997 resultados para food diaries


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The objective of the current study was to evaluate the effect of a debriefing call on nutrient intake estimates using two 3-d food diaries among women participating in the Women's Health and Interview Study (WISH) Diet Validation Study. Subjects were 207 women with complete data and six 24-h recalls (24-HR) by telephone over 8 mo followed by two 3-d food diaries during the next 4 mo. Nutrient intake was assessed using the food diaries before and after a debriefing session by telephone. The purpose of the debriefing call was to obtain more detailed information on the types and amounts of fat in the diet. However, due to the ubiquitous nature of fat in the diet, the debriefing involved providing more specific detail on many aspects of the diet. There was a significant difference in macronutrient and micronutrient intake estimates after the debriefing. Estimates of protein, carbohydrate, and fiber intake were significantly higher and total fat, monounsaturated fat, saturated fat, vitamin A, vitamin C, -tocopherol, folic acid, and calcium intake were significantly lower after the debriefing (P <0.05). The limits of agreement between the food diaries before and after the debriefing were especially large for total fat intake, which could be under- or overestimated by 15 g/d. The debriefing call improved attenuation coefficients associated with measurement error for vitamin C, folic acid, iron, tocopherol, vitamin A, and calcium estimates. A hypothetical relative risk (RR) = 2.0 could be attenuated to 1.16 for folic acid intake assessed without a debriefing but to only 1.61 with a debriefing. Depending on the nutrients of interest, the inclusion of a debriefing can reduce the potential attenuation of RR in studies evaluating diet disease associations.


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Objective: A phytoestrogen-rich diet has been suggested to protect against a variety of common diseases but UK intake data on phytoestrogens or their food sources is sparse. This study aims to estimate the average intake of isoflavones, lignans, enterolignans and coumestrol from 7-day food diaries (7dFD), and to provide data on total isoflavone, lignan and phytoestrogen consumption by food group. Design: Development of a food composition database for twelve phytoestrogens and analysis of soya food and phytoestrogen consumption in a population-based study. Setting: Men and women, aged 40-79 years from the general population participating in EPIC-Norfolk between 1993 and 1997, with nutrient and food data from 7dFD. Subjects: A subset of 20 437 participants. Results: The median daily phytoestrogen intake for men was 1.20mg (interquartile range (IQR) 0.93-1.54 mg; mean 1.50 mg, SD 1.50 mg) and 0.89 mg for women (IQR 0.71-1.14 mg; mean 1.20 mg, SD 1.70 mg). In soya-consumers (SC), median daily intakes were higher: 2.86 mg in men (IQR – 1.30-7.27mg; mean 5.05 mg, SD 5.03 mg) and 3.14 mg in women (IQR – 1.09-7.33mg; mean 5.40 mg, SD 6.09 mg). In both men and women, bread made the greatest contribution to phytoestrogen intake – 40.7% and 35.7% respectively. In SC men and women, vegetable dishes and soya/goat’s/sheep’s milks were the main contributors – 42.6% and 18.9% in men and 38.8% and 29.1% in women, respectively. Conclusions: The ability to estimate phytoestrogen intake in Western populations more accurately will aid investigations into their suggested effects on health.


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Taste acuity for the bitter taste of 6-n-propylthiouracil (PROP) is a heritable trait. Some individuals perceive concentrated levels of PROP to taste extremely bitter (supertasters) or moderately bitter (medium tasters), whereas others detect only a mild taste or none at all (non-tasters). Heightened PROP acuity has been reported to be associated with greater acuity for a variety of compounds found in ordinary foods, although there are some inconsistent findings. The extent to which these compounds are perceived may affect food likes/dislikes and dietary intake. The majority of studies have tended to measure food likes and intake using questionnaires or laboratory preparations of a single taste quality. The present study used food diaries and sensory responses to real foods to be better able to generalise to real eating situations. There was no substantial evidence that genetically mediated taste acuity for PROP had a direct influence on food likes/dislikes or intake, although there was evidence that dietary restraint could have influenced these findings among the female samples. However; investigation of PROP tasting among individuals with coronary heart disease (CHD) and a control group suggested that PROP acuity could function as a genetic taste marker for heart disease and potentially other diet-related conditions. CHD was associated with decreased PROP acuity among men. This is consistent with the findings that decreased PROP acuity tended to be associated with increased likelihood to be a smoker and higher body mass index. It is concluded that there is not a simple and direct relationship between PROP tasting ability and food choice. An interaction between PROP acuity and other mediating factors may be involved in a more complex model of food choice. The evidence that PROP taste acuity may function as a genetic taste marker for coronary heart disease could have wide implications for understanding the aetiology, and ultimately the prevention, of diet-related disease.


