894 resultados para highly ionized atom


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The interatomic potential of the ion-atom scattering system I^N+-I at small intermediate internuclear distances is calculated for different charge states N from atomic Dirac-Focker-Slater (DFS) electron densities within a statistical model. The behaviour of the potential structures, due to ionized electronic shells, is studied by calculations of classical elastic differential scattering cross-sections.


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Augerelectron emission from foil-excited Ne-ions (6 to 10 MeV beam energy) has been measured. The beam-foil time-of-flight technique has been applied to study electronic transitions of metastable states (delayed spectra) and to determine their lifetimes. To achieve a line identification for the complex structure observed in the prompt spectrum, the spectrum is separated into its isoelectronic parts by an Augerelectron-ion coincidence correlating the emitted electrons and the emitting projectiles of well defined final charge states q_f. Well resolved spectra were obtained and the lines could be identified using intermediate coupling Dirac-Fock multiconfiguration calculations. From the total KLL-Augerelectron transition probabilities observed in the electronion coincidence experiment for Ne (10 MeV) the amount of projectiles with one K-hole just behind a C-target can be estimated. For foil-excited Ne-projectiles in contrast to single collision results the comparison of transition intensities for individual lines with calculated transition probabilities yields a statistical population of Li- and Be-like configurations.


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Self-consistent-field calculations for the total potential energy of highly ionized N_2 molecules are presented. We compare these calculations to the experimentally observed energy released in the Coulomb explosion of ionized N_2 molecules created after collision with fast heavy ions. The most important electronic states of the fragment ions are determined.


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The work presented in my thesis addresses the two cornerstones of modern astronomy: Observation and Instrumentation. Part I deals with the observation of two nearby active galaxies, the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 1433 and the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 1566, both at a distance of $\sim10$ Mpc, which are part of the Nuclei of Galaxies (NUGA) sample. It is well established that every galaxy harbors a super massive black hole (SMBH) at its center. Furthermore, there seems to be a fundamental correlation between the stellar bulge and SMBH masses. Simulations show that massive feedback, e.g., powerful outflows, in Quasi Stellar Objects (QSOs) has an impact on the mutual growth of bulge and SMBH. Nearby galaxies follow this relation but accrete mass at much lower rates. This gives rise to the following questions: Which mechanisms allow feeding of nearby Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN)? Is this feeding triggered by events, e.g., star formation, nuclear spirals, outflows, on $\sim500$ pc scales around the AGN? Does feedback on these scales play a role in quenching the feeding process? Does it have an effect on the star formation close to the nucleus? To answer these questions I have carried out observations with the Spectrograph for INtegral Field Observation in the Near Infrared (SINFONI) at the Very Large Telescope (VLT) situated on Cerro Paranal in Chile. I have reduced and analyzed the recorded data, which contain spatial and spectral information in the H-band ($1.45 \mic-1.85 \mic$) and K-band ($1.95 \mic-2.45 \mic$) on the central $10\arcsec\times10\arcsec$ of the observed galaxies. Additionally, Atacama Large Millimeter/Sub-millimeter Array (ALMA) data at $350$ GHz ($\sim0.87$ mm) as well as optical high resolution Hubble Space Telescope (HST) images are used for the analysis. For NGC 1433 I deduce from comparison of the distributions of gas, dust, and intensity of highly ionized emission lines that the galaxy center lies $\sim70$ pc north-northwest of the prior estimate. A velocity gradient is observed at the new center, which I interpret as a bipolar outflow, a circum nuclear disk, or a combination of both. At least one dust and gas arm leads from a $r\sim200$ pc ring towards the nucleus and might feed the SMBH. Two bright warm H$_2$ gas spots are detected that indicate hidden star formation or a spiral arm-arm interaction. From the stellar velocity dispersion (SVD) I estimate a SMBH mass of $\sim1.74\times10^7$ \msol. For NGC 1566 I observe a nuclear gas disk of $\sim150$ pc in radius with a spiral structure. I estimate the total mass of this disk to be $\sim5.4\times10^7$ \msol. What mechanisms excite the gas in the disk is not clear. Neither can the existence of outflows be proven nor is star formation detected over the whole disk. On one side of the spiral structure I detect a star forming region with an estimated star formation rate of $\sim2.6\times10^{-3}$ \msol\ yr$^{-1}$. From broad Br$\gamma$ emission and SVD I estimate a mean SMBH mass of $\sim5.3\times10^6$ \msol\ with an Eddington ratio of $\sim2\times10^{-3}$. Part II deals with the final tests of the Fringe and Flexure Tracker (FFTS) for LBT INterferometric Camera and the NIR/Visible Adaptive iNterferometer for Astronomy (LINC-NIRVANA) at the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) in Arizona, USA, which I conducted. The FFTS is the subsystem that combines the two separate beams of the LBT and enables near-infrared interferometry with a significantly large field of view. The FFTS has a cryogenic system and an ambient temperature system which are separated by the baffle system. I redesigned this baffle to guarantee the functionality of the system after the final tests in the Cologne cryostat. The redesign did not affect any scientific performance of LINC-NIRVANA. I show in the final cooldown tests that the baffle fulfills the temperature requirement and stays $<110$ K whereas the moving stages in the ambient system stay $>273$ K, which was not given for the old baffle design. Additionally, I test the tilting flexure of the whole FFTS and show that accurate positioning of the detector and the tracking during observation can be guaranteed.


