894 resultados para Sex, Pornography, Web, Internet


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Industry professionals of the near future will be supported by an IT infrastructure that enables them to complete a task by drawing on resources and people with expertise anywhere in the world, and access to knowledge through specific training programs that address the task requirements. The increasing uptake of new technologies enables information to reach a diverse population and to provide flexible learning environments 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This paper examines one of the key areas where the World Wide Web will impact on the water and wastewater industries, namely technology transfer and training. The authors will present their experiences of developing online training courses for wastewater industry professionals over the last two years. The perspective is that of two people working at the coalface.


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This article will present a preliminary survey of the status of web banking in Brazil, preeeded by an explanation about some seeurity problems on the Internet and some advantages and impaets of banking serviees through the web. It will end with suggestions for further Web banking studies.


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Este artigo apresenta uma pesquisa em Web sites de bancos norte-americanos. Ela foi produzida com o objetivo de aprofundar o conhecimento sobre modelos de Web banking que estão sendo utilizados nos Estados Unidos. Observamos que os bancos americanos utilizam a Web para explorar três diferentes categorias de serviços: distribuir informação, distribuir produtos e serviços bancários e melhorar o relacionamento com os clientes. Dividimos cada uma destas três categorias em três níveis de interação para classificar diferentes tipos de aplicações que são encontradas em cada um dos Web sites pesquisados.


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ABSTRACT - The problem of how to support “intentions to make behavioural changes” (IBC) and “behaviour changes” (BC) in smoking cessation when there is a scarcity of resources is a pressing issue in public health terms. The present research focuses on the use of information and communications technologies and their role in smoking cessation. It is developed in Portugal after the ratification of WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (on 8 November 2005). The prevalence of smokers over fifteen years of age within the population stood at 20.9% (30.9% for men and 11.8% for women). While the strategy of helping people to quit smoking has been emphasised at National Health Service (NHS) level, the uptake of cessation assistance has exceeded the capacity of the service. This induced the search of new theoretical and practical venues to offer alternative options to people willing to stop smoking. Among these, the National Health Plan (NHP) of Portugal (2004-2010), identifies the use of information technologies in smoking cessation. eHealth and the importance of health literacy as a means of empowering people to make behavioural changes is recurrently considered an option worth investigating. The overall objective of this research is to understand, in the Portuguese context, the use of the Internet to help people to stop smoking. Research questions consider factors that may contribute to “intentions to make behavioural changes” (IBC) and “behavioural changes” (BC) while using a Web-Assisted Tobacco Intervention Probe (WATIP). Also consideration is given to the trade-off on the use of the Web as a tool for smoking cessation: can it reach a vast number of people for a small cost (efficiency) demonstrating to work in the domain of smoking cessation (efficacy)”? In addition to the introduction, there is a second chapter in which the use of tobacco is discussed as a public health menace. The health gains achieved by stopping smoking and the means of quitting are also examined, as is the use of the Internet in smoking cessation. Then, several research issues are introduced. These include background theory and the theoretical framework for the Sense of Coherence. The research model is also discussed. A presentation of the methods, materials and of the Web-Assisted Tobacco Intervention Probe (WATIP) follows. In chapter four the results of the use of the Web-Assisted Tobacco Intervention Probe (WATIP) are presented. This study is divided into two sections. The first describes results related to quality control in relation to the Web-Assisted Tobacco Intervention Probe (WATIP) and gives an overview of its users. Of these, 3,150 answered initial eligibility questions. In the end, 1,463 met all eligibility requirements, completed intake, decided on a day to quit smoking (Dday) and declared their “intentions to make behavioural changes” (IBC) while a second targeted group of 650 did not decide on a Dday. With two quit attempts made before joining the platform, most of the participants had experienced past failures while wanting to stop. The smoking rate averaged 21 cigarettes per day. With a mean age of 35, of the participants 55% were males. Among several other considerations, gender and the Sense of Coherence (SOC) influenced the success of participants in their IBC and endeavour to set quit dates. The results of comparing males and females showed that, for current smokers, establishing a Dday was related to gender differences, not favouring males (OR=0.76, p<0.005). Belonging to higher Socio-economic strata (SES) was associated with the intention to consider IBC (when compared to lower SES condition) (OR=1.57, p<0.001) and higher number of school years (OR=0.70, p<0.005) favoured the decision to smoking cessation. Those who demonstrated higher confidence in their likelihood of success in stopping in the shortest time had a higher rate of setting a Dday (OR=0.51, p<0.001). There were differences between groups in IBC reflecting the high and low levels of the SOC score (OR=1.43, p=0.006), as those who considered setting a Dday had higher levels of SOC. After adjusting for all variables, stages of readiness to change and SOC were kept in the model. This is the first Arm of this research where the focus is a discussion of the system’s implications for the participants’ “intentions to make behavioural changes” (IBC). Moreover, a second section of this study (second Arm) offers input collected from 77 in-depth interviews with the Web-Assisted Tobacco Intervention Probe (WATIP) users. Here, “Behaviour Change” (BC) and the usability of the platform are explored a year after IBC was declared. A percentage of 32.9% of self-reported, 12-month quitters in continuous abstinence from smoking from Dday to the 12-month follow- up point of the use of the Web-Assisted Tobacco Intervention Probe (WATIP) has been assessed. Comparing the Sense of Coherence (SOC) scores of participants by their respective means, according to the two groups, there was a significant difference in these scores of non smokers (BC) (M=144,66, SD=22,52) and Sense of Coherence (SOC) of smokers (noBC) (M=131,51, SD=21,43) p=0.014. This WATIP strategy and its contents benefit from the strengthening of the smoker’s sense of coherence (SOC), so that the person’s progress towards a life without tobacco may be experienced as comprehensible, manageable and meaningful. In this sample the sense of coherence (SOC) effect is moderate although it is associated with the day to quit smoking (Dday). Some of the limitations of this research have to do with self-selection bias, sample size (power) and self-reporting (no biochemical validation). The enrolment of participants was therefore not representative of the smoking population. It is not possible to verify the Web-Assisted Tobacco Intervention Probe (WATIP) evaluation of external validity; consequently, the results obtained cannot be applied generalized. No participation bias is provided. Another limitation of this study is the associated limitations of interviews. Interviewees’ perception that fabricating answers could benefit them more than telling the simple truth in response to questions is a risk that is not evaluated (with no external validation like measuring participants’ carbon monoxide levels). What emerges in this analysis is the relevance of the process that leads to the establishment of the quit day (Dday) to stop using tobacco. In addition, technological issues, when tailoring is the focus, are key elements for scrutiny. The high number of dropouts of users of the web platform mandates future research that should concentrate on the matters of the user-centred design of portals. The focus on gains in health through patient-centred care needs more research, so that technology usability be considered within the context of best practices in smoking cessation.