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Funded by Scottish Government's Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services (RESAS) Division Food Standards Agency, UK Biscuit, Cake, Chocolate and Confectionery Association, London, UK


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Funded by Scottish Government's Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services (RESAS) Division Food Standards Agency, UK Biscuit, Cake, Chocolate and Confectionery Association, London, UK


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Background: Malnutrition is a common problem for residents of nursing homes and long-term care hospitals. It has a negative influence on elderly residents and patients health and quality of life. Nutritional care seems to have a positive effect on elderly individuals nutritional status and well-being. Studies of Finnish elderly people s nutrition and nutritional care in institutions are scarce. Objectives: The primary aim was to investigate the nutritional status and its associated factors of elderly nursing home residents and long-term care patients in Finland. In particular, to find out, if the nursing or nutritional care factors are associated with the nutritional status, and how do carers and nurses recognize malnutrition. A further aim was to assess the energy and nutrient intake of the residents of dementia wards. A final objective was to find out, if the nutrition training of professionals leads to changes in their knowledge and further translate into better nutrition for the aged residents of dementia wards. Subjects and methods: The residents (n=2114) and patients (n=1043) nutritional status was assessed in all studies using the Mini Nutritional Assessment test (MNA). Information was gathered in a questionnaire on residents and patients daily routines providing nutritional care. Residents energy and nutrient intake (n=23; n=21) in dementia wards were determined over three days by the precise weighing method. Constructive learning theory was the basis for educating the professionals (n=28). A half-structured questionnaire was used to assess professionals learning. Studies I-IV were cross-sectional studies whereas study V was an intervention study. Results: Malnutrition was common among elderly residents and patients living in nursing homes and hospitals in Finland. According to the MNA, 11% to 57% of the studied elderly people suffered from malnutrition, and 40-89% were at risk of malnutrition, whereas only 0-16% had a good nutritional status. Resident- and patient-related factors such as dementia, impaired ADL (Activities of Daily Living), swallowing difficulties and constipation mainly explained the malnutrition, but also some nutritional care related factors, such as eating less than half of the offered food portion and not receiving snacks were also related to malnutrition. The intake of energy and some nutrients by the residents of dementia wards were lower than those recommended, although the offered food contained enough energy and nutrients. The proportion of residents receiving vitamin D supplementation was low, although there is a recommendation and known benefits for the adequate intake of vitamin D. Nurses recognized malnutrition poorly, only one in four (26.7%) of the actual cases. Keeping and analysing food diaries and reflecting on nutritional issues in small group discussions were effective training methods for professionals. The nutrition education of professionals had a positive impact on the energy and protein intake, BMIs, and the MNA scores of some residents in dementia wards. Conclusions: Malnutrition was common among elderly residents and patients living in nursing homes and hospitals in Finland. Although residents- and patient related factors mainly explained malnutrition, nurses recognized malnutrition poorly and nutritional care possibilities were in minor use. Professionals nutrition education had a positive impact on the nutrition of elderly residents. Further studies describing successful nutritional care and nutrition education of professionals are needed.


