348 resultados para arboreal ecotopes
We characterized 28 new isolates of Trypanosoma cruzi IIc (TCIIc) of mammals and triatomines from Northern to Southern Brazil, confirming the widespread distribution of this lineage. Phylogenetic analyses using cytochrome b and SSU rDNA sequences clearly separated TCIIc from TCIIa according to terrestrial and arboreal ecotopes of their preferential mammalian hosts and vectors. TCIIc was more closely related to TCIId/e, followed by TCIIa, and separated by large distances from TCIIb and TCI. Despite being indistinguishable by traditional genotyping and generally being assigned to Z3, we provide evidence that TCIIa from South America and TCIIa from North America correspond to independent lineages that circulate in distinct hosts and ecological niches. Armadillos, terrestrial didelphids and rodents, and domestic dogs were found infected by TCIIc in Brazil. We believe that, in Brazil, this is the first description of TCIIc from rodents and domestic dogs. Terrestrial triatomines of genera Panstrongylus and Triatoma were confirmed as vectors of TCIIc. Together, habitat, mammalian host and vector association corroborated the link between TCIIc and terrestrial transmission cycles/ecological niches. Analysis of ITS1 rDNA sequences disclosed clusters of TCIIc isolates in accordance with their geographic origin, independent of their host species. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Large-scale trials of a trapping system designed to collect silvatic Triatominae are reported. Live-baited adhesive traps were tested in various ecosystems and different triatomine habitats (arboreal and terrestrial). The trials were always successful, with a rate of positive habitats generally over 20% and reaching 48.4% for palm trees of the Amazon basin. Eleven species of Triatominae belonging to the three genera of public health importance (Triatoma, Rhodnius and Panstrongylus) were captured. This trapping system provides an effective way to detect the presence of triatomines in terrestrial and arboreal silvatic habitats and represents a promising tool for ecological studies. Various lines of research are contemplated to improve the performance of this trapping system.
A doença de Chagas aguda (DCA) é endêmica na Amazônia Brasileira sendo a via oral a principal forma de transmissão com surtos familiares ou multifamiliares. Esta via independe da colonização de triatomíneos no domicílio e a ocorrência é regular com média de 100 casos/ano e 5% de óbitos. Apresenta distribuição espaço-temporal bem definida, colocando a enfermidade como emergência de importância em saúde pública nos estados do Pará, Amapá e Amazonas. A presença de mamíferos e triatomíneos silvestres, infectados naturalmente com o c e habitando distintos ecótopos terrestres e arbóreos, mantém um intenso ciclo enzoótico em toda a Amazônia. Perfis moleculares de linhagens de T. cruzi na região estão associados a hospedeiros mamíferos (incluindo o homem), triatomíneos, ecótopos e manifestações clínicas. Foram estudados quatro surtos de DCA ocorridos nos Municípios de Barcarena, Belém e Cachoeira do Arari no Estado do Pará e em Santana, no Estado do Amapá e abordados os aspectos epidemiológicos (parasitológico e sorológico manifestações clínicas, reservatórios e triatomíneos silvestres associados aos surtos). Foi investigado também em São Luís, Estado do Maranhão, o ciclo domiciliar e silvestre do T. cruzi, porém sem a ocorrência de casos de DCA. O estudo incluiu também a genotipagem molecular de T. cruzi pelo gene de mini-exon dos isolados (homem, mamíferos e triatomíneos silvestres) associados aos diferentes ciclos de transmissão. O diagnóstico parasitológico foi confirmado em 63 pacientes com a seguinte sensibilidade nos testes aplicados: 41,3% (26/63) pela gota espessa; 58,7% (37/63) no QBC; 79,4% (50/63) no xenodiagnóstico e 61,9% (39/63) na hemocultura. A sorologia de 2648 pessoas por hemaglutinação indireta (HAI) foi de 3,05% (81/2648) e imunofluorescência indireta IFI apresentaram respectivamente resultados de e 2,49% (66/2648) para IgG e 2,37 (63/2648) para IgM. Os resultados em São Luís foram todos negativos. Foram capturados 24 mamíferos, 13 Didelphis marsupialis, 1 Marmosa cinerea, 5 