934 resultados para Semi-2D HMM


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One of the current frontiers in the clinical management of Pectus Excavatum (PE) patients is the prediction of the surgical outcome prior to the intervention. This can be done through computerized simulation of the Nuss procedure, which requires an anatomically correct representation of the costal cartilage. To this end, we take advantage of the costal cartilage tubular structure to detect it through multi-scale vesselness filtering. This information is then used in an interactive 2D initialization procedure which uses anatomical maximum intensity projections of 3D vesselness feature images to efficiently initialize the 3D segmentation process. We identify the cartilage tissue centerlines in these projected 2D images using a livewire approach. We finally refine the 3D cartilage surface through region-based sparse field level-sets. We have tested the proposed algorithm in 6 noncontrast CT datasets from PE patients. A good segmentation performance was found against reference manual contouring, with an average Dice coefficient of 0.75±0.04 and an average mean surface distance of 1.69±0.30mm. The proposed method requires roughly 1 minute for the interactive initialization step, which can positively contribute to an extended use of this tool in clinical practice, since current manual delineation of the costal cartilage can take up to an hour.


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Les modèles de réflexion complexes, avec leurs nombreux paramètres dont certains restent non intuitifs, sont difficiles à contrôler pour obtenir une apparence désirée. De plus, même si un artiste peut plus aisément comprendre la forme de la micro-géométrie d'une surface, sa modélisation en 3D et sa simulation en 4D demeurent extrêmement fastidieuses et coûteuses en mémoire. Nous proposons une solution intermédiaire, où l'artiste représente en 2D une coupe dans un matériau, en dessinant une micro-géométrie de surface en multi-couches. Une simulation efficace par lancer de rayons en seulement 2D capture les distributions de lumière affectées par les micro-géométries. La déviation hors-plan est calculée automatiquement de façon probabiliste en fonction de la normale au point d'intersection et de la direction du rayon incident. Il en résulte des BRDFs isotropes complètes et complexes, simulées à des vitesses interactives, et permettant ainsi une édition interactive de l'apparence de réflectances riches et variées.


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This work presents an efficient method for volume rendering of glioma tumors from segmented 2D MRI Datasets with user interactive control, by replacing manual segmentation required in the state of art methods. The most common primary brain tumors are gliomas, evolving from the cerebral supportive cells. For clinical follow-up, the evaluation of the pre- operative tumor volume is essential. Tumor portions were automatically segmented from 2D MR images using morphological filtering techniques. These seg- mented tumor slices were propagated and modeled with the software package. The 3D modeled tumor consists of gray level values of the original image with exact tumor boundary. Axial slices of FLAIR and T2 weighted images were used for extracting tumors. Volumetric assessment of tumor volume with manual segmentation of its outlines is a time-consuming proc- ess and is prone to error. These defects are overcome in this method. Authors verified the performance of our method on several sets of MRI scans. The 3D modeling was also done using segmented 2D slices with the help of a medical software package called 3D DOCTOR for verification purposes. The results were validated with the ground truth models by the Radi- ologist.


