999 resultados para Stage Lighting


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Un bon sistema d’il.luminació juga un paper molt important per tal que els videojocs siguin realistes i atractius per a l’usuari. El projecte intenta optimitzar el sistema d’il.luminació de manera que la càrrega que representa per al sistema sigui inferior, sense haver de renunciar a la qualitat que tindríem sense fer servir aquest sistema. Amb dos objectius molt concrets: entendre i implementar l’algoritme de lightcuts i aconseguir una optimització en una escena utilitzant aquest algoritme


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Disseny d'un focus amb dos moviments de gir , un horitzontal (PAN) i un altre d’inclinació (TILT). Del tipus Spot. Amb una làmpada 250 W i que la seva funció sigui il·luminar locals o espectacles de dimensions grans


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This research aims to investigate how the stage lighting can be articulated in the creation of theater actor process. To we reach this reflection, it is necessary to understand the space of the rehearsal room, where the actor works as a place where their function receives influences of other artists who are creating the spectacle.Collaborative processes are analyzed three Cia de Teatro Engenharia Cênica: Irremediável, 2007; Doralinas e Marias , 2009; O Menino Fotógrafo, 2011, aiming to understand the collaborative theater potentializes, the intersection and the exchange of experiences in the rehearsal room, collaborating actively for the training of persons involved in creating the show. The research proposes an investigation of how the creative process of stage lighting is gaining ground in the rehearsal room in the language of theater directing, showing mainly how is your "co-evolutionary" creation with the creative process of the actor


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Smith, Hinchman & Grylls, architects. W.B. Wood Co., construction. On verso: Ann Arbor News


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Smith, Hinchman & Grylls, architects. W.B. Wood Co., construction. On verso: Ann Arbor News


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This research has as a central point of discussion the relationship between the action and the stage lighting, directed to scenes in which, from the exchange between actor and professional lighting, you can develop comic situations. The particularity of these scenes is the involvement of lighting as presentification feature a character in the scene, made possible by game created with the actor. In order to develop this discussion, the author divides the text into three chapters, the first being a memorial of his artistic career and his creative processes, enabling the reader to situate the paths taken by the author for the study. Then discusses possible relationship between performance and lighting, pointing situations where the two are directly related. Finally, an analysis and comparison of two comic scenes in which the actor play with the lighting suggests a character through presentification lighting on the scene. Leads the discussion to the conclusion, proposing the term light-character to set the lighting feature, suggesting characters in the scene.


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This research aims to investigate how the stage lighting can be articulated in the creation of theater actor process. To we reach this reflection, it is necessary to understand the space of the rehearsal room, where the actor works as a place where their function receives influences of other artists who are creating the spectacle.Collaborative processes are analyzed three Cia de Teatro Engenharia Cênica: Irremediável, 2007; Doralinas e Marias , 2009; O Menino Fotógrafo, 2011, aiming to understand the collaborative theater potentializes, the intersection and the exchange of experiences in the rehearsal room, collaborating actively for the training of persons involved in creating the show. The research proposes an investigation of how the creative process of stage lighting is gaining ground in the rehearsal room in the language of theater directing, showing mainly how is your "co-evolutionary" creation with the creative process of the actor


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This research aims to investigate how the stage lighting can be articulated in the creation of theater actor process. To we reach this reflection, it is necessary to understand the space of the rehearsal room, where the actor works as a place where their function receives influences of other artists who are creating the spectacle.Collaborative processes are analyzed three Cia de Teatro Engenharia Cênica: Irremediável, 2007; Doralinas e Marias , 2009; O Menino Fotógrafo, 2011, aiming to understand the collaborative theater potentializes, the intersection and the exchange of experiences in the rehearsal room, collaborating actively for the training of persons involved in creating the show. The research proposes an investigation of how the creative process of stage lighting is gaining ground in the rehearsal room in the language of theater directing, showing mainly how is your "co-evolutionary" creation with the creative process of the actor


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Since the rediscovery of Elizabeth Cary’s drama, The Tragedy of Mariam, the play and its author have generated a veritable critical industry. Yet little has been written about performance, a lacuna explained by a reluctance to think about Mariam as a theatrical creation. This article challenges the current consensus by arguing for the play’s theatrical imprint and by analysing two 2013 performances – a site-specific production at Cary’s birthplace, and a production by the Lazarus Theatre Company. Throughout, Mariam is engaged with in terms of casting, costume, lighting, set and movement, issues that have mostly been bypassed in Cary studies.


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This paper describe a simulation program, which uses Trengenza’s average room illuminance method in conjunction with hourly solar irradiance and luminous efficacy, to predict the potential lighting energy saving for a side-lit room. Two lighting control algorithms of photoelectric switching (on/off) and photoelectric dimming (top-up) have been coded in the program. A simulation for a typical UK office room has been conducted and the results show that energy saving due to the sunlight dependent on the various factors such as orientation, control methods, building depth, glazing area and shading types, etc. This simple tool can be used for estimating the potential lighting energy saving of the windows with various shading devices at the early design stage.


