988 resultados para hypothetical-deductive method


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The two main alternative methods used to identify key sectors within the input-output approach, the Classical Multiplier method (CMM) and the Hypothetical Extraction method (HEM), are formally and empirically compared in this paper. Our findings indicate that the main distinction between the two approaches stems from the role of the internal effects. These internal effects are quantified under the CMM while under the HEM only external impacts are considered. In our comparison, we find, however that CMM backward measures are more influenced by within-block effects than the proposed forward indices under this approach. The conclusions of this comparison allow us to develop a hybrid proposal that combines these two existing approaches. This hybrid model has the advantage of making it possible to distinguish and disaggregate external effects from those that a purely internal. This proposal has also an additional interest in terms of policy implications. Indeed, the hybrid approach may provide useful information for the design of ''second best'' stimulus policies that aim at a more balanced perspective between overall economy-wide impacts and their sectoral distribution.


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Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Politécnico do Porto - Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto, para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Assessoria e Administração de Organizações, sob orientação de Anabela Mesquita, PhD


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The aim of this research was to understand the reasoning developed by medical students in a public university in Brazil. This research on education included semi-structured interviews and film recordings of interns discussing 10 clinical cases. A sample of 16 interns analyzed cases presented on a notebook computer with a webcam. They were instructed to verbalize all their thoughts on the procedures they would use. The film recordings and transcripts of the interviews were analyzed. Quantitative data was evaluated using Yates' chi-squared test and speech analysis was used to evaluate the transcripts. The theme worked on in the practice of reasoning was: the student's perceptions of their clinical practice. Of the 160 diagnoses, 57% were done with analytical reasoning and 43% with non-analytical reasoning. The hypothetical deductive method was employed by 31% of the interns and the inductive method was employed by 69%. The diagnostic accuracy was 81% correct for easy cases and 85% correct for difficult cases. We observed two empirical categories: the cognitive universe of the student and the patient's context.


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While methodological sciences have no object and are supposed to adopt a hypothetical-deductive method, substantive sciences including economics should use an empirical or historical-deductive method. The great classical economists and Keynes did that and were able to develop open models explaining how equally open economic systems work. Thus, the hard core of relevant economics is formed by the classical microeconomics and the classical theory of capitalist economic growth, and by Keynesian macroeconomics. In contrast, neoclassical economist aiming to build a mathematical science wrongly adopted the hypothetical-deductive method, and came to macroeconomic and growth models that do not have practical use in policymaking. The exception is Marshall's microeconomics that does not provide a model of real economic systems, but is useful to the analysis of markets.


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This is a commentary to a well-known paper of Bresser-Pereira: The two methods and the hard core of economics. Therefore, it target a very suggestive article that seeks to examine the conceptions of man of classical political economy and Keynesian economics in contrast to the reductive conception of man found in positive economic theory, especially in neoclassical theory. It shows that both conceptions at large think with abstracts economic men. However, the first one reasons with individuals who are determined by the historical and social structures of the capitalistic economic system. The second one seeks to present them in a formal way, as if they were mere pieces of a large automaton, i.e., the mercantile system as a large and standardized mechanism. In the end, Marx is distinguished because he does not reflect based on a static anthropological foundation. For him, men are subjects that become because they can realize themselves only in the course of history.


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Many economists show certain nonconformity relative to the excessive mathematical formalization of economics. This stems from dissatisfaction with the old debate about the lack of correspondence between mainstream theoretical models and reality. Although we do not propose to settle this debate here, this article seeks to associate the mismatch of mathematized models with the reality of the adoption of the hypothetical-deductive method as reproduced by general equilibrium. We begin by defining the main benefits of the mathematization of economics. Secondly, we address traditional criticism leveled against it. We then focus on more recent criticism from Gillies (2005) and Bresser-Pereira (2008). Finally, we attempt to associate the reproduction of the hypothetical-deductive method with a metatheoretical process triggered by Debreu's general equilibrium theory. In this respect, we appropriate the ideas of Weintraub (2002), Punzo (1991), and mainly Woo (1986) to support our hypothesis.


