997 resultados para beta receptors
Experimental Chagas' disease (45 to 90 days post-infection) showed serious cardiac alterations in the contractility and in the pharmacological response to beta adrenergic receptors in normal and T. cruzi infected mice (post-acute phase). Chagasic infection did not change the beta receptors density (78.591 ± 3.125 fmol/mg protein and 73.647 ± 2.194 fmol/mg protein for controls) but their affinity was significantly diminished (Kd = 7.299 ± 0.426 nM and Kd = 3.759 ± 0.212 nM for the control) p < 0.001. This results demonstrate that the alterations in pharmacological response previously reported in chagasic myocardium are related to a significantly less beta cardiac receptor affinity. During this experimental period serious cardiac cell alterations take place and functional consequences will be detected in the chronic phase.
Prostacyclin and its mimetics are used therapeutically for the treatment of pulmonary hypertension. These drugs act via cell surface prostacyclin receptors (IP receptors); however, some of them can also activate the nuclear receptor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor beta (PPARbeta). We examined the possibility that PPARbeta is a therapeutic target for the treatment of pulmonary hypertension. Using the newly approved (for pulmonary hypertension) prostacyclin mimetic treprostinil sodium, reporter gene assays for PPARbeta activation and measurement of lung fibroblast proliferation were analyzed. Treprostinil sodium was found to activate PPARbeta in reporter gene assays and to inhibit proliferation of human lung fibroblasts at concentrations consistent with an effect on PPARs but not on IP receptors. The effects of treprostinil sodium on human lung cell proliferation are mimicked by those of the highly selective PPARbeta ligand GW0742. There are no receptor antagonists for PPARbeta or for IP receptors, but by using lung fibroblasts cultured from mice lacking PPARbeta (PPARbeta-/-) or IP (IP-/-), we demonstrate that the antiproliferative effects of treprostinil sodium are mediated by PPARbeta and not IP in lung fibroblasts. These observations suggest that some of the local, longer-term benefits of treprostinil sodium on reducing the remodeling associated with pulmonary hypertension may be mediated by PPARbeta. This study is the first to identify PPARbeta as a potential therapeutic target for the treatment of pulmonary hypertension, which is important because orally active PPARbeta ligands have been developed for the treatment of dyslipidemia.
Mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) is a retrovirus which induces a strong immune response and a dramatic increase in the number of infected cells through the expression of a superantigen (SAg). Many cytokines are likely to be involved in the interaction between MMTV and the immune system. In particular, alpha/beta interferon (IFN-alpha/beta) and gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) exert many antiviral and immunomodulatory activities and play a critical role in other viral infections. In this study, we have investigated the importance of interferons during MMTV infection by using mice with a disrupted IFN-alpha/beta or IFN-gamma receptor gene. We found that the SAg response to MMTV was not modified in IFN-alpha/betaR(0/0) and IFN-gammaR(0/0) mice. This was true both for the early expansion of B and T cells induced by the SAg and for the deletion of SAg-reactive cells at later stages of the infection. In addition, no increase in the amount of proviral DNA was detected in tissues of IFN-alpha/betaR(0/0) and IFN-gammaR(0/0) mice, suggesting that interferons are not essential antiviral defense mechanisms during MMTV infection. In contrast, IFN-gammaR(0/0) mice had increased amounts of IL-4 mRNA and an altered usage of immunoglobulin isotypes with a reduced frequency of IgG2a- and IgG3-producing cells. This was associated with lower titers of virus-specific antibodies in serum early after infection, although efficient titers were reached later.
T cell factor-1 (Tcf-1) is a transcription factor that binds to a sequence motif present in several T cell-specific enhancer elements. In Tcf-1-deficient (Tcf-1-/-) mice, thymocyte development is partially blocked at the transition from the CD4-8+ immature single-positive stage to the CD4+8+ double-positive stage, resulting in a marked decrease of mature peripheral T cells in lymph node and spleen. We report here that the development of most intestinal TCR gamma delta+ cells and liver CD4+ NK1.1+TCR alpha beta+ (NK1+T) cells, which are believed to be of extrathymic origin, is selectively impaired in Tcf-1-/- mice. In contrast, thymic and thymus-derived (splenic) TCR gamma delta+ cells are present in normal numbers in Tcf-1-/- mice, as are other T cell subsets in intestine and liver. Collectively, our data suggest that Tcf-1 is differentially required for the development of some extrathymic T cell subsets, including intestinal TCR gamma delta+ cells and liver CD4+ NK1+T cells.
