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The controlled synthesis of nanostructured materials remains an ongoing area of research, especially as the size, shape and composition of nanomaterials can greatly influence their properties and applications. In this work we present the electrodeposition of highly dendritic platinum rich platinum-lead nanostructures, where lead acetate acts as an inorganic shape directing agent via underpotential deposition on the growing electrodeposit. It was found that these nanomaterials readily oxidise at potentials below monolayer oxide formation, which significantly impacts on the methanol electrooxidation reaction and correlates with the incipient hydrous oxide adatom mediator (IHOAM) model of electrocatalysis. Additionally these materials were tested for their surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) activity, where the high density of sharp tips provides promise for their application as SERS substrates.


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It was demonstrated feasible that underpotential deposition(UPD) of copper on a monolayer-modified gold substrate can be used to determine the gold electrode area. The deposition and stripping of a Cu adlayer can take Place reversibly and stably at a bared or a self-assembled monolayer modified gold electrode. The growth kinetics of decanethiol/Au was also investigated via Cu UPD. The difference between the assembling kinetics determined by UPD and that by quartz crystal microbalance measurements reveals the configuration transmutation of the assembled molecules from a disordered arrangement to an ordered arrangement during the self-assembling processes.


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We present first-principles calculations for a number of metals adsorbed on several different metallic substrates. Some of these systems are very relevant in electrochemistry, especially in the field of underpotential deposition phenomena. The present studies reveal the existence of a relationship between the excess binding energy and the surface energy difference between substrate and adsorbate. Comparisons with experimental underpotential shifts show that excess binding energies are systematically underestimated. By analyzing experimental information on different systems, we conclude that this discrepancy between our vacuum calculations and experiments carried out in an electrolytic solution is likely to be due to anion adsorption and/or solvent effects.


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The structure and stability of palladium adlayers on Au(hkl) and Pt(hkl) were studied at different coverage degrees by means of Monte Carlo simulations using the interatomic potentials of the embedded atom model. In all cases the Pd films were found to grow epitaxially and pseudomorphically with the crystallographic orientation of the substrate. The differences and similarities of the adlayer with the substrate were analyzed.


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Using the technique of liquid crystal templating a series of high surface area mesoporous platinum microelectrodes was fabricated. The underpotential deposition of metal ions at such electrodes was found to be similar to that at conventional platinum electrodes. The phenomena of underpotential deposition, in combination with the intrinsic properties of mesoporous microelectrodes (i.e. a high surface area and efficient mass transport) was exploited for the purpose of anodic stripping voltammetry. In particular the underpotential deposition of Ag+, Pb2+ and Cu2+ ions was investigated and it was found that mesoporous microelectrodes were able to quantify the concentration of ions in solution down to the ppb range. The overall behaviour of the mesoporous electrodes was found to be superior to that of conventional microelectrodes and the effects of interference by surfactants were minimal.


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An electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance Au electrode modified with a Se thin film was used to investigate the electrochemical behavior of lead ad-atoms using underpotential deposition (UPD) conditions. A specific quasi-reversible process was observed during the reduction of Pb2+ on Se thin films in perchloric acid media. The charge density of Pb ad-atoms on Se thin film (46.86 mu C cm(-2)) suggests a recovery of 0.1 monolayers, which is in good agreement with EQCM data. The Se thin film can be successfully alloyed with Pb atoms that are deposited by chronoamperometry using time intervals large enough to allow for diffusion toward the inner Se phase. Linear sweep voltammetry combined with EQCM in perchloric acid was used to characterize the amount of Pb absorbed in the Se thin film. These findings offer a new strategy for alloy formation in semiconductor films using UPD as an effective tool to quantify the exact amount of the incorporated metal.


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In this paper we report here new considerations about the relationship between the mass and charge variations (m/z relationship) in underpotential deposition (UPD), bulk deposition and also in the H(2)Se formation reaction. Nanogravimetric experiments were able to show the adsorption of H(2)SeO(3) on the AuO surface prior to the voltammetric sweep and that, after the AuO reduction, 0.40 monolayer of H(2)SeO(3) remains adsorbed on the newly reduced Au surface, which was enough to gives rise to the UPD layer. The UPD results indicate that the maximum coverage with Se(ads) on polycrystalline gold surface corresponds to approximately 0.40 monolayer, in good agreement with charge density results. The cyclic voltammetry experiments demonstrated that the amount of bulk Se obtained during the potential scan to approximately 2 Se monolayers, which was further confirmed by electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance (EQCM) measurements that pointed out a mass variation corresponding of 3 monolayers of Se. In addition, the Se thin films were obtained by chronoamperometric experiments, where the Au electrode was polarized at +0.10V during different times in 1.0 M H(2)SO(4) + 1.0 mM SeO(2). The topologic aspects of the electrodeposits were observed in Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) measurements. Finally, in highly negative potential polarizations, the H(2)Se formation was analyzed by voltammetric and nanogravimetric measurements. These finding brings a new light on the selenium electrodeposition and point up to a proposed electrochemical model for molecule controlled surface engineering. (c) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We carried out quantum mechanics (QM) studies aimed at improving the performance of hydrogen fuel cells. This led to predictions of improved materials, some of which were subsequently validated with experiments by our collaborators.