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Unlike the methodological sciences such as mathematics and decision theory, which use the hypothetical-deductive method and may be fully expressed in complex mathematical models because their only truth criterion is logical consistency, the substantive sciences have as their truth criterion the correspondence to reality, adopt an empirical-deductive method, and are supposed to generalize from and often unreliable regularities and tendencies. Given this assumption, it is very difficult for economists to predict economic behavior, particularly major financial crises.


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O compartilhamento do conhecimento e a confiança organizacional são fatores de grande interesse nas pesquisas sobre gestão do conhecimento. Esta tese tem por objetivo identificar como a confiança organizacional influencia a propensão ao compartilhamento do conhecimento em estruturas hierárquicas fortes, estudando os efeitos da satisfação com a carreira, do comprometimento organizacional e do tempo de exposição à hierarquia nesse processo. O método hipotético-dedutivo, aplicado com a técnica de modelagem de equações estruturais a uma amostra de 655 profissionais militares do Exército Brasileiro resultou na mediação do comprometimento organizacional afetivo no relacionamento entre a confiança organizacional e a propensão ao compartilhamento do conhecimento. Os resultados sugerem, ainda, que a percepção de utilidade do conhecimento recebido e o estado civil são variáveis significativas na explicação da variância da propensão ao compartilhamento do conhecimento. Por fim, o tempo de exposição à hierarquia impacta diretamente as variáveis estudadas sem, contudo, interferir no relacionamento entre o comprometimento organizacional e a propensão ao compartilhamento do conhecimento. Os resultados desta tese contribuem para o melhor entendimento do fenômeno de compartilhamento do conhecimento no ambiente organizacional.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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El atrio incorporado en los edificios ha sido un recurso espacial que tempranamente se difundió a nivel global, siendo adoptado por las distintas arquitecturas locales en gran parte del mundo. Su masificación estuvo favorecida primero por la rápida evolución de la tecnología del acero y el vidrio, a partir del siglo XIX, y en segundo termino por el posterior desarrollo del hormigón armado. Otro aspecto que explica tal aceptación en la arquitectura contemporánea, es de orden social y radica en la llamativa cavidad del espacio describiendo grandes dimensiones y favoreciendo con ello, el desarrollo de una multiplicidad de usos en su interior que antes eran impensados. Al interior del atrio, la luz natural es clave en las múltiples vivencias que alberga y sea tal vez la condición ambiental más valorada, ya que entrega una sensación de bienestar al conectarnos visualmente con el ambiente natural. Por esta razón de acuerdo al método hipotético deductivo, se evaluaron los efectos de la configuración geométrica, la cubierta y la orientación en el desempeño de la iluminación natural en la planta baja, a partir un modelo extraído desde el inventario de los edificios atrio construidos en Santiago de Chile, en los últimos 30 años que fue desarrollado en el capitulo 2. El análisis cuantitativo de los edificios inventariados se elaboró en el capítulo 3, considerando las dimensiones de los atrios. Simultáneamente fueron clasificados los aspectos constructivos, los materiales y las características del ambiente interior de cada edificio. En esta etapa además, fueron identificadas las variables de estudio de las proporciones geométricas de la cavidad del atrio con los coeficientes de aspecto de las proporciones, en planta (PAR), en corte (SAR) y de la cavidad según (WI), (AR) y (RI). Del análisis de todos estos parámetros se extrajo el modelo de prueba. El enfoque del estudio del capítulo 4 fue la iluminación natural, se revisaron los conceptos y el comportamiento en el atrio, a partir de un modelo físico construido a escala para registro de la iluminancia bajo cielo soleado de la ciudad. Más adelante se construyó el modelo en ambiente virtual, relacionando las variables determinadas por la geometría de la cavidad y el cerramiento superior; examinándose de esta manera distintas transparencias, proporciones de apertura, en definitiva se evaluó un progresivo cerramiento de las aberturas, verificando el ingreso de la luz y disponibilidad a nivel de piso con la finalidad, de proveer lineamientos útiles en una primera etapa del diseño arquitectónico. Para el análisis de la iluminación natural se revisaron diferentes métodos de cálculo con el propósito de evaluar los niveles de iluminancia en un plano horizontal al interior del atrio. El primero de ellos fue el Factor de Luz Día (FLD) que corresponde, a la proporción de la iluminancia en un punto de evaluación interior respecto, la cantidad proveniente del exterior bajo cielo nublado, a partir de la cual se obtuvo resultados que revelaron la alta luminosidad del cielo nublado de la ciudad. Además fueron evaluadas las recientes métricas dinámicas que dan cuenta, de la cantidad de horas en las cuales de acuerdo a los extensos registros meteorológico de la ciudad, permitieron obtener el porcentajes de horas dentro de las cuales se cumplió el estándar de iluminancia requerido, llamado autonomía lumínica (DA) o mejor aún se permanece dentro de un rango de comodidad visual en el interior del atrio referido a la iluminancia diurna útil (UDI). En el Capítulo 5 se exponen los criterios aplicados al modelo de estudio