979 resultados para Vórtice magnético. Campo dipolar. Campo de anisotropia. Estadosmagnéticos remanentes. Histerese térmica. Campo de troca de interface


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The effect of confinement on the magnetic structure of vortices of dipolar coupled ferromagnetic nanoelements is an issue of current interest, not only for academic reasons, but also for the potential impact in a number of promising applications. Most applications, such as nano-oscillators for wireless data transmission, benefit from the possibility of tailoring the vortex core magnetic pattern. We report a theoretical study of vortex nucleation in pairs of coaxial iron and Permalloy cylinders, with diameters ranging from 21nm to 150nm, and 12nm and 21nm thicknesses, separated by a non-magnetic layer. 12nm thick iron and Permalloy isolated (single) cylinders do not hold a vortex, and 21nm isolated cylinders hold a vortex. Our results indicate that one may tailor the magnetic structure of the vortices, and the relative chirality, by selecting the thickness of the non-magnetic spacer and the values of the cylinders diameters and thicknesses. Also, the dipolar interaction may induce vortex formation in pairs of 12nm thick nanocylinders and inhibit the formation of vortices in pairs of 21nm thick nanocylinders. These new phases are formed according to the value of the distance between the cylinderes. Furthermore, we show that the preparation route may control relative chirality and polarity of the vortex pair. For instance: by saturating a pair of Fe 81nm diameter, 21nm thickness cylinders, along the crystalline anisotropy direction, a pair of 36nm core diameter vortices, with same chirality and polarity is prepared. By saturating along the perpendicular direction, one prepares a 30nm diameter core vortex pair, with opposite chirality and opposite polarity. We also present a theoretical discussion of the impact of vortices on the thermal hysteresis of a pair of interface biased elliptical iron nanoelements, separated by an ultrathin nonmagnetic insulating layer. We have found that iron nanoelements exchange coupled to a noncompensated NiO substrate, display thermal hysteresis at room temperature, well below the iron Curie temperature. The thermal hysteresis consists in different sequences of magnetic states in the heating and cooling branches of a thermal loop, and originates in the thermal reduction of the interface field, and on the rearrangements of the magnetic structure at high temperatures, 5 produce by the strong dipolar coupling. The width of the thermal hysteresis varies from 500 K to 100 K for lateral dimensions of 125 nm x 65 nm and 145 nm x 65 nm. We focus on the thermal effects on two particular states: the antiparallel state, which has, at low temperatures, the interface biased nanoelement with the magnetization aligned with the interface field and the second nanoelement aligned opposite to the interface field; and in the parallel state, which has both nanoelements with the magnetization aligned with the interface field at low temperatures. We show that the dipolar interaction leads to enhanced thermal stability of the antiparallel state, and reduces the thermal stability of the parallel state. These states are the key phases in the application of pairs of ferromagnetic nanoelements, separated by a thin insulating layer, for tunneling magnetic memory cells. We have found that for a pair of 125nm x 65nm nanoelements, separated by 1.1nm, and low temperature interface field strength of 5.88kOe, the low temperature state (T = 100K) consists of a pair of nearly parallel buckle-states. This low temperature phase is kept with minor changes up to T= 249 K when the magnetization is reduced to 50% of the low temperature value due to nucleation of a vortex centered around the middle of the free surface nanoelement. By further increasing the temperature, there is another small change in the magnetization due to vortex motion. Apart from minor changes in the vortex position, the high temperature vortex state remains stable, in the cooling branch, down to low temperatures. We note that wide loop thermal hysteresis may pose limits on the design of tunneling magnetic memory cells


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We report two theoretical works, based in numerical simulations. The first study consists in the investigation of equilibrium phases and vortex formation in Ferro and Permalloy circular and square nanoelements.The another have the aim to investigate the magnetostatic interaction between pairs of nanodisks of Ferro and Permalloy and it`s impact in the vortex structure


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We report a theoretical investigation of thermal hysteresis in magnetic nanoelements. Thermal hysteresis originates in the existence of meta-stable states in temperature intervals which may be tuned by small values of the external magnetic field, and are controlled by the systems geometric dimensions as well as the composition. Two systems have been investigated. The first system is a trilayer consisting of one antiferromagnetic MnF2 film, exchange coupled with two Fe lms. At low temperatures the ferromagnetic layers are oriented in opposite directions. By heating in the presence of an external magnetic field, the Zeeman energy induces a gradual orientation of the ferromagnets with the external field and the nucleation of spin- op-like states in the antiferromagnetic layer, leading eventually, in temperatures close to the Neel temperature, to full alignment of the ferromagnetic films and the formation of frustrated exchange bonds in the center of the antiferromagnetic layer. By cooling down to low temperatures, the system follows a different sequence of states, due to the anisotropy barriers of both materials. The width of the thermal hysteresis loop depends on the thicknesses of the FM and AFM layers as well as on the strength of the external field. The second system consists in Fe and Permalloy ferromagnetic nanoelements exchange coupled to a NiO uncompensated substrate. In this case the thermal hysteresis originates in the modifications of the intrinsic magnetic