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A sound effect of stage lights coming on with a sense of drama . . . a great stinger to accompany the imagery of lights being turned on and off.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Increasing knowledge on the endocrine mechanisms that regulate feeding and growth in cultured fish can contribute to make improvement in fish holding conditions and feeding strategies, supporting the development of new techniques that could ameliorate feeding, food conversion efficiency and growth in aquaculture practice. The main objective of this study was to investigate how daily mRNA expression of three specific anorexigenic hormones, i.e. the corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) and the paralogues α- and β- proopiomelanocortin (POMC), is modulated by different photoperiods, light spectra and feeding regimes, in both adult and larvae of Solea senegalensis. In addition, as Senegalese sole exhibits a shift from diurnal to nocturnal in locomotor activity and feeding habits during metamorphic process, we tried to elucidate if this shift is accompanied by relevant daily variations in the expression of these anorexigenic hormones before, during and after the completion of metamorphosis. In order to reach this main objective, three main experiments were developed. In a first experiment, adults were reared under LD (12 h light: 12h dark) cycle and fed at mid-light (ML), mid-dark (MD) and at random (RND). In a second experiment, adult specimens were reared in constant darkness (DD) and fed at subjective mid-light (sML) or at RND. Larvae of Senegalese sole were reared under LD cycle with white, blue or red light for 40 days. Our results show an independence of crh mRNA expression from the feeding time and suggest an endogenous control of crh expression in sole. Both pomc paralogues showed significant daily rhythms under LD conditions. The rhythms were maintained or were even more robust under DD conditions for pomc_a, but were completely abolished for pomc_b. Our results indicate an endogenous control of pomc_a expression by the molecular clock in telencephalon and diencephalon, but not in the pituitary gland. Our findings confirm for the first time the significant influence that ambient lighting has on larval growth and development in Senegalese sole, revealing an important effect of light spectra upon functional elements of this species. Our results also emphasize the importance of maintaining cycling light-dark conditions of the adequate wavelengths in aquaculture practices during early development of sole.