In part I, the challenge was to find a replacement for the Pt cathode that would lead to improved performance for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction (ORR) while remaining stable under operational conditions and decreasing cost. Our design strategy was to find an alloy with composition Pt3M that would lead to surface segregation such that the top layer would be pure Pt, with the second and subsequent layers richer in M. Under operating conditions we expect the surface to have significant O and/or OH chemisorbed on the surface, and hence we searched for M that would remain segregated under these conditions. Using QM we examined surface segregation for 28 Pt3M alloys, where M is a transition metal. We found that only Pt3Os and Pt3Ir showed significant surface segregation when O and OH are chemisorbed on the catalyst surfaces. This result indicates that Pt3Os and Pt3Ir favor formation of a Pt-skin surface layer structure that would resist the acidic electrolyte corrosion during fuel cell operation environments. We chose to focus on Os because the phase diagram for Pt-Ir indicated that Pt-Ir could not form a homogeneous alloy at lower temperature. To determine the performance for ORR, we used QM to examine all intermediates, reaction pathways, and reaction barriers involved in the processes for which protons from the anode reactions react with O2 to form H2O. These QM calculations used our Poisson-Boltzmann implicit solvation model include the effects of the solvent (water with dielectric constant 78 with pH 7 at 298K). We found that the rate determination step (RDS) was the Oad hydration reaction (Oad + H2Oad -> OHad + OHad) in both cases, but that the barrier for pure Pt of 0.50 eV is reduced to 0.48 eV for Pt3Os, which at 80 degrees C would increase the rate by 218%. We collaborated with the Pu-Wei Wu’s group to carry out experiments, where we found that the dealloying process-treated Pt2Os catalyst showed two-fold higher activity at 25 degrees C than pure Pt and that the alloy had 272% improved stability, validating our theoretical predictions.

We also carried out similar QM studies followed by experimental validation for the Os/Pt core-shell catalyst fabricated by the underpotential deposition (UPD) method. The QM results indicated that the RDS for ORR is a compromise between the OOH formation step (0.37 eV for Pt, 0.23 eV for Pt2ML/Os core-shell) and H2O formation steps (0.32 eV for Pt, 0.22 eV for Pt2ML/Os core-shell). We found that Pt2ML/Os has the highest activity (compared to pure Pt and to the Pt3Os alloy) because the 0.37 eV barrier decreases to 0.23 eV. To understand what aspects of the core shell structure lead to this improved performance, we considered the effect on ORR of compressing the alloy slab to the dimensions of pure Pt. However this had little effect, with the same RDS barrier 0.37 eV. This shows that the ligand effect (the electronic structure modification resulting from the Os substrate) plays a more important role than the strain effect, and is responsible for the improved activity of the core- shell catalyst. Experimental materials characterization proves the core-shell feature of our catalyst. The electrochemical experiment for Pt2ML/Os/C showed 3.5 to 5 times better ORR activity at 0.9V (vs. NHE) in 0.1M HClO4 solution at 25 degrees C as compared to those of commercially available Pt/C. The excellent correlation between experimental half potential and the OH binding energies and RDS barriers validate the feasibility of predicting catalyst activity using QM calculation and a simple Langmuir–Hinshelwood model.

In part II, we used QM calculations to study methane stream reforming on a Ni-alloy catalyst surfaces for solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) application. SOFC has wide fuel adaptability but the coking and sulfur poisoning will reduce its stability. Experimental results suggested that the Ni4Fe alloy improves both its activity and stability compared to pure Ni. To understand the atomistic origin of this, we carried out QM calculations on surface segregation and found that the most stable configuration for Ni4Fe has a Fe atom distribution of (0%, 50%, 25%, 25%, 0%) starting at the bottom layer. We calculated that the binding of C atoms on the Ni4Fe surface is 142.9 Kcal/mol, which is about 10 Kcal/mol weaker compared to the pure Ni surface. This weaker C binding energy is expected to make coke formation less favorable, explaining why Ni4Fe has better coking resistance. This result confirms the experimental observation. The reaction energy barriers for CHx decomposition and C binding on various alloy surface, Ni4X (X=Fe, Co, Mn, and Mo), showed Ni4Fe, Ni4Co, and Fe4Mn all have better coking resistance than pure Ni, but that only Ni4Fe and Fe4Mn have (slightly) improved activity compared to pure Ni.