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There is presently a worldwide interest in artificial magnetic systems which guide research activities in universities and companies. Thin films and multilayers have a central role, revealing new magnetic phases which often lead to breakthroughs and new technology standards, never thought otherwise. Surface and confinement effects cause large impact in the magnetic phases of magnetic materials with bulk spatially periodic patterns. New magnetic phases are expected to form in thin film thicknesses comparable to the length of the intrinsic bulk magnetic unit cell. Helimagnetic materials are prototypes in this respect, since the bulk magnetic phases consist in periodic patterns with the length of the helical pitch. In this thesis we study the magnetic phases of thin rare-earth films, with surfaces oriented along the (002) direction. The thesis includes the investigation of the magnetic phases of thin Dy and Ho films, as well as the thermal hysteresis cycles of Dy thin films. The investigation of the thermal hysteresis cycles of thin Dy films has been done in collaboration with the Laboratory of Magnetic Materials of the University of Texas, at Arlington. The theoretical modeling is based on a self-consistent theory developed by the Group of Magnetism of UFRN. Contributions from the first and second neighbors exchange energy, from the anisotropy energy and the Zeeman energy are calculated in a set of nonequivalent magnetic ions, and the equilibrium magnetic phases, from the Curie temperature up to the Nèel temperature, are determined in a self-consistent manner, resulting in a vanishing torque in the magnetic ions at all planes across the thin film. Our results reproduce the known isothermal and iso-field curves of bulk Dy and Ho, and the known spin-slip phases of Ho, and indicate that: (i) the confinement in thin films leads to a new magnetic phase, with alternate helicity, which leads to the measured thermal hysteresis of Dy ultrathin films, with thicknesses ranging from 4 nm to 16 nm; (ii) thin Dy films have anisotropy dominated surface lock-in phases, with alignment of surface spins along the anisotropy easy axis directions, similar to the known spin-slip phases of Ho ( which form in the bulk and are commensurate to the crystal lattice); and (iii) the confinement in thin films change considerably the spin-slip patterns of Ho.


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We studied the spin waves modes that can propagate in magnetic multilayers composed of ferromagnetic metallic films in the nanometer scale. The ferromagnetic films (iron) are separated and coupled through the nonmagnetic spacer films (chromium). The films that make up the multilayer are stacked in a quasiperiodic pattern, following the Fibonacci and double period sequences. We used a phenomenological theory taking into account: the Zeeman energy (between the ferromagnetic films and the external magnetic field), the energy of the magneto-crystalline anisotropy (present in the ferromagnetic films), the energy of the bilinear and biquadratic couplings (between the ferromagnetic films) and the energy of the dipole-dipole interaction (between the ferromagnetic films), to describe the system. The total magnetic energy of the system is numerically minimized and the equilibrium angles of the magnetization of each ferromagnetic film are determined. We solved the equation of motion of the multilayer to find the dispersion relation for the system and, as a consequence, the spin waves modes frequencies. Our theoretical results show that, in the case of trilayers (Fe/Cr/Fe), our model reproduces with excellent agreement experimental results of Brillouin light scattering, known from the literature, by adjusting the physical parameters of the nanofilms. Furthermore, we generalize the model to N ferromagnetic layers which allowed us to determine how complex these systems become when we increase the number of components. It is worth noting that our theoretical calculations generalize all the results known from the literature


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We study magnetic interface roughness in F/AF bilayers. Two kinds of roughness were considered. The first one consists of isolated defects that divide the substrate in two regions, each one with an AF sub-lattice. The interface exchange coupling is considered uniform and presents a sudden change in the defects line, favoring Neel wall nucleation. Our results show the interface field dependence of the threshold thickness for the reorientation of the magnetization in the ferromagnetic film. Angular profiles show the relaxation of the magnetization, from Neel wall, at the interface, to reoriented state, at the surface. External magnetic field, perpendicular to the easy axis of the substrate, favors the reoriented state. Depending, of the external magnetic field intensity, parallel to the easy axis of the AF, the magnetization profile at surface can be parallel or perpendicular to the field direction. The second one treats of distributed deffects, periodically. The shape hysteresis curves, exchange bias and coercivity were characterized by interface field intensity and roughness pattern. Our results show that dipolar effects decrease the exchange bias and coercivity


