999 resultados para Spartan-3E
This tutorial is designed to help new users become familiar with using the Spartan-3E board. The tutorial steps through the following: writing a small program in VHDL which carries out simple combinational logic; connecting the program inputs and outputs to the switches, buttons and LEDs on the Spartan-3E board; and downloading the program to the Spartan-3E board using the Project Navigator software.
This tutorial is designed to help new users become familiar with using the PicoBlaze microcontroller with the Spartan-3E board. The tutorial gives a brief introduction to the PicoBlaze microcontroller, and then steps through the following: - Writing a small PicoBlaze assembly language (.psm) file, and stepping through the process of assembling the .psm file using KCPSM3; - Writing a top level VHDL module to connect the PicoBlaze microcontroller (KCPSM3 component) and the program ROM, and to connect the required input and output ports; - Connecting the top level module inputs and outputs to the switches, buttons and LEDs on the Spartan-3E board; - Downloading the program to the Spartan-3E board using the Project Navigator software.
This tutorial is designed to assist users who wish to use the LCD screen on the Spartan-3E board. In this tutorial, the PicoBlaze microcontroller is used to control the LCD. The tutorial is organised into three Parts. In Part A, code is written to display the message "Hello World" on the LCD. Part B demonstrates how to define and display custom characters. Finally, Part C shows how the display can be shifted and flashed. Shifting is done by using a delay in the main PicoBlaze program loop, while flashing is done using the PicoBlaze interrupt. The slider switches can be used to select the shifting direction, and to turn shifting and flashing on and off.
This tutorial is designed to help new users become familiar with using the Spartan-3E board. The tutorial steps through: writing a small program in VHDL which carries out simple combinational logic; connecting the program inputs and outputs to the switches, buttons and LEDs on the Spartan-3E board; downloading the program to the Spartan-3E board using version 14.7 of the Xilinx ISE; and simulating the program using the iSim Simulator.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Electrónica e Telecomunicações
We developed a new FPGA-based method for coincidence detection in positronemissiontomography. The method requires low device resources and no specific peripherals in order to resolve coincident digital pulses within a time window of a few nanoseconds. This method has been validated with a low-end Xilinx Spartan-3E and provided coincidence resolutions lower than 6 ns. This resolution depends directly on the signal propagation properties of the target device and the maximum available clock frequency, therefore it is expected to improve considerably on higher-end FPGAs.
Consumer behaviour is more than buying things; it also embraces the study of how having (or not having) things affects our lives and how possessions influence the way we feel about ourselves and each other - our state of being. The 3rd edition of Consumer Behaviour is presented in a contemporary framework based around the buying, having and being model and in an Australasian context. Students will be engaged and excited by the most current research, real-world examples, global coverage, managerial applications and ethical examples to cover all facets of consumer behaviour. With new coverage of Personality and incorporating real consumer data, Consumer Behaviour is fresh, relevant and up-to-date . It provides students with the best possible introduction to this fascinating discipline.
A joint meeting was held in July 2009 in Houston, Texas, of members of the Spondyloarthritis Research and Therapy Network (SPARTAN), founded in 2003 to promote research, education, and treatment of ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and related forms of spondyloarthritis (SpA), and members of International Genetics of AS (IGAS), founded in 2003 to encourage and coordinate studies internationally in the genetics of AS. The general topic was the genetic basis of SpA, with presentations on the future of human genetic studies; microbes, SpA, and innate immunity; susceptibility of AS to the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) and non-MHC; and individual discussions of the genetics of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, uveitis, inflammatory bowel disease, and enteropathic arthritis. Summaries of those discussions are presented.
