34 resultados para SYENITE


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Carbonatites of the Eocene Tamazeght complex, High Atlas Mountains, Morocco, consist of calciocarbonatites (alvikite and sovite dykes) and magnesiocarbonatites (diatreme breccias and dykes rocks). These are associated with ultramafic, shonkinitic, gabbroic to monzonitic and various foid syenitic silicate units. Stable and radiogenic isotope compositions for carbonatites and silicate rocks indicate that they share a common source in the mantle, although for some carbonatitic samples contamination with sedimentary rocks seems important. The observed isotopic heterogeneity is mainly attributed to source characteristics, fractional crystallization (accompanied by various degrees of assimilation), and late- to post-magmatic fluid-rock interaction. During the late fluid-rock interaction, Sr, Mn, and possibly also Fe were mobilized and redistributed to form secondary carbonate minerals in carbonatites. These fluids also penetrated into the adjacent syenitic rocks, causing enrichment in the same elements.


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The Gronnedal-Ika complex is dominated by layered nepheline syenites which were intruded by a xenolithic syenite and a central plug of calcite to calcite-siderite carbonatite. Aegirine-augite, alkali feldspar and nepheline are the major mineral phases in the syenites, along with rare calcite. Temperatures of 680-910degreesC and silica activities of 0.28-0.43 were determined for the crystallization of the syenites on the basis of mineral equilibria. Oxygen fugacities, estimated using titanomagnetite compositions, were between 2 and 5 log units above the fayalite-magnetite-quartz buffer during the magmatic stage. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns of magmatic calcite in both carbonatites and syenites are characterized by REE enrichment (La-CN-Yb-CN = 10-70). Calcite from the carbonatites has higher Ba (similar to5490 ppm) and lower HREE concentrations than calcite from the syenites (54-106 ppm Ba). This is consistent with the behavior of these elements during separation of immiscible silicate-carbonate liquid pairs. epsilon(Nd)(T = 1.30 Ga) values of clinopyroxenes from the syenites vary between +1.8 and +2.8, and epsilon(Nd)(T) values of whole-rock carbonatites range from +2.4 to +2.8. Calcite from the carbonatites has delta(18)O values of 7.8 to 8.6parts per thousand and delta(13)C values of -3.9 to -4.6parts per thousand. delta(18)O values of clinopyroxene separates from the nepheline syenites range between 4.2 and 4.9parts per thousand. The average oxygen isotopic composition of the nepheline syenitic melt was calculated based on known rock-water and mineral-water isotope fractionation to be 5.7 +/- 0.4parts per thousand. Nd and C-O isotope compositions are typical for mantle-derived rocks and do not indicate significant crustal assimilation for either syenite or carbonatite magmas. The difference in delta(18)O between calculated syenitic melts and carbonatites, and the overlap in epsilon(Nd) values between carbonatites and syenites, are consistent with derivation of the carbonatites from the syenites via liquid immiscibility.