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The dynamics and geometry of the material inflowing and outflowing close to the supermassive black hole in active galactic nuclei are still uncertain. X-rays are the most suitable way to study the AGN innermost regions because of the Fe Kα emission line, a proxy of accretion, and Fe absorption lines produced by outflows. Winds are typically classified as Warm Absorbers (slow and mildly ionized) and Ultra Fast Outflows (fast and highly ionized). Transient Obscurers -optically thick winds that produce strong spectral hardening in X-rays, lasting from days to months- have been observed recently. Emission and absorption features vary on time-scales from hours to years, probing phenomena at different distances from the SMBH. In this work, we use time-resolved spectral analysis to investigate the accretion and ejection flows, to characterize them individually and search for correlations. We analyzed XMM-Newtomn data of a set of the brightest Seyfert 1 galaxies that went through an obscuration event: NGC 3783, NGC 3227, NGC 5548, and NGC 985. Our aim is to search for emission/absorption lines in short-duration spectra (∼ 10ks), to explore regions as close as the SMBH as the statistics allows for, and possibly catch transient phenomena. First we run a blind search to detect emission/absorption features, then we analyze their evolution with Residual Maps: we visualize simultaneously positive and negative residuals from the continuum in the time-energy plane, looking for patterns and relative time-scales. In NGC 3783 we were able to ascribe variations of the Fe Kα emission line to absorptions at the same energy due to clumps in the obscurer, whose presence is detected at >3σ, and to determine the size of the clumps. In NGC 3227 we detected a wind at ∼ 0.2c at ∼ 2σ, briefly appearing during an obscuration event.


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The hyperspherical adiabatic approach is used to obtain the highly excited series 1sns 1S e and 1s(n + 1)p 1P o of the helium atom. The introduction of appropriate asymptotic conditions at large values of the hyperspherical radius results in a stable algorithm that allows the calculation of the full atomic spectrum with precision of a few parts per million. Comparison with the variational calculations available in the literature shows that the accuracy of the results improves with increasing principal quantum number. We present the energies up to n = 31 which is the typical value used in multiphoton excitation experiments.


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Diese Dissertation demonstriert und verbessert die Vorhersagekraft der Coupled-Cluster-Theorie im Hinblick auf die hochgenaue Berechnung von Moleküleigenschaften. Die Demonstration erfolgt mittels Extrapolations- und Additivitätstechniken in der Single-Referenz-Coupled-Cluster-Theorie, mit deren Hilfe die Existenz und Struktur von bisher unbekannten Molekülen mit schweren Hauptgruppenelementen vorhergesagt wird. Vor allem am Beispiel von cyclischem SiS_2, einem dreiatomigen Molekül mit 16 Valenzelektronen, wird deutlich, dass die Vorhersagekraft der Theorie sich heutzutage auf Augenhöhe mit dem Experiment befindet: Theoretische Überlegungen initiierten eine experimentelle Suche nach diesem Molekül, was schließlich zu dessen Detektion und Charakterisierung mittels Rotationsspektroskopie führte. Die Vorhersagekraft der Coupled-Cluster-Theorie wird verbessert, indem eine Multireferenz-Coupled-Cluster-Methode für die Berechnung von Spin-Bahn-Aufspaltungen erster Ordnung in 2^Pi-Zuständen entwickelt wird. Der Fokus hierbei liegt auf Mukherjee's Variante der Multireferenz-Coupled-Cluster-Theorie, aber prinzipiell ist das vorgeschlagene Berechnungsschema auf alle Varianten anwendbar. Die erwünschte Genauigkeit beträgt 10 cm^-1. Sie wird mit der neuen Methode erreicht, wenn Ein- und Zweielektroneneffekte und bei schweren Elementen auch skalarrelativistische Effekte berücksichtigt werden. Die Methode eignet sich daher in Kombination mit Coupled-Cluster-basierten Extrapolations-und Additivitätsschemata dafür, hochgenaue thermochemische Daten zu berechnen.


