993 resultados para Segmentation Strategy


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This paper presents a novel technique for segmenting an audio stream into homogeneous regions according to speaker identities, background noise, music, environmental and channel conditions. Audio segmentation is useful in audio diarization systems, which aim to annotate an input audio stream with information that attributes temporal regions of the audio into their specific sources. The segmentation method introduced in this paper is performed using the Generalized Likelihood Ratio (GLR), computed between two adjacent sliding windows over preprocessed speech. This approach is inspired by the popular segmentation method proposed by the pioneering work of Chen and Gopalakrishnan, using the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) with an expanding search window. This paper will aim to identify and address the shortcomings associated with such an approach. The result obtained by the proposed segmentation strategy is evaluated on the 2002 Rich Transcription (RT-02) Evaluation dataset, and a miss rate of 19.47% and a false alarm rate of 16.94% is achieved at the optimal threshold.


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Research in the field of recognizing unlimited vocabulary, online handwritten Indic words is still in its infancy. Most of the focus so far has been in the area of isolated character recognition. In the context of lexicon-free recognition of words, one of the primary issues to be addressed is that of segmentation. As a preliminary attempt, this paper proposes a novel script-independent, lexicon-free method for segmenting online handwritten words to their constituent symbols. Feedback strategies, inspired from neuroscience studies, are proposed for improving the segmentation. The segmentation strategy has been tested on an exhaustive set of 10000 Tamil words collected from a large number of writers. The results show that better segmentation improves the overall recognition performance of the handwriting system.


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La tesis se centra en la Visión por Computador y, más concretamente, en la segmentación de imágenes, la cual es una de las etapas básicas en el análisis de imágenes y consiste en la división de la imagen en un conjunto de regiones visualmente distintas y uniformes considerando su intensidad, color o textura. Se propone una estrategia basada en el uso complementario de la información de región y de frontera durante el proceso de segmentación, integración que permite paliar algunos de los problemas básicos de la segmentación tradicional. La información de frontera permite inicialmente identificar el número de regiones presentes en la imagen y colocar en el interior de cada una de ellas una semilla, con el objetivo de modelar estadísticamente las características de las regiones y definir de esta forma la información de región. Esta información, conjuntamente con la información de frontera, es utilizada en la definición de una función de energía que expresa las propiedades requeridas a la segmentación deseada: uniformidad en el interior de las regiones y contraste con las regiones vecinas en los límites. Un conjunto de regiones activas inician entonces su crecimiento, compitiendo por los píxeles de la imagen, con el objetivo de optimizar la función de energía o, en otras palabras, encontrar la segmentación que mejor se adecua a los requerimientos exprsados en dicha función. Finalmente, todo esta proceso ha sido considerado en una estructura piramidal, lo que nos permite refinar progresivamente el resultado de la segmentación y mejorar su coste computacional. La estrategia ha sido extendida al problema de segmentación de texturas, lo que implica algunas consideraciones básicas como el modelaje de las regiones a partir de un conjunto de características de textura y la extracción de la información de frontera cuando la textura es presente en la imagen. Finalmente, se ha llevado a cabo la extensión a la segmentación de imágenes teniendo en cuenta las propiedades de color y textura. En este sentido, el uso conjunto de técnicas no-paramétricas de estimación de la función de densidad para la descripción del color, y de características textuales basadas en la matriz de co-ocurrencia, ha sido propuesto para modelar adecuadamente y de forma completa las regiones de la imagen. La propuesta ha sido evaluada de forma objetiva y comparada con distintas técnicas de integración utilizando imágenes sintéticas. Además, se han incluido experimentos con imágenes reales con resultados muy positivos.


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This paper proposed an automated 3D lumbar intervertebral disc (IVD) segmentation strategy from MRI data. Starting from two user supplied landmarks, the geometrical parameters of all lumbar vertebral bodies and intervertebral discs are automatically extracted from a mid-sagittal slice using a graphical model based approach. After that, a three-dimensional (3D) variable-radius soft tube model of the lumbar spine column is built to guide the 3D disc segmentation. The disc segmentation is achieved as a multi-kernel diffeomorphic registration between a 3D template of the disc and the observed MRI data. Experiments on 15 patient data sets showed the robustness and the accuracy of the proposed algorithm.


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This paper proposed an automated three-dimensional (3D) lumbar intervertebral disc (IVD) segmentation strategy from Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) data. Starting from two user supplied landmarks, the geometrical parameters of all lumbar vertebral bodies and intervertebral discs are automatically extracted from a mid-sagittal slice using a graphical model based template matching approach. Based on the estimated two-dimensional (2D) geometrical parameters, a 3D variable-radius soft tube model of the lumbar spine column is built by model fitting to the 3D data volume. Taking the geometrical information from the 3D lumbar spine column as constraints and segmentation initialization, the disc segmentation is achieved by a multi-kernel diffeomorphic registration between a 3D template of the disc and the observed MRI data. Experiments on 15 patient data sets showed the robustness and the accuracy of the proposed algorithm.


