990 resultados para complement deficiencies


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Introduction Associations between systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and primary immunodeficiencies (PIDs) were analyzed to gain insight into the physiopathology of SLE. Some PIDs have been consistently associated with SLE or lupus-like manifestations: (a) homozygous deficiencies of the early components of the classical complement pathway in the following decreasing order: in C1q, 93% of affected patients developed SLE; in C4, 75%; in C1r/s, 57%; and in C2, up to 25%; (b) female carriers of X-linked chronic granulomatous disease allele; and (c) IgA deficiency, present in around 5% of juvenile SLE. Discussion In the first two groups, disturbances of cellular waste-disposal have been proposed as the main mechanisms of pathogenesis. On the other hand and very interestingly, there are PIDs systematically associated with several autoimmune manifestations in which SLE has not been described, such as autoimmune polyendocrinopathy candidiasis ectodermal dystrophy (APECED), immunedys-regulation polyendocrinopathy enteropathy X-linked (IPEX), and autoinumme lymphoproliferative syndrome (ALPS), suggesting that mechanisms considered as critical players for induction and maintenance of tolerance to autoantigens, such as (1) AME-mediated thymic negative selection of lymphocytes, (2) Foxp3+ regulatory T cell-mediated peripheral tolerance, and (3) deletion of auto-reactive lymphocytes by Fas-mediated apoptosis, could not be relevant in SLE physiopathology. The non-description of SLE and neither the most characteristic SLE clinical features among patients with agammaglobulinemia are also interesting observations, which reinforce the essential role of B lymphocytes and antibodies for SLE pathogenesis. Conclusion Therefore, monogenic PIDs represent unique and not fully explored human models for unraveling components of the conundrum represented by the physiopathology of SLE, a prototypical polygenic disease.


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Komplementdefizienzen gehen mit einer erhöhten Infektionsanfälligkeit gegenüber bestimmten Krankheitserregern in den ersten Lebensjahren (MBL-Defizienz) und darüber hinaus (C1q- und anderen Komplementdefizienten) einher. Dies unterstreicht die Rolle des Komplementsystems als effektiver Abwehrmechanismus in der Übergangsphase zwischen Verlust des „mütterlichen Nestschutzes“ und Ausreifung der eigenen „erworbenen“ Immunität. Das Auftreten von Autoimmunerkrankungen wie dem SLE-ähnlichen Syndrom bei Defizienzen des Klassischen Weges beleuchten zusätzliche Funktionen des Komplementsystems während der Ausreifung der erworbenen Immunität und als wesentlicher Effektor in der Erkennung apoptotischer Zellen und deren Eliminierung aus dem System.rnHereditäre C1q-Defizienzen gehen mit einer hohen Wahrscheinlichkeit mit einem SLE-ähnlichen Syndrom einher. Sie stellen unter den Defizienzen des Komplementsystems eines Seltenheit dar, ihr klinisches „Gesicht“ ist umso eindrucksvoller. Sie sind von der funktionellen C1q-Defizienz im Rahmen eines erhöhten „turnover“ und in der Folge einer C1q-Autoantokörperbildung abzugrenzen. Ursächlich ist ihnen eine Mutation in einem der drei C1q-Gene, die auf dem Chromosom 1 lokalisiert sind. Homozygote Mutationsträger können den Defekt nicht ausgleichen und zeigen eine C1q-Defizienz mit Verlust der gesamthämolytischen Aktivität CH50. Häufungen treten bei Nachkommen von Geschwister- und Verwandtschaftsehen auf.rnrnIn dieser Arbeit wird der Fall einer Patientin mit einem schweren, frühkindlich einsetzenden, SLE-ähnlichen Syndrom aufgearbeitet. Als Ursache für eine Erkrankung konnte ein hereditärer C1q-Defekt, ohne immunologischem Nachweis eines C1q oer LMQ-C1q, identifiziert werden. Da sich keine der vorab beschriebenen Mutatonsmuster bei der Patientin detektieren ließ, erfolgte die Sequenzierung aller drei C1q-Gene. Dadurch ließ sich ein neues Mutationsmuster darstellen.rnrnDie in dieser Arbeit vorgestellte Mutation unterscheidet sich von den bislang beschriebenen Mutationen dadurch, dass es sich nicht um eine Punktmutation, sonder um eine Deletion von 29 Basen (c283_311) im Exon 2 des C1q-B-Ketten-Gens mit einhergehendem Rasterschub und vorzeitigem Stop-Codon (pMet95TrpfsX8) handelt. Durch die Analyse der Eltern und Geschwister der betroffenen Patientin konnte der Vererbungsweg dargestellt werden. Zudem gelang es die Mutation im Rahmen einer Pränataldiagnostik bei einem „ungeborenen“ Geschwisterkind auszuschließen.rn


