1000 resultados para apoio pedagógico


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Promever la libertad creativa de alumnos de quinto curso con necesidades de apoyo, a través de la aplicación de un programa de libertad creativa con imagen. Identificar el perfil de cada alumno en relación al aprendizaje y respuesta creativa. Analizar el contexto socio-familiar y socioafectivo de los alumnos. Diseñar un programa en secuencias temporales, integrando un proceso de regulación en cada estrategia. Analizar los resultados de expresión creativa en el contexto del programa, comparando un antes y un después del proceso de regulación. Definir un modelo creativo para su aplicación práctica. La muestra está formada por 118 sujetos: un grupo de tratamiento experimental, que se sometió al programa formado por 34 sujetos; y tres grupos comparativos, dos de ellos formados por alumnos con Necesidades Educativas Especiales, de escuelas diferentes, pero con características idénticas al grupo de tratamiento (de 25 y 32 sujetos, respectivamente) y otro de alumnos sin dificultades de aprendizaje, seleccionado aleatoriamente (27 sujetos). La muestra fue ampliada hasta 306 sujetos, que formarón un grupo aparte de los anteriores, por exigencia metodológica, a efectos de la verificación de la validez y fiabilidad de los instrumentos. Estudio cuasi-experimental que pretende manipular determinados factores en un grupo experimental o de tratamiento, al mismo tiempo que se efectúan grupos de comparación, estudiados en un medio relativamente controlado. Se trata de aplicar un programa de libertad creativa con imagen y comprobar su eficacia. El papel del profesor de apoyo es crucial. Se hace una observación inicial en los distintos grupos, posteriormente se somete al grupo experimental a un total de 10 intervenciones estratégicas, que integran las diferentes vertientes de la variable independiente, con el objetivo de obtener resultados efectivos en la variable dependiente (la respuesta creativa). Después de las 10 intervenciones se vuelve a evaluar las respuestas. Cuestionario de motivación general de Gómes y otros. Análisis del proceso de interacción de BALES y Autoconcepto (PHCSCS) para la evaluación de las respuestas socio-emocionales. Escala de autoconcepto Learner Scale (SCAL) validado por F. Veiga. Test de creatividad (TAEC) de S. de la Torre. Cuestionario de creatividad (GRIFT 3) de Sylvia Rimm. Análisis factorial para comprobar la validez y fiabilidad de los instrumentos. ANOVA ONEWAY. Discriminación de diferencias en la evaluación de la cratividad mediante el test POST-HOC. En el grupo de tratamiento se observan diferencias significativas en los resultados de creatividad, en las diferentes categorías, antes y después del proceso de regulación. Acerca de las diferencias en las diferentes categorías medidas por el TAEC en los grupos comparativos, las medias obtenidas en los grupos sin necesidad de apoyo son superiores a los demás. Los resultados permiten comprender las dificultades y ventajas del programa y del proceso de Regulación Holística, permitiendo sugerir un modelo creativo con aplicaciones prácticas en dos ámbitos: por un lado, en cuanto programa de Apoyo Pedagógico en la enseñanza con Dificultades de Aprendizaje; y por otro, en las acciones educativas de reeducación de comportamientos. El modelo elige el poder informativo y sugestivo de la imagen para orientar la enseñanza y abrir un espacio para la acción mediadora del educador.


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This work detaches the importance of the continued formation of the educators in terms of the inclusive educational process, pointing as basic elements the continued formation of the educational professionals. In this direction, it points and it defends the dialogue in the perspective of David Bohm, with interfaces of the freireanas ideas, as a methodological resource of action that allows the organization of strategies of collective and effective pedagogical support in inclusive schools, in the same time articulates the continued formation of the professionals in education. Characterized as research in a dialogical action with collective participation and collaboration, it counted with the participation of 87 educators, between professors, pedagogical, managing coordinators and specialists of special education in two schools of the state and municipal public system of Natal/RN. The results had pointed with respect to the viability of the dialogue as articulated methodological tool of the continued formation in service, when providing the establishment of personal and professional relationship between the educators, favoring the discursive enjoyment of the lived experiences, allows the organization of strategies of collective and effective pedagogical support in the scholar environment. On the basis of these results, this work also points to some items to reflections as the reorganization of the Secretariats and the schools, in the direction to brighten up the fragmentation and the discontinuity of the pedagogical actions evidenced and to instigate a process of changes that has glimpsed the professional development of the educators through its continued formation in service and the improvement of the school in the way of the concretization of an education directed toward the acceptance, respect and attendance the diversity of its pupils, as detaches the official documents and the studies on the inclusive education