Philander opossum, 3 Metachirus nudicaudatus, 1 Oryzomys macconnelli, 1 Oecomys bicolor e 433 R. rattus. A taxa de infecção para T. cruzi foi de 7,14% (29/404). Um total de 3279 triatomíneos foi capturado sendo: Triatoma rubrofasciata (n=3008), com taxa de infecção (TI) de 30.46%, (39/128), Rhodnius robustus (n=137), com TI de 76% (79/104), R. pictipes (n=94), TI de 56,9% (49/86%), E. mucronatus (n=6) e P. geniculatus (n=12) com TI de 50% e as demais espécies sem infecção R. neglectus (n=5) e P. lignarius (n=6). As palmeiras foram os principais ecótopos dos triatomíneos silvestres. O urucurizeiro (S. martiana) apresentava infestação de 47,41% (101/213) dos triatomíneos; o “inajazeiro” (Maximiliana regia) 35,21% (75/213); o “babaçueiro” (Orbgnya. speciosa) 5,16% (11/213); o “dendezeiro” (Eleas melanoccoca) 1,87% (4/213) e a “bacabeira” (Oenocarpus bacaba) 10,32% (22/213). Para a genotipagem foram obtidos 46 isolados de tripanossomas de origem humana, 31 isolamentos de mamíferos silvestres e 74 amostras de triatomíneos. Todos os isolados foram caracterizados como da linhagem TcI de T. cruzi. Todos os casos humanos no Pará foram caracterizados como positivos por exame parasitológico. Nem todos os casos de Santana, Amapá, apresentaram casos parasitológicos positivos, pela demora do diagnóstico, mesmo assim estes foram definidos como DCA. Exames como xenodiagnóstico, hemocultura e o QBC® foram mais sensíveis do que a gota espessa. A sorologia por HAI e IFI (IgG e IgM) tiveram excelente sensibilidade para detectar os casos agudos em tempos distintos de infecção. O achado de mamíferos (D. marsupilais) e triatomíneos silvestres (R. pictipes e P. geniculatus) infectados com consideráveis taxas de infecção para T. cruzi no entorno das residências dos pacientes sustentam a importância destes hospedeiros associados à transmissão da DCA. Apesar de na Amazônia circularem vários genótipos de T. cruzi nos diferentes hospedeiros, neste trabalho foi identificada somente a linhagem TCI de T. cruzi, a mais predominante na Região. Em São Luís, Maranhão, embora sem registro de casos de DCA apresenta um ciclo domiciliar associados ao rato doméstico e o triatomíneo da espécie T. rubrofasciata, e um ciclo silvestre mantido por didelfídeos. Nos dois ciclos circulam a linhagem TCI de T. cruzi. Estudos com marcadores de maior resolução com isolados de T. cruzi regionais podem ajudar a esclarecer os ciclos de transmissão, as rotas de contaminação e os hospedeiros envolvidos em casos de DCA na Amazônia.
Triatomine bug species such as Microtriatoma trinidadensis, Eratyrus mucronatus, Belminus herreri, Panstrongylus lignarius, and Triatoma tibiamaculata are exquisitely adapted to specialist niches. This suggests a long evolutionary history, as well as the recent dramatic spread a few eclectic, domiciliated triatomine species. Virtually all species of the genus Rhodnius are primarily associated with palms. The genus Panstrongylus is predominantly associated with burrows and tree cavities and the genus Triatoma with terrestrial rocky habitats or rodent burrows. Two major sub-divisions have been defined within the species Trypanosoma cruzi, as T. cruzi 1 (Z1) and T. cruzi 2 (Z2). The affinities of a third group (Z3) are uncertain. Host and habitat associations lead us to propose that T. cruzi 1 (Z1) has evolved in an arboreal, palm tree habitat with the triatomine tribe Rhodniini, in association with the opossum Didelphis. Similarly we propose that T. cruzi (Z2) and Z3 evolved in a terrestrial habitat in burrows and in rocky locations with the triatomine tribe Triatomini, in association with edentates, and/or possibly ground dwelling marsupials. Both sub-divisions of T. cruzi may have been contemporary in South America up to 65 million years ago. Alternatively, T. cruzi 2 (Z2) may have evolved more recently from T. cruzi 1 (Z1) by host transfers into rodents, edentates, and primates. We have constructed a molecular phylogeny of haematophagous vectors, including triatomine bugs, which suggests that faecal transmission of trypanosomes may be the ancestral route. A molecular clock phylogeny suggests that Rhodnius and Triatoma diverged before the arrival, about 40 million years ago, of bats and rodents into South America.
