927 resultados para gauge theories


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A geometrical treatment of the path integral for gauge theories with first-class constraints linear in the momenta is performed. The equivalence of reduced, Polyakov, Faddeev-Popov, and Faddeev path-integral quantization of gauge theories is established. In the process of carrying this out we find a modified version of the original Faddeev-Popov formula which is derived under much more general conditions than the usual one. Throughout this paper we emphasize the fact that we only make use of the information contained in the action for the system, and of the natural geometrical structures derived from it.


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In 1931 Dirac studied the motion of an electron in the field of a magnetic monopole and found that the quantization of electric charge can be explained by postulating the mere existence of a magnetic monopole. Since 1974 there has been a resurgence of interest in magnetic monopole due to the work of ‘t’ Hooft and Polyakov who independently observed that monopoles can exist as finite energy topologically stable solutions to certain spontaneously broken gauge theories. The thesis, “Studies on Magnetic Monopole Solutions of Non-abelian Gauge Theories and Related Problems”, reports a systematic investigation of classical solutions of non-abelian gauge theories with special emphasis on magnetic monopoles and dyons which possess both electric and magnetic charges. The formation of bound states of a dyon with fermions and bosons is also studied in detail. The thesis opens with an account of a new derivation of a relationship between the magnetic charge of a dyon and the topology of the gauge fields associated with it. Although this formula has been reported earlier in the literature, the present method has two distinct advantages. In the first place, it does not depend either on the mechanism of symmetry breaking or on the nature of the residual symmetry group. Secondly, the results can be generalized to finite temperature monopoles.


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Using a synthesis of the functional integral and operator approaches we discuss the fermion-buson mapping and the role played by the Bose field algebra in the Hilbert space of two-dimensional gauge and anomalous gauge field theories with massive fermions. In QED, with quartic self-interaction among massive fermions, the use of an auxiliary vector field introduces a redundant Bose field algebra that should not be considered as an element of the intrinsic algebraic structure defining the model. In anomalous chiral QED, with massive fermions the effect of the chiral anomaly leads to the appearance in the mass operator of a spurious Bose field combination. This phase factor carries no fermion selection rule and the expected absence of Theta-vacuum in the anomalous model is displayed from the operator solution. Even in the anomalous model with massive Fermi fields, the introduction of the Wess-Zumino field replicates the theory, changing neither its algebraic content nor its physical content. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. (USA).


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In this work the independent particle model formulation is studied as a mean-field approximation of gauge theories using the path integral approach in the framework of quantum electrodynamics in 1 + 1 dimensions. It is shown how a mean-field approximation scheme can be applied to fit an effective potential to an independent particle model, building a straightforward relation between the model and the associated gauge field theory. An example is made considering the problem of massive Dirac fermions on a line, the so called massive Schwinger model. An interesting result is found, indicating a behaviour of screening of the charges in the relativistic limit of strong coupling. A forthcoming application of the method developed to confining potentials in independent quark models for QCD is in view and is briefly discussed.


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A scheme inspired in Lie algebra extensions is introduced that enlarges gauge models to allow some coupling between space-time and gauge space. Everything may be written in terms of a generalized covariant derivative including usual differential plus purely algebraic terms. A noncovariant vacuum appears, introducing a natural symmetry breaking, but currents satisfy conservation laws alike those found in gauge theories. © 1991 American Institute of Physics.


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In this work we discuss the effect of quartic fermion self-interacting terms on the dynamically generated photon masses in 1+1 dimensions, for vector, chiral, and non-Abelian couplings. In the vector and chiral cases we find exactly the dynamically generated mass modified by the quartic term while in the non-Abelian case we find the dynamically generated mass associated with its Abelian part. We show that in the three cases there is a kind of duality between the gauge and quartic couplings. We perform functional as well as operator treatments allowing for the obtention of both fermion and vector field solutions. The structures of the Abelian models in terms of θ vacua are also addressed.


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We show that if a gauge theory with dynamical symmetry breaking has nontrivial fixed points, they will correspond to extrema of the vacuum energy. This relationship provides a different method to determine fixed points.


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We study a model for dynamical localization of topology using ideas from non-commutative geometry and topology in quantum mechanics. We consider a collection X of N one-dimensional manifolds and the corresponding set of boundary conditions (self-adjoint extensions) of the Dirac operator D. The set of boundary conditions encodes the topology and is parameterized by unitary matrices g. A particular geometry is described by a spectral triple x(g) = (A X, script H sign X, D(g)). We define a partition function for the sum over all g. In this model topology fluctuates but the dimension is kept fixed. We use the spectral principle to obtain an action for the set of boundary conditions. Together with invariance principles the procedure fixes the partition function for fluctuating topologies. The model has one free-parameter β and it is equivalent to a one plaquette gauge theory. We argue that topology becomes localized at β = ∞ for any value of N. Moreover, the system undergoes a third-order phase transition at β = 1 for large-N. We give a topological interpretation of the phase transition by looking how it affects the topology. © SISSA/ISAS 2004.


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Two distinct gauge potentials can have the same field strength, in which case they are said to be copies of each other. The consequences of this ambiguity for the general affine space A of gauge potentials are examined. Any two potentials are connected by a straight line in A, but a straight line going through two copies either contains no other copy or is entirely formed by copies. Copyright © 2005 Hindawi Publishing Corporation.