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Deficiencies of complement proteins of the classical pathway are strongly associated with the development of autoimmune diseases. Deficiency of Clr has been observed to occur concomitantly with deficiency in Cls and 9 out of 15 reported cases presented systemic lupus erythernatosus (SLE). Here, we describe a family in which all four children are deficient in Cls but only two of them developed SLE. Hemolytic activity mediated by the alternative and the lectin pathways were normal, but classical pathway activation was absent in all children`s sera. Cls was undetectable, while in the parents` sera it was lower than in the normal controls. The levels of Clr observed in the siblings and parents sera were lower than in the control, while the concentrations of other complement proteins (C3, C4, MBL and MASP-2) were normal in all family members. Impairment of Cls synthesis was observed in the patients` fibroblasts when analyzed by confocal microscopy. We show that all four siblings are homozygous for a mutation at position 938 in exon 6 of the Cls cDNA that creates a premature stop codon. Our investigations led us to reveal the presence of previously uncharacterized splice variants of Cls mRNA transcripts in normal human cells. These variants are derived from the skipping of exon 3 and from the use of an alternative 3` splice site within intron I which increases the size of exon 2 by 87 nucleotides. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Facial trauma can be considered one of the most serious aggressions found in the medical centers due to the emotional consequences and the possibility of deformity. In craniofacial surgery, the use of autologous bone is still the first choice for reconstructing bony defects or irregularities. When there is a shortage of donor bone or a patient refuses an intracranial operation, alloplastic materials such as polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) can be used. The PMMA prosthesis can be pre-fabricated, bringing advantages such as reduction of surgical time, easy technical handling and good esthetic results. This paper describes the procedures for rehabilitating a patient with PMMA implants in the region of the face, recovering the facial contours and esthetics of the patient.


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A desnutrição proteico-energética modifica a resistência à infecção, modificando diversos processos fisiológicos, incluindo a hematopoiese e as funções imunológicas. Neste estudo, avaliamos as concentrações séricas do fator C3 e do Sistema Complemento total (CH50) em um modelo no qual camundongos submetidos à desnutrição proteico-energética são estimulados com lipopolissacarídeo (LPS), e avaliamos a celularidade periférica, medular e esplênica. Camundongos Swiss, machos, adultos, com dois meses de idade foram submetidos ao processo de desnutrição proteica com uma dieta contendo 4% de proteína em comparação aos animais controles com uma dieta contendo 20% de proteína. Quando os animais do grupo desnutrido alcançaram aproximadamente 20% de perda de peso, em relação ao inicial, foram inoculados endovenosamente com LPS. As células do sangue, da medula óssea e do baço foram quantificadas, bem como as concentrações circulantes de C3 e CH50 em animais estimulados com LPS. Os animais desnutridos apresentaram anemia e leucopenia, além de redução significativa da celularidade da medula óssea e do baço. Os animais desnutridos apresentaram menor taxa de sobrevivência, bem como das concentrações do fator C3 do complemento e do complemento total em relação aos animais controles. Estes resultados sugerem que animais desnutridos apresentam uma resposta deficiente aos LPS. A síntese menor do complemento pode ser em parte responsável pela imunodeficiência observada. Estes resultados conduzem-nos a inferir que a desnutrição proteico-energética interfere na ativação da resposta imune


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Biomass Refinery is a sequential of eleven thermochemical processes and one biological process with two initial basic treatments: prehydrolysis for lignocellulosics and low temperature conversion for biomass with medium-to-high content of lipids and proteins. The other ten processes are: effluent treatment plant, furfural plant, biodiesel plant, cellulignin dryer, calcination, fluidized bed boiler, authotermal reforming of cellulignin for syngas production, combined cycle of two-stroke low-speed engine or syngas turbine with fluidized bed boiler heat recovery, GTL technologies and ethanol from cellulose, prehydrolysate and syngas. Any kind of biomass such as wood, agricultural residues, municipal solid waste, seeds, cakes, sludges, excrements and used tires can be processed at the Biomass Refinery. Twelve basic products are generated such as cellulignin, animal feed, electric energy, fuels (ethanol, crude oil, biodiesel, char), petrochemical substitutes, some materials (ash, gypsum, fertilizers, silica, carbon black) and hydrogen. The technology is clean with recovery of energy and reuse of water, acid and effluents. Based on a holistic integration of various disciplines Biomass Refinery maximizes the simultaneous production of food, electric energy, liquid fuels and chemical products and some materials, achieving a competitive position with conventional and fossil fuel technologies, as well as payment capacity for biomass production. Biomass Refinery has a technical economical capability to complement the depletion of the conventional petroleum sources and to capture its GHGs resulting a biomass + petroleum ""green"" combination.


