998 resultados para breastfeeding information


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The effectiveness of printed material depends on its clarity, layout, and appropriateness of its reading level to the target population. A person with 'functional illiteracy' is able to read at a basic level or below, but is confused by more complex material. Among Australian adults, the estimated functional illiteracy rate for prose is 44.1%. Consequently, it is recommended that health information literature for the general population be pitched at a grade 5 or 6 level of reading difficulty. This study is a ten-year follow-up to an earlier study by the author, which analysed printed information materials from the late twentieth century. The aim was to assess the


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Suomessa asuvat somalitaustaiset maahanmuuttajaäidit luopuvat imetyksestä ja ruokkivat vauvojaan äidinmaidonkorvikkeella, vaikka somalikulttuurissa arvostetaan imetystä. Tuen ja tiedon puutetta on arveltu syyksi pulloruokinnan yleisyyteen. Tarkoituksenani on tutkia osallistavia menetelmiä käyttäen, minkälaisia imetykseen liittyviä tietojärjestelmiä somaliäidit pitävät auktoritatiivisina eli arvovaltaisina. Tarkastelen tiedon auktoritatiivisuutta etnografisten esimerkkien valossa hyödyntäen Brigitte Jordanin auktoritatiivisen tiedon käsitettä. Tutkin Jean Pierre Olivier de Sardanin teorian avulla, kuinka paikalliset populaarit tietojärjestelmät kohtaavat tieteellis-teknisen tiedon kehityksen kontekstissa. Tutkin myös, kuinka somaliäitien imetystietojärjestelmät kohtaavat suomalaisen terveydenhoitojärjestelmän edustaman imetystiedon. Osallistavien menetelmien tarkoituksena on saada heikkojen ja sorrettujen yhteisöjen ääni kuuluviin. Tutkimukseni tiedonantajina on seitsemäntoista somalimaahanmuuttajaäitiä ja yksi suomalainen äitiys- ja lastenneuvolan terveydenhoitaja. Käytän tiedonkeruumenetelminä puolistrukturoituja teemahaastatteluja, jonka lisäksi teen osallistuvaa havainnointia ja osallistavia menetelmiä kolmessa ryhmähaastattelutilanteessa. Käytän Rapi Rurad Appraisal (RRA) –menetelmiä, kuten Venn-diagrammia ja pisteytystä. Tutkimukseni tulos on, että somaliäitien imetykseen liittyvä tieto koostuu kolmesta tietojärjestelmästä, joita ovat sukuverkostoista tuleva perinteinen tietotaito, islaminuskon terveystieto sekä suomalaisen terveydenhoitojärjestelmän tieto. Näistä eri tietolähteistä tuleva imetystieto ei ole sisällöltään ristiriidassa. Imetykseen liittyvät vaikeudet ovat käytännön ongelmiin, kuten sukuverkoston hajoamiseen ja suomalaisen terveydenhoitojärjestelmän kanssa kommunikointiin liittyviä.


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Internationellt sett är amningsfrekvensen i dagens Sverige hög, men har minskat något senaste åren. Studier visar att inställningen till amning är positiv, men att kvinnor upplever svårigheter i samband med amning samt en brist på information och stöd. Syftet med fördjupningsarbetet var att belysa gravida kvinnors tankar om amning, amningsinformation och stöd. Studien genomfördes med kvalitativ ansats, där data samlades in genom fokusgruppsintervjuer med 18 gravida kvinnor hösten 2012. Data bearbetades med innehållsanalys. Analysen gav ett övergripande tema; Balans mellan förväntningar och svårigheter. Fem kategorier framkom; Att vara medveten om amningens fördelar, Att vara medveten om svårigheter med amning, Att planera för sin kommande amning, Att påverkas av sin omgivning och Att ha förväntningar på stöd inför kommande amning. Resultatet visade att gravida kvinnor var medvetna om amningens fördelar och svårigheter, omgivningen påverkade deras tankar och kvinnorna ansåg ofta att amningen ”löser sig naturligt”. Tydligast framkom kvinnors känsla av bristande kunskap om amningsproblem och en önskan att få amningsinformation sent i graviditet. Amningsinformation som ges under graviditet bör vara varierad, innehållsrik och förbereda föräldrarna på att amning kan vara påfrestande. Det är viktigt att involvera partnern i information och förberedelser för amning.   Nyckelord: amning, graviditet, amningsstöd, amningsinformation, amningsproblem