T cells belong to two mutually exclusive lineages expressing either alpha beta or gamma delta T-cell receptors (TCR). Although alpha beta and gamma delta cells are known to share a common precursor the role of TCR rearrangement and specificity in the lineage commitment process is controversial. Instructive lineage commitment models endow the alpha beta or gamma delta TCR with a deterministic role in lineage choice, whereas separate lineage models invoke TCR-independent lineage commitment followed by TCR-dependent selection and maturation of alpha beta and gamma delta cells. Here we review the published data pertaining to the role of the TCR in alpha beta/gamma delta lineage commitment and provide some additional information obtained from recent intracellular TCR staining studies. We conclude that a variant of the separate lineage model is best able to accommodate all of the available experimental results.
Die Herzinsuffizienz (HI) ist eine der häufigsten und teuersten medizinischen Indikationen in der heutigen Zeit. rnIn der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte zum ersten Mal die Topoisomerase 2b (Top2b) in Zusammenhang mit der Entstehung einer dilatativen Kardiomyopathie gebracht werden. rnIn einem speziellen Mausmodell war es möglich, die Top2b gewebsspezifisch und zeitspezifisch nur in Kardiomyozyten zu deletieren. Dies geschah mittels eines Tamoxifen-induzierten Cre-Rekombinase-Gendeletionsmodells. Phänotypisch zeigten die Top2b-deletierten Mäuse 8 Wochen nach der Tamoxifen-Gabe signifikant reduzierte kardiale Ejektionsfraktionen sowie erhöhte linksventrikuläre enddiastolische und endsystolische Volumina. Weder Schlagvolumen noch Körpergewicht waren verändert. Die natriuretischen Peptide ANP und BNP waren in den Top2b-deletierten Tieren ebenfalls signifikant erhöht. Zusätzlich zeigten sowohl elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen als auch klassische histologische Verfahren fibrotische Veränderungen und erhöhte Kollagenablagerungen in Top2b-deletierten Tieren. Begleitend dazu stiegen die mRNA-Expressionslevel von Col1a1, Col3a1, Tgfβ1 und Tgfβ2 in den deletierten Tieren 8 Wochen nach der Implementierung der Deletion signifikant an. rnIn einer genomweiten Hochdurchsatz-Sequenzierung waren bereits 2 Wochen nach Tamoxifen-Gabe 128 Gene mindestens 2-fach gegenüber der Kontrollgruppe differentiell exprimiert. Eine genauere Analyse der veränderten Genexpression ließ bereits 14 Tage nach Implementierung der Deletion kardiale Verschlechterungen vermuten. So waren neben dem atrialen natriuretischen Peptid ANP die beiden häufigsten Kollagenarten im Herzen, Col3a1 und Col1a1, hochreguliert. rnInteressanterweise beinhalteten die 37 herunterregulierten Gene 11 Transkriptionsfaktoren. Da der Top2b in den letzten Jahren eine immer stärker werdende Bedeutung in der Transkription zugesprochen wird, sollte mittels Chromatin-Immunpräzipitation ein direkter Zusammenhang zwischen der Top2b-Deletion und der Herunterregulierung der 11 Transkriptionsfaktoren sowie die Bindung der Top2b an Promotoren ausgewählter, differentiell-exprimierter Gene untersucht werden. Generell konnte keine vermehrte Bindung von Top2b an Promotorbereiche gezeigt werden, was aber nicht dem generellen Fehlen einer Bindung gleichkommen muss. Vielmehr gab es methodische Schwierigkeiten, weshalb die Bedeutung der Top2b in der Transkription im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit nicht ausreichend geklärt werden konnte.rnEine Kardiomyozyten-spezifische Top2b-Deletion mündete 8 Wochen nach Tamoxifen-Gabe in eine dilatative Kardiomyopathie. Zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunkt sind keine klaren Aussagen zum zugrundeliegenden Mechanismus der entstehenden Herzschädigung in Folge einer Top2b-Deletion zu treffen. Es gibt jedoch Hinweise darauf, dass der Tumorsuppressormarker p53 eine wichtige Rolle in der Entstehung der dilatativen Kardiomyopathie spielen könnte. So konnte 8 Wochen nach der Top2b-Deletion mittels Chromatin-Immunpräzipitation eine erhöhte Bindung von p53 an Promotorregionen von Col1a1, Tgfβ2 und Mmp2 detektiert werden. Die Bedeutung dieser Bindung, und ob aufgrund dessen die Entstehung der Fibrose erklärt werden könnte, ist zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt unklar.rn