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Por meio da Secretaria Municipal de Educação, a prefeitura do município de Botucatu implantou, em 2005, um de seus mais importantes projetos de educação complementar, a Escola do Meio Ambiente (EMA). Desde a sua fundação, a EMA tem por objetivo desenvolver e apoiar práticas pedagógicas e pesquisas, que visam à conscientização e responsabilidade socioambiental. Dentre suas diversas atividades, está a Trilha Interpretativa do Patrimônio Histórico, voltada, principalmente, para o 1º e o 9º ano do Ensino Fundamental. O caminho interpretado resgata a cidadania, proporcionando ao aluno recuperar as memórias históricas da cidade, reafirmar a sua identidade e consequentemente, buscar a sua valorização pessoal e social. A história do município começa a sair de um misterioso e velho baú. O momento possibilita abrir espaço para a arte da narrativa. Um cocar fala da cultura indígena, um chapéu de palha, nos leva à época dos tropeiros e um mapa de feltro exemplifica o processo de imigração. Ao término da vivência, os educandos saem à rua, para conhecer, em detalhes, os prédios que ajudaram a construir a nossa história. Através dos métodos de avaliação, utilizados nesses três anos, anotações sobre as observações feitas em trilhas e questionários respondidos pelos professores, pudemos constatar que os alunos sabem muito pouco sobre a cidade e que possuem dificuldade de relacionar fatos históricos com a sua própria existência e com as mudanças que promovem no meio. Observou-se que além de tratar com descaso os prédios históricos, os alunos não conseguem citar dados sobre a fauna e a flora local. O mais preocupante é o fato de que para eles, a cidade não representa o meio ambiente. Logo, ficou clara a necessidade de se produzir um material de apoio que tivesse por objetivo preencher estas... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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O presente estudo teve como objectivo, partindo de uma análise comparativa entre dois hospitais, descrever e identificar aspectos que pudessem comprovar que as actividades escolares desenvolvidas no contexto hospitalar podem contribuir para amenizar o sofrimento de crianças hospitalizadas assim como contribuem para o seu desenvolvimento integral. As bases de assistência à criança hospitalizada têm vindo a modificar-se nas últimas décadas derivado aos resultados de pesquisas nas áreas das ciências médicas, humanas e sociais. Tendo estas concepções como base, criam-se então, perspectivas de como apoiar melhor a criança no processo de hospitalização que tem de enfrentar, esclarecendo e auxiliando também os profissionais que têm como objectivo primordial o bem-estar da criança, a todos os níveis: físico, pedagógico, social, afectivo e psicológico. A inserção da escola nos hospitais, adequada às necessidades e situação de cada criança, recupera a socialização desta por um processo de inclusão, dando continuidade à sua escolarização e valorizando as suas novas aprendizagens. Para a realização desta investigação, muito contaram as participações, tanto do Instituto de Português de Oncologia de Lisboa, como do Hospital do Espírito Santo de Évora, EPE, que me deram acesso aos seus respectivos serviços de Pediatria, assim como permitiram o meu contacto com todos os actores envolvidos. Foi realizada uma análise qualitativa tanto da recolha bibliográfica como das comunicações recolhidas através das entrevistas realizadas e das observações efectuadas nos contextos de pesquisa. Obtive consideráveis informações que me permitiram ratificar a considerável importância e eficácia das actividades pedagógicas e educacionais no desenvolvimento da criança em situação de hospitalização, permitindo assim também amenizar esta fase menos boa da vida destas crianças. ABSTRACT; This study aims to, by way of a comparative analysis between two hospitais, describe and identify aspects that are able to prove that the school activities developed in hospitals can help to ease the suffering of hospitalized children as well as contribute to their full development. Over the last decades, the type of support given to hospitalized children has been changing due to the influence of studies conducted in the medical, human and social sciences fields. With these conceptions as a basis, perspectives have been created regarding how to provide better support to children during their stay at the hospital, clarifying and helping the professionals whose fundamental goal is the child's welfare at all levels: physical, pedagogical, social, emotional and psychological. Within the hospital walls, a classroom suited to the needs and situation of each child greatly benefits their socialization recovery through a process of inclusion, thereby permitting a continuation of the learning process. ln carrying out this research, the participation of the Portuguese Institute of Oncology and of the Évora Hospital was essential, wherein I was granted access to their pediatric services and to all the persons involved in this context. A qualitative analysis was conducted using data extracted from bibliographic research as well as from speeches gathered during interviews performed within the research framework. The substantial amount of information allows me to ratify the considerable importance and success of the pedagogic and educational activities in the development of hospitalized children, allowing, as was said before, to ease this difficult stage of children’s.