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Trichomonas vaginalis is a flagellated protozoan which causes trichomoniasis, a sexually transmitted disease of the human genitourinary tract, The importance of the alternative complement pathway in host defence against T. vaginalis was investigated in vitro. Kinetic studies utilising immunofixation following electrophoresis showed that both a strongly and weakly virulent strain of T, vaginalis activated murine serum C3. In vivo studies with congenic-resistant, C5-deficient, B10.D2/OSn- and C5-sufficient, B10.D2/nSn mice showed that the presence of C5 is a significant factor in the innate host resistance to primary infection with a strongly virulent, but not a weakly virulent trichomonad strain.


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Activation of the human complement system of plasma proteins during immunological host defense can result in overproduction of potent proinflammatory peptides such as the anaphylatoxin C5a. Excessive levels of C5a are associated with numerous immunoinflammatory diseases, but there is as yet no clinically available antagonist to regulate the effects of C5a. We now describe a series of small molecules derived from the C-terminus of C5a, some of which are the most potent low-molecular-weight C5a receptor antagonists reported to date for the human polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMN) C5a receptor. H-1 NMR spectroscopy was used to determine solution structures for two cyclic antagonists and to indicate that antagonism is related to a turn conformation, which can be stabilized in cyclic molecules that are preorganized for receptor binding. While several cyclic derivatives were of similar antagonistic potency, the most potent antagonist was a hexapeptide-derived macrocycle AcF[OPdChaWR] with an IC50 = 20 nM against a maximal concentration of C5a (100 nM) on intact human PMNs. Such potent C5a antagonists may be useful probes to investigate the role of C5a in host defenses and to develop therapeutic agents for the treatment of many currently intractable inflammatory conditions.


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Leptospirosis is a zoonotic infection associated with severe diseases such as leptospirosis pulmonary haemorrhage syndrome (LPHS). The cause of pulmonary haemorrhage is unclear. Understanding which mechanisms and processes are involved in LPHS will be important in treatment regimens under development for this life-threatening syndrome. In the present study, we evaluated 30 lung specimens from LPHS patients and seven controls using histology and immunohistochemistry (detection of IgM, IgG, IgA and C3) in order to describe the pathological features associated with this syndrome. Immunoglobulin deposits were detected on the alveolar surface in 18/30 LPHS patients. Three staining patterns were observed for the immunoglobulins and C3 in the lung tissues of LPHS patients: AS, delicate linear staining adjacent to the alveolar surface, which was indicative of a membrane covering the luminal surface of type I and II pneumocyte cells; S, heterogeneous staining which was sporadically distributed along the alveolar septum; and IA, weak, focal intra-alveolar granular staining. Human LPHS is associated with individual and unique histological patterns that differ from those of other causes of pulmonary haemorrhage. In the present study, it was found that the linear deposition of immunoglobulins (IgA, IgG and IgM) and complement on the alveolar surface may play a role in the pathogenesis of pulmonary haemorrhage in human leptospirosis.


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particularly neutrophil chemoattraction. Herein, the role of C5a in the genesis of inflammatory hypernociception was investigated in rats and mice using the specific C5a receptor antagonist PMX53 (AcF-[OP(D-Cha)WR]). Experimental approach: Mechanical hypernociception was evaluated with a modification of the Randall-Selitto test in rats and electronic pressure meter paw test in mice. Cytokines were measured by ELISA and neutrophil migration was determined by myeloperoxidase activity. Key results: Local pretreatment of rats with PMX53 (60-180 mg per paw) inhibited zymosan-, carrageenan-, lipopolysaccharide (LPS)- and antigen-induced hypernociception. These effects were associated with C5a receptor blockade since PMX53 also inhibited the hypernociception induced by zymosan- activated serum and C5a but not by the direct-acting hypernociceptive mediators, prostaglandin E-2 and dopamine. Underlying the C5a hypernociceptive mechanisms, PMX53 did not alter the cytokine release induced by inflammatory stimuli. However, PMX53 inhibited cytokine-induced hypernociception. PMX53 also inhibited the recruitment of neutrophils induced by zymosan but not by carrageenan or LPS, indicating an involvement of neutrophils in the hypernociceptive effect of C5a. Furthermore, the C5a-induced hypernociception was reduced in neutrophil-depleted rats. Extending these findings in rats, blocking C5a receptors also reduced zymosan- induced joint hypernociception in mice. Conclusions and implications: These results suggest that C5a is an important inflammatory hypernociceptive mediator, acting by a mechanism independent of hypernociceptive cytokine release, but dependent on the presence of neutrophils. Therefore, we suggest that inhibiting the action of C5a has therapeutic potential in the control of inflammatory pain.