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The aim of this study was to determine bow nutrient intake is affected by a short-term phytoestrogen-rich diet. Ten healthy volunteers consumed 100 g soya chunks, 150 g lentils, and 250 g kidney beans daily for 3 days. Urine was collected during the 2 days before, 3 intervention days, and 2 days after the intervention and analyzed for phytoestrogen status. Subjects filled in food diaries throughout the study period. Urinary daidzein, but not equol and enterolactone, levels increased during the 7-day period. There was no change in energy, protein, sugar, or total fat intake, but an increase in carbohydrate, fiber, and starch intake. There was a change in the distribution of fat intake with a fall in saturated fat and cholesterol intake. Iron intake significantly increased, although vitamin B-12 fell significantly. The long-term effects of this diet and the associated health benefits of these changes require further study. (C) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Intake of heterocyclic amines (HCAs, carcinogens produced during cooking of meat/fish, the most abundant being PhIP, DiMeIQx and MeIQx) is influenced by many factors including type/thickness of meat and cooking method/temperature/duration. Thus, assessment of HCA dietary exposure is difficult. Protein adducts of HCAs have been proposed as potential medium-term biomarkers of exposure, e.g. PhIP adducted to serum albumin or haemoglobin. However, evidence is still lacking that HCA adducts are viable biomarkers in humans consuming normal diets. The FoodCAP project, supported by World Cancer Research Fund, developed a highly sensitive mass spectrometric method for hydrolysis, extraction and detection of acid-labile HCAs in blood and assessed their validity as biomarkers of exposure. Multiple acid/alkaline hydrolysis conditions were assessed, followed by liquid-liquid extraction, clean-up by cation-exchange SPE and quantification by UPLC-ESI-MS/ MS. Blood was analysed from volunteers who completed food diaries to estimate HCA intake based on the US National Cancer Institute’s CHARRED database. Standard HCAs were recovered quantitatively from fortified blood. In addition, PhIP/MeIQx adducts bound to albumin and haemoglobin prepared in vitro using a human liver microsome system were also detectable in blood fortified at low ppt concentrations. However, except for one sample (5pg/ml PhIP), acid-labile PhIP, 7,8-DiMeIQx, 4,8-DiMeIQx and MeIQx were not observed above the 2pg/ml limit of detection in plasma (n=35), or in serum, whole blood or purified albumin, even in volunteers with high meat consumption (nominal HCA intake >2µg/day). It is concluded that HCA blood protein adducts are not viable biomarkers of exposure. Untargeted metabolomic analyses may facilitate discovery of suitable markers.


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Heterocyclic aromatic amines (HCA) are carcinogenic mutagens formed during cooking of protein-rich foods. HCA residues adducted to blood proteins have been postulated as biomarkers of HCA exposure. However, the viability of quantifying HCAs following hydrolytic release from adducts in vivo and correlation with dietary intake are unproven. To definitively assess the potential of labile HCA-protein adducts as biomarkers, a highly sensitive UPLC-MS/MS method was validated for four major HCAs: 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP), 2-amino-3,8-dimethylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoxaline (MeIQx), 2-amino-3,4,8-trimethylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoxaline (4,8-DiMeIQx) and 2-amino-3,7,8-trimethylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoxaline (7,8-DiMeIQx). Limits of detection were 1e5 pg/ml plasma and recoveries 91e115%. Efficacy of hydrolysis was demonstrated by HCA-protein adducts synthesised in vitro. Plasma and 7-day food diaries were collected from 122 fasting adults consuming their habitual diets. Estimated HCA intakes ranged from 0 to 2.5 mg/day. An extensive range of hydrolysis conditions was examined for release of adducted HCAs in plasma. HCA was detected in only one sample (PhIP, 9.7 pg/ml), demonstrating conclusively for the first time that acid-labile HCA adducts do not reflect dietary HCA intake and are present at such low concentrations that they are not feasible biomarkers of exposure. Identification of biomarkers remains important. The search should concentrate on stabilised HCA peptide markers and use of untargeted proteomic and metabolomic approaches.


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OBJECTIVES: There is previous epidemiological evidence that intake of polyphenol-rich foods has been associated with reduced cardiovascular disease risk. We aimed to investigate the effect of increasing dietary polyphenol intake on microvascular function in hypertensive participants.