The habitat requirements of arboreal marsupials were investigated in the dry sclerophyll forests of southeast Queensland, Australia. Species richness and abundance of arboreal marsupials was correlated to the proportion of total stand basal area occupied by lemon-scented gum (Corymbia citriodora), the height of the tallest trees, and density of hollow-bearing trees. The first two factors suggested that the most productive forests were also the most suitable habitats for arboreal marsupials. Importantly, the number of hollow-bearing trees was a significant factor in determining species richness and abundance of arboreal marsupials in this study, with the maximum number of species reached at sites containing greater than or equal to4 hollow-bearing trees/ha, and maximum abundance occurring at sites with :6 hollow-bearingtrees/ha. The proportion of C. citriodora was significant for the presence of the common brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula), greater glider (Petauroides volans), and the yellow-bellied glider (Petaurus australis), while understory Acacia sp. density was important for the presence of the sugar glider (Petaurus breviceps). The yellow-bellied glider was also affected by two other variables: the density of hollow-bearing trees >50 cm diameter at breast height (dbh), and the time since the last logging. Current Codes of Practice regulating the density of hollow-bearing trees and silvicultural practices in state-owned timber production forests appear to provide adequate protection for arboreal marsupials, but the recently introduced increase in timber extraction rates within state forests may be detrimental to the animals. Also, protective prescriptions do not apply to the privately owned and leasehold estates, which contain the majority of the dry sclerophyll forests in southeast Queensland.
Previously, two species of Myrmozercon (= Myrmonyssus) have been described from ground-nesting Australian ants in the genus Iridiomyrmex. Herein a new species, Myrmozercon iainkayi, infesting workers and alate adults of a leaf-nesting species of Polyrachis ant is described. The new species has a number of unusual or unique characters, including coxal hypertrichy (6-6-6-4 for legs I-IV, respectively), and based on the structure of its mouthparts, appears to be a haemolymph-feeding parasite.
Six species of trees located in the dry sclerophyll forests of southeast Queensland were studied to ascertain which was most suitable to be retained as hollow-bearing trees for nesting and denning by arboreal marsupials. Generally for all tree species, the number of entrances to hollows was positively correlated with the diameter at breast height (DBH) and the growth stage, and entrance diameters also increased in trees with a larger DBH. However, there were differences between the species; Corymbia citriodora had few hollows until the individuals were very large while Eucalyptus crebra had low numbers of hollows throughout its entire size range. It was concluded that a mixture of tree species provided a range of hollow sizes and positions that would be suitable for nesting and denning by arboreal marsupials in those forests. There were large differences between tree species in the relationship between tree size and estimated age. Five of the tree species took between 186 and 230 years to begin to produce hollows while E. crebra took up to 324 years. This suggests that tree species other than E. crebra may be the most preferred for retention in areas where hollow-bearing tree densities are lower than the prescribed level. Other data also suggests there are likely to be enough trees in larger size classes that would begin to form hollows within the next 50 years to compensate for an expected loss of hollow-bearing stags during that same period. In terms of forest operation, the retention of six hollow-bearing trees/ha would represent an estimated loss of 7.3-15% wood production. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
n.s. no.38(1987)
