912 resultados para Transgenic Zebrafish
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
2320 composés chimiques ont été screenés à l'aide d'une lignée transgénique de zébrafish. Cette lignée comportait un gène humain fortement exprimé très tôt dans le développement et la croissance de différentes tumeurs, dont celle du rétinoblastome. L'activation de ce gène induisait la mort des embryons de lâ lignée transgénique. Nous avons donc pu identifier des composés agissant sur l'effet létal de ce gène. Cette étude a permis d'isoler plusieurs composés dont 1 très intéressant, l'Amitriptyline. Ce composé induit une inhibition de la prolifération et une induction d'apoptose dans les cellules humaines de rétinoblastome mais également dans d'autres cellules cancéreuses dont les ostéosarcomes connus. L'ostéosarçome est connu pour faire partie des cancers secondaires dû au rétinoblastome dans la forme héréditaire notamment. Ce composé induit la survie des embryons et réduit également le niveau d'expression de la protéine humaine intégrée dans la lignée de poisson zèbre transgénique de 50%. Le niveau d'expression de ce gène est également réduit de 50 à 60% dans des cultures cellulaire de rétinoblastome humain. L'inhibition de la prolifération a été démontrée par la réduction d'ATP dans plusieurs lignées cellulaires lorsque celles-ci sont traitées avec ce composé. L'induction d'apoptose a été démontrée par induction 10 fois plus élevée des éléments pro-apoptotiques caspase-3 et caspase-7 ainsi que par l'augmentation 10 fois plus élevée d'un élément anti-apoptotique bcl-2. Ces résultats permettent de croire que ce composé pourrait être utilisé pour traiter le rétinoblastome humain. -- Background: Retinoblastoma is a rare malignant tumor. This disease is the most prevalent intraocular cancer in childhood with an incidence of 1 in 15,000 live births. Many therapies are available to treat retinoblastoma, but best treatments are individually selected according to cases. Cryotherapy, thermotherapy, laser therapy including brachytherapy, radiation therapy and chemotherapy are some examples. New drug and new treatments discovery is essential for cancer therapy including retinoblastoma. Purpose: A vertebrate model as zebrafish for retinoblastoma would provide many advantages especially to perform drug screening. The high number of fertilized eggs per mating, the rapidity of extra¬utero development, the available genetic manipulation, the easy manipulations under a microscope, the ability to dispense embryos in 96-well plates and the direct incubation of chemical compounds in fish water are some examples of the advantages. Therefore, we design a transgenic zebrafish carrying a human gene implicated in retinoblastoma development and maintenance. Results: With the small compounds screening, several compounds were isolated. One of these compounds, Amitriptyline demonstrated proliferation inhibition and apoptosis in human retinoblastoma cells, U20S osteosarcoma cells and MBA-231 breast cancer cells. Osteosarcoma is known as secondary cancer due to retinoblastoma. Amitriptyline induced survival in our zebrafish transgenic line and 50% reduction of the integrated gene expression. In retinoblastoma cultured cells, the expression of this gene was also reduced in a range of 50-60 %. Proliferation inhibition was demonstrated by ATP luminescence assay. Apoptosis was demonstrated by a 10-fold induction of caspase-3 and caspase-7, two pro-apoptotic elements and by a 10-fold reduction of bcl-2 anti-apoptotic element. Conclusion: The results suggest that Amitriptyline could be used to treat human retinoblastoma in the near future.
The molecular mechanisms governing sex determination and differentiation in the zebrafish (Danio rerio) are not fully understood. To gain more insights into the function of specific genes in these complex processes, the expression of multiple candidates needs to be assessed, preferably on the protein level. Here, we developed a targeted proteomics method based on selected reaction monitoring (SRM) to study the candidate sex-related proteins in zebrafish which were selected based on a global proteomics analysis of adult gonads and representational difference analysis of male and female DNA, as well as on published information on zebrafish and other vertebrates. We employed the developed SRM protocols to acquire time-resolved protein expression profiles during the gonad differentiation period in vas::EGFP transgenic zebrafish. Evidence on protein expression was obtained for the first time for several candidate genes previously studied only on the mRNA level or suggested by bioinformatic predictions. Tuba1b (tubulin alpha 1b), initially included in the study as one of the potential housekeeping proteins, was found to be preferentially expressed in the adult testis with nearly absent expression in the ovary. The revealed changes in protein expression patterns associated with gonad differentiation suggest that several of the examined proteins, especially Ilf2 and Ilf3 (interleukin enhancer-binding factors 2 and 3), Raldh3 (retinaldehyde dehydrogenase type 3), Zgc:195027 (low density lipoprotein-related receptor protein 3) and Sept5a (septin 5a), may play a specific role in the sexual differentiation in zebrafish.
