998 resultados para Software interfaces
To date, different techniques of navigation for mobile robots have been developed. However, the experimentation of these techniques is not a trivial task because usually it is not possible to reuse the developed control software due to system incompabilities. This paper proposes a software platform that provides means for creating reusable software modules through the standardization of software interfaces, which represent the various robot modules. © 2012 ICROS.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
The design, construction, and characterization of a portable opto-coupled potentiostat are presented. The potentiostat is battery-powered, managed by a microcontroller, which implements cyclic voltammetry (CV) using suitable sensor electrodes. Its opto-coupling permits a wide range of current measurements, varying from mA to nA. Two software interfaces were developed to perform the CV measurement: a virtual instrument for a personal computer (PC) and a C-base interface for personal digital assistant (PDA). The potentiostat has been evaluated by detection of potassium ferrocyanide in KCl medium, both with macro and microelectrodes. There was good agreement between the instrumental results and those from commercial equipment.
This technical report describes the implementation details of the Implicit GTS Allocation Mechanism (i-GAME), for the IEEE 802.15.4 protocol. The i-GAME was implemented in nesC/TinyOS for the CrossBow MICAz mote, over our own implementation of the IEEE 802.15.4 protocol stack. This document provides the implementation details, including a description of the i-GAME software interfaces.
For those few readers who do not know, CAFS is a system developed by ICL to search through data at speeds of several million characters per second. Its full name is Content Addressable File Store Information Search Processor, CAFS-ISP or CAFS for short. It is an intelligent hardware-based searching engine, currently available with both ICL's 2966 family of computers and the recently announced Series 39, operating within the VME environment. It uses content addressing techniques to perform fast searches of data or text stored on discs: almost all fields are equally accessible as search keys. Software in the mainframe generates a search task; the CAFS hardware performs the search, and returns the hit records to the mainframe. Because special hardware is used, the searching process is very much more efficient than searching performed by any software method. Various software interfaces are available which allow CAFS to be used in many different situations. CAFS can be used with existing systems without significant change. It can be used to make online enquiries of mainframe files or databases or directly from user written high level language programs. These interfaces are outlined in the body of the report.
Työssä perehdytään simulaatiotekniikkaan, jossa käytetään osana fyysistä laitteistoa, ja siihen tarvittaviin komponentteihin, kuten ohjelmistorajapintoihin sekä kenttäväylään. Työssä tutustutaan myös IEC 61131-3 ja IEC 61499 -standardien mukaisiin toimintolohkomalleihin, joita käytetään automaatiossa. Näiden perusteella kehitetään järjestelmä, jonka avulla Simulink-ympäristössä voidaan oman toimintolohkon avulla käyttää taajuusmuuttajaa osana simulaatiota. Tällaisen reaaliaikaisen systeemin eri osien väliseen synkronointiin kiinnitetään myös huomiota. Järjestelmää testataan simulaatiomallilla, jossa syötetään vääntömomenttiohje taajuusmuuttajalle, joka mittaa siihen kytketyn moottorin pyörimisnopeuden. Mallilla voidaan esimerkiksi arvioida kuorman hitausmomentti. Työssä tutustutaan myös taajuusmuuttajien ohjelmallisiin ominaisuuksiin ja niiden perusteella pohditaan esitetyn kaltaisten järjestelmien käyttöä hajautettuna automaatiojärjestelmänä. Kokeellinen työ tehtiin säätö- ja digitaalitekniikan laboratoriossa vuoden 2010 aikana.
Uma interface cérebro-computador (BCI) não é mais do que um dispositivo que lê e analisa ondas cerebrais e as converte em ações sobre um computador. Com a evolução das BCI e a possibilidade de acesso às mesmas por parte do público começou a ser possível o uso de BCIs para fins lúdicos. Nesse sentido nesta tese foi feito um estudo sobre interfaces cérebro-computador, o que são, que tipos de BCI existem, o seu uso para entretenimento, as suas limitações e o futuro deste tipo de interfaces. Foi ainda criado um software lúdico controlado por BCI (Emotiv EPOC) que é composto por um jogo tipo Pong e um reprodutor de música. O reprodutor de música através de BCI classifica e recomenda músicas ao utilizador. Com esta tese foi possível chegar à conclusão que é possível utilizar BCI para entretenimento (jogos e recomendação de conteúdos) apesar de se ter verificado que para jogos os dispositivos tradicionais de controlo (rato e teclado) ainda têm uma precisão muito superior.
