17 resultados para força dionisíaca


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A irreverência e a criticidade de alguns rappers e o gingar alegre do corpo erótico proposto pelo funk sugerem um novo cenário para as metrópoles do país, em que a pluralidade da arte juvenil surge como forma de enfrentamento das marcas deixadas por fraturas sociais profundas. Os conceitos de "visão dionisíaca de mundo", "estética extrema" e "transvaloração dos valores", de Nietzsche, e o "erotismo", segundo Bataille, nortearam o método de ruptura de campo, concebido por Herrmann. Este, essencial para se repensar as noções de autoridade e tradição na sociedade contemporânea a partir das ideias veiculadas pelo rap e pelo funk. Consideramos que somente uma etnografia do olhar que apanhe a dimensão erótica e irreverente - a "eróptica", segundo Canevacci - destas manifestações poderia nelas identificar uma estética afirmativa e crítica, como diria Nietzsche, capaz de produzir uma verdadeira reversão dos valores em nossa sociedade e, no caso, no interior da própria escola.


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As criações do gênio apolíneo-dionisíaco estão no centro das preocupações da metafísica de artista, e suscitam a questão acerca do vínculo de Nietzsche com a estética do Romantismo Alemão e de Schopenhauer. Investigamos neste artigo as ambivalências do pensamento nietzschiano no que tange ao conflito entre a arte apolínea da ilusão e a sabedoria dionisíaca, entre o Uno-Primordial e a aparência.


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El objetivo del presente artículo es el de analizar la estética del Rock en términos de la experiencia que ofrece este género musical. En primer lugar se construirá una relación entre el Nacimiento de la tragedia de Nietzsche y el surgimiento del Rock, bajo la premisa de que el origen del Rock es eminentemente dionisíaco; luego se mostrará una forma de la experiencia en la vida cotidiana de quien escucha Rock, en donde se da cuenta de la necesidad de expresar los sentimientos de placer y displacer en el individuo; por último, se verá el concierto como expresión última del Rock, expresión que se enmarca dentro de la característica de una celebración-ritual que guarda semejanzas con la tragedia griega. Estos elementos terminan por dar cuenta de una forma de ver el mundo en la que se constituye la individualidad dentro de la comunidad electiva


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This paper is about the form of social modulation, The Facebook. The social order is the form that all parties. The modulations (there are several) are aspects of social order and therefore capable formant. The Facebook, then, is searched as a Dionysian aspects of the social form that appears with cyberculture and the mass consumption. Thus, it is to display the attitude of Dionysian that consume otherness and give up the KEYWORDS: social form, modulation, Dionysian, cyberculture, Facebook consumption on Facebook


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Theatrical phenomenon borned in the Italy the Comedy dell Art concerned to it climax in the XVI century and spreading itself by the word than can be sight like the theatre base modern. Lasting parallel the conventional theatre since the three hundred years, this gender influenced significativly the making theatrical in the Europe graces the popular character of its simulation turned for the improvise. In spite of treat a theatric manifestation no more existing in the present time, we understand that the Comedy dell Art was constituted in one artistic language whose esthetics centralized in the popular fanciful and in the improvise permitted a rich possibility of verbal and not-verbal communication that today can to be taken again in contemporary productions theatricals. Departing of an approach of esthetics, this work has with purpose concentrate the references esthetics that configure that one artistic manifestation such that one references can contribute for the Arts teaches in the present times. We appeal the text and image of Comedy dell Art, such this historical reference that in context, with fountain investigated that mean and if complementary in one esthetic reflection for the creation of meaning diverse and news interpretations for the purpose investigated if having with base some analysis categories such as: the actor s body, the actuations spaces and the esthetics categories such the ugly, the comic and the absurd. To investigate the Comedy dell Art esthetic in the ambit of the teach of Arts Scenics is a manner of be understand the artistic universe of three century behind that can be meant, revived, in the marking possibilities of an art teach able to incentive the critical, the appreciation, the discussion and the transgression of instituted true. Having investigated the exhibition Comedy dell Art esthetic we rebound four stich that we judge significative for we think the Arts Scenics teach, they are: the articulation between actor s body, the text and the space actuation in the play; statement what it is given between actor s body and the on-looker and the every gesture that did share of scene in a popular scenic space; a conception actor s body that transgress with the true duty socially that is capable the to admit its dimension Dionysian, creative and ambiguous in the to do theatrical; the text conception that get beyond the ambit the word writing by the dramatist and talked by actors, if spreading the other elements significance in the scene like gesture, the parody, the recent news, the gags and the word used in the day-to-day; the scenic space like a statement symbolic between actors and on-looker that make a quality of amusement pact supported by the scenic true of artist that actuate in not usual spaces bid at an auctioning degrees of participation in the building the scenic phenomenon; and the importance of esthetics categories such as the ugly, the comic and the absurd, those categories that foundation like a do scenic transgressor make a possible exchange mutual between actor and appreciator. The statement of esthetics categories in joint continuous between the body, the text and the scenic space evident themselves in doing theatrical and in the its appreciation. We believe that the reflection esthetic about the Comedy dell Art in the arts class, consider the stich detached, can favor possibilities of to share discovery, ideas, feelings and attitudes, and can permit the observation of different stich of view, establishing the statement of individual with the group in a participative and democratic form