An important technology in model organisms is the ability to make transgenic animals. In the past, transgenic technology in zebrafish has been limited by the relatively low efficiency with which transgenes could be generated using either DNA microinjection or retroviral infection. Previous efforts to generate transgenic zebrafish with retroviral vectors used a pseudotyped virus with a genome based on the Moloney murine leukemia virus and the envelope protein of the vesicular stomatitis virus. This virus was injected into blastula-stage zebrafish, and 16% of the injected embryos transmitted proviral insertions to their offspring, with most founders transmitting a single insertion to approximately 2% of their progeny. In an effort to improve this transgenic frequency, we have generated pseudotyped viral stocks of two new Moloney-based genomes. These viral stocks have titers up to two orders of magnitude higher than that used previously. Injection of these viruses resulted in a dramatic increase in transgenic efficiency; over three different experiments, 83% (110/133) of the injected embryos transmitted proviral insertions to 24% of their offspring. Furthermore, founders made with one of the viruses transmitted an average of 11 different insertions through their germ line. These results represent a 50- to 100-fold improvement in the efficiency of generating transgenic zebrafish, making it now feasible for a single lab to rapidly generate tens to hundreds of thousands of transgenes. Consequently, large-scale insertional mutagenesis strategies, previously limited to invertebrates, may now be possible in a vertebrate.
In Drosophila melanogaster, Slit acts as a repulsive cue for the growth cones of the commissural axons which express a receptor for Slit, Roundabout (Robo), thus preventing the commissural axons from crossing the midline multiple times. Experiments using explant culture have shown that vertebrate Slit homologues also act repulsively for growth cone navigation and neural migration, and promote branching and elongation of sensory axons. Here, we demonstrate that overexpression of Slit2 in vivo in transgenic zebrafish embryos severely affected the behavior of the commissural reticulospinal neurons (Mauthner neurons), promoted branching of the peripheral axons of the trigeminal sensory ganglion neurons, and induced defasciculation of the medial longitudinal fascicles. In addition, Slit2 overexpression caused defasciculation and deflection of the central axons of the trigeminal sensory ganglion neurons from the hindbrain entry point. The central projection was restored by either functional repression or mutation of Robo2, supporting its role as a receptor mediating the Slit signaling in vertebrate neurons. Furthermore, we demonstrated that Islet-2, a LIM/homeodomain-type transcription factor, is essential for Slit2 to induce axonal branching of the trigeminal sensory ganglion neurons, suggesting that factors functioning downstream of Islet-2 are essential for mediating the Slit signaling for promotion of axonal branching. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Le virus de l’hépatite C (VHC) est une des principales causes d’hépatite chronique. La protéine F du VHC est codée par un cadre de lecture alternatif du gène de la capside, Core. La protéine F a été découverte après que l’on ait associé Core à plusieurs des fonctions pathogènes du VHC. Nous proposons donc que certaines fonctions biologiques et pathogènes attribuées à la protéine Core résultent de l’activité de la protéine F. Nous avons choisi de développer trois lignées de poissons zébrés (Danio rerio) qui expriment différentes versions de la protéine F afin d’étudier les effets de la protéine F et leur incidence dans la pathogenèse du VHC. Deux versions de la séquence codant pour la protéine F (AF11 et AUG26) et une version mutante du gène core (CoremutI) ont été introduites sur les vecteurs d’un système d’expression répressible spécifique au foie. Ces vecteurs ont été co-injectés dans des embryons unicellulaires de poissons zébrés pour générer les poissons fondateurs des lignées transgéniques. 19, 21 et 36 poissons ont été choisis comme fondateurs pour les lignées AF11, AUG26 et CoremutI respectivement. De ce nombre, 9, 11 et 11 poissons ont atteint la maturité, dans l’ordre pour les mêmes lignées, et seront croisés pour donner naissance à des lignées transgéniques stables. Les résultats de ces expériences nous permettront de mieux cerner les propriétés biologiques de la protéine F et de définir son rôle dans la pathogenèse du VHC.
