997 resultados para Spontaneous Regression


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Central giant cell granuloma (CGCG) of the jaws represents a localized and benign neoplastic lesion sometimes characterized by aggressive osteolytic proliferation. The World Health Organization defines it as an intraosseous lesion composed of cellular and dense connective tissues that contain multiple hemorrhagic foci, an aggregation of multinucleated giant cells, and occasional bone tissue trabeculae. The origin of this lesion is uncertain; however, factors such as local trauma, inflammation, intraosseous hemorrhage, and genetic abnormalities have been identified as possible causes. CGCG generally affects those younger than 30 years and occurs more frequently in women (2: 1). This lesion corresponds to approximately 7% of all benign tumors of the jaws, with prevalence in the anterior region of the jaw. Aggressive lesions are characterized by symptoms, such as pain, numbness, rapid growth, cortical perforation, root resorption, and a high recurrence rate after curettage. In contrast, nonaggressive CGCGs have a slow rate of growth, may contain sparse trabeculation, and are less likely to move teeth or cause root resorption or cortical perforation. Nonaggressive CGCGs are generally asymptomatic lesions and thus are frequently found on routine dental radiographs. Radiographically, the 2 forms of CGCG present as radiolucent, expansive, unilocular or multilocular masses with well-defined margins. The histopathology of CGCG is characterized by multinucleated giant cells, surrounded by round, oval, and spindle-shaped mononuclear cells, scattered in dense connective tissue with hemorrhagic and abundant vascularization foci. The final diagnosis is determined by histopathologic analysis of the biopsy specimen. The preferred treatment for CGCG consists of excisional biopsy, curettage with a safety margin, and partial or total resection of the affected bone. Conservative treatments include local injections of steroids, calcitonin, and antiangiogenic therapy. Drug treatment using antibiotics, painkillers, and corticosteroids and clinical and radiographic monitoring are necessary for approximately 10 days after surgery. There are only a few cases of spontaneous CGCG regression described in the literature; therefore, a detailed case report of CGCG regression in a 12-yearold boy with a 4-year follow-up is presented and compared with previous studies. (c) 2014 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons


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To our knowledge, there has been no report of spontaneous regression in a non-immunocompromised adult with classical Hodgkin's lymphoma (HL) in the absence of chemotherapy. We describe spontaneous regression and subsequent relapse of Epstein - Barr virus (EBV)-positive HL in an otherwise healthy male adult. The clinical course was associated with an increase in regulatory T-cell markers within the peripheral blood and diseased lymph node at the time of relapse and with a concomitant reduction in cellular immunity against relevant EBV latent membrane protein tumor-associated antigens. Our findings are in keeping with previous observations that implicate impaired cellular immunity in the immunopathogenesis of EBV-positive HL.


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Objective: To describe the incidence, prevalence, and natural history of proliferative sickle cell retinopathy (PSR). Design: Prospective longitudinal study over 20 years. Participants: Newborn screening of 100000 consecutive deliveries from 1973 to 1981 identified 315 children with homozygous sickle cell (SS) disease and 201 with SS-hemoglobin C (SC) disease. By the age of 5 years, 307 SS patients and 166 SC patients were alive and living in Jamaica and were recruited for this ophthalmic study. Methods: Description of retinal vascular changes on annual angiography and angioscopy. Main Outcome Measures: Incidence and prevalence of PSR and its behavior on follow-up. Progression of PSR was investigated using the number of eyes affected (none, one, both) and the interval until PSR onset. Results: At last review in January 2000, PSR had developed in 59 patients (14 SS, 45 SC), unilaterally in 36 patients and bilaterally in 23. Incidence increased with age in both genotypes, with crude annual incidence rates of 0.5 cases (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.3-0.8) per 100 SS subjects and 2.5 cases (95% CI, 1.9-3.3) per 100 SC subjects. Prevalence was greater in SC disease, and by the ages of 24 to 26 years, PSR had occurred in 43% subjects with SC disease and in 14% subjects with SS disease. Patients with unilateral PSR had a 16% (11% SS, 17% SC) probability of regressing to no PSR and a 14% (16% SS, 13% SC) probability of progressing to bilateral PSR. Those with bilateral PSR had an 8% (8% SS, 8% SC) probability of regressing to unilateral PSR and a 1% (0 SS, 2% SC) probability of regressing to a PSR-free state. Irretrievable visual loss occurred in only 1 of 82 PSR-affected eyes, and 1 required detachment surgery and recovered normal visual acuity. Conclusions: Longitudinal observations over 20 years in a cohort of patients followed from birth confirms a greater incidence and severity of PSR in SC disease, and shows that spontaneous regression occurred in 32% of PSR-affected eyes. Permanent visual loss was uncommon in subjects observed up to the age of 26 years. © 2005 by the American Academy of Ophthalmology.