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The immersed boundary method is a versatile tool for the investigation of flow-structure interaction. In a large number of applications, the immersed boundaries or structures are very stiff and strong tangential forces on these interfaces induce a well-known, severe time-step restriction for explicit discretizations. This excessive stability constraint can be removed with fully implicit or suitable semi-implicit schemes but at a seemingly prohibitive computational cost. While economical alternatives have been proposed recently for some special cases, there is a practical need for a computationally efficient approach that can be applied more broadly. In this context, we revisit a robust semi-implicit discretization introduced by Peskin in the late 1970s which has received renewed attention recently. This discretization, in which the spreading and interpolation operators are lagged. leads to a linear system of equations for the inter-face configuration at the future time, when the interfacial force is linear. However, this linear system is large and dense and thus it is challenging to streamline its solution. Moreover, while the same linear system or one of similar structure could potentially be used in Newton-type iterations, nonlinear and highly stiff immersed structures pose additional challenges to iterative methods. In this work, we address these problems and propose cost-effective computational strategies for solving Peskin`s lagged-operators type of discretization. We do this by first constructing a sufficiently accurate approximation to the system`s matrix and we obtain a rigorous estimate for this approximation. This matrix is expeditiously computed by using a combination of pre-calculated values and interpolation. The availability of a matrix allows for more efficient matrix-vector products and facilitates the design of effective iterative schemes. We propose efficient iterative approaches to deal with both linear and nonlinear interfacial forces and simple or complex immersed structures with tethered or untethered points. One of these iterative approaches employs a splitting in which we first solve a linear problem for the interfacial force and then we use a nonlinear iteration to find the interface configuration corresponding to this force. We demonstrate that the proposed approach is several orders of magnitude more efficient than the standard explicit method. In addition to considering the standard elliptical drop test case, we show both the robustness and efficacy of the proposed methodology with a 2D model of a heart valve. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Este trabalho visa o uso da função de Green de valor inicial no ajuste geostrófico e do método Semi-Lagrangeano na integração de um modelo acoplado oceano-atmosfera descrito pelas equações de águas rasas. O ajuste geostrófico é considerado atravées de perturbações na pressão e do vento. No caso de sistemas sem rotação, é discutida a relação da equação hidrostática com ondas longas não-dispersivas. Com rotação, a conservação da vorticidade potencial permite escolher a elevação correspondente a um estado de equilíbrio geostrófico. O sistema de equações de águas rasas é desacoplado em equações de Klein-Gordon com valores iniciais e termos não-homogêneos acoplados. A resposta dinâmica formada pela resposta transiente e a resposta forçada é obtida para uma perturbação inicial da elevação. A ação do vento como forçante nas equações de momento 2D, através do transporte de Eckman, conduz a uma equação de águas rasas forçada. Uma decomposição da resposta forçada é realizada com uma resposta permanente, que satisfaz a equação de Helmholtz , e com o uso da base dinâmica gerada pela resposta impulso. Um modelo hidrodinâmico 3D introduzido por Casulli e governado por equações não-lineares de águas rasas é integrado na vertical para a obtenção de um modelo 2D. Com isto, as condições de contorno devido a tensão do vento e a fricção devido a topografia do fundo, transformam-se em forçantes do modelo. O modelo foi integrado com um método semi-implícito em diferenças finitas, utilizando-se o método Semi-Lagrangeano para a parte advectiva. Simulações simbólicas foram realizadas para o ajuste geostrófico devido a perturbações de duração infinita e finita para a elevação e para o efeito da tensão do vento. Foram realizadas simulações numéricas para variadas geometrias, em particular a Baia de Guanabara e a Lagoa do Patos.