• As part of the 3E program, we conducted a systematic literature review and gathered consensus from 23 practising Australian rheumatologists to develop guidelines for early identification of ankylosing spondylitis and specialist referral. • In three rounds of break-out sessions followed by discussion and voting, the specialist panel addressed three questions related to diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis: In individuals with back pain, what are the early clinical features that suggest ankylosing spondylitis? How useful is imaging in identifying early ankylosing spondylitis? Based on which clinical features should a general practitioner refer a patient to a rheumatologist for further evaluation? • The panel agreed on six recommendations related to the three questions: 1a. Early clinical features to suggest ankylosing spondylitis include inflammatory back pain and age at symptom onset < 45 years. 1b. The absence of symptomatic response to an appropriate course of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs makes the diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis less likely. 1c. Raised inflammatory markers are supportive, but their absence does not rule out the diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis. 2a. Despite low sensitivity to detect changes of early ankylosing spondylitis, plain radiographs of the pelvis and spine are appropriate initial imaging techniques. 2b. Magnetic resonance imaging is a useful imaging modality for detecting early changes of ankylosing spondylitis. 3. Individuals with inflammatory back pain should be referred to a rheumatologist for further evaluation. • Effective dissemination and implementation of these recommendations are important to standardise the approach to early diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis.
Aim: To develop a set of Australian recommendations for the monitoring and treatment of ankylosing spondylitis (AS) through systematic literature review combined with the opinion of practicing rheumatologists. Methods: A set of eight questions, four in each domain of monitoring and treatment, were formulated by voting and the Delphi method. The results of a systematic literature review addressing each question were presented to the 23 participants of the Australian 3E meeting. All participants were clinical rheumatologists experienced in the daily management of AS. Results: After three rounds of breakout sessions to discuss the findings of the literature review, a set of recommendations was finalized after discussion and voting. The category of evidence and strength of recommendation were determined for each proposal. The level of agreement among participants was excellent (mean 84%, range 64-100%). Conclusions: The 12 recommendations developed from evidence and expert opinion provide guidance for the daily management of AS patients. For most recommendations, we found a paucity of supportive evidence in the literature highlighting the need for additional clinical studies.
Dans le cadre de notre mémoire, nous avons comme objectif de décrire et de comprendre comment le contexte statistique, avec son caractère quasi-proportionnel, influence le raisonnement chez les élèves au 3e cycle du primaire. D'abord, nous développons quatre problèmes. En résolvant ces problèmes, les élèves d'une classe du 3e cycle du primaire fourniront un aperçu de leur raisonnement proportionnel et statistique et des stratégies qu'ils utilisent pour la résolution de ces tâches qui favorisent un traitement statistique ou proportionnel. Le chapitre 1 de notre mémoire sert à présenter la problématique de la recherche. Ensuite, le chapitre 2 concerne le cadre conceptuel et les questions spécifiques de la recherche. Le chapitre 3 expose les considérations de la méthodologie, notamment de la description des tâches, de l'analyse et du traitement des données. Par la suite, dans le chapitre 4, nous présentons et analyserons nos données. Finalement, dans les chapitres 5 et 6, la discussion des résultats sert à mettre en relation des principaux résultats de la présente recherche. Aussi, quelques pistes à poursuivre dans d'autres recherches sont suggérées.
Apprendre à lire exige de développer un ensemble de stratégies et, dans un contexte d’enseignement-apprentissage, il s’avère nécessaire que les stratégies de lecture soient enseignées (Fisher, Frey et Lapp, 2008). Toutefois, il semble que les enseignants se sentent peu à l’aise avec l’enseignement des stratégies de lecture par la modélisation (Martel et Lévesque, 2010; Pressley et Afflerbach, 1995). Au Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, des enseignants des 2e et 3e cycles du primaire ont exprimé le besoin de réfléchir sur leurs pratiques d’enseignement des stratégies de lecture afin d’apporter les ajustements nécessaires à un apprentissage de la lecture plus accompli chez leurs élèves. Pour y parvenir, douze enseignantes, un enseignant, deux conseillères pédagogiques et une chercheure se sont engagés dans une recherche-action (Dolbec et Clément, 2004) visant l’amélioration des pratiques relatives à l’enseignement de la lecture. Comme le suggère Couture (2011), le portrait des pratiques déjà mises en place par les enseignants a été dressé dans un premier temps afin d’ancrer le processus de changement à même le travail et les besoins des enseignants. Les résultats indiquent que ce sont les stratégies utiles avant la lecture qui seraient les plus enseignées, que cet enseignement s’effectuerait principalement à l’aide du matériel didactique, et ce, avec l’ensemble du groupe classe.