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Neuroblastoma (NB) is a neural crest-derived childhood tumor characterized by a remarkable phenotypic diversity, ranging from spontaneous regression to fatal metastatic disease. Although the cancer stem cell (CSC) model provides a trail to characterize the cells responsible for tumor onset, the NB tumor-initiating cell (TIC) has not been identified. In this study, the relevance of the CSC model in NB was investigated by taking advantage of typical functional stem cell characteristics. A predictive association was established between self-renewal, as assessed by serial sphere formation, and clinical aggressiveness in primary tumors. Moreover, cell subsets gradually selected during serial sphere culture harbored increased in vivo tumorigenicity, only highlighted in an orthotopic microenvironment. A microarray time course analysis of serial spheres passages from metastatic cells allowed us to specifically "profile" the NB stem cell-like phenotype and to identify CD133, ABC transporter, and WNT and NOTCH genes as spheres markers. On the basis of combined sphere markers expression, at least two distinct tumorigenic cell subpopulations were identified, also shown to preexist in primary NB. However, sphere markers-mediated cell sorting of parental tumor failed to recapitulate the TIC phenotype in the orthotopic model, highlighting the complexity of the CSC model. Our data support the NB stem-like cells as a dynamic and heterogeneous cell population strongly dependent on microenvironmental signals and add novel candidate genes as potential therapeutic targets in the control of high-risk NB.


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Esse estudo apresenta os resultados obtidos quando da inoculação de Trychophyton mentagrophytes na bolsa jugal do hamster, local imunologicamente privilegiado. Foram utilizados 42 animais: 21 inoculados com 10(6) fungos na bolsa jugal (grupo 1) e, 21 inicialmente inoculados com 10(6) fungos no coxim plantar e, 15 dias após, na bolsa jugal com a mesma quantidade fúngica (grupo 2). Os animais foram sacrificados às 20 h, 3, 7, 14, 30, 60 e 120 dias; foram coletadas amostras da bolsa jugal inoculada, e das patas submetidas ao teste do coxim plantar (TCP). Independente do grupo e do tempo de evolução da infecção, os animais não desenvolveram hipersensibilidade tardia avaliada através do TCP. A pré-inoculação de fungos no coxim plantar não alterou a morfologia das lesões induzidas na bolsa jugal. Assim, nos animais do grupo 1 e grupo 2, a introdução do fungo na bolsa jugal, resultou em lesão focal, constituída por infiltrado inflamatório agudo estéril, com formação de abscesso, que evoluiu para reação macrofágica e, posteriormente, para a resolução mesmo na ausência de resposta imune detectável pelo TCP. Nossos resultados indicam que, apesar do importante papel da resposta imune na regressão espontânea da dermatofitose, outros fatores são, também, parte integral da defesa contra esta infecção fúngica.


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Solitary keratoacanthoma (KA) is a common benign epithelial tumor of the skin characterized by rapid growth and a tendency toward spontaneous regression. The exact etiology and classification of KA are a matter of debate. Smokers also seem to be more affected than persons who never smoke. The objective of this study was to evaluate the association between solitary KA and smoking habit. A case-control study involving 78 patients diagnosed with KA and 199 controls from the related community was performed to evaluate the association between cigarette smoking and KA. A higher smoking prevalence was noted in cases (69.2 %) than controls (21.6 %) and the odds ratio adjusted for sex and age was 9.1 (95 % CI 4.9 to 17.1, p< 0.01). The mean tumoral diameter at surgery and the site of involvement was not statistically related to smoking. These findings suggest that cigarette smoking is associated with the development of KA. © 2006 Dermatology Online Journal.