The taxonomic composition, observed and estimated species richness, and patterns of community structure of arboreal spider assemblages in eleven sites surrounding the "Banhado Grande" wet plain in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, are presented. These sites represent three different vegetational types: hillside (four sites), riparian (five sites) and flooded forests (two sites). The spiders were captured by beating on foliage and "aerial litter". A sample was defined as the result of beating on twenty bushes, tree branches or "aerial litter" clusters, which roughly corresponds to one-hour search effort per sample. Fifty five samples (five per site) were obtained, resulting in an observed richness of 212 species present as adult or identifiable juveniles. The total richness for all samples was estimated to be between 250 (Bootstrap) to 354 species (Jackknife 2). Confidence intervals of both sample and individual-based rarefaction curves for each vegetation type clearly indicated that flooded forest is the poorest vegetation type with respect to spider species richness, with hillside and riparian forests having a similar number of species. The percentage complementarity between the eleven sites indicated that all sites contain a distinct set of species, irrespective of their vegetation types. Nevertheless, the spider assemblages in riparian and hillside forests are more similar with respect to each other than when compared to flooded forest. Both cluster and nonmetric multidimensional scaling analyses showed no strong correspondence between the spider arboreal fauna and the three vegetation types. Moreover, a Mantel test revealed no significant association between species composition and geographic distance among sites.
Characterization is given of a new parasite, Leishmania equatoriensis sp.n. wich was isolated from the viscera of a sloth (Choloepus hoffmanni) and a squirrel (Sciurus granatensis), captured in humid tropical forest onthe Pacific Coast of Ecuador. Data based on biological and molecular criteria, as well as numerical zymotaxonomical analysis, indicate that this parasite is a new species of the L. brasiliensis complex. L. equatoriensis is cleary distinguishable form all other known species within this complex, using the following molecular criteria: reactivity patterns with specific monoclonal antibodies, isoenzyme electrophoresis, and restriction-endonuclease fragment patterns of kinetoplast DNA (k-DNA).
Triatoma brasiliensis is considered as one of the most important Chagas disease vectors in the northeastern Brazil. This species presents chromatic variations which led to descriptions of subspecies, synonymized by Lent and Wygodzinsky (1979). In order to broaden bionomic knowledge of these distinct colour patterns of T. brasiliensis, captures were performed at different sites, where the chromatic patterns were described: Caicó, Rio Grande do Norte (T. brasiliensis brasiliensis Neiva, 1911), it will be called the "brasiliensis population"; Espinosa, Minas Gerais (T. brasiliensis melanica Neiva & Lent 1941), the "melanica population" and Petrolina, Pernambuco (T. brasiliensis macromelasoma, Galvão 1956), the "macromelasoma population". A fourth chromatic pattern was collected in Juazeiro, Bahia the darker one in overall cuticle coloration, the "Juazeiro population". At the sites of Caicó, Petrolina and Juazeiro, specimens were captured in peridomiciliar ecotopes and in wilderness. In Espinosa the specimens were collected only in wilderness, even though several exhaustive captures have been performed in peridomicile at different sites of this municipality. A total of 298 specimens were captured. The average registered infection rate was 15% for "brasiliensis population" and of 6.6% for "melanica population". Specimens of "macromelasoma" and of "Juazeiro populations" did not present natural infection. Concerning trophic resources, evaluated by the precipitin test, feeding eclecticism for the different colour patterns studied was observed, with dominance of goat blood in household surroundings as well as in wilderness
Triatoma dimidiata adults have been frequently found, during the last five years, in a dog kennel and a chicken coop, in the back yard of a well-built house, 15 km from San José, the capital of Costa Rica. In the chicken coop nymphs were also found. Two of the 11 dogs from the kennel were serologically positive for Trypanosoma cruzi infection. The inhabitants of the house, three adults and two children, were negative. This type of colonization by the insect, which is attracted to lights, is becoming common in old and new settlements, with different degrees of success, a fact with epidemiological implications and great relevance in the control strategies that can be applied.