1000 resultados para Semiconducting Oxide Nanobelts


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This article reports a study of the thermal stability and morphological changes in tin oxide nanobelts grown in the orthorhombic SnO phase. The nanobelts were heat-treated in a differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) furnace at 800 degrees C for I It in argon, oxygen, or synthetic air atmospheres. The samples were then characterized by DSC, X-ray diffraction (XRD), high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), and high resolution field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM). The results confirmed that the orthorhombic SnO phase is thermodynamically unstable, causing the belts to transform into the SnO2 phase when heat-treated. During the phase transition, if oxygen is available in the furnace atmosphere, nanofibers grow at the edge of nanobelts at about 50 degrees of the belts' growth direction, while particles grow on the belt surface in the absence of oxygen. Although the decomposition process reduces the nanobelt cell volume by 22%, most belts remain monocrystalline after the heat treatment. The results confirm that phase transition is a decomposition process, which explains the morphological changes in the belts based on metallic tin generated in the process.


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This communication discusses the formation of doped nanobelts produced by a simple route. Tin-doped indium oxide (ITO) nanobelts were obtained by a carbothermal reduction method. The nanostructures were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) and wavelength-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (WDX). The results show that the nanobelts have a cubic structure, are single crystalline and doped with tin and grow in the [400] direction.


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A thermal evaporation method developed in the research group enables to grow and design several morphologies of semiconducting oxide nanostructures, such as Ga_2O_3, GeO_2 or Sb_2O_3, among others, and some ternary oxide compounds (ZnGa_2O_4, Zn_2GeO_4). In order to tailor physical properties, a successful doping of these nanostructures is required. However, for nanostructured materials, doping may affect not only their physical properties, but also their morphology during the thermal growth process. In this paper, we will show some examples of how the addition of impurities may result into the formation of complex structures, or changes in the structural phase of the material. In particular, we will consider the addition of Sn and Cr impurities into the precursors used to grow Ga_2O_3, Zn_2GeO_4 and Sb_2O_3 nanowires, nanorods or complex nanostructures, such as crossing wires or hierarchical structures. Structural and optical properties were assessed by electron microscopy (SEM and TEM), confocal microscopy, spatially resolved cathodoluminescence (CL), photoluminescence, and Raman spectroscopies. The growth mechanisms, the luminescence bands and the optical confinement in the obtained oxide nanostructures will be discussed. In particular, some of these nanostructures have been found to be of interest as optical microcavities. These nanomaterials may have applications in optical sensing and energy devices.


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We report a previously unknown body-centered-tetragonal structure for ZnO. This structure results from a phase transformation from wurtzite in [0001]-oriented nanorods during uniaxial tensile loading and is the most stable phase for ZnO when stress is above 7 GPa. The stress-induced phase transformation has important implications for the electronic, piezoelectric, mechanical, and thermal responses of ZnO. The discovery of this polymorph brings about a more complete understanding of the extent and nature of polymorphism in ZnO. A crystalline structure-load triaxiality map is developed to summarize the relationship between structure and loading.