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Congenital epulis (CE) of the newborn is a rare benign soft tissue tumor that presents at birth. It occurs usually as a single mass with various sizes, although some multiple lesions have also been reported. The lesion is more common in female neonates and normally affects the maxillary alveolar ridge. Rare recurrence and no malignant alteration have also been reported. This condition may interfere with respiration, feeding or adequate closure of the mouth. A decisive diagnosis is made by histopathologic analysis as other newborn lesions can be incorrectly diagnosed as CE. This article presents a case report of a female infant who presented a fibrotic mass in the primary lateral incisor and canine region of the maxillary alveolar ridge. The lesion was not causing feeding or respiratory problems. After a watchful waiting procedure and no spontaneous regression, the lesion was excised under local anesthesia and confirmed by histopathologic analysis as CE.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Twelve breast fibroadenomas were analyzed cytogenetically and only four were found to have clonal alterations. The presence of chromosomal alterations in fibroadenomas must be the consequence of the proliferating process and must not be related to the etiology of this type of lesion. In contrast, the few fibroadenomas that exhibit chromosomal alterations are likely to be those presenting a risk of neoplastic transformation. Clonal numerical alterations involved chromosomes 8, 18, 19, and 21. Of the chromosomal alterations found in the present study, only monosomy of chromosomes 19 and 21 has been reported in breast fibroadenomas. The loss of chromosome 21 was the most frequent alteration found in our sample. The study of benign proliferations and their comparison with chromosome alterations in their malignant counterparts ought to result in a better understanding of the genes acting on cell proliferation alone, and of the genes that cause these cells to exhibit varied behaviors such as recurrences, spontaneous regression and fast growth.


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Relatamos o caso de uma mulher de 21 anos com história de seis meses de dispneia progressiva, tosse seca e perda de peso. A tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução revelou padrão de pavimentação em mosaico com áreas focais poupadas. A paciente foi submetida a biópsia pulmonar transbrônquica, que confirmou o diagnóstico de proteinose alveolar. Dois anos depois, sem tratamento, houve importante melhora das opacidades pulmonares.


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Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit der Rolle des Fibronektins für die Entstehung und des Wachstums von Knochenmetastasen. rnrnTumorzellspezifische Faktoren bereiten entfernte Gewebe auf die Besiedelung durch disseminierte Tumorzellen vor. Dabei wird Fibronektin im Bereich der prämetastatischen Nische vermehrt gebildet. Dies führte zu der Annahme, dass Fibronektin eine wichtige Rolle bei der Entstehung von Tumoren einnimmt. Um die Bedeutung des Fibronektins bezüglich des Metastasierungsprozesses näher zu charakterisieren, wurde dieses im Bereich der vaskulären Nische über das Cre/loxP-System ausgeschaltet. Die Inaktivierung von zirkulierendem Fibronektin und Knochenmarks-Fibronektin in vivo hatte ein verlangsamtes Tumorwachstum zur Folge, welches auf eine um 22% verminderte Angiogenese zurückzuführen war. Im Gegensatz dazu beeinträchtigte die Ausschaltung des Osteoblasten-Fibronektins lediglich die frühen Entwicklungsstadien der Tumore. Diese Beobachtungen könnten einerseits mit der eingeschränkten Funktionsweise der Osteoblasten in Abwesenheit von Fibronektin erklärt werden, andererseits könnte der Einfluss auf das Fehlen osteoblastenspezifischer Fibronektin-Isoformen zurückgeführt werden, die die Metastasierung, Zelladhäsion, Proliferation und Motilität von Tumorzellen erhöhen. rnrnDie Deletion des Tumorzell-Fibronektins hatte eine durchschnittlich um 60% reduzierte Anzahl gebildeter Metastasen, ein eingeschränktes Tumorwachstum, hervorgerufen durch eine um 37% verminderte Blutgefäßanzahl, und letztendlich eine dreifache Verlängerung der mittleren Überlebensraten zur Folge. Die kombinierte Ausschaltung von lokalem Fibronektin und Tumorzell-Fibronektin vermochte den Einfluss auf die Etablierung und das Wachstum der Tumore zu verstärken. rnrnEin Drittel der Tiere, denen Metastasen induziert wurden, zeigten eine spontane Rückbildung der Tumore, ohne dass eine medizinische Intervention erfolgte. Dabei wurde zwischen einer kompletten Regression, bei der eine vollständige Rückbildung aller Tumore beobachtet werden konnte, und einer partiellen Regression, von der nur einzelne Tumore betroffen waren, unterschieden. Die spontane Regression war altersabhängig und trat 8-17 Wochen im Anschluss an die Applikation der Tumorzellen auf. Die vollständige Rückbildung der osteolytischen Knochenläsionen war mit dem Heilungsprozess des Knochengewebes verbunden, der sich in einer Verdichtung der Knochensubstanz äußerte. Erste Ergebnisse lieferten Hinweise darauf, dass die spontane Tumorregression auf eine mögliche Beteiligung von Granulozyten zurückzuführen war.rnrnZusammenfassend zeigten unsere Untersuchungen, dass sowohl Fibronektin der Mikroumgebung als auch Tumorzell-Fibronektin die Entwicklung und das Wachstum von Tumoren beeinträchtigte. Diese Arbeit lieferte erste Hinweise auf die Existenz eines sehr effektiven Mechanismus, der in Zusammenhang mit Fibronektin steht und dazu in der Lage ist, Tumorzellen selbst bei fortgeschrittenen Krebserkrankungen zu beseitigen. rn