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The use of medicinal plants among pregnant women and lactating is a common practice in diverse countries. However, many medicinal plants are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactating, due to various adverse effects, such as teratogenic, embryotoxic and abortive effects, exposing these women, their fetus and babies to health unknown risks. Thus, the purpose of this commentary, was to analyze the perception about the use of medicinal plants by pregnant women and lactating registered in the "baby on board" NGO, Araraquara, São Paulo state, Brazil, between 2010 at 2013. The group was constituted by 48 women, between the first and last trimester of pregnancy or whilst breastfeeding. Information was collected during group meetings by oral interview, using a questionnaire, as script. The nature of the study was a qualitative analysis. The results were based on reports about the use of medicinal plants by pregnant women during group meetings: use, indication of use, knowledge about risks. All participants received written and oral information about the study and they gave a written informed consent. The use of medicinal plants is a reality among pregnant and lactating women of the "baby on board" NGO. They reported that they feel that "natural" products are not harmful for their health. The primary information sources for the majority of women about medicinal plants during pregnancy are family, neighbors and herbalists. The plants most cited (in popular name in Brazil) were: senna, chamomile, boldo, lemon balm, lemon grass. They were used mainly for: nausea, heartburn, indigestion, flatulence, intestinal and abdominal pain, anxiety, intestinal constipation and low milk production. The pregnant and lactating women lacked knowledge about the health risks of the use of medicinal plants and herbal medicines in pregnancy and lactation. They also reported difficulties in clarifying some questions about the use of medicinal plants with their doctors. The results of the present study showed that educative actions about the rational use of medicinal plants in pregnancy and breastfeeding could be part of the operating protocols to promote the maternal and child health programs in Araraquara. Thus, our results also suggest the importance of creating institutionalized places, to the implementation of continued education programs about rational use of medicinal plants in pregnancy and lactation. These targeted programs are not only for health professionals, but also for community members, pregnant women and breastfeeding. Our results pointed out the importance of guidance of doctors and healthcare professionals on the scientific studies about medicinal plants and herbal medicines and the risk/benefit of using herbs during pregnancy. Finally, it is noted the importance of the health professionals to inform women of childbearing on risks to their health, as well as on possibilities of utilization of herbs during fertile period, giving special attention to the potential risk of self-medication.


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Despite the significant health benefits attributed to breastfeeding, rates in countries, such as Australia, continue to remain static or to decline. Typically, the tangible support offered for women to support breastfeeding behaviours takes the form of face-to-face advice from health professionals, peer counselling via not-for-profit organizations such as the ABA, and provision of information through websites, pamphlets, and books. Prior research indicates that face-to-face support is more effective than telephone contact (Britton, McCormic, Renfrew, Wade, & King, 2009). Given the increasing costs associated with the provision of personalized face-to-face professional support and the need for some women to maximize privacy, discretion, and judgment-free consultations, there is a gap that could be filled by the use of m-technologies such as text messaging and other social media. The research team developed MumBubConnect; a two-way SMS system which combined the personalized aspects of face-to-face contact but maintained levels of privacy. The use of SMS was immediate, portable, and overcame many of the barriers associated with embarrassment. An Page 205 of 312 online survey of 130 breastfeeding mothers indicated that MumBubConnect facilitated the seeking of social support using m-technology, increased self-efficacy and maintained the desire behaviour.


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Breastfeeding is known to confer benefits, both in the short term and long term, to the child and also to the mother. Various health-promotion initiatives have aimed to increase breastfeeding rates and duration in the United Kingdom over the past decade. In order to assist in these endeavours, it is essential to understand the reasons why women decide whether to breastfeed and the factors that influence the duration of breastfeeding. This study reports breastfeeding initiation and duration rates of mothers participating in the Growth, Learning and Development study undertaken by the Child Health & Welfare Recognised Research Group. Although this study cannot provide prevalence data for all mothers in Greater Belfast, it can provide useful information on trends within particular groups of the population. In addition, it examines maternally reported reasons for choosing to breastfeed and for breastfeeding cessation. The likelihood of mothers initiating breastfeeding is influenced by factors such as increased age, higher educational attainment and higher socio-economic grouping. The most common reason cited for breastfeeding is that it is “best for baby”. Returning to work is the most important factor in influencing whether mothers continued to breastfeed. Women report different reasons for cessation depending on the age of their child when they stopped breastfeeding. This information should inform health-promotion initiatives and interventions.