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A novel stress-strain relation with two stages of linear elastic deformation is observed in [0 0 0 1]-oriented ZnO nanorods under uniaxial tensile loading. This phenomenon results from a phase transformation from wurtzite (WZ, P6(3)mc space group) to a body-centered tetragonal structure with four-atom rings (denoted as BCT-4) belonging to the P4(2)/mnm space group. The analysis here focuses on the effects of nanorod size and temperature on the phase transformation and the associated mechanical behavior. It is found that as size is increased from 19.5 to 45.5 angstrom, the critical stress for nucleation of the transformation decreases by 25% from 21.90 to 16.50 GPa and the elastic moduli of the WZ- and BCT-4-structured nanorods decrease by 24% (from 299.49 to 227.51 GPa) and 38% (from 269.29 to 166.86 GPa), respectively. A significant temperature effect is also observed, with the critical stress for transformation initiation decreasing 87.8% from 17.89 to 2.19 GPa as temperature increases from 300 to 1500 K. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A novel solution-phase method for the preparation of Au@ZnO core-shell composites was described. With this method, the composites were grown without heating that is usually needed in other solution methods. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) results show that the diameter of Au@ZnO core-shell composites is about 10.5 nm. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was applied to characterize Au@ZnO core-shell composites. The optical properties of Au@ZnO core-shell composites, including UV-vis absorption and photo luminescence (PL), were observed at room temperature.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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With the emergence of transparent electronics, there has been considerable advancement in n-type transparent semiconducting oxide (TSO) materials, such as ZnO, InGaZnO, and InSnO. Comparatively, the availability of p-type TSO materials is more scarce and the available materials are less mature. The development of p-type semiconductors is one of the key technologies needed to push transparent electronics and systems to the next frontier, particularly for implementing p-n junctions for solar cells and p-type transistors for complementary logic/circuits applications. Cuprous oxide (Cu2O) is one of the most promising candidates for p-type TSO materials. This paper reports the deposition of Cu2O thin films without substrate heating using a high deposition rate reactive sputtering technique, called high target utilisation sputtering (HiTUS). This technique allows independent control of the remote plasma density and the ion energy, thus providing finer control of the film properties and microstructure as well as reducing film stress. The effect of deposition parameters, including oxygen flow rate, plasma power and target power, on the properties of Cu2O films are reported. It is known from previously published work that the formation of pure Cu2O film is often difficult, due to the more ready formation or co-formation of cupric oxide (CuO). From our investigation, we established two key concurrent criteria needed for attaining Cu2O thin films (as opposed to CuO or mixed phase CuO/Cu2O films). First, the oxygen flow rate must be kept low to avoid over-oxidation of Cu2O to CuO and to ensure a non-oxidised/non-poisoned metallic copper target in the reactive sputtering environment. Secondly, the energy of the sputtered copper species must be kept low as higher reaction energy tends to favour the formation of CuO. The unique design of the HiTUS system enables the provision of a high density of low energy sputtered copper radicals/ions, and when combined with a controlled amount of oxygen, can produce good quality p-type transparent Cu2O films with electrical resistivity ranging from 102 to 104 Ω-cm, hole mobility of 1-10 cm2/V-s, and optical band-gap of 2.0-2.6 eV. These material properties make this low temperature deposited HiTUS Cu 2O film suitable for fabrication of p-type metal oxide thin film transistors. Furthermore, the capability to deposit Cu2O films with low film stress at low temperatures on plastic substrates renders this approach favourable for fabrication of flexible p-n junction solar cells. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation causes a range of skin disorders as well as affecting vision and the immune system. It also inhibits development of plants and animals. UV radiation monitoring is used routinely in some locations in order to alert the population to harmful solar radiation levels. There is ongoing research to develop UV-selective-sensors [1–3]. A personal, inexpensive and simple UV-selective-sensor would be desirable to measure UV intensity exposure. A prototype of such a detector has been developed and evaluated in our laboratory. It comprises a sealed two-electrode photoelectrochemical cell (PEC) based on nanocrystalline TiO2. This abundant semiconducting oxide, which is innocuous and very sta-ble, is the subject of intense study at present due to its application in dye sensitized solar cells (DSSC) [4]. Since TiO2 has a wide band gap (EG = 3.0 eV for rutile and EG = 3.2 eV for anatase), it is inher-ently UV-selective, so that UV filters are not required. This further reduces the cost of the proposed photodetector in comparison with conventional silicon detectors. The PEC is a semiconductor–electrolyte device that generates a photovoltage when it is illuminated and a corresponding photocur-rent if the external circuit is closed. The device does not require external bias, and the short circuit current is generally a linear function of illumination intensity. This greatly simplifies the elec-trical circuit needed when using the PEC as a photodetector. DSSC technology, which is based on a PEC containing nanocrystalline TiO2 sensitized with a ruthenium dye, holds out the promise of solar cells that are significantly cheaper than traditional silicon solar cells. The UV-sensor proposed in this paper relies on the cre-ation of electron–hole pairs in the TiO2 by UV radiation, so that it would be even cheaper than a DSSC since no sensitizer dye is needed. Although TiO2 has been reported as a suitable material for UV sensing [3], to the best of our knowledge, the PEC configuration described in the present paper is a new approach. In the present study, a novel double-layer TiO2 structure has been investigated. Fabrication is based on a simple and inexpensive technique for nanostructured TiO2 deposition using microwave-activated chemical bath deposition (MW-CBD) that has been reported recently [5]. The highly transparent TiO2 (anatase) films obtained are densely packed, and they adhere very well to the transparent oxide (TCO) substrate [6]. These compact layers have been studied as contacting layers in double-layer TiO2 structures for DSSC since improvement of electron extraction at the TiO2–TCO interface is expected [7]. Here we compare devices incorporating a single mesoporous nanocrystalline TiO2 structure with devices based on a double structure in which a MW-CBD film is situated between the TCO and the mesoporous nanocrystalline TiO2 layer. Besides improving electron extraction, this film could also help to block recombination of electrons transferred to the TCO with oxidized species in the electrolyte, as has been reported in the case of DSSC for compact TiO2 films obtained by other deposition tech-niques [8,9]. The two types of UV-selective sensors were characterized in detail. The current voltage characteristics, spectral response, inten-sity dependence of short circuit current and response times were measured and analyzed in order to evaluate the potential of sealed mesoporous TiO2-based photoelectrochemical cells (PEC) as low cost personal UV-photodetectors.


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The changes in the electronic and magnetic properties of graphene induced by interaction with semiconducting oxide nanoparticles such as ZnO and TiO2 and with magnetic nanoparticles such as Fe3O4, CoFe2O4, and Ni are investigated by using Raman spectroscopy, magnetic measurements, and first-principles calculations. Significant electronic and magnetic interactions between the nanoparticles and graphene are found. The findings suggest that changes in magnetization as well as the Raman shifts are directly linked to charge transfer between the deposited nanoparticles and graphene. The study thus demonstrates significant effects in tailoring the electronic structure of graphene for applications in futuristic electronic devices.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O óxido de cério (céria) tem atraído atenção devido às suas importantes aplicações, como em células a combustível de óxido sólido, catalisadores de gases de exaustão de automóveis, catalisadores para a obtenção de hidrogênio, bloqueadores de raios ultravioleta, biomateriais, entre outros. Controlar os métodos de síntese da céria é de grande importância para explicar ou prever essas propriedades. Desta forma, o objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o crescimento de nanofitas de óxido de cério em um sistema hidrotérmico assistido por micro-ondas, no qual 8 min foram obtidas nanofitas com comprimentos próximos a 330 nm, em 130 ºC e pressão de 3 atm. Os resultados colaboram para pesquisas em reformadores para obtenção de etanol e/ou anodos de células combustíveis de óxido sólido.