The Central Library of Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT) has been automated by proprietary software (Adlib Library) since 2000. After 11 years, in 2011, the university authorities decided to shift to an open source software (OSS), for integrated library management system (ILMS), Koha for automating the library housekeeping operations. In this context, this study attempts to share the experiences in cataloging with both type of software. The features of the cataloging modules of both the software are analysed on the badis of certain check points. It is found that the cataloging module of Koha is almost in par with that of proven proprietary software that has been in market for the past 25 years. Some suggestions made by this study may be incorporated for the further development and perfection of Koha.
DIADEM, created by THOMSON-CSF, is a methodology for specifying and developing user interfaces. It improves productivity of the interface development process as well as quality of the interface. The method provides support to user interface development in three aspects. (1) DIADEM defines roles of people involved and their tasks and organises the sequence of activities. (2) It provides graphical formalisms supporting information exchange between people. (3) It offers a basic set of rules for optimum human-machine interfaces. The use of DIADEM in three areas (process control, sales support, and multimedia presentation) was observed and evaluated by our laboratory in the European project DIAMANTA (ESPRIT P20507). The method provides an open procedure that leaves room for adaptation to a specific application and environment. This paper gives an overview of DIADEM and shows how to extend formalisms for developing multimedia interfaces.
In this work, we propose the Interperception paradigm, a new approach that includes a set of rules and a software architecture for merge users from different interfaces in the same virtual environment. The system detects the user resources and provide transformations on the data in order to allow its visualization in 3D, 2D and textual (1D) interfaces. This allows any user to connect, access information, and exchange information with other users in a feasible way, without needs of changing hardware or software. As results are presented two virtual environments builded acording this paradigm
En este proyecto, se presenta un informe técnico sobre la cámara Leap Motion y el Software Development Kit correspondiente, el cual es un dispositivo con una cámara de profundidad orientada a interfaces hombre-máquina. Esto es realizado con el propósito de desarrollar una interfaz hombre-máquina basada en un sistema de reconocimiento de gestos de manos. Después de un exhaustivo estudio de la cámara Leap Motion, se han realizado diversos programas de ejemplo con la intención de verificar las capacidades descritas en el informe técnico, poniendo a prueba la Application Programming Interface y evaluando la precisión de las diferentes medidas obtenidas sobre los datos de la cámara. Finalmente, se desarrolla un prototipo de un sistema de reconocimiento de gestos. Los datos sobre la posición y orientación de la punta de los dedos obtenidos de la Leap Motion son usados para describir un gesto mediante un vector descriptor, el cual es enviado a una Máquina Vectores Soporte, utilizada como clasificador multi-clase.
Support for interoperability and interchangeability of software components which are part of a fieldbus automation system relies on the definition of open architectures, most of them involving proprietary technologies. Concurrently, standard, open and non-proprietary technologies, such as XML, SOAP, Web Services and the like, have greatly evolved and been diffused in the computing area. This article presents a FOUNDATION fieldbus (TM) device description technology named Open-EDD, based on XML and other related technologies (XLST, DOM using Xerces implementation, OO, XMIL Schema), proposing an open and nonproprietary alternative to the EDD (Electronic Device Description). This initial proposal includes defining Open-EDDML as the programming language of the technology in the FOUNDATION fieldbus (TM) protocol, implementing a compiler and a parser, and finally, integrating and testing the new technology using field devices and a commercial fieldbus configurator. This study attests that this new technology is feasible and can be applied to other configurators or HMI applications used in fieldbus automation systems. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Audiovisual e Multimédia.