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Neuroblastoma (NB) is characterized by the second highest spontaneous regression of any human malignant disorder, a phenomenon that remains to be elucidated. In this study, a survey of 94 normal human adult sera revealed a considerable natural humoral cytotoxicity against human NB cell lines in approximately one-third of the tested sera of both genders. Specific cell killing by these sera was in the range of 40% to 95%. Serum cytotoxicity was dependent on an intact classical pathway of complement. By several lines of evidence, IgM antibodies were identified as the cytotoxic factor in the sera. Further analyses revealed that a 260-kDa protein was recognized by natural IgM of cytotoxic sera in Western blots of NB cell extracts. The antigen was expressed on the surface of seven human NB cell lines but not on human melanoma or other control tumor cell lines derived from kidney, pancreas, colon, bone, skeletal muscle, lymphatic system, and bone marrow. Furthermore, no reactivity was observed with normal human fibroblasts, melanocytes, and epidermal keratinocytes. The antigen was expressed in vivo as detected by immunohistochemistry in both the tumor of a NB patient and NB tumors established in nude rats from human NB cell lines. Most interestingly, the IgM anti-NB antibody was absent from the sera of 11 human NB patients with active disease. The anti-NB IgM also could not be detected in tumor tissue obtained from a NB patient. Collectively, our data suggest the existence of a natural humoral immunological tumor defense mechanism, which could account for the in vivo phenomenon of spontaneous NB tumor regression.


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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O hemangioma infantil é um tumor endotelial benigno caracterizado por um rápido crescimento nos primeiros meses de vida e regressão espontânea nos anos subsequentes. Desde 2008, o uso do propranolol oral tem sido crescente com eficácia superior à corticoterapia sistémica e ótimo perfil de segurança, assumindo uma posição de primeira linha no tratamento do hemangioma infantil em idade pediátrica. Na presente revisão, os autores propõem uma atualização sobre as mais recentes recomendações para a abordagem dos doentes com hemangioma infantil e indicação para tratamento com propranolol oral.


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Autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) is a disease of unknown aetiology with drug-induced AIH being the most complex and not fully understood type. We present the case of a 57-year-old female patient with acute icteric hepatitis after interferon-beta-1b (IFNβ-1b) administration for multiple sclerosis (MS). Based on liver autoimmune serology, histology and appropriate exclusion of other liver diseases, a diagnosis of AIH-related cirrhosis was established. Following discontinuation of IFNβ-1b, a complete resolution of biochemical activity indices was observed and the patient remained untreated on her own decision. However, 3 years later, after a course of intravenous methylprednisolone for MS, a new acute transaminase flare was recorded which subsided again spontaneously after 3 weeks. Liver biopsy and elastography showed significant fibrosis regression (F2 fibrosis). To our knowledge, this is the first report showing spontaneous cirrhosis regression in an IFNβ-1b-induced AIH-like syndrome following drug withdrawal, suggesting that cirrhosis might be reversible if the offending fibrogenic stimulus is withdrawn.