978 resultados para Student activities
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The Student Handbook provides information about many of the resources available at TTC. It contains information about the College’s academic support programs, internet and computer resources, student activities, financial aid, and other programs and services. The Student Code of Conduct and Academic Issues sections in this handbook outline the College’s expectations for student rights and behavior. You can also keep track of important dates and campus events.
OBJECTIVE: To report a training program in cardiology emphasizing changes in its pedagogical practice. These changes were put into practice by some teachers at the Medical School of Porto Alegre of the University of Rio Grande do Sul (FAMED/UFRGS) aiming to make faculty and student activities more dynamic and to promote more efficacious learning. The training program is directed at 5th semester medical students and aims at a behavioral change in teachers and students to promote more interaction, to favor exchanges, and to make the teaching-learning process easier, always maintaining the patient in the center of the medical activity. METHODS: The program emphasizes the definition of general and specific objectives for each activity to be developed by the students, with training in the area of admission to the cardiology service, with special emphasis on behavioral change in the cognitive, motor, affective, and attitudinal areas. Knowledge was developed by means of interactive seminars with initial and final assessment tests to identify students' and teachers' performance. The students were evaluated in an immediate, continuous, and progressive way in their daily activities and through comparison of the results of 2 tests, one applied at the beginning of the training and the other at its end. These 2 tests contained the same questions. RESULTS: We systematically assessed 560 students over 4 years. The mean grades of the tests performed prior to and after the 244 seminars were 7.38±1.66 and 9.17± 0.82, respectively (p<0.0001). For the tests applied at the beginning and at the end of the training, the mean grades were 5.61±1.61 and 9.37±0.90, respectively (p<0.0001). CONCLUSION: The program proved to be efficient both for the students' learning and for assessing their performance in a systematic and objective way.
In recent years several educators have organized open courses where participants reflect on their personal blogs. With a large number of participants it becomes a challenge to follow all the course discussions. In this paper we present the EduFeedr system that is specifically designed for following and supporting student activities in blog-based courses.
Sept. 1998; 72 pages; pages 69-72 (Yearzine) b&w, color photographs TOC: Reflections…1 / Dedication…2 / Table of Contents…3 / Message from the President…4 / Message from the Student Government President…5 / The Deans…6 / Robert Francis Kennedy…7 / Student Activities Club Life…8 / Student Activities Club Fair…10 / We Build Potential…12 / Student Government Association 1997/98…14 / Poetry Writing my way out of the Ghetto…16 / Multi-Cultural Appreciation Week 16A-D / Dr. Martin Luther King Jr….17 / Future Leaders Early Childhood Learning Center…18 / Poetry + 5K Race…20 / The Class of 1997/98…21 / Message from the Yearbook Committee…61 / Tribute to Donald Barker Health Center…62 / Poetry Stepping Out…63 / Credits…64 Credits: PROJECT SUPERVISOR: IRENE SOSA; PROJECT COORDINATOR: EDWARD HOLLINS; ASST. PROJECT COORDINATORS: VINCENT COUSIN, ALLEN SCRIBNER, MADODHREE YAMRAJ; EVENT PHOTOGRAPHERS: VINCENT COUSIN, ALLEN SCRIBNER, RANDY FADER-SMITH; GRADUATE PHOTOGRAPHERS: SAMUEL LEE, LUIS REYES; POETRY: MATTHEW JOFFE, LISA KREMENS, THOMAS MCCRAY, JR. Special Thanks: -THE STAFF OF STUDENT LIFE & DEVELOPMENT (FRAN, GREGORY, LUIS, MILLIE) -ENOCK CHARLOTIN -DR. NOMA KRASNEY -HIGH SPEED PHOTO (LOUIS, FERNANDO, JAMES -THANKS GUYS, GREAT JOB!) -WARREN COOPER (TAYLOR PUBLISHING) -ANILA JOHN (S.G.A OFFICE MANAGER) - RON BOERKE (EVENTS OFFICE)
O artigo considera a pedagogia das competências como uma das pedagogias do aprender a aprender e apresenta quatro posicionamentos valorativos contidos no lema aprender a aprender: 1) é mais desejável a aprendizagem que ocorra sem a transmissão de conhecimentos por alguém; 2) o método de construção do conhecimento é mais importante do que o conhecimento já produzido socialmente; 3) a atividade do aluno deve ser impulsionada pelos interesses e necessidades do indivíduo; 4) a educação deve preparar os indivíduos para um constante processo de adaptação e readaptação à sociedade em acelerado processo de mudança. Defende que as pedagogias do aprender a aprender pertencem a um universo ideológico carregado de ilusões acerca da assim chamada sociedade do conhecimento e conclui apresentando cinco dessas ilusões.