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The Puklen complex of the Mid-Proterozoic Gardar Province, South Greenland, consists of various silica-saturated to quartz-bearing syenites, which are intruded by a peralkaline granite. The primary mafic minerals in the syenites are augite +/- olivine + Fe-Ti oxide + amphibole. Ternary feldspar thermometry and phase equilibria among mafic silicates yield T = 950-750degreesC, a(SiO2) = 0.7-1 and an f(O2) of 1-3 log units below the fayalite-magnetite-quartz (FMQ) buffer at 1 kbar. In the granites, the primary mafic minerals are ilmenite and Li-bearing arfvedsonite, which crystallized at temperatures below 750degreesC and at f(O2) values around the FMQ buffer. In both rock types, a secondary post-magmatic assemblage overprints the primary magmatic phases. In syenites, primary Ca-bearing minerals are replaced by Na-rich minerals such as aegirine-augite and albite, resulting in the release of Ca. Accordingly, secondary minerals include ferro-actinolite, (calcite-siderite)(ss), titanite and andradite in equilibrium with the Na-rich minerals. Phase equilibria indicate that formation of these minerals took place over a long temperature interval from near-magmatic temperatures down to similar to300degreesC. In the course of this cooling, oxygen fugacity rose in most samples. For example, late-stage aegirine in granites formed at the expense of arfvedsonite at temperatures below 300degreesC and at an oxygen fugacity above the haematite-magnetite (HM) buffer. The calculated delta(18)O(melt) value for the syenites (+5.9 to +6.3parts per thousand) implies a mantle origin, whereas the inferred delta(18)O(melt) value of <+5.1parts per thousand for the granitic melts is significantly lower. Thus, the granites require an additional low-delta(18)O contaminant, which was not involved in the genesis of the syenites. Rb/Sr data for minerals of both rock types indicate open-system behaviour for Rb and Sr during post-magmatic metasomatism. Neodymium isotope compositions (epsilonNd(1170 Ma) = -3.8 to -6.4) of primary minerals in syenites are highly variable, and suggest that assimilation of crustal rocks occurred to variable extents. Homogeneous epsilon(Nd) values of -5.9 and -6.0 for magmatic amphibole in the granites lie within the range of the syenites. Because of the very similar neodymium isotopic compositions of magmatic and late- to post-magmatic minerals from the same syenite samples a principally closed-system behaviour during cooling is implied. In contrast, for the granites an externally derived fluid phase is required to explain the extremely low epsilon(Nd) values of about -10 and low delta(18)O between +2.0 and +0.5parts per thousand for late-stage aegirine, indicating an open system in the late-stage history. In this study we show that the combination of phase equilibria constraints with stable and radiogenic isotope data on mineral separates can provide much better constraints on magma evolution during emplacement and crystallization than conventional whole-rock studies.


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Although hydrocarbon-bearing fluids have been known from the alkaline igneous rocks of the Khibiny intrusion for many years, their origin remains enigmatic. A recently proposed model of post-magmatic hydrocarbon (HC) generation through Fischer-Tropsch (FT) type reactions suggests the hydration of Fe-bearing phases and release of H-2 which reacts with magmatically derived CO2 to form CH4 and higher HCs. However, new petrographic, microthermometric, laser Raman, bulk gas and isotope data are presented and discussed in the context of previously published work in order to reassess models of HC generation. The gas phase is dominated by CH4 with only minor proportions of higher hydrocarbons. No remnants of the proposed primary CO2-rich fluid are found in the complex. The majority of the fluid inclusions are of secondary nature and trapped in healed microfractures. This indicates a high fluid flux after magma crystallisation. Entrapment conditions for fluid inclusions are 450-550 degrees C at 2.8-4.5 kbar. These temperatures are too high for hydrocarbon gas generation through the FT reaction. Chemical analyses of rims of Fe-rich phases suggest that they are not the result of alteration but instead represent changes in magma composition during crystallisation. Furthermore, there is no clear relationship between the presence of Fe-rich minerals and the abundance of fluid inclusion planes (FIPs) as reported elsewhere. delta C-13 values for methane range from -22.4% to -5.4%, confirming a largely abiogenic origin for the gas. The presence of primary CH4-dominated fluid inclusions and melt inclusions, which contain a methane-rich gas phase, indicates a magmatic origin of the HCs. An increase in methane content, together with a decrease in delta C-13 isotope values towards the intrusion margin suggests that magmatically derived abiogenic hydrocarbons may have mixed with biogenic hydrocarbons derived from the surrounding country rocks. (C) 2006 Elsevier BV. All rights reserved.