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El escritor de São Paulo Raduan Nassar, lanza en 1975, su primera novela intitulado Lavoura arcaica. En su narrativa de estreno, el escritor nos trae la historia de un adolescente, André, que intenta destruir la plantación de su padre, Iohána. A través de sus sermones, el patriarca predicaba la moderación, la disciplina y la obediencia a las leyes impuestas por él, construyendo así, un mundo de ilusiones, donde el amor era una máscara para la hipocresía. En esta tensa relación, padre e hijo, representaciones místicas de Apolo y Dionisio, emprenden una contienda discursiva sobre la negación y la afirmación de la existencia. De ese modo, considerando la relación de lucha e integridad entre el impulso apolíneo y dionisiaco existentes en el romanticismo nassariano, la propuesta de este trabajo es presentar una lectura de lo trágico en Lavoura arcaica a partir de la perspectiva nietzscheana sobre el género trágico. Para eso, recorrimos al concepto desarrollado por Nietzsche en su obra, desde su primer libro O nascimento da tragédia (2007a), A visão dionisíaca do mundo (2005 a) y Ecce homo (2008 b).


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It is investigating why reason Nietzsche affirms, in 1888, when revises his work (Ecce Homo), that to be exactly with The Birth of Tragedy it will be necessary to forget some things , and, in spite of, insist, in the same writing, in naming himself the first tragic philosopher - that is, the opposite and antipode of a pessimistic philosopher . Nietzsche elaborates in The Birth of Tragedy a theory about tragic starting from the opposition and complementarity among Apollo and Dionysian, rationalism and instinct, and in the refusal of the pessimistic perspective. The objective of the dissertation is to discuss how the theory of tragedy modifies due to the rupture with the inspiring of the first moment of the nietzschian philosophy, Schopenhauer and Wagner - maybe the such things to be forgotten about The Birth of Tragedy - and the implications of this rupture, that transforms the philosophy of Nietzsche in dissident of the metaphysical tradition. Like this, it is noticed that there is more continuity than estrangement in what concerns to the definition of tragic, just announced in 1871. By the sentence of the eternal return to the concept of will of power Nietzsche elaborates a tragic perspective, marked by the Dionysian celebration of the life, also acted through the pessimism dionisiac , defined in Gaya Science's § 370 (1881-2), and of the sentence of the love fate, enunciated in the §276 of the same work; all those concepts, discussed in this research, concentrate, decisively, the acceptance idea and statement of life, or more precisely, the decline of the tragic hero, between joy and ruin


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Pós-graduação em Filosofia - FFC


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Casa Grande y Senzala, obra cumbre del sociólogo brasileño Gilberto Freyre, ha guiado de una u otra forma el recorrido seguido por la gran mayoría de los estudios históricos abocados al sistema patriarcal del ingenio azucarero. El presente trabajo propone un análisis del catolicismo brasileño durante el período esclavista, en el contexto de una reinterpretación de la obra de Freyre en función del antagonismo entre las categorías de apolíneo y dionisíaco. Esta religiosidad brasileña se nos presentará así como una experiencia eminentemente dionisíaca, frente al carácter apolíneo de la ortodoxia cristiana, y un elemento clave dentro del modelo planteado por Freyre


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La historia de la literatura nos transmite la historia del entusiasmo que algunos autores han sentido por otros - Rousseau por Buffon, Zorrilla por Larra- pero la pasión dionisíaca ha sido templada por la disciplina de Apolo, que ha reemplazado la admiración por el conocimiento, y la conversación por el examen. Propongo la necesidad de recuperar el placer de la literatura y la fiesta de Dionisio


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Casa Grande y Senzala, obra cumbre del sociólogo brasileño Gilberto Freyre, ha guiado de una u otra forma el recorrido seguido por la gran mayoría de los estudios históricos abocados al sistema patriarcal del ingenio azucarero. El presente trabajo propone un análisis del catolicismo brasileño durante el período esclavista, en el contexto de una reinterpretación de la obra de Freyre en función del antagonismo entre las categorías de apolíneo y dionisíaco. Esta religiosidad brasileña se nos presentará así como una experiencia eminentemente dionisíaca, frente al carácter apolíneo de la ortodoxia cristiana, y un elemento clave dentro del modelo planteado por Freyre


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La historia de la literatura nos transmite la historia del entusiasmo que algunos autores han sentido por otros - Rousseau por Buffon, Zorrilla por Larra- pero la pasión dionisíaca ha sido templada por la disciplina de Apolo, que ha reemplazado la admiración por el conocimiento, y la conversación por el examen. Propongo la necesidad de recuperar el placer de la literatura y la fiesta de Dionisio