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Familial aggregation of intracranial aneurysms (IA) strongly suggests a genetic contribution to pathogenesis. However, genetic risk factors have yet to be defined. For families affected by aortic aneurysms, specific gene variants have been identified, many affecting the receptors to transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta). In recent work, we found that aortic and intracranial aneurysms may share a common genetic basis in some families. We hypothesized, therefore, that mutations in TGF-beta receptors might also play a role in IA pathogenesis. METHODS: To identify genetic variants in TGF-beta and its receptors, TGFB1, TGFBR1, TGFBR2, ACVR1, TGFBR3, and ENG were directly sequenced in 44 unrelated patients with familial IA. Novel variants were confirmed by restriction digestion analyses, and allele frequencies were analyzed in cases versus individuals without known intracranial disease. Similarly, allele frequencies of a subset of known SNPs in each gene were also analyzed for association with IA. RESULTS: No mutations were found in TGFB1, TGFBR1, TGFBR2, or ACVR1. Novel variants identified in ENG (p.A60E) and TGFBR3 (p.W112R) were not detected in at least 892 reference chromosomes. ENG p.A60E showed significant association with familial IA in case-control studies (P=0.0080). No association with IA could be found for any of the known polymorphisms tested. CONCLUSIONS: Mutations in TGF-beta receptor genes are not a major cause of IA. However, we identified rare variants in ENG and TGFBR3 that may be important for IA pathogenesis in a subset of families.
Transforming growth factor type beta (TGF-beta) is a multifunctional factor that regulates proliferation and differentiation of many cell types. TGF-beta mediates its effects by binding to and activating cell surface receptors that possess serine/threonine kinase activity. However, the intracellular signaling pathways through which TGF-beta receptors act remain largely unknown. Here we show that TGF-beta activates a 78-kDa protein (p78) serine/threonine kinase as evidenced by an in-gel kinase assay. Ligand-induced activation of the kinase was near-maximal 5 min after TGF-beta addition to the cells and occurred exclusively on serine and threonine residues. This kinase is distinct from TGF-beta receptor type II, as well as several cytoplasmic serine/threonine kinases of similar size, including protein kinase C, Raf, mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase, and ribosomal S6 kinase. Indeed, these kinases can be separated almost completely from p78 kinase by immunoprecipitation with specific antibodies. Furthermore, using different cell lines, we demonstrate that p78 kinase is activated only in cells for which TGF-beta can act as a growth inhibitory factor. These data raise the interesting possibility that protein serine/threonine kinases contribute to the intracellular relay of biological signals originating from receptor serine/threonine kinases such as the TGF-beta receptors.
Type I and II receptors for the transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) are transmembrane serine/threonine kinases that are essential for TGF-beta signaling. However, little is known about their in vivo substrates or signal transduction pathways. To determine the substrate specificity of these kinases, we developed combinatorial peptide libraries synthesized on a hydrophilic matrix that is easily accessible to proteins in aqueous solutions. When we subjected these libraries to phosphorylation by the cAMP-dependent protein kinase, we obtained the optimal peptide sequence RRXS (I/L/V), in perfect agreement with the substrate sequence deduced from mutagenesis and crystal structure analyses. By using the same libraries, we showed that the optimal substrate peptide for both the type I and II TGF-beta receptors was KKKKKK(S/T)XXX. Since the two kinases are thought to play different roles in intracellular signal transduction, it was a surprise to find that they have almost identical substrate specificity. Our method is direct, sensitive, and simple and provides information about the kinase specificity for all the amino acid residues at each position.