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In dieser Arbeit wird die Wechselwirkung zwischen einem Photon und einem Elektron im starken Coulombfeld eines Atomkerns am Beispiel des radiativen Elektroneneinfangs beim Stoß hochgeladener Teilchen untersucht. In den letzten Jahren wurde dieser Ladungsaustauschprozess insbesondere für relativistische Ion–Atom–Stöße sowohl experimentell als auch theoretisch ausführlich erforscht. In Zentrum standen dabei haupsächlich die totalen und differentiellen Wirkungsquerschnitte. In neuerer Zeit werden vermehrt Spin– und Polarisationseffekte sowie Korrelationseffekte bei diesen Stoßprozessen diskutiert. Man erwartet, dass diese sehr empfindlich auf relativistische Effekte im Stoß reagieren und man deshalb eine hervorragende Methode zu deren Bestimmung erhält. Darüber hinaus könnten diese Messungen auch indirekt dazu führen, dass man die Polarisation des Ionenstrahls bestimmen kann. Damit würden sich neue experimentelle Möglichkeiten sowohl in der Atom– als auch der Kernphysik ergeben. In dieser Dissertation werden zunächst diese ersten Untersuchungen zu den Spin–, Polarisations– und Korrelationseffekten systematisch zusammengefasst. Die Dichtematrixtheorie liefert hierzu die geeignete Methode. Mit dieser Methode werden dann die allgemeinen Gleichungen für die Zweistufen–Rekombination hergeleitet. In diesem Prozess wird ein Elektron zunächst radiativ in einen angeregten Zustand eingefangen, der dann im zweiten Schritt unter Emission des zweiten (charakteristischen) Photons in den Grundzustand übergeht. Diese Gleichungen können natürlich auf beliebige Mehrstufen– sowie Einstufen–Prozesse erweitert werden. Im direkten Elektroneneinfang in den Grundzustand wurde die ”lineare” Polarisation der Rekombinationsphotonen untersucht. Es wurde gezeigt, dass man damit eine Möglichkeit zur Bestimmung der Polarisation der Teilchen im Eingangskanal des Schwerionenstoßes hat. Rechnungen zur Rekombination bei nackten U92+ Projektilen zeigen z. B., dass die Spinpolarisation der einfallenden Elektronen zu einer Drehung der linearen Polarisation der emittierten Photonen aus der Streuebene heraus führt. Diese Polarisationdrehung kann mit neu entwickelten orts– und polarisationsempfindlichen Festkörperdetektoren gemessen werden. Damit erhält man eine Methode zur Messung der Polarisation der einfallenden Elektronen und des Ionenstrahls. Die K–Schalen–Rekombination ist ein einfaches Beispiel eines Ein–Stufen–Prozesses. Das am besten bekannte Beispiel der Zwei–Stufen–Rekombination ist der Elektroneneinfang in den 2p3/2–Zustand des nackten Ions und anschließendem Lyman–1–Zerfall (2p3/2 ! 1s1/2). Im Rahmen der Dichte–Matrix–Theorie wurden sowohl die Winkelverteilung als auch die lineare Polarisation der charakteristischen Photonen untersucht. Beide (messbaren) Größen werden beträchtlich durch die Interferenz des E1–Kanals (elektrischer Dipol) mit dem viel schwächeren M2–Kanal (magnetischer Quadrupol) beeinflusst. Für die Winkelverteilung des Lyman–1 Zerfalls im Wasserstoff–ähnlichen Uran führt diese E1–M2–Mischung zu einem 30%–Effekt. Die Berücksichtigung dieser Interferenz behebt die bisher vorhandene Diskrepanz von Theorie und Experiment beim Alignment des 2p3/2–Zustands. Neben diesen Ein–Teichen–Querschnitten (Messung des Einfangphotons oder des charakteristischen Photons) wurde auch die Korrelation zwischen den beiden berechnet. Diese Korrelationen sollten in X–X–Koinzidenz–Messungen beobbachtbar sein. Der Schwerpunkt dieser Untersuchungen lag bei der Photon–Photon–Winkelkorrelation, die experimentell am einfachsten zu messen ist. In dieser Arbeit wurden ausführliche Berechnungen der koinzidenten X–X–Winkelverteilungen beim Elektroneneinfang in den 2p3/2–Zustand des nackten Uranions und beim anschließenden Lyman–1–Übergang durchgeführt. Wie bereits erwähnt, hängt die Winkelverteilung des charakteristischen Photons nicht nur vom Winkel des Rekombinationsphotons, sondern auch stark von der Spin–Polarisation der einfallenden Teilchen ab. Damit eröffnet sich eine zweite Möglichkeit zur Messung der Polaristion des einfallenden Ionenstrahls bzw. der einfallenden Elektronen.