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The Ibituruna quartz-syenite was emplaced as a sill in the Ribeira-Aracuai Neoproterozoic belt (Southeastern Brazil) during the last stages of the Gondwana supercontinent amalgamation. We have measured the Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) in samples from the Ibituruna sill to unravel its magnetic fabric that is regarded as a proxy for its magmatic fabric. A large magnetic anisotropy, dominantly due to magnetite, and a consistent magnetic fabric have been determined over the entire Ibituruna massif. The magmatic foliation and lineation are strikingly parallel to the solid-state mylonitic foliation and lineation measured in the country-rock. Altogether, these observations suggest that the Ibituruna sill was emplaced during the high temperature (similar to 750 degrees C) regional deformation and was deformed before full solidification coherently with its country-rock. Unexpectedly, geochronological data suggest a rather different conclusion. LA-ICP-MS and SHRIMP ages of zircons from the Ibituruna quartz-syenite are in the range 530-535 Ma and LA-ICP-MS ages of zircons and monazites from synkinematic leucocratic veins in the country-rocks suggest a crystallization at similar to 570-580 Ma, i.e., an HT deformation >35My older than the emplacement of the Ibituruna quartz-syenite. Conclusions from the structural and the geochronological studies are therefore conflicting. A possible explanation arises from (40)Ar-(39)Ar thermochronology. We have dated amphiboles from the quartz-syenite, and amphiboles and biotites from the country-rock. Together with the ages of monazites and zircons in the country-rock, (40)Ar-(39)Ar mineral ages suggest a very low cooling rate: <3 degrees C/My between 570 and similar to 500 Ma and similar to 5 degrees C/My between 500 and 460 Ma. Assuming a protracted regional deformation consistent over tens of My, under such stable thermal conditions the fabric and microstructure of deformed rocks may remain almost unchanged even if they underwent and recorded strain pulses separated by long periods of time. This may be a characteristic of slow cooling ""hot orogens"" that rocks deformed at significantly different periods during the orogeny, but under roughly unchanged temperature conditions, may display almost indiscernible microstructure and fabric. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Major and trace-element microanalyses of the main minerals from the 610 Ma Pedra Branca Syenite, southeast Brazil, allow inferences on intensive parameters of magmatic crystallization and on the partition of trace-elements among these minerals, with important implications for the petrogenetic evolution of the pluton. Two main syenite types make up the pluton, a quartz-free syenite with tabular alkali feldspar (laminated silica-saturated syenite, LSS, with Na-rich augite + phlogopite + hematite + magnetite + titanite + apatite) and a quartz-bearing syenite (laminated silica-oversaturated syenite, LSO, with scarce corroded plagioclase plus diopside + biotite +/- hornblende + ilmenite magnetite +/- titanite + apatite). Both types share a remarkable enrichment in incompatible elements as K, Ba, Sr, P and LREE. Apatite saturation temperatures of similar to 1060-1090 degrees C are the best estimates of liquidus, whereas the pressure of emplacement, based on Al-in-hornblende barometry, is estimated as 3.3 to 4.8 khan Although both units crystallized under oxidizing conditions, oxygen fugacity was probably higher in LSS, as shown by higher mg# of the mafic minerals and higher hematite contents in Hem-Ilm(ss). In contrast with the Ca-bearing alkali-feldspar from LSO, which hosts most of the whole-rock Sr and Pb, virtually Ca-free alkali-feldspar from LSS hosts similar to 50% of whole-rock Sr and similar to 80% of Pb, the remainder of these elements being shared by apatite, pyroxene and titanite. This contrast reflects a strong crystal-chemical control, whereby a higher proportion of an element with similar ratio and charge (Ca2+) enhances the residence of Sr and Pb in the M-site of alkali feldspar. The more alkaline character of the LSS magma is inferred to have inhibited zircon saturation; Zr + Hf remained in solution until late in the crystallization, and were mostly accommodated in the structure of Ca-Na pyroxene and titanite, which are one order of magnitude richer in these elements compared to the same minerals in LSO, where most of Zr and Hf are inferred to reside in zircon. The REE, Th and U reside mostly in titanite and apatite; D(REE)Tit/Ap raises steadily from 1 to 6 from La to Tb then remains constant up to Lu in the LSO sample; these values are about half as much in the LSS sample, where lower contents of incompatible elements in titanite are attributed to its greater modal abundance and earlier crystallization. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Some countries producers of the aluminium, attempt to use other ores which, in the future, will gradually substitute the bauxite as a raw material. Portugal possesses an nephelinic syenite massif which may be utilized for this purpose because the nepheline offers some advantages above other poor ores which are being essayed now. By laboratorial processes, the author puts forward those advantages and calls the attention for the necessity of to accomplish essays about the nepheline (by the acid's method) and realize petrographic's detailed reconnaissances of the Monchique syenitic massif.


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The study of the tectonic strutures affecting the mesozoic and cenozoic deposits of Algarve's basin allows us to recognize the following phases of the Alpine orogeny: Jurassic (Upper Triassic at least)-Lower Cretaceous N-S distension; N-S compression during the setting-up of the Monchique syenite dome at the uppermost Cretaceous; Paleogene compression (?) (only locally? - at the Albufeira salt dome); Lower Miocene N-S distension; Upper Burdigalian to Lower Langhian N-S and E-W distension; N-S or NNW-SSE compression after the Middle Miocene; E-W compression after the Upper Tortonian; N-S compression during the Quaternary. NE-SW fractures affecting the Paleozoic basement are related with the first distension phases. The mesozoic N-S distension are the main cause of the two E-W flexures so far recognized. A tectonic inversion event did occur after the setting up of the Monchique syenite. If, the Lower Cretaceous Lower Miocene Albufeira's unconformity, is a local effect of halokinesis then, the true tectonic inversion of the Algarve basin, did occur in the Middle Miocene. These events correlate well with those knewn at Southern Spain and Morocco.


