984 resultados para endosome escape


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An influenza virus-inspired polymer mimic nanocarrier was used to deliver siRNA for specific and near complete gene knockdown of an osteoscarcom cell line (U-2SO). The polymer was synthesized by single-electron transfer living radical polymerization (SET-LRP) at room temperature to avoid complexities of transfer to monomer or polymer. It was the only LRP method that allowed good block copolymer formation with a narrow molecular weight distribution. At nitrogen to phosphorus (N/P) ratios of equal to or greater than 20 (greater than a polymer concentration of 13.8 μg/mL) with polo-like kinase 1 (PLK1) siRNA gave specific and near complete (>98%) cell death. The polymer further degrades to a benign polymer that showed no toxicity even at polymer concentrations of 200 μg/mL (or N/P ratio of 300), suggesting that our polymer nanocarrier can be used as a very effective siRNA delivery system and in a multiple dose administration. This work demonstrates that with a well-designed delivery device, siRNA can specifically kill cells without the inclusion of an additional clinically used highly toxic cochemotherapeutic agent. Our work also showed that this excellent delivery is sensitive for the study of off-target knockdown of siRNA.


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Nicht-umhüllte humane Papillomviren binden an Heparansulfatproteoglykane (HSPG) der Zelloberfläche und werden durch Endocytose in Zielzellen aufgenommen. Um eine effiziente Infektion zu etablieren, muss die virale DNA in den Zellkern transportiert werden. Auf welche Art und Weise hierbei die Endosomenmembran überwunden wird, war bislang völlig unklar. Die Suche nach potentiellen membrandestabilisierenden Eigenschaften der Kapsidproteine L1 und L2 von HPV führte im Vorfeld der vorliegenden Dissertation zur Identifizierung eines carboxyterminalen Peptids des minoren L2-Proteins, welches als sehr mikrobizid und fungizid beschrieben werden konnte. Es ist gekennzeichnet durch einen Bereich basischer und einen Bereich hydrophober Aminosäuren. Da das minore L2-Protein für den Infektionsprozess von Papillomviren essentiell ist, wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit die Rolle des C-terminalen Peptids für den Transport des infektiösen Materials durch die zelluläre Membranbarriere genauer untersucht. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass das carboxyterminale L2-Peptid von HPV33 nach externer Zugabe eine cytotoxische Wirkung auf höhere eukaryotische Zellen hat. Es lokalisiert an zellulären Membranen und induziert eine pH-abhängige Reduktion des ATP-Gehalts von Säugerzellen. Weiter wurde nachgewiesen, dass das Peptid die Cytoplasmamembran permeabilisieren und für kleine, hydrophile Substanzen wie Propidiumjodid durchlässig machen kann. Mutationen innerhalb des Peptids verdeutlichten die Notwendigkeit beider Bereiche, basischer und hydrophober Aminosäuren, für den membrandestabilisierenden Effekt. Im Folgenden wurde die intrazelluläre Aktivität des L2-Peptids mit Hilfe von GFP2-Peptid-Fusionen analysiert. Das Peptid ist in der Lage, eine Integration des globulären GFP-Dimers in Membranen zu vermitteln, was bei einem hohen Prozentsatz der exprimierenden Zellen zum Absterben führt. Auch wt 33L2 weist im Gegensatz zu C-terminalen Deletions- und Punktmutanten die Fähigkeit zur Membranassoziation auf. Abschließend wurde der Effekt von Mutationen innerhalb dieses L2-Peptids auf die Infektiösität von L1/L2-Pseudovirionen beschrieben. Die Mutationen haben keinen Einfluss auf den Einbau des L2-Proteins in die Pseudovirionen und auf die DNA-Verpackung. Die Virusmorphogenese ist somit nicht negativ beeinträchtigt. Die Infektiösität der HPV33- wie auch von HPV16-Pseudovirionen mit C-terminal mutiertem L2-Protein ist jedoch auf das Niveau von solchen reduziert, die nur aus dem majoren L1 bestehen und geht gegen Null. Zusammenfassend kann man festhalten, dass das minore Kapsidprotein L2 von HPV am Carboxyterminus eine membrandestabilisierende Aktivität besitzt, welche unter Papillomviren konserviert und für eine effektive Infektion essentiell ist.


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This paper briefly reviews the recent progress in using layered double hydroxide (LDH) nanomaterials as cellular delivery agents. The advantages of LDHs as cellular delivery agents are summarized, and the processes of interaction/de-intercalation of anionic drugs (genes) into/from LDH nanoparticles are discussed. Then the cellular delivery of LDH-drug (gene) nanohybrids and subsequent intracellular processes are presumably proposed. At the end, some challenges and remarks for efficient delivery of drugs (genes) via LDH nanoparticles are provided to the best of our knowledge.