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Within the independent particle model we solve the time-dependent single-particle equation using ab initio SCF-DIRAC-FOCK-SLATER wavefunctions as a basis. To reinstate the many-particle aspect of the collision system we use the inclusive probability formalism to answer experimental questions. As an example we show an application to the case of S{^15+} on Ar where experimental data on the K-K charge transfer are available for a wide range of impact energies from 4.7 to 90 MeV. Our molecular adiabatic calculations and the evaluation using the inclusive probability formalism show good results in the low energy range from 4.7 to 16 MeV impact energy.


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We present a convergent variational basis-set calculational scheme for elastic scattering of the positronium atom by the hydrogen atom in S wave. Highly correlated trial functions with appropriate symmetry are needed to achieve convergence. We report convergent results for scattering lengths in atomic units for both singlet (= 3.49 +/-0.20) and triplet (= 2.46 +/-0.10) states.


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We present a nonadiabatic hyperspherical calculation of the highly excited and low lying doubly excited states of the barium atom using effective potentials for the two optically active electrons' interactions. Within the hyperspherical adiabatic approach the investigation of the spectra is performed with potential curves and nonadiabatic couplings of a unique radial variable, which allows clear identification of the states. The convergence of energy is obtained within well established bound limits, and the precision is comparable to accurate configuration interaction calculations. A very good agreement with experimental results is obtained with only few nonadiabatic couplings. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.


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We have used the periodic quantum-mechanical method with density functional theory at the B3LYP hybrid functional level in order to study the doping of SnO2 with pentavalent Sb5+. The 72-atom 2x3x2 supercell SnO2 (Sn24O48) was employed in the calculations. For the SnO2:4%Sb , one atom of Sn was replaced by one Sb atom. For the SnO2:8%Sb, two atoms of Sn were replaced by two Sb atoms. The Sb doping leads to an enhancement in the electrical conductivity of this material, because these ions substitute Sn4+ in the SnO2 matrix, leading to an electronic density rise in the conduction band, due to the donor-like behavior of the doping atom. This result shows that the bandgap magnitude depends on the doping concentration, because the energy value found for SnO2:4%Sb was 2.8eV whereas for SnO2:8%Sb it was 2.7eV. It was also verified that the difference between the Fermi level and the bottom of the conduction band is directly related to the doping concentration. - See more at: http://www.eurekaselect.com/117255/article#sthash.Z5ezhCQD.dpuf


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The cometary coma is a unique phenomenon in the solar system being a planetary atmosphere influenced by little or no gravity. As a comet approaches the sun, the water vapor with some fraction of other gases sublimate, generating a cloud of gas, ice and other refractory materials (rocky and organic dust) ejected from the surface of the nucleus. Sublimating gas molecules undergo frequent collisions and photochemical processes in the near‐nucleus region. Owing to its negligible gravity, comets produce a large and highly variable extensive dusty coma with a size much larger than the characteristic size of the cometary nucleus. The Rosetta spacecraft is en route to comet 67P/Churyumov‐Gerasimenko for a rendezvous, landing, and extensive orbital phase beginning in 2014. Both, interpretation of measurements and safety consideration of the spacecraft require modeling of the comet’s dusty gas environment. In this work we present results of a numerical study of multispecies gaseous and electrically charged dust environment of comet Chyuryumov‐Gerasimenko. Both, gas and dust phases of the coma are simulated kinetically. Photolytic reactions are taken into account. Parameters of the ambient plasma as well as the distribution of electric/magnetic fields are obtained from an MHD simulation [1] of the coma connected to the solar wind. Trajectories of ions and electrically charged dust grains are simulated by accounting for the Lorentz force and the nucleus gravity.


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The last 2 decades have seen discoveries in highly excited states of atoms and molecules of phenomena that are qualitatively different from the “planetary” model of the atom, and the near-rigid model of molecules, characteristic of these systems in their low-energy states. A unified view is emerging in terms of approximate dynamical symmetry principles. Highly excited states of two-electron atoms display “molecular” behavior of a nonrigid linear structure undergoing collective rotation and vibration. Highly excited states of molecules described in the “standard molecular model” display normal mode couplings, which induce bifurcations on the route to molecular chaos. New approaches such as rigid–nonrigid correlation, vibrons, and quantum groups suggest a unified view of collective electronic motion in atoms and nuclear motion in molecules.


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atomic force microscopy (AFM); atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP); block copolymers; self-assembly; silica nanoparticles.