y cada una de las variantes de análisis, además se profundizó en los antecedentes y procedencia de las fuentes de los registros climáticos utilizados en las simulaciones llevadas a cabo en el programa Daysim operado por Radiance. Que permitieron evaluar el desempeño lumínico y la precisión, de cada uno de los resultados para comprobar la disponibilidad de iluminación natural a través de una matriz. En una etapa posterior se discutieron los resultados, mediante la comparación de los datos logrados según cada una de las metodologías de simulación aplicada. Finalmente se expusieron las conclusiones y futuras lineas de trabajo, las primeras respecto el dominio del atrio de cuatro caras, la incidencia del control de cerramiento de la cubierta y la relación establecida con la altura; indicando en lo específico que las mediciones de iluminancia bajo el cielo soleado de verano, permitieron aclarar, el uso de la herramienta de simulación y método basado en el clima local, que debido a su reciente desarrollo, orienta a futuras líneas de trabajo profundizando en la evaluación dinámica de la iluminancia contrastado con monitorización de casos. ABSTRACT Atriums incorporated into buildings have been a spatial resource that quickly spread throughout the globe, being adopted by several local architecture methods in several places. Their widespread increase was highly favored, in the first place, with the rapid evolution of steel and glass technologies since the nineteen century, and, in second place, by the following development of reinforced concrete. Another issue that explains this success into contemporary architecture is associated with the social approach, and it resides in the impressive cavity that describes vast dimensions, allowing the development of multiple uses in its interior that had never been considered before. Inside the atrium, daylight it is a key element in the many experiences that involves and it is possibly the most relevant environmental factor, since it radiates a feeling of well-being by uniting us visually with the natural environment. It is because of this reason that, following the hypothetical deductive method, the effects in the performance of daylight on the floor plan were evaluated considering the geometric configuration, the deck and orientation factors. This study was based in a model withdrawn from the inventory of atrium buildings that were constructed in Santiago de Chile during the past thirty years, which will be explained later in chapter 2. The quantitative analysis of the inventory of those buildings was elaborated in chapter 3, considering the dimensions of the atriums. Simultaneously, several features such as construction aspects, materials and environmental qualities were identified inside of each building. At this stage, it were identified the variables of the geometric proportions of the atrium’s cavity with the plan aspect ratio of proportions in first plan (PAR), in section (SAR) and cavity according to well index (WI), aspect ratio (AR) and room index (RI). An experimental model was obtained from the analysis of all the mentioned parameters. The main focus of the study developed in chapter 4 is daylight. The atrium’s concept and behavior were analyzed from a physical model built under scale to register the illuminances under clear, sunny sky of the city. Later on, this physical model was built in a virtual environment, connecting the variables determined by the geometry of the cavity and the superior enclosure, allowing the examination of transparencies and opening proportions. To summarize, this stage consisted on evaluating a progressive enclosure of the openings, checking the access of natural light and its availability at the atrium floor, in an effort to provide useful guidelines during the first stage of the architectural design. For the analysis of natural lighting, several calculations methods were used in order to determine the levels of illuminances in a horizontal plane inside of the atrium. The first of these methods is the Daylight Factor (DF), which consists in the proportion of light in an evaluation interior place with the amount of light coming from the outside in a cloudy day. Results determined that the cloudy sky of the city has high levels of luminosity. In addition, the recent dynamic metrics were evaluated which reflects the hours quantity. According to the meteorological records of the city’s climate, the standard of illuminance- a standard measure called Daylight Autonomy (DA) – was met. This is even better when the results stay in the line of visual convenience within the atrium, which is referred to as Useful Daylight Illuminance (UDI). In chapter 5, it was presented the criteria applied to the study model and on each of the variants of the analysis. Moreover, the information of the climate records used for the simulations - carried out in the Daysim program managed by Radiance – are detailed. These simulations allowed the observation of the daylight performance and the accuracy of each of the results to confirm the availability of natural light through a matrix. In a later stage, the results were discussed comparing the collected data in each of the methods of simulation used. Finally, conclusions and further discussion are presented. Overall, the four side atrium’s domain and the effect of the control of the cover’s enclosure. Specifically, the measurements of the daylight under summer’s clear, sunny sky allowing clarifying the use of the simulation tool and the method based on the local climate. This method allows defining new and future lines of work deepening on the dynamic of the light in contrast with the monitoring of the cases.