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The importance of father involvement in the young family is increasingly evident. This research was conducted using the theory of planned behaviour to understand important aspects contributing to father invo lvement in the breastfeeding process. Eighty mothers and 65 fathers of one-year-old children completed a questionnaire regarding father involvement (FI) in breastfeeding. Measures included attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behaviour control regarding FI and the extent to which fathers demonstrated involvement by advocating for and affIrming breastfeeding, being present during breastfeeding, providing household help, and being responsive to their partners' needs. Results suggest that mothers and fathers experience FI differently. Mothers' perceptions are motivated by intrinsic attitudinal considerations, whereas fathers' involvement is primarily motivated by the opinions of others. Interventions should focus on increasing fathers' perception of societal approval through approaches such as peer-led groups, and increasing mothers' approval through information of the value of fathers' involvement in the breastfeeding process.


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Aim:  This study compared the diets of breastfeeding and non-breastfeeding mothers from socioeconomically diverse regions of Melbourne to determine whether breastfeeding is a marker for healthier maternal dietary intakes.

  This cross-sectional study obtained information via self-reported questionnaire from 529 first-time Melbourne mothers. Breastfeeding status was determined when the children were 3.9 months. Diet information was obtained using a validated Food Frequency Questionnaire. Maternal diet was assessed by seven indicators: average daily intake of fruit, vegetables, non-core drinks, non-core sweet snacks, non-core savoury snacks, variety of fruit and variety of vegetables eaten in the preceding 12 months. Associations between breastfeeding status and each dietary variable were assessed using linear regression analyses. Socioeconomic position, maternal body mass index and the cluster-based sampling design were controlled for.

  Of the 529 subjects, 70% were breastfeeding their child. Compared with non-breastfeeding mothers, breastfeeding mothers were found to consume more serves of vegetables (P= 0.001), a greater variety of fruit and vegetables (P= 0.001 and P≤ 0.001 respectively), and sweet snacks were consumed more frequently (P= 0.006). Differences were observed between low and high socioeconomic position mothers for fruit serves (P= 0.003), vegetable serves (P= 0.010) and fruit variety (P= 0.006). These associations persisted after controlling for socioeconomic position and maternal body mass index.

The association between infant feeding (breastfeeding) and some aspects of maternal diet provides further evidence suggesting a link between maternal and child diets from a younger age than previously examined.


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Women with type 1 diabetes (T1DM) face many challenges during their pregnancy, birth and in the postnatal period, including breastfeeding initiation and continuation while maintaining stable glycaemic control. In both Sweden and Australia the rates of breastfeeding initiation are high. However, overall there is limited information about the breastfeeding practices of women with T1DM and the factors affecting them. Similarities in demographics, birth rates and health systems create bases for discussion.


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BACKGROUND Previous studies found larger lung volumes at school-age in formerly breastfed children, with some studies suggesting an effect modification by maternal asthma. We wanted to explore this further in children who had undergone extensive lung function testing. The current study aimed to assess whether breastfeeding was associated with larger lung volumes and, if so, whether all compartments were affected. We also assessed association of breastfeeding with apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC), which measures freedom of gas diffusion in alveolar-acinar compartments and is a surrogate of alveolar dimensions. Additionally, we assessed whether these effects were modified by maternal asthma. METHODS We analysed data from 111 children and young adults aged 11-21 years, who had participated in detailed lung function testing, including spirometry, plethysmography and measurement of ADC of (3)Helium ((3)He) by MR. Information on breastfeeding came from questionnaires applied in early childhood (age 1-4 years). We determined the association between breastfeeding and these measurements using linear regression, controlling for potential confounders. RESULTS We did not find significant evidence for an association between duration of breastfeeding and lung volumes or alveolar dimensions in the entire sample. In breastfed children of mothers with asthma, we observed larger lung volumes and larger average alveolar size than in non-breastfed children, but the differences did not reach significance levels. CONCLUSIONS Confirmation of effects of breastfeeding on lung volumes would have important implications for public health. Further investigations with larger sample sizes are warranted.