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We report a theoretical investigation of the magnetic phases and hysteresis of exchange biased ferromagnetic (F) nanoelements for three di erent systems: exchange biased nanoparticles, exchange biased narrow ferromagnetic stripes and exchange biased thin ferromagnetic lms. In all cases the focus is on the new e ects produced by suitable patterns of the exchange energy coupling the ferromagnetic nanoelement with a large anisotropy antiferromagnetic (AF) substrate. We investigate the hysteresis of iron and permalloy nanoparticles with a square basis, with lateral dimensions between 45 nm and 120 nm and thickness between 12 nm and 21 nm. Interface bias is aimed at producing large domains in thin lms. Our results show that, contrary to intuition, the interface exchange coupling may generate vortex states along the hysteresis loop. Also, the threshold value of the interface eld strength for vortex nucleation is smaller for iron nanoelements. We investigate the nucleation and depinning of an array of domain walls pinned at interface defects of a vicinal stripe/AF bilayer. The interface exchange eld displays a periodic pattern corresponding to the topology of the AF vicinal substrate. The vicinal AF substrate consists of a sequence of terraces, each with spins from one AF subalattice, alternating one another. As a result the interface eld of neighboring terraces point in opposite direction, leading to the nucleation of a sequence of domain walls in the ferromagnetic stripe. We investigated iron an permalloy micrometric stripes, with width ranging from 100 nm and 300 nm and thickness of 5 nm. We focused in domain wall sequences with same chirality and alternate chirality. We have found that for 100nm terraces the same chiraility sequence is more stable, requiring a larger value of the external eld for depinning. The third system consists of an iron lm with a thickness of 5 nm, exchange coupled to an AF substrate with a periodic distribution of islands where the AF spins have the opposite direction of the spins in the background. This corresponds to a two-sublattice noncompensated AF plane (such as the surface of a (100) FeF2 lm), with monolayer-height islands containing spins of one sublattice on a surface containing spins of the opposite sublattice. The interface eld acting in the ferromagnetic spins over the islands points in the opposite direction of that in the spins over the background. This a model system for the investigation of interface roughness e ects. We have studied the coercicivity an exchange bias hysteresis shift as a function of the distance between the islands and the degree of interface roughness. We have found a relevant reduction of coercivity for nearly compensated interfaces. Also the e ective hysteresis shift is not proportional to the liquid moment of the AF plane. We also developed an analytical model which reproduces qualitatively the results of numerical simulations


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En el presente trabajo se ha realizado un estudio sobre el comportamiento dinámico de vórtices magnéticos en su aplicación en osciladores de espín-torque. A partir de los modelos matemáticos elaborados en [4] sobre estos osciladores de espín-torque, se han simulado y estudiado usando MATLAB, entre otras herramientas, para tratar de verificar su concordancia con el comportamiento físico observado en el laboratorio. Es importante señalar que el estudio tiene en cuenta la dinámica no lineal, esencial para describir correctamente un sistema oscilante en la práctica. El análisis matemático del sistema que describe la órbita del núcleo de un vórtice magnético sometido a la acción de un campo magnético externo oscilatorio, muestra la posibilidad de la existencia de hasta tres soluciones especiales, según la geometría del dot y el valor del campo magnético de excitación, tanto de su frecuencia como de su amplitud. Estas soluciones corresponden a estados estacionarios del vórtice caracterizados como una órbita circular, aunque en el caso de existir tres equilibrios uno de ellos es inestable. El modelo matemático ha sido estudiado y analizado para reproducir los resultados obtenidos en [4] y adicionalmente se ha implementado el caso de la energía potencial del vórtice con el término no lineal distinto de [4] (con una constante β negativa). Los resultados obtenidos bajo esta suposición muestran una cierta disparidad respecto al caso de β positiva y reflejan la existencia de comportamientos muy diferentes. En la dinámica del vórtice bajo la suposición de β negativa también surgen bifurcaciones de pliegue (fold-over) en la trayectoria del núcleo del vórtice: siempre se obtienen tres equilibrios a bajas frecuencias y aparecen a veces dos intervalos con tres equilibrios en lugar de uno solo, a diferencia del caso de β positiva. El comportamiento del núcleo del vórtice sigue un proceso de histéresis en ambos casos, cuando se dan ciertas condiciones. ABSTRACT. This work is a study about the dynamic behaviour of magnetic vortex in its application in spin-torque oscillators. Starting from mathematical models developed in [4] on this subject, a further analysis has been performed using MATLAB to simulate the behaviour of vortex-based spin-torque oscillators as different relevant parameters vary. The main aim of the study is to check if the obtained results can explain the observed physical behaviour, and an important observation is that fully nonlinear effects are taken into consideration. The mathematical analysis of the system that describes the orbit of the vortex core under the influence of an external oscillatory magnetic field shows that there are up to three possible special solutions depending on the dot geometry and the magnetic driving field value, both on its amplitude as well as its frequency. These solutions correspond to a stable circular orbit of the vortex core, but when the system has three solutions one of them is unstable. This mathematical model has been analyzed and studied to reproduce the results obtained in [4] and, additionally, the effect of a negative value of the nonlinear part of the vortex potential (constant β). Results derived from this assumption exhibit certain differences with respect to the case of a positive constant (β) and reflect the existence of very different patterns. Vortex dynamics under the supposition of a negative β also yield fold-over bifurcations in the trajectory of the vortex core: there are always three solutions at low frequencies and there may be two different intervals with three solutions as opposed to the case of positive β. The vortex core follows a hysteresis process in both cases, when certain conditions are met.