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Localizar em subsuperfície a região que mais influencia nas medidas obtidas na superfície da Terra é um problema de grande relevância em qualquer área da Geofísica. Neste trabalho, é feito um estudo sobre a localização dessa região, denominada aqui zona principal, para métodos eletromagnéticos no domínio da freqüência, utilizando-se como fonte uma linha de corrente na superfície de um semi-espaço condutor. No modelo estudado, tem-se, no interior desse semi-espaço, uma heterogeneidade na forma de camada infinita, ou de prisma com seção reta quadrada e comprimento infinito, na direção da linha de corrente. A diferença entre a medida obtida sobre o semi-espaço contendo a heterogeneidade e aquela obtida sobre o semi-espaço homogêneo, depende, entre outros parâmetros, da localização da heterogeneidade em relação ao sistema transmissor-receptor. Portanto, mantidos constantes os demais parâmetros, existirá uma posição da heterogeneidade em que sua influência é máxima nas medidas obtidas. Como esta posição é dependente do contraste de condutividade, das dimensões da heterogeneidade e da freqüência da corrente no transmissor, fica caracterizada uma região e não apenas uma única posição em que a heterogeneidade produzirá a máxima influência nas medidas. Esta região foi denominada zona principal. Identificada a zona principal, torna-se possível localizar com precisão os corpos que, em subsuperfície, provocam as anomalias observadas. Trata-se geralmente de corpos condutores de interesse para algum fim determinado. A localização desses corpos na prospecção, além de facilitar a exploração, reduz os custos de produção. Para localizar a zona principal, foi definida uma função Detetabilidade (∆), capaz de medir a influência da heterogeneidade nas medidas. A função ∆ foi calculada para amplitude e fase das componentes tangencial (Hx) e normal (Hz) à superfície terrestre do campo magnético medido no receptor. Estudando os extremos da função ∆ sob variações de condutividade, tamanho e profundidade da heterogeneidade, em modelos unidimensionais e bidimensionais, foram obtidas as dimensões da zona principal, tanto lateralmente como em profundidade. Os campos eletromagnéticos em modelos unidimensionais foram obtidos de uma forma híbrida, resolvendo numericamente as integrais obtidas da formulação analítica. Para modelos bidimensionais, a solução foi obtida através da técnica de elementos finitos. Os valores máximos da função ∆, calculada para amplitude de Hx, mostraram-se os mais indicados para localizar a zona principal. A localização feita através desta grandeza apresentou-se mais estável do que através das demais, sob variação das propriedades físicas e dimensões geométricas, tanto dos modelos unidimensionais como dos bidimensionais. No caso da heterogeneidade condutora ser uma camada horizontal infinita (caso 1D), a profundidade do plano central dessa camada vem dada pela relação po = 0,17 δo, onde po é essa profundidade e δo o "skin depth" da onda plana (em um meio homogêneo de condutividade igual à do meio encaixante (σ1) e a freqüência dada pelo valor de w em que ocorre o máximo de ∆ calculada para a amplitude de Hx). No caso de uma heterogeneidade bidimensional (caso 2D), as coordenadas do eixo central da zona principal vem dadas por do = 0,77 r0 (sendo do a distância horizontal do eixo à fonte transmissora) e po = 0,36 δo (sendo po a profundidade do eixo central da zona principal), onde r0 é a distância transmissor-receptor e δo o "skin depth" da onda plana, nas mesmas condições já estipuladas no caso 1D. Conhecendo-se os valores de r0 e δo para os quais ocorre o máximo de ∆, calculado para a amplitude de Hx, pode-se determinar (do, po). Para localizar a zona principal (ou, equivalentemente, uma zona condutora anômala em subsuperfície), sugere-se um método que consiste em associar cada valor da função ∆ da amplitude de Hx a um ponto (d, p), gerado através das relações d = 0,77 r e p = 0,36 δ, para cada w, em todo o espectro de freqüências das medidas, em um dado conjunto de configurações transmissor-receptor. São, então, traçadas curvas de contorno com os isovalores de ∆ que vão convergir, na medida em que o valor de ∆ se aproxima do máximo, sobre a localização e as dimensões geométricas aproximadas da heterogeneidade (zona principal).