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Photo-interpretation of aerial stereopairs of the Sintra region on the approx. 1/32 000 scale together with field work allowed the production of the present Tectonic Map of the Sintra region. It is now possible to separate structures which resulted from two different tectonic events: one, corresponding to the intrusion of the Late Cretaceous Sintra igneous diapir, and the other the Miocene compressive event, the most important tectonic inversion phase of the Lusitanian Basin. The former are present to the south, southeast and east of the intrusion and within the intrusion itself, affecting the peripheral granites and their contacts with the gabbro-syenite core. These structures comprehend: i) faults and conical fractures striking parallel to the massif boundary, which were intruded by dykes, ii) vertical faults and fractures of two conjugate sets, dextral NNW-SSE and sinistral NNE-SSW. These faults are certainly associated with the E-W striking massif's northwards directed thrust and indicate a N-S oriented horizontal maximum compressive stress. The Miocene compressive event reactivated most of the inherited structures as follows. The NNWSSE faults located on the Sintra southern platform were reactivated as dextral strike slip faults and the E-W thrust along the northern boundary of the massif was also reactivated. This thrust propagated to the east. It also enhanced the asymmetry of the rim-syncline, uplifted the massif and reactivated the NNE-SSW faults as sinistral lateral ramps, which also accommodated vertical throw. The present Tectonic Map of Sintra together with the available geophysical data (MOREIRA, 1984, KULLBERG et al., 1991, SILVA & MIRANDA, 1994) allowed reassessment of the models proposed for the emplacement of the Sintra, Sines and Monchique igneous massifs, which intruded during Late Cretaceous times along the deep dextral NNW-SSE oriented strike slip fault (RIBEIRO et al., 1979; TERRINHA, 1998; TERRINHA & KULLBERG, 1998).


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Feldspato é o nome dado a uma importante família de minerais, do grupo dos tectossilicatos, que compõem o material rochoso de mais de 60% da crusta terrestre. Estes minerais são constituintes essenciais da maior parte das rochas cristalinas e a sua importância é tal que o seu estudo constitui um capítulo fundamental da petrografia. Dada a sua grande incidência na crusta terrestre, os feldspatos ocorrem em diversos cenários geológicos, desde os depósitos pegmatitos, aos aplitos, granitos, sienitos nefelínicos e ainda areias feldspáticas. As suas características químicas, físicas e mineralógicas fazem com que este grupo de minerais esteja presente nas mais diversificadas indústrias, tais como a vidreira, cerâmica, tintas, borrachas, plásticos, abrasivos ligeiros, elétrodos de soldadura, entre outros. Em Portugal, as principais unidades produtoras de feldspatos encontram‐se distribuídas pelo Norte e Centro do país, mais concretamente pelos distritos de Viana do Castelo, Braga, Vila Real, Porto, Viseu e Guarda. Novos estudos geológicos acompanhados de prospeções, nomeadamente na região do maciço central, têm sido efetuados com vista à descoberta de novos depósitos com potencial para exploração deste importante mineral. O depósito aplítico da Argemela, no concelho do Fundão apresenta‐se como um depósito cujas dimensões e qualidade apresentadas indicam a possibilidade de exploração. Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho consiste em analisar e caracterizar os materiais presentes na quele depósito mineral, tendo em vista a respectiva aplicação industrial, e posteriormente propor uma instalação de processamento do material para que o mesmo seja comercializado. Também será objeto deste trabalho a análise da viabilidade económica do projeto, mais concretamente fazendo a previsão do investimento inicial de modo a somar os custos de produção correntes e avaliar o retorno com base na comercialização do material no modo “Ex Works”.