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Sulfite oxidase is a mitochondrial enzyme encoded by the SUOX gene and essential for the detoxification of sulfite which results mainly from the catabolism of sulfur-containing amino acids. Decreased activity of this enzyme can either be due to mutations in the SUOX gene or secondary to defects in the synthesis of its cofactor, the molybdenum cofactor. Defects in the synthesis of the molybdenum cofactor are caused by mutations in one of the genes MOCS1, MOCS2, MOCS3 and GEPH and result in combined deficiencies of the enzymes sulfite oxidase, xanthine dehydrogenase and aldehyde oxidase. Although present in many ethnic groups, isolated sulfite oxidase deficiency and molybdenum cofactor deficiency are rare inborn errors of metabolism, which makes awareness of key clinical and laboratory features of affected individuals crucial for early diagnosis. We report clinical, radiologic, biochemical and genetic data on a Brazilian and on a Turkish child with sulfite oxidase deficiency due to the isolated defect and impaired synthesis of the molybdenum cofactor, respectively. Both patients presented with early onset seizures and neurological deterioration. They showed no sulfite oxidase activity in fibroblasts and were homozygous for the mutations c.1136A>G in the SUOX gene and c.667insCGA in the MOCS1 gene, respectively. Widely available routine laboratory tests such as assessment of total homocysteine and uric acid are indicated in children with a clinical presentation resembling that of hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy and may help in obtaining a tentative diagnosis locally, which requires confirmation by specialized laboratories. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Objective: To describe and analyse the study design and manuscript deficiencies in original research articles submitted to Emergency Medicine. Methods: This was a retrospective, analytical study. Articles were enrolled if the reports of the Section Editor and two reviewers were available. Data were extracted from these reports only. Outcome measures were the mean number and nature of the deficiencies and the mean reviewers’ assessment score. Results: Fifty-seven articles were evaluated (28 accepted for publication, 19 rejected, 10 pending revision). The mean (± SD) number of deficiencies was 18.1 ± 6.9, 16.4 ± 6.5 and 18.4 ± 6.7 for all articles, articles accepted for publication and articles rejected, respectively (P = 0.31 between accepted and rejected articles). The mean assessment scores (0–10) were 5.5 ± 1.5, 5.9 ± 1.5 and 4.7 ± 1.4 for all articles, articles accepted for publication and articles rejected, respectively. Accepted articles had a significantly higher assessment score than rejected articles (P = 0.006). For each group, there was a negative correlation between the number of deficiencies and the mean assessment score (P > 0.05). Significantly more rejected articles ‘… did not further our knowledge’ (P = 0.0014) and ‘… did not describe background information adequately’ (P = 0.049). Many rejected articles had ‘… findings that were not clinically or socially significant’ (P = 0.07). Common deficiencies among all articles included ambiguity of the methods (77%) and results (68%), conclusions not warranted by the data (72%), poor referencing (56%), inadequate study design description (51%), unclear tables (49%), an overly long discussion (49%), limitations of the study not described (51%), inadequate definition of terms (49%) and subject selection bias (40%). Conclusions: Researchers should undertake studies that are likely to further our knowledge and be clinically or socially significant. Deficiencies in manuscript preparation are more frequent than mistakes in study design and execution. Specific training or assistance in manuscript preparation is indicated.


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The aims of the study were to compare the pathogenesis of Candida albicans infection in various organs and anatomical regions of C5-deficient (DBA/2) and C5-sufficient (BALB/c) mice, and to evaluate the importance of complement C5 and T lymphocytes as factors that determine host susceptibility or resistance. The kidneys of DBA/2 mice showed higher colonisation and more severe tissue damage than those of BALB/c, but infection at other sites, including oral and vaginal mucosa, was generally similar in the two strains. Passive transfer of C5-sufficient serum into DBA/2 mice decreased the fungal burden in the kidney, and prolonged survival of the reconstituted animals. Depletion of CD4(+) and/or CD8(+) cells did not exacerbate either systemic or mucosal infection when compared to controls, and passive transfer of splenocytes from infected donors caused only a small and transient reduction in numbers of yeasts recovered from the kidney of sub-lethally infected recipients. It is concluded that the acute susceptibility of the kidneys in this mouse strain is due to C5 deficiency expressed on a susceptible genetic background. T lymphocytes, however, appear to have minimal influence on recovery from systemic infection with this isolate of C. albicans. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The great majority of the courses on science and technology areas where lab work is a fundamental part of the apprenticeship was not until recently available to be taught at distance. This reality is changing with the dissemination of remote laboratories. Supported by resources based on new information and communication technologies, it is now possible to remotely control a wide variety of real laboratories. However, most of them are designed specifically to this purpose, are inflexible and only on its functionality they resemble the real ones. In this paper, an alternative remote lab infrastructure devoted to the study of electronics is presented. Its main characteristics are, from a teacher's perspective, reusability and simplicity of use, and from a students' point of view, an exact replication of the real lab, enabling them to complement or finish at home the work started at class. The remote laboratory is integrated in the Learning Management System in use at the school, and therefore, may be combined with other web experiments and e-learning strategies, while safeguarding security access issues.