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Dimensionality reduction is employed for visual data analysis as a way to obtaining reduced spaces for high dimensional data or to mapping data directly into 2D or 3D spaces. Although techniques have evolved to improve data segregation on reduced or visual spaces, they have limited capabilities for adjusting the results according to user's knowledge. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to handling both dimensionality reduction and visualization of high dimensional data, taking into account user's input. It employs Partial Least Squares (PLS), a statistical tool to perform retrieval of latent spaces focusing on the discriminability of the data. The method employs a training set for building a highly precise model that can then be applied to a much larger data set very effectively. The reduced data set can be exhibited using various existing visualization techniques. The training data is important to code user's knowledge into the loop. However, this work also devises a strategy for calculating PLS reduced spaces when no training data is available. The approach produces increasingly precise visual mappings as the user feeds back his or her knowledge and is capable of working with small and unbalanced training sets.


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In this work is described a complete H-1 and C-13 NMR analysis for a group of four sesquiterpene lactones, three previously unknown. The unequivocal assignments were achieved by H-1 NMR, C-13{H-1} NMR, gCOSY. gHMQC, gHMBC and NOESY experiments and no ambiguities were left behind. All hydrogen coupling constants were measured, clarifying all hydrogen signals multiplicities. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This work of thesis wants to present a dissertation of the wide range of modern dense matching algorithms, which are spreading in different application and research fields, with a particular attention to the innovative “Semi-Global” matching techniques. The choice of develop a semi-global numerical code was justified by the need of getting insight on the variables and strategies that affect the algorithm performances with the primary objective of maximizing the method accuracy and efficiency, and the results level of completeness. The dissertation will consist in the metrological characterization of the proprietary implementation of the semi-global matching algorithm, evaluating the influence of several matching variables and functions implemented in the process and comparing the accuracy and completeness of different results (digital surface models, disparity maps and 2D displacement fields) obtained using our code and other commercial and open-source matching programs in a wide variety of application fields.


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The aim of this study was to estimate barite mortar attenuation curves using X-ray spectra weighted by a workload distribution. A semi-empirical model was used for the evaluation of transmission properties of this material. Since ambient dose equivalent, H(⁎)(10), is the radiation quantity adopted by IAEA for dose assessment, the variation of the H(⁎)(10) as a function of barite mortar thickness was calculated using primary experimental spectra. A CdTe detector was used for the measurement of these spectra. The resulting spectra were adopted for estimating the optimized thickness of protective barrier needed for shielding an area in an X-ray imaging facility.


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Primary X-ray spectra were measured in the range of 80-150kV in order to validate a computer program based on a semiempirical model. The ratio between the characteristic and total air Kerma was considered to compare computed results and experimental data. Results show that the experimental spectra have higher first HVL and mean energy than the calculated ones. The ratios between the characteristic and total air Kerma for calculated spectra are in good agreement with experimental results for all filtrations used.


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Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) shows three growth habits: determinate, indeterminate and semi-determinate. These are controlled mainly by allelic variation in the SELF-PRUNING (SP) gene family, which also includes the florigen gene SINGLE FLOWER TRUSS (SFT). Determinate cultivars have synchronized flower and fruit production, which allows mechanical harvesting in the tomato processing industry, whereas indeterminate ones have more vegetative growth with continuous flower and fruit formation, being thus preferred for fresh market tomato production. The semi-determinate growth habit is poorly understood, although there are indications that it combines advantages of determinate and indeterminate growth. Here, we used near-isogenic lines (NILs) in the cultivar Micro-Tom (MT) with different growth habit to characterize semi-determinate growth and to determine its impact on developmental and productivity traits. We show that semi-determinate genotypes are equivalent to determinate ones with extended vegetative growth, which in turn impacts shoot height, number of leaves and either stem diameter or internode length. Semi-determinate plants also tend to increase the highly relevant agronomic parameter Brix×ripe yield (BRY). Water-use efficiency (WUE), evaluated either directly as dry mass produced per amount of water transpired or indirectly through C isotope discrimination, was higher in semi-determinate genotypes. We also provide evidence that the increases in BRY in semi-determinate genotypes are a consequence of an improved balance between vegetative and reproductive growth, a mechanism analogous to the conversion of the overly vegetative tall cereal varieties into well-balanced semi-dwarf ones used in the Green Revolution.


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Thermosensitive hydrogels were synthesized using alginate-Ca2+ in association with a thermosensitive polymer, such as PNIPAAm. The mechanical properties of the hydrogels were determined measuring the maximum tension of deformation. With the increase of the temperature by 25 to 40 ºC above the LCST the chains of PNIPAAm collapsed, dragging the alginate net and diminishing the size of the pores. The decrease in the size of the pores of the hydrogel was followed by an increase in the mechanicals resistance of the material.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física