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Aquesta memòria sintetitza el treball de desenvolupament d¿una aplicació per realitzar el filtrat de pàgines web.Els objectius principals del projecte han estat d¿una banda obtenir una aplicació que permeti realitzar el filtrat i de l¿altra aprofitar el projecte per construir un model complet de desenvolupament de programari per a industrialitzar futurs projectes. En quant a la metodologia, s¿ha emprat el cicle de vida RUP de forma incremental en les tres parts de l¿aplicació, (proxy, filtres i log). En la seqüència de quatre fases s¿executen iterativament una sèrie de processos. Pel que fa al producte obtingut, es tracta d¿un servidor proxy, que realitza la funció de filtrat de pàgines web, mitjançant dues utilitats, ¿llista negra¿ d¿adreces i ¿llista negra¿ de continguts, ames de disposar d¿un registre d¿activitat log.


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BACKGROUND: Internet is commonly used by the general population, notably for health information-seeking. There has been little research into its use by patients treated for a psychiatric disorder. AIM: To evaluate the use of internet by patients with psychiatric disorders in searching for general and medical information. METHODS: In 2007, 319 patients followed in a university hospital psychiatric out-patient clinic, completed a 28-items self-administered questionnaire. RESULTS: Two hundred patients surveyed were internet users. Most of them (68.5%) used internet in order to find health-related information. Only a small part of the patients knew and used criteria reflecting the quality of contents of the websites consulted. Knowledge of English and private Internet access were the factors significantly associated with the search of information on health on Internet. CONCLUSIONS: Internet is currently used by patients treated for psychiatric disorders, especially for medical seeking information.