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Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores, especialidade em Máquinas Eléctricas pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia


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The present work reports a theoretical study of the vortex nucleation in elliptical nanoelements of iron with the dimensions of the principal and secondary axes in the range of hundreds of nanometers. It will be divided into three steps: first of all, a general panorama and a justification for the interest of the study of nanosystems and their applications. Second, a explanation about the computational simulations applied for the calculations of the remanent states after the saturation in a external field which value is grater then the exchange field of the material for nanoelements coupled or not to a antiferromagnetic substrate. Systems with that range of axes dimensions and height in the range of a few dozens of nanometers have a natural tendency to nucleate closed magnetic ux, like vortex. Third, we will emphasize the nucleation of double vortex, the main types and the dimensions in which they occur (phase diagram) and the factors that may in uence in the nucleation and control of the remanent state. We shown that we can control specially the distance between the vortex cores changing the value of the interface field. Finally, we present a expectative of continuity of this work with objectives and applications


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O presente trabalho de prospecção geofísica abrange o levantamento de uma faixa de direção NW-SE, desde o local denomina do Chatão, à margem direita do rio Gurupi, até 5 km além de Chega Tudo, no estado de Maranhão. Esse levantamento foi feito em travessas perpendiculares àquela faixa, a qual constitui uma extensa zona de falha. Os trabalhos de geofísica de campo, envolvendo os métodos magnético (campo total), cintilómétrico, eletro-resistivo (Schlumberger, Wenner e Half-Schlumberger) e E.M. (Slingram), foram realizados em duas etapas: a) levantamento de reconhecimento em uma área de 22 km2, onde foram aplicados magnetometria e cintilometria e b) levantamento de detalhe em uma área de 3,50 km2, onde foram aplicados eletro-resistividade e E.M. Os objetivos principais deste trabalho foram determinar e localizar as principais feições estruturais e geo-elétricas associadas às zonas mineralizadas, e selecionar, entre os métodos geofísicos empregados, qual o de melhor poder resolutivo na indicação de veios de quartzo em sub-superfície, possivelmente associados à mineração de ouro. O método magnético indicou uma anomalia principal no lado NE da área de reconhecimento, enquanto que o cintilométrico apresentou somente o valor do "background" da região. Por isso o método cintilométrico não será discutido nesse trabalho. Com os métodos eletro-resistivo e E.M. foram observadas várias anomalias ao longo de toda a área de detalhe. A interpretação dos dados de magnetometria e de eletro-resistividade foi realizada com técnicas computacionais, enquanto que para a dos dados eletromagnéticos foram empregados diagramas de fase. Os resultados apresentam uma estreita correlação das anomalias magnéticas e eletro-resistivas com a zona mineralizada. O método E.M. não apresentou nenhum poder resolutivo, uma vez que detectou anomalias semelhantes dentro e fora das áreas mais promissoras. Todas as anomalias foram confirmadas com furos de sondagem. Considerando-se que a área prospectada apresenta, devido ao difícil acesso, o mesmo grau de dificuldade para realização da pesquisa por métodos diretos (perfuração, poços ou trincheiras), como qualquer outra área similar na região amazônica, os resultados aqui apresentados confirmaram que os métodos magnético e eletro-resistivo podem ser utilizados com sucesso como ferramenta indireta na localização de zonas promissoras à exploração de ouro dentro da zona de falha de Chega Tudo ou em outros ambientes geológicos de semelhantes características.