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Este trabalho pretende estabelecer uma relação entre o Work Index e algumas propriedades das rochas. Através da pesquisa bibliográfica foram identificadas varias propriedades com possível influência no valor do Work Index, das quais foram seleccionadas a massa volúmica aparente, a resistência à carga pontual, a composição química, a composição mineralógica e a abrasividade. Adicionalmente a porosidade aberta e resistência à compressão também foram analisadas. Assim foram analisadas 10 amostras de rocha, quatro de granitos, uma de quartzodiorito, uma de ardósia, uma de serpentinito, uma de calcário, uma de mármore e uma de sienito nefelínico, sobre as quais já eram conhecidos os valores de cinco das propriedades referidas previamente, tendo sido determinados os valores das ainda desconhecidas, resistência à carga pontual e a abrasividade que está representada através do resultado do ensaio capon. Devido à dificuldade de execução do ensaio de determinação do Work Index de Bond foram recolhidos dados bibliográficos de valores do Work Index para as amostras de rocha seleccionadas e adoptado o valor médio para cada uma. Os dados obtidos foram tratados estatisticamente através do método de análise de componentes principais assim como através de regressões lineares simples e múltiplas. A análise de componentes principais permitiu identificar várias propriedades da rocha com possível influência sobre o Work Index de entre as analisadas. Foi possível estabelecer uma relação entre o Work Index e quatro das propriedades seleccionadas, designadamente a porosidade aberta, a resistência à compressão, a resistência à carga pontual e a abrasividade.


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Crystallization temperatures of the oceanic carbonatites of Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, have been determined from oxygen isotope fractionations between calcite, silicate minerals (feldspar, pyroxene, biotite, and zircon) and magnetite. The measured fractionations have been interpreted in the light of late stage interactions with meteoric and/or magmatic water. Cathodoluminescence characteristics were investigated for the carbonatite minerals in order to determine the extent of alteration and to select unaltered samples. Oxygen isotope fractionations of minerals of unaltered samples yield crystallization temperatures between 450 and 960degreesC (average 710degreesC). The highest temperature is obtained from pyroxene-calcite pairs. The above range is in agreement with other carbonatite thermometric Studies. This is the first study that provides oxygen isotope data coupled with a CL study on carbonatite-related zircon. The CL pictures revealed that the zircon is broken and altered in the carbonatites and in associated syenites. Regarding geological field evidences of syenite-carbonatite relationship and the close agreement of published zircon U/Pb and whole rock and biotite K/Ar and Ar-Ar age data, the most probable process is early zircon crystallization from the syenite magma and late-stage reworking during magma evolution and carbonatite segregation. The oxygen isotope fractionations between zircon and other carbonatite minerals (calcite and pyroxene) support the assumption that the zircon would correspond to the early crystallization of syenite-carbonatite magmas.