Approximately half of the motoneurons generated during normal embryonic development undergo programmed cell death. Most of this death occurs during the time when synaptic connections are being formed between motoneurons and their target, skeletal muscle. Subsequent muscle activity stemming from this connection helps determine the final number of surviving motoneurons. These observations have given rise to the idea that motoneuron survival is dependent upon access to muscle derived trophic factors, presumably through intact neuromuscular synapses. However, it is not yet understood how the muscle regulates the supply of such trophic factors, or if there are additional mechanisms operating to control the fate of the innervating motoneuron. Recent observations have highlighted target independent mechanisms that also operate to support the survival of motoneurons, such as early trophic-independent periods of motoneuron death, trophic factors derived from Schwann cells and selection of motoneurons during pathfinding. Here we review recent investigations into motoneuron cell death when the molecular signalling between motoneurons and muscle has been genetically disrupted. From these studies, we suggest that in addition to trophic factors from muscle and/or Schwann cells, specific adhesive interactions between motoneurons and muscle are needed to regulate motoneuron survival. Such interactions, along with intact synaptic basal lamina, may help to regulate the supply and presentation of trophic factors to motoneurons.
Notch proteins influence cell-fate decisions in many developmental systems. Gain-of-function studies have suggested a crucial role for Notch1 signaling at several stages during lymphocyte development, including the B/T, alphabeta/gammadelta and CD4/CD8 lineage choices. Here, we critically re-evaluate these conclusions in the light of recent studies that describe inducible and tissue-specific targeting of the Notch1 gene.
In Chagas disease serious cardiac dysfunction can appear. We specifically studied the cardiac function by evaluating: ventricle contractile force and norepinephrine response, affinity and density of beta-adrenergic receptors, dynamic properties of myocardial membranes, and electrocardiography. Albino swiss mice (n = 250) were infected with 55 trypomastigotes, Tulahuen strain and studied at 35, 75, and 180 days post-infection, that correspond to the acute, indeterminate, and chronic phase respectively. Cardiac beta-adrenergic receptors' affinity, myocardial contractility, and norepinephrine response progressively decreased from the acute to the chronic phase of the disease (p < 0.01). The density (expressed as fmol/mg.prot) of the receptors was similar to non-infected mice (71.96 ± 0.36) in both the acute (78.24 ± 1.67) and indeterminate phases (77.28 ± 0.91), but lower in the chronic disease (53.32 ± 0.71). Electrocardiographic abnormalities began in the acute phase and were found in 65% of the infected-mice during the indeterminate and chronic phases. Membrane contents of triglycerides, cholesterol, and anisotropy were similar in all groups. A quadratic correlation between the affinity to beta-adrenergic receptors and cardiac contractile force was obtained. In conclusion the changes in cardiac beta-adrenergic receptors suggests a correlation between the modified beta-adrenergic receptors affinity and the cardiac contractile force.
In addition to their CD1d-restricted T cell receptor (TCR), natural killer T (NKT) cells express various receptors normally associated with NK cells thought to act, in part, as modulators of TCR signaling. Immunoreceptor-tyrosine activation (ITAM) and inhibition (ITIM) motifs associated with NK receptors may augment or attenuate perceived TCR signals respectively, potentially influencing NKT cell development and function. ITIM-containing Ly49 family receptors expressed by NKT cells are proposed to play a role in their development and function. We have produced mice transgenic for the ITAM-associated Ly49D and ITIM-containing Ly49A receptors and their common ligand H2-Dd to determine the importance of these signaling interplays in NKT cell development. Ly49D/H2-Dd transgenic mice had selectively and severely reduced numbers of thymic and peripheral NKT cells, whereas both ligand and Ly49D transgenics had normal numbers of NKT cells. CD1d tetramer staining revealed a blockade of NKT cell development at an early precursor stage. Coexpression of a Ly49A transgene partially rescued NKT cell development in Ly49D/H2-Dd transgenics, presumably due to attenuation of ITAM signaling. Thus, Ly49D-induced ITAM signaling is incompatible with the early development of cells expressing semi-invariant CD1d-restricted TCRs and appropriately harmonized ITIM-ITAM signaling is likely to play an important role in the developmental program of NKT cells.