This work introduces a web-based learning environment to facilitate learning in Project Management. The proposed web-based support system integrates methodological procedures and information systems, allowing to promote learning among geographically-dispersed students. Thus, students who are enrolled in different universities at different locations and attend their own project management courses, share a virtual experience in executing and managing projects. Specific support systems were used or developed to automatically collect information about student activities, making it possible to monitor the progress made on learning and assess learning performance as established in the defined rubric.
The small leather-bound volume holds two sections, a manuscript student periodical, and written tête-bêche, an exchange on smallpox inoculation followed by notes on the rules and activities of a Harvard College student club. The volume begins with thirteen numbered manuscript issues, written in one hand, of the Tell-Tale running from September 9, 1721 to November 1, 1721. Prefaced, "This paper was entitl'd the Telltale or Criticisms on the Conversation & Beheavour of Scholars to promote right reasoning & good manner," the work is modeled after literary periodicals of the time, including the "Spectator," and is considered the oldest student publication at Harvard. The periodical appears to have circulated in manuscript form. The content varies in format and includes letters between Telltale and correspondents, short essays, and advertisements. Topics discussed include conversation, detraction, and flattery. While not specifically about Harvard it does provide some information about the College including evidence of various student activities and organizations at Harvard in the 1720s. The entry explaining the rules of the Telltale Club is heavily faded and nearly illegible. The Telltale records multiple dreams, which are populated by various characters, such as “beautiful” Kate, two “learned Physicians” debating inoculation, “four Fellows” “pushing and shoving one another,” and a “person of a very Dark & swarthy complexion in a Slovenly Dress with 7 patches & 5 sparks on his Face.”
Spring Games. Freshman-Sophomore Games. On photo: Tug-1919-11. Lyndon. On verso: Student Activities
Ensinar e aprender História na relação dialética entre interpretação e consciência histórica crítica
Teaching and learning History in dialectical relationship between interpretation and critical historical awareness has investigated the triggering of a theoretical-practical training process developed with a history teacher, her mediation in the teaching and learning of the discipline process, related to the appropriation of history text interpretation and the development of critical historical consciousness by public school 8 th-grade students of elementary level. It aims to analyze the relationship between mediation of teaching activity and ownership by the student on this level, the interpretation of history texts and development of this consciousness. It has been opted for collaborative research, as training and strategy, and was employed as procedures for the formation of knowledge: Meeting, Cycles of Reflexive Studies, Planning (with teachers), Observation performed in real life and portfolio (involving students). The teacher appropriated of contributions of the theory by P. Ya . Galperin and critical historical consciousness and developed a teaching process using a methodology grounded in theoretical constructs this author. The students appropriated the interpretation of history texts and demonstrated to be in a process of developing a critical historical consciousness. Performance of the students occurred more consistently in the interpretations implemented in groups, with teacher guidance and support of the activity map. Training processes, performed in and about teaching and student activities, revealed an improvement in teacher's professional development and the knowledge and expertise of the students. It has contributed to this, the critical reflection experienced in the investigative process. Given these findings, as needs of new thinking, research recommends the development of teaching and learning processes in other years of elementary school, involving the interpretation of history texts and the development of critical historical consciousness of students.
Poster listing events for Rainbow Alliance Week at the College of the Holy Cross.