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On the petroleum industry, the State developed the Local Content police as a regulatory action to guarantee the preference of the national supply industry. Observing that, this paper will analyze the Local Content police aware of the constitutional goal of development as wright in the Constituição Federal de 1988. For it, will be used the hypothetical-deductive method for identifying the Local Content police as State strategy of development turn it in the object of critics in a dialectic way of thinking to in the final, present a conclusion about the police. As result was saw that the existent structure of the police at Brazil is inefficient, claiming for a rebuilt. For conclusion, is said that because of the inadequate construction of the Local Content police created inside of the Agência Nacional do Petróleo – ANP, the efficiency of the full potential of the police is been stopped, something that can be only corrected although a re-make of the police


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The audiovisual media is an instrument of communication that plays an important role in the cultural, social and political understanding of society. This survey was done intenting to identify the contribution of the audiovisual media to the culture in the Rio Grande do Norte and trying to understand the process of producing audiovisual in this state. To reach the aim, a case report was done regard the activities of Caminhos, Comunicação & Cultura – CC&C – a group that conducts cultural activities in the state since 2006 and has 76% of its activities related to audiovisual production, in which 47% of them, are video workshops. The video workshop project "Sowing Culture", held by the group in the city of Venha Ver/RN in January 2013, was observed and analised from its conception to its realization. The research pursued to reveal how the initiatives of independent producers, such as the CC&C group, can promote the access to audiovisual culture in regions where such knowledge is limited or nonexistent, due to the poor state policies related to the culture. Methodologically, the research was structured by performing a historical and descriptive analysis of hypothetical-deductive method through participant observation. For the conceptual and theoretical development, it was addressed the Sociability, Ethnography and media activism. The research proved that the independent audiovisual producers are promoting changes in the RN audiovisual practices. Before the background featured in the research, it is proposed a prognostic from researching to opening the RN Audiovisual Observatory, a communicational tool projected as space of sharing information, thinking, speaking, contacting and promoting the audiovisual productions of the state.


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En este artículo, basado en el derecho a la libertad de iniciativa, se discute la constitucionalidad de la medida judicial que determina la intervención en sociedades comerciales en conflicto mediante administradores judiciales provisionales. Por lo tanto, se eligió el método hipotético-deductivo de enfoque, comenzando con laclasificación de la libre empresa como un derecho fundamental. Posteriormente, se presenta el panorama de las medidas judiciales dichas. Más que buscar y proporcionar una respuesta simple, se diseñan métricas de constitucionalidad basadas en argumentos que se encuentran en la teoría de los derechos fundamentales y en el derecho de sociedades. Como resultado principal, se vio que, incluso si toman la designación de terceros a la función de gestor comercial, la intervención judicial en conflictos societarios conserva el núcleo esencial de la libre empresa y los intereses corporativos y extra-sociales que rodea la organización empresarial, estableciendose de forma abstracta, como una medida legítima y constitucional.