La protéine core du virus de l’hépatite C (VHC) serait responsable des principaux effets pathogènes du VHC, dont le développement de fibrose, stéatose, cirrhose et carcinome hépatocellulaire. Un cadre de lecture alternatif existe dans le gène de core, permettant la synthèse d’une autre protéine appelée ARFP (pour alternatate reading frame protein) ou protéine F (pour frameshift), dont le rôle reste encore mal compris. La présence de la protéine F lors de l’étude des fonctions biologiques de core ne pouvant être exclue, il est possible que certains rôles attribués à core reflètent en réalité l’activité de la protéine F. Afin de déterminer les fonctions biologiques de la protéine F dans les hépatocytes et son influence dans la pathogenèse associée au VHC, nous avons généré des lignées transgéniques de poissons zébrés (Danio rerio) dans lesquelles l’expression de deux versions de la protéine F (AF11opti et AUG26opti) a été ciblée au foie par l’utilisation du promoteur de la liver fatty acid binding protein (L-FABP). Le phénotype des poissons transgéniques de génération F2 a été analysé au niveau morphologique, histologique et microscopique afin de rechercher des signes de pathologie hépatique. Nos résultats ont démontré l’implication de la protéine F dans le développement de stéatose hépatique chez les deux lignées transgéniques, mais aucun signe de fibrose ou d’oncogenèse n’a été détecté. L’identification des mécanismes cellulaires et moléculaires responsables de l’accumulation lipidique induite par la protéine F pourrait permettre de mieux comprendre son rôle dans la pathogenèse du VHC, et mener au développement de nouvelles stratégies antivirales.
The stem cell leukemia (SCL) gene encodes a tissue-specific basic helix–loop–helix (bHLH) protein with a pivotal role in hemopoiesis and vasculogenesis. Several enhancers have been identified within the murine SCL locus that direct reporter gene expression to subdomains of the normal SCL expression pattern, and long-range sequence comparisons of the human and murine SCL loci have identified additional candidate enhancers. To facilitate the characterization of regulatory elements, we have sequenced and analyzed 33 kb of the SCL genomic locus from the pufferfish Fugu rubripes, a species with a highly compact genome. Although the pattern of SCL expression is highly conserved from mammals to teleost fish, the genes flanking pufferfish SCL were unrelated to those known to flank both avian and mammalian SCL genes. These data suggest that SCL regulatory elements are confined to the region between the upstream and downstream flanking genes, a region of 65 kb in human and 8.5 kb in pufferfish. Consistent with this hypothesis, the entire 33-kb pufferfish SCL locus directed appropriate expression to hemopoietic and neural tissue in transgenic zebrafish embryos, as did a 10.4-kb fragment containing the SCL gene and extending to the 5′ and 3′ flanking genes. These results demonstrate the power of combining the compact genome of the pufferfish with the advantages that zebrafish provide for studies of gene regulation during development. Furthermore, the pufferfish SCL locus provides a powerful tool for the manipulation of hemopoiesis and vasculogenesis in vivo.
Slit is a secreted protein known to repulse the growth cones of commissural neurons. By contrast, Slit also promotes elongation and branching of axons of sensory neurons. The reason why different neurons respond to Slit in different ways is largely unknown. Islet2 is a LIM/homeodomaintype transcription factor that specifically regulates elongation and branching of the peripheral axons of the primary sensory neurons in zebrafish embryos. We found that PlexinA4, a transmembrane protein known to be a coreceptor for class III semaphorins, acts downstream of Islet2 to promote branching of the peripheral axons of the primary sensory neurons. Intriguingly, repression of PlexinA4 function by injection of the antisense morpholino oligonucleotide specific to PlexinA4 or by overexpression of the dominant-negative variant of PlexinA4 counteracted the effects of overexpression of Slit2 to induce branching of the peripheral axons of the primary sensory neurons in zebrafish embryos, suggesting involvement of PlexinA4 in the Slit signaling cascades for promotion of axonal branching of the sensory neurons. Colocalized expression of Robo, a receptor for Slit2, and PlexinA4 is observed not only in the primary sensory neurons of zebrafish embryos but also in the dendrites of the pyramidal neurons of the cortex of the mammals, and may be important for promoting the branching of either axons or dendrites in response to Slit, as opposed to the growth cone collapse.