METHODS: All participants completed a 4-week run-in phase, consuming <2 portions of fruit and vegetables (F&V) daily and avoiding berries and dark chocolate. Subjects were then randomised to continue with the low-polyphenol diet for 8 weeks or to consume a high-polyphenol diet of six portions F&V (including one portion of berries/day and 50 g of dark chocolate). Endothelium-dependent (acetylcholine, ACh) and endothelium-independent (sodium nitroprusside) vasodilator responses were assessed by venous occlusion plethysmography. Compliance with the intervention was measured using food diaries and biochemical markers.

RESULTS: Final analysis of the primary endpoint was conducted on 92 participants. Between-group comparison of change in maximum % response to ACh revealed a significant improvement in the high-polyphenol group (p=0.02). There was a significantly larger increase in vitamin C, carotenoids and epicatechin in the high-polyphenol group (between-group difference p<0.001; p<0.001; p=0.008, respectively).

CONCLUSIONS: This study has shown that increasing the polyphenol content of the diet via consumption of F&V, berries and dark chocolate results in a significant improvement in an established marker of cardiovascular risk in hypertensive participants.


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Cette étude vise à estimer l’apport en glutamine (Gln) alimentaire chez des athlètes soumis à un protocole de supplémentation en glutamine ainsi qu’à clarifier les informations diffusées au grand public en ce qui concerne les sources alimentaires de glutamine. Des études cliniques ont démontré que la supplémentation en glutamine pouvait réduire la morbidité et la mortalité chez des sujets en phase critique (grands brulés, chirurgie…). Le mécanisme en cause semble impliquer le système immunitaire. Cependant, les études chez les sportifs, dont le système immunitaire a de fortes chances d’être affaibli lors de périodes d’entraînement prolongées impliquant des efforts longs et intenses, n’ont pas été concluantes. Or, ces études négligent systématiquement l’apport alimentaire en glutamine, si bien qu’il est probable que les résultats contradictoires observés puissent en partie être expliqués par les choix alimentaires des sujets. Puisque la méthode conventionnelle de dosage des acides aminés dans les protéines alimentaires transforme la glutamine en glutamate, les tables de composition des aliments présentent la glutamine et le glutamate ensemble sous la dénomination « glutamate » ou « Glu », ce qui a comme conséquence de créer de l’ambiguïté. La dénomination « Glx » devrait être utilisée. Partant de la probabilité qu’un apport en Glx élevé soit un bon indicateur de l’apport en glutamine, nous avons créé un calculateur de Glx et avons évalué l’alimentation de 12 athlètes faisant partie d’une étude de supplémentation en glutamine. Nous avons alors constaté que l’apport en Glx était directement proportionnel à l’apport en protéines, avec 20,64 % ± 1,13 % de l’apport protéique sous forme de Glx. Grâce à quelques données sur la séquence primaire des acides aminés, nous avons pu constater que le rapport Gln/Glx pouvait être très variable d’un type de protéine à l’autre. Alors que le ratio molaire Gln/Glx est de ~95 % pour les α et β-gliadines, il n’est que de ~43 % pour la caséine, de ~36 % pour la β-lactoglobuline, de ~31 % pour l’ovalbumine et de ~28 % pour l’actine. Il est donc possible que certaines protéines puissent présenter des avantages par rapport à d’autres, à quantité égale de Glx.


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Background Whole grain (WG) foods have been suggested to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, but studies are inconsistent and effects on cardiovascular risk markers are not clear. Objective The objective of this study was to assess the impact of increasing WG consumption to at least 80 g/d on overall dietary intake, body composition, blood pressure (BP), blood lipids, blood glucose, gastrointestinal microbiology and gastrointestinal symptoms in healthy, middle-age adults with habitual WG intake < 24 g/d. The trial was registered as ISRCTN36521837. Methods Eligible subjects (12 men, 21 women, aged 40-65 y and BMI 20-35 kg/m2) were identified using food frequency questionnaires and subsequently completed 3-day food diaries (3DFD) to confirm habitual WG consumption. Subjects consumed diets high in WG (> 80 g/d) or low in WG (< 16 g/d, refined grain [RG] diet) in a crossover study, with 6-week intervention periods, separated by a 4-week washout. Adherence was achieved by specific dietary advice and provision of a range of cereal food products. The 3DFD, diet compliance diaries and plasma alkylresorcinols (ARs) were used to verify compliance. Results On the WG intervention, consumption increased from 28 g/d to 168 g/d (P < 0.001), accompanied by an increase in plasma ARs (P < 0.001) and total fiber intake (P < 0.001), without any effect on energy or other macronutrients. While there were no effects on studied parameters, there were trends towards increased 24 h fecal weight (P = 0.08) and reduction in body weight (P = 0.10) and BMI (P = 0.08) during the WG compared to the RG period. Conclusion A combination of dietary advice and provision of commercially available food items enabled subjects with a low-moderate habitual consumption of WG to substantially increase their WG intake, but there was little effect on blood biochemical parameters, body composition, BP, fecal measurements or gut microbiology.