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An inclusive environment has its foundations in the belief that all people are entitled to participate, to live as normal a life as possible, without discrimination, especially in education. This is to ensure equal opportunities. For individuals with special needs, the use of computers and digital materials is not an alternative, but one of the only forms of access to information. For the visually impaired, they start from the beginning to enter the university, through the selection processes, not always accessible. For those who can, other difficulties arise, undermining the initial enthusiasm and generating a large rate of dropouts. In most cases, these students will depend on the goodwill of colleagues and volunteers for the reading of texts in the basic literature of the disciplines studied. The high cost of technology assisted allied to a lack of resources and knowledge of curricular adaptations, prevents many teachers help these students in an appropriate manner. This thesis seeks to contribute to the inclusion of the visually impaired student pointing alternatives that can help in caring education. The research was conducted specifically for the doctorate during the period 2001 to 2006, the cities of Natal, Salvador and Curitiba, and is based mainly on the methodology of action research. The objective was the construction of Virtual Teaching Support Center , structured in a Web portal that can serve as a resource to help support teachers, staff and other users concerned with the process of inclusion of people with needs special education, with the goal of assimilation of educational opportunities, with the support of resources and methods. The inclusion is for everyone because we are all different


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The organization of the inclusive education is a slow and complex process, which has the necessity of investments in supports for all the scholar team. Aiming at spreading one of the actions carried out for the promotion of the inclusive educational practices in a municipal education system in a western city in the state of São Paulo, this paperwork has the objective of presenting an elaborated manual of orientations for the implementation of the individual curricular adaptations (ACIs) for students who demand special educational necessities (NEEs). The material was constituted on the basis of three data sets: 1) tabulation of the evaluations of the curricular adaptations already made; 2) the literature review; 3) analysis of the themes which have emerged during case discussion meetings mediated by the researchers with teachers from the Specialized Pedagogical Support Service (SAPE), with teachers and administrators from the common education system and the technical-pedagogical team. The final version of the manual contemplates the theoretical-operational aspects about the themes: flexibility and curricular adequation, inclusive education, definitions of NEEs, how SAPE works; and it finishes with a model proposal of ACI. It is expected that the spreading of this material can subside new curricular propositions for students with deficiency that are very distant from the academic level expected for the current scholar year.


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We investigated the process of inclusion in the school common areas, tracking the performance of a traveling school teacher (teaching support service specialist), type of service in Special Education, as a support to the school's educational proposal. Objectives: To identify, describe and analyze the performance of itinerant school teacher in a school of mainstream school, with students and their teachers, to analyze the perception of two teachers of the common teaching about the process of integration of pupils with special educational needs in their classes; examine the roles and responsibilities of itinerant school teacher through an exploratory qualitative approach. Participants: an itinerant school teacher, two teachers and two of the common teaching students with special educational needs included in mainstream school. Observations were made weekly at the school over a period of six months, semi-structured interviews with teachers and document analysis. The results showed different facets of roaming at the intersection with the common teaching among them may be noted that acts as a parallel system in the common school, creating a gap between them which may compromise or disadvantage of the dynamic performance of service support, but this gap is overcome at critical times facing the mainstream school, where this service benefit the child's learning process and promotes their inclusive education policy.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física