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Le présent mémoire cherche à comprendre et à cerner le lien entre la stratégie de recherche d’information par le journaliste sur le web et les exigences de sa profession. Il vise à appréhender les précautions que prend le journaliste lors de sa recherche d’information sur le web en rapport avec les contraintes que lui imposent les règles de sa profession pour assurer la qualité des sources d’informations qu’il exploite. Nous avons examiné cette problématique en choisissant comme cadre d’étude Radio-Canada où nous avons rencontré quelques journalistes. Ceux-ci ont été suivis en situation de recherche d’information puis questionnés sur leurs expériences de recherche. L’arrivée d’internet et la révolution technologique qui en a découlé ont profondément bouleversé les pratiques journalistiques. La recherche d’information représente ainsi une zone importante de cette mutation des pratiques. Cette transformation amène surtout à s’interroger sur la façon dont la nouvelle façon de rechercher les sources d’information influence le travail du journaliste, et surtout les balises que se donne celui-ci pour résister aux pièges découlant de sa nouvelle méthode de travail.


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A promoção de qualquer evento passa, em muito, pela utilização da Internet como meio de disponibilização e propagação de conteúdos, através de um website ou de redes sociais. Mas não é só para a disponibilização de conteúdos que estes websites são úteis. A adição de funcionalidades permite torná-los em plataformas mais completas e com os mais diversos propósitos, incluindo elementos para a gestão do próprio evento. Este projeto surge da necessidade da organização do Rali Vinho Madeira (RVM) em substituir a plataforma existente, insuficiente para as necessidades atuais na área da divulgação pública do evento e na gestão das inscrições e registo de diversas entidades participantes no evento. Assim, o objetivo principal deste projeto passou pelo desenvolvimento de um novo website que implementasse os requisitos de forma satisfatória tanto para a organização do RVM como para os utilizadores. Ao mesmo tempo foi também importante garantir que o servidor onde estaria alojada a nova plataforma possuiria o melhor desempenho possível em condições reais, usando para o efeito um plano de testes de carga para validar as configurações escolhidas e detetar atempadamente possíveis problemas. Um último componente da plataforma do RVM, desenvolvido ainda no âmbito deste trabalho, foi o desenvolvimento de uma aplicação web para consulta dos resultados em equipamentos mobile, como smartphones e tablet’s. Ao longo deste documento são descritas as várias etapas do projeto, de onde se destacam: (1) a avaliação de websites para melhorar a caracterização dos requisitos, (2) o processo de análise, especificação e desenvolvimento da plataforma, e (3) a realização de testes de carga como meio de validação das configurações do servidor para um desempenho satisfatório durante a prova. O módulo Rally Entries, central para a organização e também para este projeto, transforma uma plataforma simples de disponibilização de conteúdos num sistema para gestão das inscrições de diversas entidades no âmbito do RVM. Além da descrição da implementação e das funcionalidades deste módulo, é ainda descrita a forma como este componente será capaz de se adaptar a novos requisitos em futuros eventos. A validação da plataforma desenvolvida passou por um contato com os utilizadores através de inquéritos. No geral os resultados obtidos foram positivos, comparativamente à plataforma existente e a websites de outros ralis. Como evento integrante das atividades da Federação Internacional do Automóvel (FIA) e da Federação Portuguesa de Automobilismo e Karting, o website também integrou a avaliação do evento feito por estas organizações, tendo recebido em ambas as avaliações 4 pontos em 5 possíveis. Por último, os testes de carga realizados revelaram ser uma grande ajuda na preparação da plataforma, principalmente para os períodos de pico de acessos, tendo esta sido capaz de responder de forma previsível à carga a que foi sujeita.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC


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The emergence of the digital order renewed the Victorian civilizing ideal and strengthened a world order of techno-economic dependence. The new grand narrative is the urgency of digital transformation of societies; a dream pursued without reflection by the populations of the periphery that ended into in a collision between McLuhan's two informational orders: cold and hot societies. Latin America as part of the periphery did not participate in the development of the informatic technologies and its historical legacy made the appropriation of these technologies more difficult. This paper examines the historical circumstances of this process: the development of a discourse around the digital networks, the consequences of this social construction in the region, the fragile efforts of Brazil to create technology, and the entrance of IT networks in the region. The results showed that the status of this kind of research in the region is weak so we alert about its consequences. We concluded that to create an informational order that may serve as a space of self-affirmation, freedom and heterogeneity, it is necessary to have a deep knowledge of the social and historical context that created its basic technologies, but Latin America is indifferent in such regard. Information Science has a central role in the region within this process but it has not developed it yet.