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Background: Dietary intervention studies suggest that flavan-3-ol intake can improve vascular function and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases (CVD). However, results from prospective studies failed to show a consistent beneficial effect. Objective: To investigate associations between flavan-3-ol intake and CVD risk in the Norfolk arm of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC-Norfolk). Design: Data was available from 24,885 (11,252 men; 13,633 women) participants, recruited between 1993 and 1997 into the EPIC-Norfolk study. Flavan-3-ol intake was assessed using 7-day food diaries and the FLAVIOLA Flavanol Food Composition database. Missing data for plasma cholesterol and vitamin C were imputed using multiple imputation. Associations between flavan-3-ol intake and blood pressure at baseline were determined using linear regression models. Associations with CVD risk were estimated using Cox regression analyses. Results: Median intake of total flavan-3-ols was 1034 mg/d (range: 0 – 8531 mg/d) for men and 970 mg/d (0 – 6695 mg/d) for women, median intake of flavan-3-ol monomers was 233 mg/d (0 – 3248 mg/d) for men and 217 (0 – 2712 mg/d) for women. There were no consistent associations between flavan-3-ol monomer intake and baseline systolic and diastolic blood pressure (BP). After 286,147 person-years of follow up, there were 8463 cardio-vascular events and 1987 CVD related deaths; no consistent association between flavan-3-ol intake and CVD risk (HR 0.93, 95% CI:0.87; 1.00; Q1 vs Q5) or mortality was observed (HR 0.93, 95% CI: 0.84; 1.04). Conclusions: Flavan-3-ol intake in EPIC-Norfolk is not sufficient to achieve a statistically significant reduction in CVD risk.


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Data includes anthropometric and laboratory (lipid profile, glucose) measurements, and self-reported questionnaires including demographics, self-efficacy, social support, psychological well being (HADS, K10, SF-36 v2), diet (three-day food diaries, food frequency questionnaire), physical activity (seven-day diary, Active Australia Survey), smoking, and alcohol consumption. Most data is measured at baseline, 3 months, 12 months, and 30 months. Some blood samples are still stored at -80 degrees Celsius.


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Assessing dietary intake is important in evaluating childhood obesity intervention effectiveness. The purpose of this review was to evaluate the dietary intake methods and reporting in intervention studies that included a dietary component to treat overweight or obese children. A systematic review of studies published in the English language, between 1985 and August 2010 in health databases. The search identified 2,295 papers, of which 335 were retrieved and 31 met the inclusion criteria. Twenty-three studies reported energy intake as an outcome measure, 20 reported macronutrient intakes and 10 studies reported food intake outcomes. The most common dietary method employed was the food diary (n = 13), followed by 24-h recall (n = 5), food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) (n = 4) and dietary questionnaire (n = 4). The quality of the dietary intake methods reporting was rated as ‘poor’ in 15 studies (52%) and only 3 were rated as ‘excellent’. The reporting quality of FFQs tended to be higher than food diaries/recalls. Deficiencies in the quality of dietary intake methods reporting in child obesity studies were identified. Use of a dietary intake methods reporting checklist is recommended. This will enable the quality of dietary intake results to be evaluated, and an increased ability to replicate study methodology by other researchers.