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We demonstrate in theory that it is possible to all-electrically manipulate the RKKY interaction in a quasi-one-dimensional electron gas embedded in a semiconductor heterostructure, in the presence of Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction. In an undoped semiconductor quantum wire where intermediate excitations are gapped, the interaction becomes the short-ranged Bloembergen-Rowland superexchange interaction. Owing to the interplay of different types of spin-orbit interaction, the interaction can be controlled to realize various spin models, e.g., isotropic and anisotropic Heisenberg-like models, Ising-like models with additional Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya terms, by tuning the external electric field and designing the crystallographic directions. Such controllable interaction forms a basis for quantum computing with localized spins and quantum matters in spin lattices.


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The SWAP operation in a two-qubit Heisenberg model in the presence of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) anisotropic antisymmetric interaction is investigated. 1t is shown that the SWAP operation can be implemented for some kinds of DM coupling and the influence of DM couplings is divided into different cases. The conditions of the DM coupling under which the SWAP operation is feasible are established. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We studied structural and magnetic properties of a series of insulating double perovskite compounds, La2-xSrxCuRuO6 (0 <= x <= 1), representing doping via A-site substitution. The end members La2CuRuO6 and LaSrCuRuO6 form in monoclinic structure while the intermediate Sr doped compounds stabilize in triclinic structure. The Cu and Ru ions sit on alternate B sites of the perovskite lattice with similar to 15% antisite defects in the undoped sample while the Sr-doped samples show a tendency to higher ordering at B sites. The undoped (x = 0) compound shows a ferrimagnetic-like behavior at low temperatures. In surprising contrast to the usual expectation of an enhancement of ferromagnetic interaction on doping, an antiferromagnetic-like ground state is realized for all doped samples (x > 0). Heat capacity measurements indicate the absence of any long-range magnetic order in any of these compounds. The magnetic relaxation and memory effects observed in all compounds suggest glassy dynamical properties associated with magnetic disorder and frustration. We show that the observed magnetic properties are dominated by the competition between the nearest-neighbor Ru-O-Cu 180 degrees superexchange interaction and the next-nearest-neighbor Ru-O-O-Ru 90 degrees superexchange interaction as well as by the formation of antisite defects with interchanged Cu and Ru positions. Our calculated exchange interaction parameters from first principles calculations for x = 0 and x = 1 support this interpretation.


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The magnetic anisotropy in ytterbium iron garnet (YbIG) is theoretically investigated under high magnetic fields (up to 160 kOe). According to the crystal field effect in ytterbium gallium garnet (YbGaG), a detailed discussion of crystal-field interaction in YbIG is presented where a suitable set of crystal-field parameters is obtained. Meanwhile, the influences of nine crystal-field parameters on the crystal-field energy splitting are analyzed. On the other hand, considering the ytterbium-iron (Yb-Fe) superexchange interaction of YbIG, the spontaneous magnetization is calculated at different temperatures for the [111] direction. In particular, we demonstrate that the Wesis constant lambda is the function of 1/T in YbIG. In addition, the field dependences of the magnetization for the [110] and [111] directions are theoretically described where a noticeable anisotropy can be found. Our theory further confirms the great contribution of anisotropic Yb-Fe superexchange interaction to the anisotropy of the magnetization in YbIG. Moreover, our theoretical results are compared with the available experiments.


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On the basis of the spin and valence state equilibria and superexchange interaction of the various cobalt ions in LaCoO3, an approximate semiempirical formula has been proposed and used to calculate magnetic susceptibilities of LaCoO3 over a wide temperature range (100-1200 K). The results indicate that there are thermodynamic equilibria between the low spin state Co(III) (t2g6e(g)0) ion, the high spin state Co3+ (t2g4e(g)2) ion, the Co(II) (t2g6e(g)1) ion and the Co(IV) (t2g5e(g)0) ion in LaCoO3. The energy difference between the low spin state Co(III) and the high spin state Co3+ is about 0.006 eV. The content of the low spin state Co(III) ion is predominant in LaCoO3 and the content of the high spin state Co3+ ion varies with temperature, reaching a maximum at about 350 K, then decreasing gradually with increasing temperature. At low temperature the contents of the Co(II) ion and the Co(IV) ion in LaCoO3 are negligible, while above 200 K the contents of both the Co(II) ion and the Co(IV) ion increase with increasing temperature; however, the content of the Co(II) ion always is larger than that of the Co(IV) ion at any temperature. These calculated results are in good agreement with experimental results of the Mossbauer effect, magnetic susceptibility and electrical conductivity of LaCoO3.


