46 resultados para Sagas
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Thesis (doctoral)--
"Sketch of the life and career of the author of Fridthjof's saga, by F. M. Franzén": p. [119]-145.
A História da Humanidade pode ser lida a partir da história dos seus conflitos, intra e extra-étnicos, como se de uma fatalidade se tratasse, como que a sublinhar o caracter estruturalmente conflituante e belicista da condição humana. Por isso, a Antigüidade concedeu, nas respectivas literaturas, orais e escritas, grande enfoque às epopéias cujos heróis são guerreiros, representativos da afirmação identitária dos respectivos povos. Refiram-se, a propósito, as sagas do Mahâbharata e do Ramayana, entre os Vedas, e a própria Bíblia, designadamente o conflito primordial entre Caim e Abel e as guerras multisseculares na Palestina, ou entre Hebreus e Egípcios e Hebreus e Babilônicos. Também a Cultura Clássica se tece a partir de uma história militar, quer no interior dos respectivos povos, as guerras civis, quer dos conflitos com o exterior, numa disputa de tipo imperial. Tanto Gregos como Romanos são exímios na arte militar e atribuem valor inquestionavelmente decisivo e cimeiro ao investimento e envolvimento dos respectivos cidadãos, às vezes, como o caso dos Espartanos, desde a mais tenra idade. Eco desse valor cultural são os poemas homéricos, as epopéias, as tragédias e a historiografia grega e latina, centrados nos principais episódios militares que tanto esforço, sangue e lágrimas exigiram aos seus concidadãos.
Abstract: The hero is dead - long live the hero! : the way of dying as a measure of heroism in sagas
In my PhD Thesis, I study the conceptions and representation of emotions in medieval 13th and 14th-century Iceland. I have used Icelandic saga literature as my source material and Icelandic Family sagas (Íslendingasögur) as my main sources. Firstly, I wished to explore in my study the medieval Icelandic folk theory of emotions: what emotions were thought to be, from what they originated and how they operated? Secondly, in earlier research it has been shown that emotions were seldom described in Íslendingasögur. They were mostly represented in dialogue, poetry or in somatic changes (e.g. turning pale). Consequently, I examined whether medieval Icelanders had alternative emotion discourses in literature, in addition to the usual manner of representation. My study consists of qualitative case studies, and I have analysed the sources intertextually. I suggest that medieval Icelanders regarded emotions as movements of the mind. The mind existed in the heart. As a consequence, emotions were considered physical in nature. The human body and therefore also the human mind was considered porous: if the mind of the person was not strong enough, supernatural agents and forces could penetrate theboundaries of his/her body as winds or sharp projectiles. Correspondingly, minds of strong-willed people could penetrate the minds of others. As a result, illness and emotions could upspring. People did not always distinguish between emotions and physical illnesses. Excessive emotions could cause illness, even death. Especially fear, grief and emotions of moral responsibility (e.g. guilt) made people vulnerable to the supernatural influence. Guilt was considered part of the emotional experience of misfortune (ógæfa), and in literature guilt could also be represented as eye pain that was inflicted upon the sufferer by a supernatural agent in a dream. Consequently, supernatural forces and beings were part of the upspring of emotions, but also part of the representation of emotions in literature: They caused the emotion but their presence also represented the emotional turmoil in the lives of the people that the supernatural agents harassed; emotions that had followed from norm transgressions, betrayal and other forms of social disequilibrium. Medieval readers and listeners of the Íslendingasögur were used to interpreting such different layers of meaning in texts.
La version intégrale de ce mémoire est disponible uniquement pour consultation individuelle à la Bibliothèque de musique de l’Université de Montréal (www.bib.umontreal.ca/MU).
Resumen en inglés. Monográfico: Literatura infantil y juvenil
Resumen basado en el de la publicación. Resumen en inglés