Retinoic acid (RA) signaling is important to normal development. However, the function of the different RA receptors (RARs)-RARα, RARβ, and RARγ-is as yet unclear. We have used wild-type and transgenic zebrafish to examine the role of RARγ. Treatment of zebrafish embryos with an RARγ-specific agonist reduced somite formation and axial length, which was associated with a loss of hoxb13a expression and less-clear alterations in hoxc11a or myoD expression. Treatment with the RARγ agonist also disrupted formation of tissues arising from cranial neural crest, including cranial bones and anterior neural ganglia. There was a loss of Sox 9-immunopositive neural crest stem/progenitor cells in the same anterior regions. Pectoral fin outgrowth was blocked by RARγ agonist treatment. However, there was no loss of Tbx-5-immunopositive lateral plate mesodermal stem/progenitor cells and the block was reversed by agonist washout or by cotreatment with an RARγ antagonist. Regeneration of the caudal fin was also blocked by RARγ agonist treatment, which was associated with a loss of canonical Wnt signaling. This regenerative response was restored by agonist washout or cotreatment with the RARγ antagonist. These findings suggest that RARγ plays an essential role in maintaining stem/progenitor cells during embryonic development and tissue regeneration when the receptor is in its nonligated state.
Slit is expressed in the midline of the central nervous system both in vertebrates and invertebrates. In Drosophila, it is the midline repellent acting as a ligand for the Roundabout (Robo) protein, the repulsive receptor which is expressed on the growth cones of the commissural neurons. We have isolated cDNA fragments of the zebrafish slit2 and slit3 homologues and found that both genes start to be expressed by the midgastrula stage well before the axonogenesis begins in the nervous system, both in the axial mesoderm, and slit2 in the anterior margin of the neural plate and slit3 in the polster at the anterior end of the prechordal mesoderm. Later, expression of slit2 mRNA is detected mainly in midline structures such as the floor plate cells and the hypochord, and in the anterior margins of the neural plates in the zebrafish embryo, while slit3 expression is observed in the anterior margin of the prechordal plate, the floorplate cells in the hindbrain, and the motor neurons both in the hindbrain and the spinal cord. To study the role of Slit in early embryos, we overexpressed Slit2 in the whole embryos either by injection of its mRNA into one-cell stage embryos or by heat-shock treatment of the transgenic embryos which carries the slit2 gene under control of the heat-shock promoter. Overexpression of Slit2 in such ways impaired the convergent extension movement of the mesoderm and the rostral migration of the cells in the dorsal diencephalon and resulted in cyclopia. Our results shed light on a novel aspect of Slit function as a regulatory factor of mesodermal cell movement during gastrulation. (C) 2001 Academic Press.
The inner ear is responsible for the perception of motion and sound in vertebrates. Its functional unit, the sensory patch, contains mechanosensory hair cells innervated by sensory neurons from the statoacoustic ganglion (SAG) that project to the corresponding nuclei in the brainstem. How hair cells develop at specific positions, and how otic neurons are sorted to specifically innervate each endorgan and to convey the extracted information to the hindbrain is not completely understood. In this work, we study the generation of macular sensory patches and investigate the role of Hedgehog (Hh) signaling in the production of their neurosensory elements. Using zebrafish transgenic lines to visualize the dynamics of hair cell and neuron production, we show that the development of the anterior and posterior maculae is asynchronic, suggesting they are independently regulated. Tracing experiments demonstrate the SAG is topologically organized in two different neuronal subpopulations, which are spatially segregated and innervate specifically each macula. Functional experiments identify the Hh pathway as crucial in coordinating the production of hair cells in the posterior macula, and the formation of its specific innervation. Finally, gene expression analyses suggest that Hh influences the balance between different SAG neuronal subpopulations. These results lead to a model in which Hh orients functionally the development of inner ear towards an auditory fate in all vertebrate species.