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The tool proposed, known as WSPControl, enables remote monitoring of computers across the Internet using distributed applications. Through a Web Services architecture is possible the communication between these distributed applications across heterogeneous platforms, also eliminates the need for additional settings in computer networks, such as release of ports or proxy. The tool is divided into three modules, namely: • Client Interface: developed in C Sharp, is responsible for capturing data on performance of the monitored computer also connects to the Web Services to report this data. • Web Services Interface: developed in PHP using the PHP SOAP library, is responsible for facilitating the communication between internet applications and client. • Internet Interface: developed in PHP, is responsible for reading and interpreting the information captured these available on the Internet


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With the rapid growth of the use of Web applications in various fields of knowledge, the term Web service enter into evidence in the current scenario, which refers to services from different origins and purpose, offered through local networks and also available in some cases, on the Internet. The architecture of this type of application offers data processing on server side thereby, running applications and complex and slow processes is very interesting, which is the case with most algorithms involving visualization. The VTK is a library intended for visualization, and features a large variety of methods and algorithms for this purpose, but with a graphics engine that requires processing capacity. The union of these two resources can bring interesting results and contribute for performance improvements in the VTK library. This study is discussed in this project, through testing and communication overhead analysis


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Questo elaborato finale analizza la mia proposta di traduzione di parte del sito internet www.turismo.ra.it. Ho intrapreso la traduzione delle pagine di questo sito nel quadro di una collaborazione volontaria con il Comune di Ravenna; anche il mio tirocinio curricolare si è concentrato sulla traduzione del sito. Ho deciso dunque di articolare la tesi come segue: il primo capitolo, si concentra sulla teoria dei siti internet e sulla loro organizzazione, focalizzando l’interesse sulle modalità di scrittura sul web, mentre il secondo capitolo tratta l’analisi del sito, ponendo particolare attenzione alla sua struttura. La mia proposta di traduzione segue poi nel terzo capitolo, mentre nel quarto offro una possibile analisi dei testi tradotti, con commenti relativi agli aspetti linguistici e alle difficoltà riscontrate, e analizzando la memoria di traduzione da me creata nel corso della mia attività. L’elaborato si conclude con alcune mie considerazioni finali circa l’attività svolta, e la bibliografia, con annessa sitografia, da me consultate per lo svolgimento del mio lavoro di ricerca.


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Com o intuito de melhorar a eficiência na gestão e execução de responsabilidades junto dos munícipes, a Câmara Municipal de Angra do Heroísmo (CMAH), localizada na ilha Terceira (Região Autónoma dos Açores), distribui as suas valências por vários departamentos e colaboradores especializados. Apesar desta segmentação existem circunstâncias em que os mesmos trabalham em conjunto e cruzam informações, por exemplo, nos processos de licenciamento. Contudo, esta necessária troca de dados é deficiente quando se calendarizam eventos organizados ou não pela instituição em causa. Consequentemente, esta falha resulta muitas vezes na sobreposição de eventos, algo considerado insustentável numa comunidade relativamente pequena, como é o caso de Angra do Heroísmo (em 2013, contava com 35.109 habitantes). A autarquia pretende solucionar o problema tendo em conta as capacidades proporcionadas pelas plataformas da Web 2.0 que, entre outras, permitem a participação dos utilizadores e a fácil inserção e gestão da informação por pessoas sem conhecimentos técnicos aprofundados. Esta dissertação determina as especificações que devem estar presentes numa plataforma Web de calendarização e divulgação da oferta cultural, ao serviço do Município de Angra do Heroísmo; conceptualiza um protótipo funcional que valida as especificações identificadas e serve de apoio à construção da plataforma final a desenvolver no futuro. Esta investigação tem como fim melhorar o processo de calendarização e divulgação de eventos da oferta cultural do concelho angrense. Esta finalidade implicou a necessidade de conhecer aprofundadamente o funcionamento da instituição, identificando e distinguindo o papel dos vários intervenientes e processos, pelo que parte da investigação decorreu na Câmara Municipal de Angra do Heroísmo. Entre os vários desafios desta pesquisa destacam-se a recolha e compreensão de informação sobre o processo em estudo e o planeamento de um sistema digital intuitivo, que respeite as estruturas de decisão e o sistema hierárquico da autarquia e que detenha o grau de rigor exigido nas organizações governativas.


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Trabalho baseado no relatório para a disciplina “Sociologia das Novas Tecnologias de Informação” no âmbito do Mestrado Integrado de Engenharia e Gestão Industrial, da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa em 2015-16. O trabalho foi orientado pelo Prof. António Brandão Moniz do Departamento de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas (DCSA) na mesma Faculdade.