently contingently, as meaningful. The lack of a Gramscian hegemonic discourse to provide a unifying national idea was securitised as an existential threat demanding special measures. Accordingly, the identification of those who are ‘notUs’ has been a recurrent theme of Nashi’s discourse and activity. With the victory in World War II held up as a foundational moment, a constitutive other is found in the notion of ‘unusual fascists’. This notion includes not just neo-Nazis, but reflects a chain of equivalence that expands to include a range of perceived enemies of Putin’s consolidation project such as oligarchs and pro-Western liberals.The empirical background is provided by the second chapter, ‘Russia’s Youth, the Orange Revolution, and Nashi’, which traces the emergence of Nashi amid the climate of political instability of 2004 and 2005. A particularly note-worthy aspect of Mijnssen’s work is the inclusion of citations from his interviews with Nashicommissars; the youth movement’s cadres. Although relatively few in number, such insider conversations provide insight into the ethos of Nashi’s organisation and the outlook of those who have pledged their involvement. Besides the discussion of Nashi’s manifesto, the reader thus gains insight into the motivations of some participants and behind-the-scenes details of Nashi’s activities in response to the perceived threat of anti-government protests. The third chapter, ‘Nashi’s Bronze Soldier’, charts Nashi’s role in elevating the removal of a World War II monument from downtown Tallinn into an international dispute over the interpretation of history. The events subsequent to this securitisation of memory are charted in detail, concluding that Nashi’s activities were ultimately unsuccessful as their demands received little official support.The fourth chapter, ‘Seliger: The Foundry of Modernisation’, presents a distinctive feature of Mijnssen’s study, namely his ethnographic account as a participant observer in the Youth International Forum at Seliger. In the early years of the camp (2005–2007), Russian participants received extensive training, including master classes in ‘methods of forestalling mass unrest’ (p. 131), and the camp served to foster a sense of group identity and purpose among activists. After 2009 the event was no longer officially run as a Nashi camp, and its role became that of a forum for the exchange of ideas about innovation, although camp spirit remained a central feature. In 2010 the camp welcomed international attendees for the first time. As one of about 700 international participants in that year the author provides a fascinating account based on fieldwork diaries.Despite the polemical nature of the topic, Mijnssen’s analysis remains even-handed, exemplified in his balanced assessment of the Seliger experience. While he details the frustrations and disappointments of the international participants with regard to the unaccustomed strict camp discipline, organisational and communication failures, and the controlled format of many discussions,he does not neglect to note the camp’s successes in generating a gratifying collective dynamic between the participants, even among the international attendees who spent only a week there.In addition to the useful bibliography, the book is back-ended by two appendices, which provide the reader with important Russian-language primary source materials. The first is Nashi’s ‘Unusual Fascism’ (Neobyknovennyi fashizm) brochure, and the second is the booklet entitled ‘Some Uncomfortable Questions to the Russian Authorities’ (Neskol’ko neudobnykh voprosov rossiiskoivlasti) which was provided to the Seliger 2010 instructors to guide them in responding to probing questions from foreign participants. Given that these are not readily publicly available even now, they constitute a useful resource from the historical perspective.
In Australia, the idea of home ownership or The Great Australian Dream is still perceived as the main achievement of every Australian’s life. Perception of an ideal home is changing over the decades. Each generation has special requirements criteria which foster their dwelling space. This research identifies and compares three generations’ (Baby Boomers, Generation X and Generation Y) demographics, special requirements and perceptions regarding their ideal home. The examination of previous research and literature into the Queensland context reveals that the Baby Boomers population of people 65 and older is currently 11.8% of the state population and is expected to grow to almost one quarter of the population by 2051. This is the highest growth rate among these three generations. Further analysis of these three generations’ status and requirements shows that aging is the most critical issue for the housing systems. This is especially the case for Baby Boomers due to their demand for support services and health care in the home. The study reveals that ‘ageing in place’, is a preferred option for the aged. This raises questions as to how well the housing system and neighbourhood environments are able to support ageing in place, and what aging factors should be taken into consideration when designing Baby boomer’s home to facilitate health and wellbeing. Therefore, this research designed a qualitative approach to investigate Australian Baby Boomers homes around Queensland, predominantly in the Brisbane area, using semi-structured interviews and observations. It aims to find out the level of satisfaction of Australian Baby Boomers with their current home and their preferences and requirements in light of their ideal home. The findings contribute new knowledge in the light of ideal home mechanisms. A set of strategies has been developed from the findings that may help improve the level of comfort, safety and satisfaction that Baby Boomers experience in their current and future homes.