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Purpose. To develop a greater understanding of the experience—including the thoughts, feelings, and actions—of mothers' initiation and maintenance of lactation within the context of the NICU following the birth of a very preterm infant. ^ Design. Mixed method with dominant focused ethnographic approach. Setting: A 76-bed neonatal intensive care unit in the largest children's hospital located in a large metropolitan city in southeast Texas. ^ Sample. Purposeful sampling resulted in 23 interviews with 14 subjects. ^ Methods. Mixed method design with a dominant qualitative approach combined with a quantitative component to further identify and expand upon the investigation of the population in question. Open-ended semi-structured interviews and fieldwork were used to explore the experience of breastfeeding in the context of the NICU for mothers of very preterm infants. Longitudinal data obtained from each subject included in-depth interviews, demographic and clinical information, milk expression patterns (including pumping frequency, duration, and milk volumes obtained), and scores obtained from the Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale (EPDS). ^ Findings. Thematic analysis revealed that mothers of very preterm infants experienced an interruption in the process of becoming a mother, a paradoxical experience related to aspects of their milk expression routines and patterns, and negotiating the NICU environment. Sub-themes of becoming a mother-interrupted included: attribution, separation, connection, and navigation. Additional sub-themes related to the paradoxical experience included: the pump sometimes acting as a wedge or link to the infant; diversionary thoughts/activities during pumping; and perceptions of milk flow/volume. The process of negotiation included the environment, adaptive/maladaptive strategies related to milk expression, motivating factors related to the provision of breast milk, and learning their infant's feeding cues/abilities. EPDS scores did not reveal congruent differences in those mothers scoring high compared to those scoring low. ^ Conclusions. Understanding the experiences of the mothers in this study allows for a better perspective of breastfeeding the very preterm infant in the context of the NICU. Findings from this study validate the difficult and incremental process of attaining maternal identity and the significant burden placed on these women with regards to the provision of breast milk and breastfeeding during their infant's hospitalization. ^


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Background: Most studies have looked at breastfeeding practices from the point of view of the maternal behavior only, however in counseling women who choose to breastfeed it is important to be aware of general infant feeding patterns in order to adequately provide information about what to expect. Available literature on the differences in infant breastfeeding behavior by sex is minimal and therefore requires further investigation. Objectives: This study determined if at the age of 2 months there were differences in the amount of breast milk consumed, duration of breastfeeding, and infant satiety by infant sex. It also assessed whether infant sex is an independent predictor of initiation of breastfeeding. Methods: This is a secondary analysis of data obtained from the Infant Feeding Practices Survey II (IFPS II) which was a longitudinal study carried out from May 2005 through June 2007 by the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The questionnaires asked about demography, prenatal care, mode of delivery, birth weight, infant sex, and breastfeeding patterns. A total of 3,033 and 2,552 mothers completed the neonatal and post-neonatal questionnaires respectively. ^ Results: There was no significant difference in the initiation of breastfeeding by infant sex. About 85% of the male infants initiated breastfeeding compared with 84% of female infants. The odds ratio of ever initiating breastfeeding by male infants was 0.93 but the difference was not significant with a p-value of 0.49. None of the other infant feeding patterns differed by infant gender. ^ Conclusion: This study found no evidence that male infants feed more or that their mothers are more likely to initiate breastfeeding. Each baby is an individual and therefore will have a unique feeding pattern. Based on these findings, the major determining factors for breastfeeding continue to be maternal factors therefore more effort should be invested in promoting breastfeeding among mothers of all ethnic groups and social classes.^


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Abstract: A guide for health providers who work in perinatal health care systems provides a variety of ideas and successful approaches for promoting breastfeeding among low-income women, based on the premise that breastfeeding is the best method for feeding infants in the early months of life. The material is organized into 4 principal sections covering background information on various aspects of breastfeeding, specifically for low-income women; approaches to breast-feeding education at each of the 4 distinct phases of the prenatal and postpartum periods; sample lesson plans that may be used by health professionals or paraprofessionals in individual or group sessions; and a tabulation of references and resources for the use of health professionals in breastfeeding promotion efforts. (wz).


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06