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We show a procedure for constructing a probabilistic atlas based on affine moment descriptors. It uses a normalization procedure over the labeled atlas. The proposed linear registration is defined by closed-form expressions involving only geometric moments. This procedure applies both to atlas construction as atlas-based segmentation. We model the likelihood term for each voxel and each label using parametric or nonparametric distributions and the prior term is determined by applying the vote-rule. The probabilistic atlas is built with the variability of our linear registration. We have two segmentation strategy: a) it applies the proposed affine registration to bring the target image into the coordinate frame of the atlas or b) the probabilistic atlas is non-rigidly aligning with the target image, where the probabilistic atlas is previously aligned to the target image with our affine registration. Finally, we adopt a graph cut - Bayesian framework for implementing the atlas-based segmentation.


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This dissertation develops an innovative approach towards less-constrained iris biometrics. Two major contributions are made in this research endeavor: (1) Designed an award-winning segmentation algorithm in the less-constrained environment where image acquisition is made of subjects on the move and taken under visible lighting conditions, and (2) Developed a pioneering iris biometrics method coupling segmentation and recognition of the iris based on video of moving persons under different acquisitions scenarios. The first part of the dissertation introduces a robust and fast segmentation approach using still images contained in the UBIRIS (version 2) noisy iris database. The results show accuracy estimated at 98% when using 500 randomly selected images from the UBIRIS.v2 partial database, and estimated at 97% in a Noisy Iris Challenge Evaluation (NICE.I) in an international competition that involved 97 participants worldwide involving 35 countries, ranking this research group in sixth position. This accuracy is achieved with a processing speed nearing real time. The second part of this dissertation presents an innovative segmentation and recognition approach using video-based iris images. Following the segmentation stage which delineates the iris region through a novel segmentation strategy, some pioneering experiments on the recognition stage of the less-constrained video iris biometrics have been accomplished. In the video-based and less-constrained iris recognition, the test or subject iris videos/images and the enrolled iris images are acquired with different acquisition systems. In the matching step, the verification/identification result was accomplished by comparing the similarity distance of encoded signature from test images with each of the signature dataset from the enrolled iris images. With the improvements gained, the results proved to be highly accurate under the unconstrained environment which is more challenging. This has led to a false acceptance rate (FAR) of 0% and a false rejection rate (FRR) of 17.64% for 85 tested users with 305 test images from the video, which shows great promise and high practical implications for iris biometrics research and system design.


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Traditional recommendation methods provide recommendations equally to all users. In this paper, a segmentation method using the Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) is proposed to customize users’ needs in order to offer a specific recommendation strategy to each segment. Experiment is conducted using a live online dating network data.


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In this work, we describe a system, which recognises open vocabulary, isolated, online handwritten Tamil words and extend it to recognize a paragraph of writing. We explain in detail each step involved in the process: segmentation, preprocessing, feature extraction, classification and bigram-based post-processing. On our database of 45,000 handwritten words obtained through tablet PC, we have obtained symbol level accuracy of 78.5% and 85.3% without and with the usage of post-processing using symbol level language models, respectively. Word level accuracies for the same are 40.1% and 59.6%. A line and word level segmentation strategy is proposed, which gives promising results of 100% line segmentation and 98.1% word segmentation accuracies on our initial trials of 40 handwritten paragraphs. The two modules have been combined to obtain a full-fledged page recognition system for online handwritten Tamil data. To the knowledge of the authors, this is the first ever attempt on recognition of open vocabulary, online handwritten paragraphs in any Indian language.


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A segmentação dos nomes nas suas partes constitutivas é uma etapa fundamental no processo de integração de bases de dados por meio das técnicas de vinculação de registros. Esta separação dos nomes pode ser realizada de diferentes maneiras. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a utilização do Modelo Escondido de Markov (HMM) na segmentação nomes e endereços de pessoas e a eficiência desta segmentação no processo de vinculação de registros. Foram utilizadas as bases do Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade (SIM) e do Subsistema de Informação de Procedimentos de Alta Complexidade (APAC) do estado do Rio de Janeiro no período entre 1999 a 2004. Uma metodologia foi proposta para a segmentação de nome e endereço sendo composta por oito fases, utilizando rotinas implementadas em PL/SQL e a biblioteca JAHMM, implementação na linguagem Java de algoritmos de HMM. Uma amostra aleatória de 100 registros de cada base foi utilizada para verificar a correção do processo de segmentação por meio do modelo HMM.Para verificar o efeito da segmentação do nome por meio do HMM, três processos de vinculação foram aplicados sobre uma amostra das duas bases citadas acima, cada um deles utilizando diferentes estratégias de segmentação, a saber: 1) divisão dos nomes pela primeira parte, última parte e iniciais do nome do meio; 2) divisão do nome em cinco partes; (3) segmentação segundo o HMM. A aplicação do modelo HMM como mecanismo de segmentação obteve boa concordância quando comparado com o observador humano. As diferentes estratégias de segmentação geraram resultados bastante similares na vinculação de registros, tendo a estratégia 1 obtido um desempenho pouco melhor que as demais. Este estudo sugere que a segmentação de nomes brasileiros por meio do modelo escondido de Markov não é mais eficaz do que métodos tradicionais de segmentação.