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As one of the life-threatening diseases involving multi-step genetic and epigenetic disorders, cancer has long been a dynamic research area for siRNA-based therapy as half of the current siRNA-based clinical trials are involved in oncology. However, despite consistent enthusiasm in the academic world, siRNA-based cancer treatment still faces obstacles and difficulties in clinical development. In this article, we discuss key challenges facing siRNA-based cancer treatment revealed from recent clinical and preclinical studies, including chemical modification, tumour penetration, endosomal escape, target selection and off-target effects. In addition, opportunities and avenues for translating siRNA technology from bench to oncologic clinics are explored.


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In an earlier article the concept of fair basing in Australian patent law was described as a "problem child", often unruly and unpredictable in practice, but nevertheless understandable and useful in policy terms. The article traced the development of several different branches of patent law that were swept under the nomenclature of "fair basing" in Britain in 1949. It then went on to examine the adoption of fair basis into Australian law, the modern interpretation of the requirement, and its problems. This article provides an update. After briefly recapping on the relevant historical issues, it examines the recent Lockwood "internal" fair basing case in the Federal and High Courts.


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Syntaxin 11 (Stx11) is a SNARE protein enriched in cells of the immune system. Loss or mutation of Stx11 results in familial hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis type-4 (FHL-4), an autosomal recessive disorder of immune dysregulation characterized by high levels of inflammatory cytokines along with defects in T-cell and natural killer cell function. We show here Stx11 is located on endosomalmembranes including late endosomes and lysosomes in macrophages. While Stx11 did not form a typical trans-SNARE complex, it did bind to the Q-SNARE Vti1b and was able to regulate the availability of Vti1b to form the Q-SNARE complexes Stx6/Stx7/Vtib and Stx7/Stx8/Vti1b. The mutant form of Stx11 sequestered Vti1b from forming the Q-SNARE complex that mediates late endosome to lysosome fusion. Depletion of Stx11 in activated macrophages leads to an accumulation of enlarged late endocytic compartments, increased trafficking to the cell surface and inhibition of late endosome to lysosome fusion. These phenotypes arerescued by the expression of an siRNA-resistant Stx11 construct in Stx11-depleted cells. Our results suggest that by regulating the availability of Vti1b, Stx11 regulates trafficking steps between late endosomes, lysosomes and the cell surface in macrophages.


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Cell migration is a highly complex process that requires the extension of cell membrane in the direction of travel. This membrane is continuously remodeled to expand the leading edge and alter its membrane properties. For a long time it has been known that there is a continual flow of polarized membrane traffic towards the leading edge during migration and that this trafficking is essential for cell migration. However, there is little information on how the cell coordinates exocytosis at the leading edge. It is also unclear whether these internal membranes are incorporated into the leading edge or are just delivering the necessary proteins for migration to occur. We have shown that recycling endosome membrane is incorporated into the plasma membrane at the leading edge to expand the membrane and at the same time delivers receptors to the leading edge to mediate migration. In order for this to happen the surface Q-SNARE complex Stx4/SNAP23 translocates to the leading edge where it binds to the R-SNARE VAMP3 on the recycling endosome allowing incorporation into the plasma membrane. Loss of any one of the components of this complex reduces efficient lamellipodia formation and restrains cell migration.


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In comparison to our knowledge of the recycling of adhesion receptors and actin assembly, exactly how the cell controls its surface membrane to form a lamellipodium during migration is poorly understood. Here, we show the recycling endosome membrane is incorporated into the leading edge of a migrating cell to expand lamellipodia membrane. We have identified the SNARE complex that is necessary for fusion of the recycling endosome with the cell surface, as consisting of the R-SNARE VAMP3 on the recycling endosome partnering with the surface Q-SNARE Stx4/SNAP23, which was found to translocate and accumulate on the leading edge of migrating cells. Increasing VAMP3-mediated fusion of the recycling endosome with the surface increased membrane ruffling, while inhibition of VAMP3-mediated fusion showed that incorporation of the recycling endosome is necessary for efficient lamellipodia formation. At the same time, insertion of this recycling endosome membrane also delivers its cargo integrin α5β1 to the cell surface. The loss of this extra membrane for lamellipodia expansion and delivery of cargo in cells resulted in macrophages with a diminished capacity to effectively migrate. Thus, the recycling endosome membrane is incorporated into the leading edge and this aids expansion of the lamellipodia and simultaneously delivers integrins necessary for efficient cell migration.


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Flightless (Flii) is upregulated in response to wounding and has been shown to function in wound closure and scarring. In macrophages intracellular Flii negatively modulates TLR signalling and dampens cytokine production. We now show that Flii is constitutively secreted from macrophages and fibroblasts and is present in human plasma. Secretion from fibroblasts is upregulated in response to scratch wounding and LPS-activated macrophages also temporally upregulate their secretion of Flii. Using siRNA, wild-type and mutant proteins we show that Flii is secreted via a late endosomal/lysosomal pathway that is regulated by Rab7 and Stx11. Flii contains 11 leucine rich repeat (LRR) domains in its N-terminus that have nearly 50% similarity to those in the extracellular pathogen binding portion of Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4). We show secreted Flii can also bind LPS and has the ability to alter macrophage activation. LPS activation of macrophages in Flii depleted conditioned media leads to enhanced macrophage activation and increased TNF secretion compared to cells activated in the presence of Flii. These results show secreted Flii binds to LPS and in doing so alters macrophage activation and cytokine secretion, suggesting that like the intracellular pool of Flii, secreted Flii also has the ability to alter inflammation.