In part III, we used QM to examine the proton transport in doped perovskite-ceramics. Here we used a 2x2x2 supercell of perovskite with composition Ba8X7M1(OH)1O23 where X=Ce or Zr and M=Y, Gd, or Dy. Thus in each case a 4+ X is replace by a 3+ M plus a proton on one O. Here we predicted the barriers for proton diffusion allowing both includes intra-octahedron and inter-octahedra proton transfer. Without any restriction, we only observed the inter-octahedra proton transfer with similar energy barrier as previous computational work but 0.2 eV higher than experimental result for Y doped zirconate. For one restriction in our calculations is that the Odonor-Oacceptor atoms were kept at fixed distances, we found that the barrier difference between cerates/zirconates with various dopants are only 0.02~0.03 eV. To fully address performance one would need to examine proton transfer at grain boundaries, which will require larger scale ReaxFF reactive dynamics for systems with millions of atoms. The QM calculations used here will be used to train the ReaxFF force field.


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The deliberate tailoring of hierarchical flowerlike gold microstructure (HFGMs) at the ultrathin level is an ongoing challenge and could introduce opportunities for new fabrication and application in many fields. In this paper. a templateless, surfactantless, electrochemical strategy for fabrication of ultrathin platinum-group metal coated HFGMs is proposed. HFGMs were prepared by simple electrodeposition on an indium tin oxide (ITO) substrate.


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Au/Pt core shell nanoparticles (NPs) have been prepared via a layer-by-layer growth of Pt layers on An NPs using underpotential deposition (UPD) redox replacement technique. A single UPD Cu monolayer replacement with Pt(11) yielded a uniform Pt film on Au NPs, and the shell thickness can be tuned by controlling the number of UPD redox replacement cycles. Oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) in air-saturated 0.1 M H2SO4 was used to investigate the electrocatalytic behavior of the as-prepared core shell NPs. Cyclic voltammograms of ORR show that the peak potentials shift positively from 0.32 V to 0.48 V with the number of Pt layers increasing from one to five, suggesting the electrocatalytic activity increases with increasing the thickness of Pt shell. The increase in electrocatalytic activity may originate mostly from the large decrease of electronic influence of Au cores on surface Pt atoms. Rotating ring-disk electrode voltammetry and rotating disk electrode voltammetry demonstrate that ORR is mainly a four-electron reduction on the as-prepared modified electrode with 5 Pt layers and first charge transfer is the rate-determining step.


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The deliberate tailoring of nanostructured metallic catalysts at the monolayer-level is an ongoing challenge and could lead to new electronic and catalytic properties, since surface-catalyzed reactions are extremely sensitive to the atomic-level details of the catalytic surface. In this article, we present a novel electrochemical strategy to nanoparticle-based catalyst design using the recently developed underpotential deposition (UPD) redox replacement technique. A single UPD Cu replacement with Pt2+ yielded a uniform Pt layer on colloid gold surfaces. The ultrathin (nominally monolayer-level) Pt coating of the novel nanostructured particles was confirmed by cyclic voltammetry and X-ray photoelectron spectra (XPS). The present results demonstrate that ultrathin Pt coating effects efficiently and behaves as the nanostructured monometallic Pt for electrocatalytic oxygen reduction, and also shows size-dependent, tunable electrocatalytic ability. The as-prepared ultrathin Pt-coated Au nanoparticle monolayer electrodes reduce O-2 predominantly by four electrons to H2O, as confirmed by the rotating ring-disk electrode (RRDE) technique.


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Electrospun poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA) nanofibers mat was collected on indium tin oxide (ITO) substrate. Heat crosslinked nanofibers mat became water-insoluble and firmly fixed on ITO substrate even in water. Oppositely charged poly (allylamine hydrochloride) (PAH) and Dawson-type polyoxometalate (POM), Na6P2Mo18O62 (P2Mo18), were alternately assembled on PVA nanofibers-coated ITO substrate to construct multilayer film through an electrostatic layer-by-layer (LBL) technique. The scanning electron microscope (SEM) images showed that P2Mo18 multilayer film was selectively deposited on PVA nanofibers while the unoccupied space by nanofibers on bare ITO was acted as substrate at the same time because the electrospun nanofibers have larger surface area and surface energy than the flat substrate. The cyclic voltammograms current responses of the P2Mo18 multilayer film on PVA/ITO electrode showed three well-defined redox couples of P2Mo18, but very small because P2Mo18 multilayer film was selectively deposited on PVA nanofibers with poor conductivity. In addition, the photochromic behavior of P2Mo18 multilayer film on PVA/ITO was investigated through UV-vis spectra and electron spin resonance (ESR). Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) proved that the charge-transfer complex was formed between PAH and P2Mo18 after UV irradiation.