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The relationship between changes in retinal vessel morphology and the onset and progression of diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) has been the subject of several large scale clinical studies. However, the difficulty of quantifying changes in retinal vessels in a sufficiently fast, accurate and repeatable manner has restricted the application of the insights gleaned from these studies to clinical practice. This paper presents a novel algorithm for the efficient detection and measurement of retinal vessels, which is general enough that it can be applied to both low and high resolution fundus photographs and fluorescein angiograms upon the adjustment of only a few intuitive parameters. Firstly, we describe the simple vessel segmentation strategy, formulated in the language of wavelets, that is used for fast vessel detection. When validated using a publicly available database of retinal images, this segmentation achieves a true positive rate of 70.27%, false positive rate of 2.83%, and accuracy score of 0.9371. Vessel edges are then more precisely localised using image profiles computed perpendicularly across a spline fit of each detected vessel centreline, so that both local and global changes in vessel diameter can be readily quantified. Using a second image database, we show that the diameters output by our algorithm display good agreement with the manual measurements made by three independent observers. We conclude that the improved speed and generality offered by our algorithm are achieved without sacrificing accuracy. The algorithm is implemented in MATLAB along with a graphical user interface, and we have made the source code freely available. 


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The important technological advances experienced along the last years have resulted in an important demand for new and efficient computer vision applications. On the one hand, the increasing use of video editing software has given rise to a necessity for faster and more efficient editing tools that, in a first step, perform a temporal segmentation in shots. On the other hand, the number of electronic devices with integrated cameras has grown enormously. These devices require new, fast, and efficient computer vision applications that include moving object detection strategies. In this dissertation, we propose a temporal segmentation strategy and several moving object detection strategies, which are suitable for the last generation of computer vision applications requiring both low computational cost and high quality results. First, a novel real-time high-quality shot detection strategy is proposed. While abrupt transitions are detected through a very fast pixel-based analysis, gradual transitions are obtained from an efficient edge-based analysis. Both analyses are reinforced with a motion analysis that allows to detect and discard false detections. This analysis is carried out exclusively over a reduced amount of candidate transitions, thus maintaining the computational requirements. On the other hand, a moving object detection strategy, which is based on the popular Mixture of Gaussians method, is proposed. This strategy, taking into account the recent history of each image pixel, adapts dynamically the amount of Gaussians that are required to model its variations. As a result, we improve significantly the computational efficiency with respect to other similar methods and, additionally, we reduce the influence of the used parameters in the results. Alternatively, in order to improve the quality of the results in complex scenarios containing dynamic backgrounds, we propose different non-parametric based moving object detection strategies that model both background and foreground. To obtain high quality results regardless of the characteristics of the analyzed sequence we dynamically estimate the most adequate bandwidth matrices for the kernels that are used in the background and foreground modeling. Moreover, the application of a particle filter allows to update the spatial information and provides a priori knowledge about the areas to analyze in the following images, enabling an important reduction in the computational requirements and improving the segmentation results. Additionally, we propose the use of an innovative combination of chromaticity and gradients that allows to reduce the influence of shadows and reflects in the detections.


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Marketing involves satisfying consumers' needs and wants with products of two types, goods and services. Hotels provide an intangible product, referred to as a service. On the other hand, toothpaste is an example of a product that is a tangible good. The lifeblood of both is marketing. Different as they are, each utilizes market segmentation and positioning. The segmentation movement in the hotel industry is analyzed in the light of marketing principles developed from the consumer goods sector. The analysis suggests that the hotel industry is engaged in a multiple segmentation strategy


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Towards a holistic perspective of CRM, this project aims to diagnose and propose a strategy and market segmentation for Siemens Healthcare. The main underlying principle is to apply a full customer-centric outlook taking own business properties into consideration while preserving Siemens Healthcare’s culture and vision. Mainly focused on market segmentation, this project goes beyond established boundaries by employing an unbiased perspective of CRM while challenging current strategy, goals, processes, tools, initiatives and KPIs. In order to promote a sustainable business excellence strategy, this project aspires to streamline CRM strategic importance and driving the company one step forward.


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This paper addresses the problem of colorectal tumour segmentation in complex real world imagery. For efficient segmentation, a multi-scale strategy is developed for extracting the potentially cancerous region of interest (ROI) based on colour histograms while searching for the best texture resolution. To achieve better segmentation accuracy, we apply a novel bag-of-visual-words method based on rotation invariant raw statistical features and random projection based l2-norm sparse representation to classify tumour areas in histopathology images. Experimental results on 20 real world digital slides demonstrate that the proposed algorithm results in better recognition accuracy than several state of the art segmentation techniques.