999 resultados para TRIPLET-STATE


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The triplets of four cyclic enethiones, including thiocoumarin, have been investigated by nanosecond laser flash photolysis. Data are presented for transient spectra and kinetics associated with triplets, quantum yields of intersystem crossing and singlet oxygen photosensitization. The quenching of the thiocoumarin triplet (A:, = 485 nm, E:,, = 8.8 x lo3 dm3 mol-' cm-'in benzene) by several olefins, amines and hydrogen donors occurs with rate constants of 107-5 x lo9 dm3 mol-' s-'; the lower limits of quantum yields ( c#+~) for the related photoreactions, estimated from ground-state depletion, are generally small (0.0-0.1 1 in benzene, except for good hydrogen donors, namely, p-methoxythiophenol and tri-n-butylstannane) . The radical anion of thiocoumarin (A,,, = 405-435 nm) is formed in two stages upon triplet quenching by triethylamine in acetonitrile; the fast component is the result of direct electron transfer to the triplet and the slower component is assigned to secondary photoreduction of the thione ground state by the a-aminoalkyl radical derived from the triethylamine radical-cation.


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The blue emission of ethyl-hexyl substituted polyfluorene (PF2/6) films is accompanied by a low energy green emission peak around 500 nm in inert atmosphere. The intensity of this 500 nm peak is large in electroluminescence (EL) compared to photoluminescence (PL)measurements. Furthermore, the green emission intensity reduces dramatically in the presence of molecular oxygen. To understand this, we have modeled various nonradiative processes by time dependent quantum many body methods. These are (i) intersystem crossing to study conversion of excited singlets to triplets leading to a phosphorescence emission, (ii) electron-hole recombination (e-hR) process in the presence of a paramagnetic impurity to follow the yield of triplets in a polyene system doped with paramagnetic metal atom, and (iii) quenching of excited triplet states in the presence of oxygen molecules to understand the low intensity of EL emission in ambient atmosphere, when compared with that in nitrogen atmosphere. We have employed the Pariser-Parr-Pople Hamiltonian to model the molecules and have invoked electron-electron repulsions beyond zero differential approximation while treating interactions between the organic molecule and the rest of the system. Our time evolution methods show that there is a large cross section for triplet formation in the e-hR process in the presence of paramagnetic impurity with degenerate orbitals. The triplet yield through e-hR process far exceeds that in the intersystem crossing pathway, clearly pointing to the large intensity of the 500 nm peak in EL compared to PL measurements. We have also modeled the triplet quenching process by a paramagnetic oxygen molecule which shows a sizable quenching cross section especially for systems with large sizes. These studies show that the most probable origin of the experimentally observed low energy EL emission is the triplets.