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Small interfering RNA silences specific genes by interfering with mRNA translation, and acts to modulate or inhibit specific biological pathways; a therapy that holds great promise in the cure of many diseases. However, the naked small interfering RNA is susceptible to degradation by plasma and tissue nucleases and due to its negative charge unable to cross the cell membrane. Here we report a new polymer carrier designed to mimic the influenza virus escape mechanism from the endosome, followed by a timed release of the small interfering RNA in the cytosol through a self-catalyzed polymer degradation process. Our polymer changes to a negatively charged and non-toxic polymer after the release of small interfering RNA, presenting potential for multiple repeat doses and long-term treatment of diseases.


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Bcl-x(l) and Bax play important roles in the regulation of apoptosis. This study investigated the involvement of the mitochondrial death pathway and the role of Bcl-x(l) and Bax in the escape from apoptosis after prolonged serum deprivation in Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells. Low level apoptosis and basal activity of the mitochondrial death pathway were detectable in normal cell growth. In serum deprivation, mitosis was partially suppressed, and the mitochondrial activity was stimulated. The level of apoptosis continuously rose over 48 h. This rise was concomitant with the increasing presence of cytochrome c in cytosol. However, both apoptosis and cytosolic cytochrome c fell dramatically at 72 h. Elevation of whole cell Bcl-x(l) and redistribution of Bcl-x(l) protein from cytosol to the membrane at 48 h and 72 h was observed. Redistribution of Bax protein from the membrane to cytosol occurred at 24 h, and remained steady to 72 h. Bax/Bcl-x(l) coimmunoprecipitation by anti-Bax antibody showed reduced Bax/Bcl-x(l) interaction at the membrane at 72 h, but not at 24 or 48 h. These results suggest that apoptosis upon serum withdrawal results from the leakage of cytochrome c to cytosol. Amelioration of the leakage of cytochrome c and apoptosis requires not only the increase of Bcl-x(l)/Bax ratio, but also the release of Bcl-x(l) from Bax at the membrane.


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Senescence and genomic integrity are thought to be important barriers in the development of malignant lesions. Human fibroblasts undergo a limited number of cell divisions before entering an irreversible arrest, called senescence. Here we show that human mammary epithelial cells (HMECs) do not conform to this paradigm of senescence. In contrast to fibroblasts, HMECs exhibit an initial growth phase that is followed by a transient growth plateau (termed selection or M0; refs 3-5), from which proliferative cells emerge to undergo further population doublings (approximately 20-70), before entering a second growth plateau (previously termed senescence or M1; refs 4-6). We find that the first growth plateau exhibits characteristics of senescence but is not an insurmountable barrier to further growth. HMECs emerge from senescence, exhibit eroding telomeric sequences and ultimately enter telomere-based crisis to generate the types of chromosomal abnormalities seen in the earliest lesions of breast cancer. Growth past senescent barriers may be a pivotal event in the earliest steps of carcinogenesis, providing many genetic changes that predicate oncogenic evolution. The differences between epithelial cells and fibroblasts provide new insights into the mechanistic basis of neoplastic transformation.


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The genomic changes that foster cancer can be either genetic or epigenetic in nature. Early studies focused on genetic changes and how mutational events contribute to changes in gene expression. These point mutations, deletions and amplifications are known to activate oncogenes and inactivate tumor suppressor genes. More recently, multiple epigenetic changes that can have a profound effect on carcinogenesis have been identified. These epigenetic events, such as the methylation of promoter sequences in genes, are under active investigation. In this review we will describe a methylation event that occurs during the propagation of human mammary epithelial cells (HMEC) in culture and detail the accompanying genetic alterations that have been observed.


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The physical, emotional, educational and social developmental challenges of adolescence can be associated with high levels of emotional vulnerability. Thus, the development of effective emotion-regulation strategies is crucial during this time period. Young people commonly use music to identify, express and regulate their emotions. Modern mobile technology provides an engaging, easily accessible means of assisting young people through music. A systematic contextual review identified 20 iPhone applications addressing emotions through music and two independent raters, using the Mobile App Rating Scale (MARS), evaluated the quality of the apps. Their characteristics, key features and overall quality will be presented. Three participatory design workshops (N=13, 6 males, 7 females; age 15-25) were conducted to explore young people’s use of music to enhance wellbeing. Young people were also asked to trial existing mood and music apps and to conceptualise their ultimate mood targeting music application. A thematic analysis of the participatory design workshops content identified the following music affect-regulation strategies: relationship building, modifying cognitions, modifying emotions, and immersing in emotions. The application of the key learnings from the mobile app review and participatory design workshops and the design and development of the music eScape app were presented and implications for future research was discussed.