926 resultados para evaristo de moraes filho


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Elegendo como aporte teórico principal as ideias de Jacques Rancière sobre partilha do sensível, emancipação, polícia, política, estética, espectador e as teorias de Alain Bergala sobre a hipótese-cinema e o uso dos filmes em sala de aula, este trabalho teve por objetivo refletir em que medida a experiência do cineclube Prisma, criado na escola do presídio Evaristo de Moraes no Rio de Janeiro, constituiu mais um espaço pedagógico de reprodução de sentidos, corroborando com a constatação de que escola e prisão são, ambas, instituições que não permitem outras perspectivas de trabalho senão aquelas que hierarquizam pessoas e percepções. A partir disso, vislumbramos também, uma outra via possível, que não demoniza a escola, porém a coloca como espaço para uma outra proposta do uso dos filmes, na qual o cinema é visto em toda a sua potência estética e dissensual.


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É uma coletânea do autor, com estudos, inclusive, do seu tempo de estudante. Aborda a cultura literária do País, analisando figuras como: João Ribeiro, Melo Moraes Filho, Barbosa Rodrigues, Araripe Júnior, Machado de Assis, Luís Delfino, Tobias Barreto e Émile Zola.


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Inclui uma ilustração assinada por Simão de Vasconcellos (José de Anchieta), e outras anônimas: Largo do Passo no tempo do Conde de Resende, Leilão de escravos, O filósofo do Cáes (figura mitológica), retrato de Manuel de araújo Porto Alegre, de Dom Pedro II (criança) e outra com as princesas irmãs, e do Visconde de São Leopoldo


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Esta pesquisa traz um panorama do mercado jornalístico para tablet. Classifica as variações de publicações digitais. Mostra os hábitos de leitura em dispositivos móveis e as formas de negócios. Apresenta como o designer se posiciona nesse fluxo de trabalho. Analisa o caso do jornal O Globo, que, com produtos impressos e digitais, proporcionou entrevistas com designers de diversas mídias. Ainda há a análise de O Globo a Mais, revista exclusivamente digital.


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O presente estudo contempla propostas para algumas lacunas encontradas nos trabalhos sobre empresas familiares, por meio de uma análise da produção científica, com enfoque conceitual e no relacionamento intergeracional, de todos os artigos publicados nos eventos da Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração (EnANPAD, Eneo, 3ES e EnGPR), e nos periódicos RAC, RAE, RAUSP e O&S, no período de 1961 a 2008, de acordo com a disponibilidade em seus sitios, realizada em outubro de 2008, além de consultas nas bibliotecas da Fundação Getúlio Vargas, no Rio de Janeiro (em dezembro de 2008) e em São Paulo (em dezembro de 2008 e em maio de 2009). Nove critérios de análise foram utilizados: pesquisas em empresas familiares, frequência das publicações, citações e referências, autores mais prolíficos, instituições que mais publicam, média de artigos publicados, fundamentação teórica das investigações, aspectos conceituais e pai e filho. Dos 154 artigos encontrados que, a priori, estavam direcionados para esta temática, somente 89 foram incluídos por apresentarem adequação aos objetivos da pesquisa. Os resultados alcançados revelam diversas contradições entre as pesquisas, tanto sob o ponto de vista conceitual quanto metodológico. Não é possível, ainda, encontrar um conceito de empresa familiar. Diversos fatores influenciam na imagem negativa associada a essas organizações, mas que não vão ser capazes de ofuscar o brilhantismo daquelas que são as principais responsáveis pela distribuição de riqueza, geração de emprego e crescimento econômico, no Brasil e no mundo. E quando aproveitam as vantagens competitivas que possuem, são capazes de se sobressair perante a concorrência e reverter qualquer situação que vá de contra aos seus interesses.


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Blood samples collected from 201 humans, 92 dogs, and 27 horses in the state of Espirito Santo, Brazil, were tested by polymerase chain reaction, indirect immunofluorescence assays, and indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for tick-borne diseases (rickettsiosis, ehrlichiosis, anaplasmosis, borreliosis, babesiosis). Our results indicated that the surveyed counties are endemic for spotted fever group rickettsiosis because sera from 70 (34.8%) humans, 7 (7.6%) dogs, and 7 (25.9%) horses were reactive to at least one of the six Rickettsia species tested. Although there was evidence of ehrlichiosis (Ehrlichia canis) and babesiosis (Babesia cams vogeli, Theileria equi) in domestic animals, no human was positive for babesiosis and only four individuals were serologically positive for E. canis. Borrelia burgdorferi-serologic reactive sera were rare among humans and horses, but encompassed 51% of the canine samples, suggesting that dogs and their ticks can be part of the epidemiological cycle of the causative agent of the Brazilian zoonosis, named Baggio-Yoshinari Syndrome.


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This work studies the development, implementation and improvement of a macroscopic model to describe the behavior of the spouted bed dryer with continuous feeding for pastes and suspensions drying. This model is based on the CST model (Freire et al., 2009) and the model of Fernandes (2005), whose theoretical foundation is based on macroscopic mass and heat balances for the three phases involved in the process: gas, liquid and solid. Because this technique is quite relevant, the studies of modeling and simulation of spouted bed drying are essential in the analysis of the process as a whole, because through them it is possible to predict and understand the behavior of the process, which contributes significantly to more efficient project and operation. The development and understanding of the phenomena involved in the drying process can be obtained by comparing the experimental data with those from computer simulations. Such knowledge is critical for choosing properly the process conditions in order to obtain a good drying efficiency. Over the past few years, researches and development of works in the field of pastes and suspensions drying in spouted bed has been gaining ground in Brazil. The Particulate Systems Laboratory at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, has been developing several researches and generating a huge collection of experimental data concerning the drying of fruit pulps, vegetables pastes, goat milk and suspensions of agro-industrial residues. From this collection, some data of goat milk and residue from acerola (Malpighia glabra L.) drying were collected. For the first time, these data were used for the development and validation of a model that can describe the behavior of spouted bed dryer. Thus, it was possible to model the dryer and to evaluate the influence of process variables (paste feeding, temperature and flow rate of the drying air) in the drying dynamics. We also performed water evaporation experiments in order to understand and to study the behavior of the dryer wall temperature and the evaporation rate. All these analysis will contribute to future works involving the implementation of control strategies in the pastes and suspensions drying. The results obtained in transient analysis were compared with experimental data indicating that this model well represents the process