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Substitution plays an important role in determining the triplet state reactivity. In this paper, we have studied the effect of chlorine substitution on the triplet state structure and the reactivity of thioxanthone (TX). We have employed time-resolved resonance Raman technique to understand the structure of the lowest triplet excited state of 2-chlorothioxanthone (CTX). The experimental findings have been corroborated with the computational results using density functional theory. Akin to the parent compound (TX), coexistence of two lowest triplet states has been observed in case of CTX, which has been substantiated using resonant probe wavelength dependence study. The relative contribution of 3n-pi* to 3 pi-pi* to the equilibrated triplet state has been found to be more for CTX compared to TX suggesting increase in the triplet state reactivity after the substitution. The above observation has been further supported by the flash photolysis experiments. Copyright (C) 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Engineering the position of the lowest triplet state (T-1) relative to the first excited singlet state (S-1) is of great importance in improving the efficiencies of organic light emitting diodes and organic photovoltaic cells. We have carried out model exact calculations of substituted polyene chains to understand the factors that affect the energy gap between S-1 and T-1. The factors studied are backbone dimerisation, different donor-acceptor substitutions, and twisted geometry. The largest system studied is an 18 carbon polyene which spans a Hilbert space of about 991 x 10(6). We show that for reverse intersystem crossing process, the best system involves substituting all carbon sites on one half of the polyene with donors and the other half with acceptors. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The first report of time-resolved resonance Raman (TR(3)) scattering in a supercritical fluid is presented. TR(3) spectra of the lowest triplet excited state (T-1) of anthracene in supercritical (SC) CO2 have been obtained over the pressure range 90-500 bar. These data have been complemented by conventional flash photolysis measurements of the excited state lifetime, transient absorbance difference, and fluorescence spectra over a similar pressure range. The spectroscopic data show systematic changes with increasing pressure; the Delta A spectra of the TI state recorded at two different temperatures display a red shift with increasing fluid pressure, which is in agreement with earlier work carried out over a smaller range of pressures. Similar shifts in the fluorescence are also observed. The vibrational frequencies of the T-1 state of anthracene are found to be relatively insensitive to applied pressure; indeed, the transient bands are readily identified by comparison with resonance Raman (RR) spectra of the T-1 state in cyclohexane solution. Small but well-defined shifts to lower cm(-1) with increasing pressure are observed in some of the vibrational bands of SC COE. The most marked change in the excited state Raman spectra is that the intensity of the T-1 anthracene features, relative to those of CO2, increases with applied pressure. The information which each of the above spectroscopic methods gives on the question of how pressure changes affect the structure and local environment of the excited state probe molecule in the SCF is discussed. Possible explanations for the observed increase in RR band intensities in terms of increased resonance Raman enhancement arising from the spectral shifts and/or the increased solubility of anthracene in CO2 with increasing pressure are also considered.


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The resonance Raman spectra of the ground state and the lowest excited tripler state of free-base tetraphenylporphyrin and six of its isotopomers have been obtained using two-color time-resolved techniques. Ground-state spectra were recorded using low-energy 447 nm probe laser pulses, and triplet-state spectra were probed, with similar pulses, 30 ns after high-energy excitation with 532 nm pump pulses. Polarization data on both the ground and triplet states are also reported. The resonance Raman spectrum of the triplet is very different from that of the ground state but the combination of extensive isotope substitution with polarization data allows bands in the ground state to be assigned and corresponding bands in the tripler state to be located. Isotope shifts of the same bands in the S-0 and T-1 states are similar, implying that the compositions of the vibrational modes do not change significantly on excitation. Two of the strongest bands in the T-1 spectra are associated with phenyl ring substituents; these are shifted less than 5 cm(-1) between the S-0 and T-1 states so that bonding in the phenyl substituents is barely affected by excitation to the T-1 state. The changes in position of the porphyrin ring bands are larger, but still only tens of cm(-1) or less, the main changes in the spectra being due to differences in relative band intensities in the two states. The relatively small shifts in the porphyrin ring band positions which are observed show that the excitation energy is not localized on a single small region of the molecule but is delocalized over the entire porphyrin skeleton. This picture of an excited species with high chemical reactivity, but with individual bonds only slightly perturbed from the ground state, is contrasted with molecules, such as benzophenone, where excitation causes a large perturbation in the bonding within a single functional group.


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Resonance Raman spectra of the T-1 excited states of Zn and free-base tetra-4-sulfonatophenylporphyrin (TPPS) have been recorded at room temperature in aqueous solution using two-colour time-resolved methods. The spectra of both sulfonated molecules are very similar to their tetraphenylporphyrin (TPP) analogues, which have been recorded in THF solution using the same pump-probe conditions, but they have higher signal-to-noise ratios because interference from strong solvent bands is reduced. Although two different T-1 spectra of Zn(TPP) have been reported these spectra differ slightly from each other and from the spectrum reported here, which has band positions very close (+/-6 cm(-1)) to those of Zn(TPPS). The high S/N ratios obtainable for the water-soluble porphyrins have allowed reliable polarization data to be recorded for their S-0 and T-1 states. This data set allows a realistic comparison of the changes in bonding associated with excitation of both free-base and Zn tetraarylporphyrins to the T-1 state.