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Esta tesis trata sobre métodos de corrección que compensan la variación de las condiciones de iluminación en aplicaciones de imagen y video a color. Estas variaciones hacen que a menudo fallen aquellos algoritmos de visión artificial que utilizan características de color para describir los objetos. Se formulan tres preguntas de investigación que definen el marco de trabajo de esta tesis. La primera cuestión aborda las similitudes que se dan entre las imágenes de superficies adyacentes en relación a su comportamiento fotométrico. En base al análisis del modelo de formación de imágenes en situaciones dinámicas, esta tesis propone un modelo capaz de predecir las variaciones de color de la región de una determinada imagen a partir de las variaciones de las regiones colindantes. Dicho modelo se denomina Quotient Relational Model of Regions. Este modelo es válido cuando: las fuentes de luz iluminan todas las superficies incluídas en él; estas superficies están próximas entre sí y tienen orientaciones similares; y cuando son en su mayoría lambertianas. Bajo ciertas circunstancias, la respuesta fotométrica de una región se puede relacionar con el resto mediante una combinación lineal. No se ha podido encontrar en la literatura científica ningún trabajo previo que proponga este tipo de modelo relacional. La segunda cuestión va un paso más allá y se pregunta si estas similitudes se pueden utilizar para corregir variaciones fotométricas desconocidas en una región también desconocida, a partir de regiones conocidas adyacentes. Para ello, se propone un método llamado Linear Correction Mapping capaz de dar una respuesta afirmativa a esta cuestión bajo las circunstancias caracterizadas previamente. Para calcular los parámetros del modelo se requiere una etapa de entrenamiento previo. El método, que inicialmente funciona para una sola cámara, se amplía para funcionar en arquitecturas con varias cámaras sin solape entre sus campos visuales. Para ello, tan solo se necesitan varias muestras de imágenes del mismo objeto capturadas por todas las cámaras. Además, este método tiene en cuenta tanto las variaciones de iluminación, como los cambios en los parámetros de exposición de las cámaras. Todos los métodos de corrección de imagen fallan cuando la imagen del objeto que tiene que ser corregido está sobreexpuesta o cuando su relación señal a ruido es muy baja. Así, la tercera cuestión se refiere a si se puede establecer un proceso de control de la adquisición que permita obtener una exposición óptima cuando las condiciones de iluminación no están controladas. De este modo, se propone un método denominado Camera Exposure Control capaz de mantener una exposición adecuada siempre y cuando las variaciones de iluminación puedan recogerse dentro del margen dinámico de la cámara. Los métodos propuestos se evaluaron individualmente. La metodología llevada a cabo en los experimentos consistió en, primero, seleccionar algunos escenarios que cubrieran situaciones representativas donde los métodos fueran válidos teóricamente. El Linear Correction Mapping fue validado en tres aplicaciones de re-identificación de objetos (vehículos, caras y personas) que utilizaban como caracterísiticas la distribución de color de éstos. Por otra parte, el Camera Exposure Control se probó en un parking al aire libre. Además de esto, se definieron varios indicadores que permitieron comparar objetivamente los resultados de los métodos propuestos con otros métodos relevantes de corrección y auto exposición referidos en el estado del arte. Los resultados de la evaluación demostraron que los métodos propuestos mejoran los métodos comparados en la mayoría de las situaciones. Basándose en los resultados obtenidos, se puede decir que las respuestas a las preguntas de investigación planteadas son afirmativas, aunque en circunstancias limitadas. Esto quiere decir que, las hipótesis planteadas respecto a la predicción, la corrección basada en ésta y la auto exposición, son factibles en aquellas situaciones identificadas a lo largo de la tesis pero que, sin embargo, no se puede garantizar que se cumplan de manera general. Por otra parte, se señalan como trabajo de investigación futuro algunas cuestiones nuevas y retos científicos que aparecen a partir del trabajo presentado en esta tesis. ABSTRACT This thesis discusses the correction methods used to compensate the variation of lighting conditions in colour image and video applications. These variations are such that Computer Vision algorithms that use colour features to describe objects mostly fail. Three research questions are formulated that define the framework of the thesis. The first question addresses the similarities of the photometric behaviour between images of dissimilar adjacent surfaces. Based on the analysis of the image formation model in dynamic situations, this thesis proposes a model that predicts the colour variations of the region of an image from the variations of the surrounded regions. This proposed model is called the Quotient Relational Model of Regions. This model is valid when the light sources illuminate all of the surfaces included in the model; these surfaces are placed close each other, have similar orientations, and are primarily Lambertian. Under certain circumstances, a linear combination is established between the photometric responses of the regions. Previous work that proposed such a relational model was not found in the scientific literature. The second question examines whether those similarities could be used to correct the unknown photometric variations in an unknown region from the known adjacent regions. A method is proposed, called Linear Correction Mapping, which is capable of providing an affirmative answer under the circumstances previously characterised. A training stage is required to determine the parameters of the model. The method for single camera scenarios is extended to cover non-overlapping multi-camera architectures. To this extent, only several image samples of the same object acquired by all of the cameras are required. Furthermore, both the light variations and the changes in the camera exposure settings are covered by correction mapping. Every image correction method is unsuccessful when the image of the object to be corrected is overexposed or the signal-to-noise ratio is very low. Thus, the third question refers to the control of the acquisition process to obtain an optimal exposure in uncontrolled light conditions. A Camera Exposure Control method is proposed that is capable of holding a suitable exposure provided that the light variations can be collected within the dynamic range of the camera. Each one of the proposed methods was evaluated individually. The methodology of the experiments consisted of first selecting some scenarios that cover the representative situations for which the methods are theoretically valid. Linear Correction Mapping was validated using three object re-identification applications (vehicles, faces and persons) based on the object colour distributions. Camera Exposure Control was proved in an outdoor parking scenario. In addition, several performance indicators were defined to objectively compare the results with other relevant state of the art correction and auto-exposure methods. The results of the evaluation demonstrated that the proposed methods outperform the compared ones in the most situations. Based on the obtained results, the answers to the above-described research questions are affirmative in limited circumstances, that is, the hypothesis of the forecasting, the correction based on it, and the auto exposure are feasible in the situations identified in the thesis, although they cannot be guaranteed in general. Furthermore, the presented work raises new questions and scientific challenges, which are highlighted as future research work.


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Because of high efficacy, long lifespan, and environment-friendly operation, LED lighting devices become more and more popular in every part of our life, such as ornament/interior lighting, outdoor lightings and flood lighting. The LED driver is the most critical part of the LED lighting fixture. It heavily affects the purchasing cost, operation cost as well as the light quality. Design a high efficiency, low component cost and flicker-free LED driver is the goal. The conventional single-stage LED driver can achieve low cost and high efficiency. However, it inevitably produces significant twice-line-frequency lighting flicker, which adversely affects our health. The conventional two-stage LED driver can achieve flicker-free LED driving at the expenses of significantly adding component cost, design complexity and low the efficiency. The basic ripple cancellation LED driving method has been proposed in chapter three. It achieves a high efficiency and a low component cost as the single-stage LED driver while also obtaining flicker-free LED driving performance. The basic ripple cancellation LED driver is the foundation of the entire thesis. As the research evolving, another two ripple cancellation LED drivers has been developed to improve different aspects of the basic ripple cancellation LED driver design. The primary side controlled ripple cancellation LED driver has been proposed in chapter four to further reduce cost on the control circuit. It eliminates secondary side compensation circuit and an opto-coupler in design while at the same time maintaining flicker-free LED driving. A potential integrated primary side controller can be designed based on the proposed LED driving method. The energy channeling ripple cancellation LED driver has been proposed in chapter five to further reduce cost on the power stage circuit. In previous two ripple cancellation LED drivers, an additional DC-DC converter is needed to achieve ripple cancellation. A power transistor has been used in the energy channeling ripple cancellation LED driving design to successfully replace a separate DC-DC converter and therefore achieved lower cost. The detailed analysis supports the theory of the proposed ripple cancellation LED drivers. Simulation and experiment have also been included to verify the proposed ripple cancellation LED drivers.