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Li contents [Li] and isotopic composition (delta Li-7) of mafic minerals (mainly amphibole and clinopyroxene) from the alkaline to peralkaline Ilimaussaq plutonic complex, South Greenland, track the behavior of Li and its isotopes during magmatic differentiation and final cooling of an alkaline igneous system. [Li] in amphibole increase from < 10 ppm in Caamphiboles of the least differentiated unit to >3000 ppm in Na-amphiboles of the highly evolved units. In contrast, [Li] in clinopyroxene are comparatively low (<85 ppm) and do not vary systematically with differentiation. The distribution of Li between amphibole and pyroxene is controlled by the major element composition of the minerals (Ca-rich and Na-rich, respectively) and changes in oxygen fugacity (due to Li incorporation via coupled substitution with ferric iron) during magmatic differentiation. delta(7) Li values of all minerals span a wide range from + 17 to - 8 parts per thousand, with the different intrusive units of the complex having distinct Li isotopic systematics. Amphiboles, which dominate the Li budget of whole-rocks from the inner part of the complex, have constant delta Li-7 of + 1.8 +/- 2.2 parts per thousand (2 sigma, n = 15). This value reflects a homogeneous melt reservoir and is consistent with their mantle derivation, in agreement with published O and Nd isotopic data. Clinopyroxenes of these samples are consistently lighter, with Delta Li-7(amph-cpx). as large as 8 parts per thousand and are thus not in Li isotope equilibrium. These low values probably reflect late-stage diffusion of Li into clinopyroxene during final cooling of the rocks, thus enriching the clinopyroxene in 6 Li. At the margin of the complex delta(7) Li in the syenites increases systematically, from +2 to high values of + 14 parts per thousand. This, coupled with the observed Li isotope systematics of the granitic country rocks, reflects post-magmatic open-system processes occurring during final cooling of the intrusion. Although the shape and magnitude of the Li isotope and elemental profiles through syenite and country rock are suggestive of diffusion-driven isotope fractionation, they cannot be modeled by one-dimensional diffusive transport and point to circulation of a fluid having a high 67 Li value (possibly seawater) along the chilled contact. In all, this study demonstrates that Li isotopes can be used to identify complex fluid- and diffusion-governed processes taking place during the final cooling of such rocks. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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There is almost not a case in exploration geology, where the studied data doesn’tincludes below detection limits and/or zero values, and since most of the geological dataresponds to lognormal distributions, these “zero data” represent a mathematicalchallenge for the interpretation.We need to start by recognizing that there are zero values in geology. For example theamount of quartz in a foyaite (nepheline syenite) is zero, since quartz cannot co-existswith nepheline. Another common essential zero is a North azimuth, however we canalways change that zero for the value of 360°. These are known as “Essential zeros”, butwhat can we do with “Rounded zeros” that are the result of below the detection limit ofthe equipment?Amalgamation, e.g. adding Na2O and K2O, as total alkalis is a solution, but sometimeswe need to differentiate between a sodic and a potassic alteration. Pre-classification intogroups requires a good knowledge of the distribution of the data and the geochemicalcharacteristics of the groups which is not always available. Considering the zero valuesequal to the limit of detection of the used equipment will generate spuriousdistributions, especially in ternary diagrams. Same situation will occur if we replace thezero values by a small amount using non-parametric or parametric techniques(imputation).The method that we are proposing takes into consideration the well known relationshipsbetween some elements. For example, in copper porphyry deposits, there is always agood direct correlation between the copper values and the molybdenum ones, but whilecopper will always be above the limit of detection, many of the molybdenum values willbe “rounded zeros”. So, we will take the lower quartile of the real molybdenum valuesand establish a regression equation with copper, and then we will estimate the“rounded” zero values of molybdenum by their corresponding copper values.The method could be applied to any type of data, provided we establish first theircorrelation dependency.One of the main advantages of this method is that we do not obtain a fixed value for the“rounded zeros”, but one that depends on the value of the other variable.Key words: compositional data analysis, treatment of zeros, essential zeros, roundedzeros, correlation dependency


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The end of an orogenic Wilson cycle corresponds to amalgamation of terranes into a Pangaea and is marked by widespread magmatism dominated by granitoids. The post-collision event starts with magmatic processes still influenced by subducted crustal materials. The dominantly calc-alkaline suites show a shift from normal to high-K to very high-K associations. Source regions are composed of depleted and later enriched orogenic subcontinental lithospheric mantle, affected by dehydration melting and generating more and more K- and LILE-rich magmas. In the vicinity of intra-crustal magma chambers, anatexis by incongruent melting of hydrous minerals may generate peraluminous granitoids bearing mafic enclaves. The post-collision event ends with emplacement of bimodal post-orogenic (PO) suites along transcurrent fault zones. Two suites are defined, (i) the alkali-calcic monzonite-monzogranite-syenogranite-alkali feldspar granite association characterised by [biotite + plagioclase] fractionation and moderate [LILE + HFSE] enrichments and (ii) the alkaline monzonite-syenite-alkali feldspar granite association characterised by [amphibole + alkali feldspar] fractionation and displaying two evolutionary trends, one peralkaline with sodic mafic mineralogy and higher enrichments in HFSE than in LILE, and the other aluminous biotite-bearing marked by HFSE depletion relative to LILE due to accessory mineral precipitation. Alkali-calcic and alkaline suites differ essentially in the amounts of water present within intra-crustal magma chambers, promoting crystallisation of various mineral assemblages. The ultimate enriched and not depleted mantle source is identical for the two PO suites. The more primitive LILE and HFSE-rich source rapidly replaces the older orogenic mantle source during lithosphere delamination and becomes progressively the thermal boundary layer of the new lithosphere. Present rock compositions are a mixture of major mantle contribution and various crustal components carried by F-rich aqueous fluids circulating within convective cells created around magma chambers. In favourable areas, PO suites pre-date a new orogenic Wilson cycle. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.