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The triatomic spin-rovibronic variational code RVIB3 has been extended to include the effect of two uncoupled electrons, for both (3)Sigma(-) and (3)Pi (Renner-Teller) electronic states. The spin-orbital-rotational kinetic energy is included in the usual way, via terms (J+L+S). The phenomenological terms AL.S and lambda 2/3(3S(z)(2)) are introduced to reproduce the 3 spin-orbit and spin-spin splittings, respectively. Calculations are performed to evaluate the spin-rovibronic energy levels of CCO (X) over tilde (3) Sigma(-) and CCO (A) over tilde (3) Pi for which the Born-Oppenheimer potentials are derived from high-accuracy ab initio calculations.


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Efficient photocyclization from a low-lying triplet state is reported for a photochromic dithienylperfluorocyclopentene with Ru(bpy)(3) units attached via a phenylene linker to the thiophene rings. The ring-closure reaction in the nanosecond domain is sensitized by the metal complexes. Upon photoexcitation into the lowest Ru-to-bpy (MLCT)-M-1 state followed by intersystem crossing to emitting (MLCT)-M-3 states, photoreactive (IL)-I-3 states are populated by an efficient energy-transfer process. The involvement of these (IL)-I-3 states explains the quantum yield of the photocyclization, which is independent of the excitation wavelength but decreases strongly in the presence of dioxygen. This behavior differs substantially from the photocyclization of the nonemissive dithienylperfluorocyclopentene free ligand, which occurs from the lowest (IL)-I-1 state on a picosecond time scale and is insensitive to oxygen quenching. Cyclic voltammetric studies have also been performed to gain further insight into the energetics of the system. The very high photocyclization quantum yields, far above 0.5 in both cases, are ascribed to the strong steric repulsion between the bulky substituents on the dithienylperfluorocyclopentene bridge bearing the chelating bipyridine sites or the Ru(bpy)(3) moieties, forcing the system to adopt nearly exclusively the reactive antiparallel conformation. In contrast, replacement of both Ru(II) centers by Os(II) completely prevents the photocyclization reaction upon light excitation into the low-lying Os-to-bpy (MLCT)-M-1 state. The photoreaction can only be triggered by optical population of the higher lying (IL)-I-1 excited state of the central photochromic unit, but its yield is low due to efficient energy transfer to the luminescent lowest (MLCT)-M-3 state.


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Thioxanthone has been investigated extensively owing to its unique photochemical and photophysical applications and its solvatochromic behavior. Here, we report the time-resolved resonance Raman studies on the structure of the lowest triplet excited state of thioxanthone in carbon tetrachloride. In addition, FT-IR and FT-Raman techniques have been used to study the vibrational structure in the ground state. To corroborate the experimental findings, density functional theory calculations have been carried out. Isotopic calculations and normal coordinate analysis have been used to help in assigning the observed bands to Raman vibrational modes. Structural information derived from this study is expected to help in better understanding the triplet state photochemistry of thioxanthone.


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Solvent polarity has been known to influence the triplet state structure and reactivity. Here, we present our experimental and theoretical study on the effect of solvent on the lowest triplet excited state structure of 2-chlorothioxanthone (CTX). Time-resolved absorption (TA) spectroscopy has been employed to understand the triplet state electronic structure; whereas solvent-induced structural changes have been studied using time-resolved resonance Raman (TR3) spectroscopy. Both the DFT and TD-DFT calculations have been performed in the solution phase employing self-consistent reaction field implicit solvation model to support the experimental data. It has been observed that CO stretching frequencies of the excited triplet state are sensitive to the solvent polarity and increase with the increase in the solvent polarity. Both TA and TR3 studies reveal that specific solvent effect (H-bonding) is more pronounced in comparison to the nonspecific solvent effect. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.