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The Brazilian Consensus on Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease considers gastroesophageal reflux disease to be a chronic disorder related to the retrograde flow of gastroduodenal contents into the esophagus and/or adjacent organs, resulting in a variable spectrum of symptoms, with or without tissue damage. Considering the limitations of classifications currently in use, a new classification is proposed that combines three criteria - clinical, endoscopic, and pH-metric - providing a comprehensive and more complete characterization of the disease. The diagnosis begins with the presence of heartburn, acid regurgitation, and alarm manifestations (dysphagia, odynophagia, weight loss, GI bleeding, nausea and/or vomiting, and family history of cancer). Also, atypical esophageal, pulmonary, otorhinolaryngological, and oral symptoms may occur. Endoscopy is the first approach, particularly in patients over 40 yr of age and in those with alarm symptoms. Other exams are considered in particular cases, such as contrast radiological examination, scyntigraphy, manometry, and prolonged pH measurement. The clinical treatment encompasses behavioral modifications in lifestyle and pharmacological measures. Proton pump inhibitors in manufacturers' recommended doses are indicated, with doubling of the dose in more severe cases of esophagitis. The minimum time of administration is 6 wk. Patients who do not respond to medical treatment, including those with atypical manifestations, should be considered for surgical treatment. Of the complications of gastroesophageal reflux disease, Barrett's esophagus presents a potential development of adenocarcinoma; biopsies should be performed, independent of Barrett's esophagus extent or location. In this regard the designation short Barrett's is not important in terms of management and prognosis. © 2002 by Am. Coll. of Gastroenterology.


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CDKN2A promoter hypermethylation has been widely related to many cancers. In astrocytomas, although CDKN2A (p16INK4A protein) is often inactivated, there are still some controversial issues regarding the mechanism by which this alteration occurs. Thus, we analyzed a series of astrocytomas to assess the association between CDKN2A expression and methylation of grade I-IV tumors (WHO) and clinicopathological parameters. DNA extracted from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded material of 93 astrocytic tumors was available for CDKN2A promoter methylation analysis and p16INK4A expression by methylation-specific PCR and immunohistochemistry, respectively. A strong negative correlation between nuclear and cytoplasmic immunostaining and CDKN2A promoter methylation was found. Additionally, a significant negative correlation between CDKN2A promoter methylation and age was observed; also, female patients had statistically more CDKN2A methylated promoters (p=0.036) than men. In conclusion, CDKN2A inactivation by promoter methylation is a frequent event in astrocytomas and it is related to the age and sex of patients. © 2013 Surgical Associates Ltd.


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The aim of the study was to evaluate rickettsial infection in ticks from wild birds of the Semidecidual and Atlantic Rainforest remnants of three municipalities of the State of Parana, southern Brazil. Overall, 53 larvae and nymphs collected from birds were checked for the presence of Rickettsia DNA by molecular tests. Five tick species were tested: Amblyomma aureolatum (Pallas), Amblyomma calcaratum Neumann, Amblyomma longirostre (Koch), Amblyomma ovale Koch, and Amblyomma parkeri Fonseca and Aragao. A. longirostre ticks were infected with the spotted fever group agents Rickettsia amblyommii strain AL (32.3% infection rate) and Rickettsia parkeri strain NOD (5.9% infection rate). A new rickettsial genotype was detected in the tick A. parkeri (50% infection rate), which had never been reported to be infected by rickettsiae. Through phylogenetic analysis, this new genotype, here designated as strain ApPR, grouped in a cluster composed by different strains of Rickettsia africae, Rickettsia sibirica, and R. parkeri. We consider strain ApPR to be a new genotype of R. parkeri. This study reports for the first time rickettsial infection in ticks from birds in southern Brazil. The role of migrating birds in the dispersal of these rickettsial strains should be considered in ecological studies of spotted fever group agents in Brazil.


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The tick-borne bacterium Rickettsia rickettsii is the aetiological agent of Brazilian spotted fever (BSF). The present study evaluated tick infestations on wild and domestic animals, and the rickettsial infection in these animals and their ticks in 7 forest areas adjacent to human communities in the Sao Paulo Metropolitan Area (SPMA). The results were compared to ecological traits of each sampled area. Two main tick species, Amblyomma aureolatum and Rhipicephalus sanguineus, were collected from dogs. The major ticks found on small mammals and birds were Ixodes loricatus and Amblyomma longirostre, respectively. Both anti-R. rickettsii antibodies and R. rickettsii-infected ticks were detected on dogs from only 2 areas in the southern part of the SPMA, which were considered to be endemic for BSF; the remaining 5 areas were considered to be non-endemic. Ecologically, the BSF-endemic areas clearly differed from the non-endemic areas by the presence of significantly more degraded forest patches in the former. The present results corroborate historical observations that have indicated that all human cases of BSF in the SPMA were contracted in the southern part of this metropolitan area. However, not all forest patches in the southern part of the SPMA were shown to be associated with BSF endemism.