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Resultante de um convênio estabelecido entre as instituições Centro Cultural Cartola e Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, a presente dissertação teve início a partir da demanda dificuldade com a equipe administrativa, formulada por Nilcemar Nogueira neta de Cartola, vice-presidente do Centro, cujo objetivo é trabalhar em prol do desenvolvimento sociocultural de jovens da comunidade da Mangueira. Em resposta, a pesquisa Cartola-Grafia: Causa do Centro Cultural Cartola buscou investigar qual o impacto da promoção e da preservação do legado de Cartola na vida dos jovens atendidos pelo Centro Cultural Cartola e da equipe que trabalha nos bastidores para que os projetos sociais se tornem uma realidade. No desenvolvimento da pesquisa, procurou-se fazer uma escuta analítica de cada sujeito para, assim, conhecer as causas que levam os trabalhadores/gestores culturais a desempenharem várias atividades (gerenciamento, administração, captação de recursos financeiros, entre outras) relacionadas ao funcionamento da instituição. Na realização dessa empreitada, foi sendo instituída, passo a passo, uma metodologia própria que se adequou aos contornos demarcados pela fronteira do campo, com troca de informações entre autores oriundos de diferentes campos de saber: Sociologia, Institucionalismo, Psicopatologia do Trabalho, Ergologia, Clínica da Atividade e Psicanálise.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Nesta tese discutimos sistematicamente os efeitos magnetocalórico e barocalórico em sistemas físicos com transição de fase magnética de primeira e de segunda ordem em sistemas físicos cujo magnetismo tem carater local. Para essa finalidade, utilizamos um modelo de momentos magnéticos locais interagentes, incluindo um termo de acoplamento magnetoelástico. Nossos cálculos mostram que a relação entre a interação de troca e o acoplamento magnetoelástico é responsável pela ordem da transição de fase e pelo aparecimento da histerese térmica e magnética. Os resultados mostram que as grandezas magnetocalóricas exibem grandes valores quando o sistema sofre uma transição de fase de primeira ordem. Além disso, quando existe uma histerese visível as grandezas magnetocalóricas dependem do processo de aquecimento e resfriamento do sistema. Ainda de acordo com nossos resultados, existe um efeito barocalórico normal (sistema aquece sob aumento de pressão) quando a pressão aplicada aumenta a temperatura de ordenamento magnético sem alterar a ordem da transição de fase magnética. O efeito barocalórico inverso (sistema resfria sob aumento de pressão) ocorre quando a pressão aplicada diminui a temperatura crítica sem mudar a ordem da transição de fase. Nossos cálculos mostram, ainda, que um efeito barocalórico anômalo (mudança de sinal nas grandezas barocalóricas) ocorre em casos especiais onde a pressão aplicada muda a natureza da transição de fase magnética do primeira para segunda ordem e vice-versa.


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Uma das maiores dificuldades encontradas pelos técnicos envolvidos na elaboração da previsão do tempo é a falta de integração entre o software de visualização usado por eles e os programas usados para escrever os boletins. Os previsores necessitam de um meio rápido e fácil de gerar previsões com outras formas de apresentação, além do formato de texto em que ela normalmente é produzida. A partir do estudo dessas dificuldades, formulou-se a hipótese de que seria benéfico criar uma linguagem visual para a criação da previsão do tempo, que permitisse gerar tanto o texto de um boletim meteorológico quanto as imagens correspondentes. Este trabalho descreve a especificação dessa linguagem, à qual se deu o nome de Pythonissa. Ela foi definida usando o formalismo de grafos e se constitui de um modelo da estrutura de um boletim de previsão do tempo. Em Pythonissa, cada região geográfica para a qual é feita a previsão é representada por um vértice em um grafo. Os fenômenos presentes na região também são representados por vértices, de outros tipos, ligados à região por arestas que denotam sua presença. Cada tipo de vértice e aresta tem mapeamentos para representações gráficas e para elementos de controle em uma interface com o usuário. A partir da linguagem, foi implementado um protótipo preliminar, no qual é possível criar um boletim de por meio de uma interface visual e gerar o texto e a imagem correspondentes. Foi dado início, também, à construção de um framework para integração da linguagem a um ambiente de visualização de dados, de modo a produzir uma aplicação utilizável em um ambiente de trabalho real. Para isto foram usados o software de visualização Vis5D e a linguagem de scripts Python. A este framework, se deu o nome de Py5D.