Density functional theory (DFT) calculations were performed to study the structural, mechanical, electrical, optical properties, and strain effects in single-layer sodium phosphidostannate(II) (NaSnP). We find the exfoliation of single-layer NaSnP from bulk form is highly feasible because the cleavage energy is comparable to graphite and MoS2. In addition, the breaking strain of the NaSnP monolayer is comparable to other widely studied 2D materials, indicating excellent mechanical flexibility of 2D NaSnP. Using the hybrid functional method, the calculated band gap of single-layer NaSnP is close to the ideal band gap of solar cell materials (1.5 eV), demonstrating great potential in future photovoltaic application. Furthermore, strain effect study shows that a moderate compression (2%) can trigger indirect-to-direct gap transition, which would enhance the ability of light absorption for the NaSnP monolayer. With sufficient compression (8%), the single-layer NaSnP can be tuned from semiconductor to metal, suggesting great applications in nanoelectronic devices based on strain engineering techniques.
The aim of this dissertation is to provide conceptual tools for the social scientist for clarifying, evaluating and comparing explanations of social phenomena based on formal mathematical models. The focus is on relatively simple theoretical models and simulations, not statistical models. These studies apply a theory of explanation according to which explanation is about tracing objective relations of dependence, knowledge of which enables answers to contrastive why and how-questions. This theory is developed further by delineating criteria for evaluating competing explanations and by applying the theory to social scientific modelling practices and to the key concepts of equilibrium and mechanism. The dissertation is comprised of an introductory essay and six published original research articles. The main theses about model-based explanations in the social sciences argued for in the articles are the following. 1) The concept of explanatory power, often used to argue for the superiority of one explanation over another, compasses five dimensions which are partially independent and involve some systematic trade-offs. 2) All equilibrium explanations do not causally explain the obtaining of the end equilibrium state with the multiple possible initial states. Instead, they often constitutively explain the macro property of the system with the micro properties of the parts (together with their organization). 3) There is an important ambivalence in the concept mechanism used in many model-based explanations and this difference corresponds to a difference between two alternative research heuristics. 4) Whether unrealistic assumptions in a model (such as a rational choice model) are detrimental to an explanation provided by the model depends on whether the representation of the explanatory dependency in the model is itself dependent on the particular unrealistic assumptions. Thus evaluating whether a literally false assumption in a model is problematic requires specifying exactly what is supposed to be explained and by what. 5) The question of whether an explanatory relationship depends on particular false assumptions can be explored with the process of derivational robustness analysis and the importance of robustness analysis accounts for some of the puzzling features of the tradition of model-building in economics. 6) The fact that economists have been relatively reluctant to use true agent-based simulations to formulate explanations can partially be explained by the specific ideal of scientific understanding implicit in the practise of orthodox economics.
We study thermodynamics of an ideal gas in doubly special relativity. A new type of special functions (which we call ``incomplete modified Bessel functions'') emerge. We obtain a series solution for the partition function and derive thermodynamic quantities. We observe that doubly special relativity thermodynamics is nonperturbative in the special relativity and massless limits. A stiffer equation of state is found.
The first calculation of triangular flow ν3 in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 200A GeV from an event-by-event (3 + 1) d transport+hydrodynamics hybrid approach is presented. As a response to the initial triangularity Ie{cyrillic, ukrainian}3 of the collision zone, ν3 is computed in a similar way to the standard event-plane analysis for elliptic flow ν2. It is found that the triangular flow exhibits weak centrality dependence and is roughly equal to elliptic flow in most central collisions. We also explore the transverse momentum and rapidity dependence of ν2 and ν3 for charged particles as well as identified particles. We conclude that an event-by-event treatment of the ideal hydrodynamic evolution startingwith realistic initial conditions generates the main features expected for triangular flow. © 2010 The American Physical Society.
: Static calculation and preliminary kinetic Monte Carlo simulation studies are undertaken for the nucleation and growth on a model system which follows a Frank-van der Merwe mechanism. In the present case, we consider the deposition of Ag on Au(100) and Au(111) surfaces. The interactions were calculated using the embedded atom model. The kinetics of formation and growth of 2D Ag structures on Au(100) and Au(111) is investigated and the influence of surface steps on this phenomenon is studied. Very different time scales are predicted for Ag diffusion on Au(100) and Au(111), thus rendering very different regimes for the nucleation and growth of the related 2D phases. These observations are drawn from the application of a model free of any adjustable parameter.