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We explore the idea that chaos concepts might be useful for understanding the thermalization in gauge theories. The SU(2) Higgs model is discussed as a prototype of system with gauge fields coupled to matter fields. Through the numerical solution of the equations of motion, we are able to characterize chaotic behavior via the corresponding Lyapunov exponent. Then it is demonstrated that the system's approach to equilibrium can be understood through direct application of the principles of Statistical Mechanics. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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It is shown that the correct mathematical implementation of symmetry in the geometric formulation of classical field theory leads naturally beyond the concept of Lie groups and their actions on manifolds, out into the realm of Lie group bundles and, more generally, of Lie groupoids and their actions on fiber bundles. This applies not only to local symmetries, which lie at the heart of gauge theories, but is already true even for global symmetries when one allows for fields that are sections of bundles with (possibly) non-trivial topology or, even when these are topologically trivial, in the absence of a preferred trivialization. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We consider a two-parameter family of Z(2) gauge theories on a lattice discretization T(M) of a three-manifold M and its relation to topological field theories. Familiar models such as the spin-gauge model are curves on a parameter space Gamma. We show that there is a region Gamma(0) subset of Gamma where the partition function and the expectation value h < W-R(gamma)> i of the Wilson loop can be exactly computed. Depending on the point of Gamma(0), the model behaves as topological or quasi-topological. The partition function is, up to a scaling factor, a topological number of M. The Wilson loop on the other hand, does not depend on the topology of gamma. However, for a subset of Gamma(0), < W-R(gamma)> depends on the size of gamma and follows a discrete version of an area law. At the zero temperature limit, the spin-gauge model approaches the topological and the quasi-topological regions depending on the sign of the coupling constant.


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In this thesis we develop further the functional renormalization group (RG) approach to quantum field theory (QFT) based on the effective average action (EAA) and on the exact flow equation that it satisfies. The EAA is a generalization of the standard effective action that interpolates smoothly between the bare action for krightarrowinfty and the standard effective action rnfor krightarrow0. In this way, the problem of performing the functional integral is converted into the problem of integrating the exact flow of the EAA from the UV to the IR. The EAA formalism deals naturally with several different aspects of a QFT. One aspect is related to the discovery of non-Gaussian fixed points of the RG flow that can be used to construct continuum limits. In particular, the EAA framework is a useful setting to search for Asymptotically Safe theories, i.e. theories valid up to arbitrarily high energies. A second aspect in which the EAA reveals its usefulness are non-perturbative calculations. In fact, the exact flow that it satisfies is a valuable starting point for devising new approximation schemes. In the first part of this thesis we review and extend the formalism, in particular we derive the exact RG flow equation for the EAA and the related hierarchy of coupled flow equations for the proper-vertices. We show how standard perturbation theory emerges as a particular way to iteratively solve the flow equation, if the starting point is the bare action. Next, we explore both technical and conceptual issues by means of three different applications of the formalism, to QED, to general non-linear sigma models (NLsigmaM) and to matter fields on curved spacetimes. In the main part of this thesis we construct the EAA for non-abelian gauge theories and for quantum Einstein gravity (QEG), using the background field method to implement the coarse-graining procedure in a gauge invariant way. We propose a new truncation scheme where the EAA is expanded in powers of the curvature or field strength. Crucial to the practical use of this expansion is the development of new techniques to manage functional traces such as the algorithm proposed in this thesis. This allows to project the flow of all terms in the EAA which are analytic in the fields. As an application we show how the low energy effective action for quantum gravity emerges as the result of integrating the RG flow. In any treatment of theories with local symmetries that introduces a reference scale, the question of preserving gauge invariance along the flow emerges as predominant. In the EAA framework this problem is dealt with the use of the background field formalism. This comes at the cost of enlarging the theory space where the EAA lives to the space of functionals of both fluctuation and background fields. In this thesis, we study how the identities dictated by the symmetries are modified by the introduction of the cutoff and we study so called bimetric truncations of the EAA that contain both fluctuation and background couplings. In particular, we confirm the existence of a non-Gaussian fixed point for QEG, that is at the heart of the Asymptotic Safety scenario in quantum gravity; in the enlarged bimetric theory space where the running of the cosmological constant and of Newton's constant is influenced by fluctuation couplings.


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I modelli su reticolo con simmetrie SU(n) sono attualmente oggetto di studio sia dal punto di vista sperimentale, sia dal punto di vista teorico; particolare impulso alla ricerca in questo campo è stato dato dai recenti sviluppi in campo sperimentale per quanto riguarda la tecnica dell’intrappolamento di atomi ultrafreddi in un reticolo ottico. In questa tesi viene studiata, sia con tecniche analitiche sia con simulazioni numeriche, la generalizzazione del modello di Heisenberg su reticolo monodimensionale a simmetria SU(3). In particolare, viene proposto un mapping tra il modello di Heisenberg SU(3) e l’Hamiltoniana con simmetria SU(2) bilineare-biquadratica con spin 1. Vengono inoltre presentati nuovi risultati numerici ottenuti con l’algoritmo DMRG che confermano le previsioni teoriche in letteratura sul modello in esame. Infine è proposto un approccio per la formulazione della funzione di partizione dell’Hamiltoniana bilineare-biquadratica a spin-1 servendosi degli stati coerenti per SU(3).