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O Teste Apercetivo Temático Aeronáutico (TAT-AERO) é um teste projetivo utilizado na Força Aérea Portuguesa (FA) na avaliação psicológica prévia ao Programa de Dessensibilização do Enjoo Aeronáutico (PDEA). A presente investigação, norteada para o estudo do TAT-AERO aplicado ao PDEA, foi desenvolvida com recurso à metodologia de investigação qualitativa assente num método hipotético-dedutivo e num desenho de pesquisa comparativo. Tendo como pergunta de partida (PP) “Que aspetos do funcionamento emocional salientam as respostas dos protocolos TAT-AERO dos alunos de pilotagem que realizaram o PDEA e dos alunos de pilotagem sem sintomatologia ligada ao enjoo aeronáutico?”, passou pela aplicação do TAT-AERO a dois grupos de alunos de pilotagem. Em concreto, a um grupo que não apresentou sintomatologia ligada ao enjoo aeronáutico e a um outro grupo que, por ter apresentado esta sintomatologia, havia realizado o PDEA. Os dados obtidos da comparação dos protocolos destes dois grupos, revelaram a existência de diferenças entre os dois grupos de alunos de pilotagem (sem sintomatologia ligada ao enjoo aeronáutico e que haviam realizado o PDEA), em concreto na forma como lidam com a temática da morte, o conflito familiar e o seu distanciamento em relação à história que relatam. Abstract: The Thematic Apperception Aeronautical Test ( TAT- AERO ) is a projective test used in Portuguese Air Force in the previous psychological evaluation to Desensitization Program for Airsickness ( PDEA ). In present investigation, guided for the study of the TAT- AERO applied to PDEA, the research was developed using the qualitative research methodology based on a hypothetical-deductive method, the research design was comparative. The investigation had the departure question (PP) " What aspects of emotional functioning stress responses of TAT- AERO protocols of pilotage students who performed the PDEA and pilot students without symptoms linked to airsickness?" The TAT-AERO was applied to a group of pilot students have shown no symptoms linked to airsickness, and the respective protocols such as the protocols of pilotage students who performed the PDEA were compared in order to assess any specific each of the groups. The data revealed that there are differences between the two groups of students (without symptoms linked to airsickness and performed the PDEA) in the way they deal with the theme of death, family conflict and distancing itself from the story reported.


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A existência de assimetrias no desenvolvimento da carreira dos militares da categoria de Sargentos dos Quadros Permanentes da Força Aérea, originou o desenvolvimento de um estudo que propõe identificar linhas orientadoras que concorram para mitigar os efeitos dessas mesmas assimetrias bem como contribuam, no âmbito da criação de um novo sistema de gestão de carreiras de Sargentos, para potenciais alterações que permitam alinhar as necessidades organizacionais e individuais. Com base no mapa concetual construído, foi desenvolvido um estudo apoiado na análise de dados relativos à categoria de Sargentos bem como realizadas entrevistas a especialistas, com funções e experiência relevantes na área da gestão de carreiras militares, de forma a, recorrendo a um método hipotético-dedutivo, comprovar hipóteses e responder a perguntas derivadas e por conseguinte à pergunta de partida que norteou esta investigação. Com este estudo concluiu-se que existe a necessidade de a Força Aérea implementar um sistema integrado de gestão estratégica da carreira dos Sargentos, propondo-se o modelo de Edgar Schein de planeamento e desenvolvimento estratégico de Recursos Humanos como possível aproximação a um modelo a implementar na Força Aérea, bem como foi igualmente identificada a utilização menos eficiente de ferramentas essenciais como são a formação e o mérito militar. Abstract: The existence of asymmetries in the development of the military career in the category of Sergeants of the permanent boards of the Air Force, led to the development of a study intended to identify guidelines that contribute to mitigate the effects of those asymmetries and contribute, within the creation of a new Sergeants career management system, for potential amendments for aligning organizational and individual needs. Based on the constructed conceptual map, a study was developed supported in data analysis on the Sergeants category as well as interviews with experts, with relevant functions and experience in the management of military careers, so, using a hypothetical-deductive method, prove hypotheses and answer derived questions and therefore the starting question that guided this research. This study concluded that there is a need for the Air Force to implement an integrated strategic management career system for Sergeants, proposing the Edgar Schein model of strategic planning and development of human resources as a possible approach to a model to be implemented in the Air Force, and it was also identified a less efficient use of essential tools as are training and military merit.