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Room temperature ferromagnetic behavior has been observed in pressed pellets of doped poly(3-methylthiophene). In this work we show that thermoremance data taken in two different ways favours the interpretation of data in terms of the Dzialoshinski-Moriya anisotropic superexchange interaction of the polarons via dopant anions giving rise to weak ferromagnetism.


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The magnetic properties of doped pellets of poly(3-methylthiophene) showing room temperature ferromagnetic behaviour have been discussed in a previous article. The magnetic behaviour was attributed to a weak ferromagnetic phase, due to the superexchange interaction of polarons via the dopant anions. The Dzialoshinsky-Morya interaction among canted spins was proposed to explain the ferromagnetism. In this article the main conclusions of that work concerning the magnetic behaviour are revised. The basic assumption now is that the magnetic moments are spin 1/2 polarons that can interact antiferromagnetically and/or ferromagnetically. In the small crystalline regions of the polymer, which are identified with the polymer portion that remains ferromagnetic at room temperature, the interaction gives rise to S = 0 and 1 bipolarons and the S = 1 triplet state is lower in energy. In the disordered region, disorder will prevent the complete S = 1 and 0 coupling and bands of polarons ferromagnetically and antiferromagnetically coupled will appear. Using this approach, all the magnetization data can be qualitatively explained, as well as the electron spin resonance data.


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In this PhD study, the effects of the cation substitutions on the physical properties of pyroxenes have been discussed. The results of this work extend the knowledge on pyroxenes with different chemical compositions. These properties might be used in the development of ceramic pigments, advanced materials and for the mineralogical phase identification. First of all, the crystallographic differences between Ge and Si pyroxenes have been examined. The structure of C2/c Ca rich Ge clinopyroxenes is very close to the low pressure C2/c structural configuration found in Ca-rich Si-pyroxenes. The shear of the unit cell is very similar, and the difference between a Ge end member and the corresponding Si-rich one is less than 1°. Instead, a remarkable difference exists between Ca-poor Si and Ge clinopyroxenes. First, Ca-poor Ge pyroxenes do not display a P21/c symmetry, but retain the C2/c symmetry; second, the observed C2/c structure shows, at room pressure, the configuration with highly kinked tetrahedral chains characteristic of the high pressure C2/c symmetry of Si Ca-poor pyroxenes. In orthopyroxenes, with Pbca symmetry, Ge-pyroxenes have volume larger than Si-pyroxenes. Samples along the system CaCoGe2O6 - CoCoGe2O6 have been synthesized at three different temperatures: 1050 °C, 1200 °C and 1250 °C. The aim of these solid state syntheses was to obtain a solid solution at ambient pressure, since the analogues Si-system needs high pressure. Unfortunately, very limited solution occurs because the structure forms of the two end member (high temperature for CaCoGe2O6 and high pressure CoCoGe2O6) are incompatible. The phase diagram of this system has been sketched and compared to that of Si. The cobalt end member (CoCoGe2O6) is stable at ambient pressure in two symmetries: at 1050 °C C2/c and 1200 °C Pbca. The impurity phase formed during these experiments is cobalt spinel. Raman spectroscopy has been used to investigate the vibrational properties of Ca-pyroxenes CaCoGe2O6, CaMgGe2O6, CaMgSi2O6 and CaCoSi2O6. A comparison between silicate and germanate pyroxenes shows significant changes in peak positions of the corresponding modes caused mainly by the difference of the Ge-Si atomic weight along with the distortion and compression of the coordination polyhedra. Red shift in Raman spectra of germanates has been calculated by a rough scale factor calculated by a simple harmonic oscillator model, considering the different bond lengths for 4-coordinated Si ~ 1.60- 1.65 Å vs Ge–O distance ~1.70 - 1.80 Å. The Raman spectra of CaMgGe2O6 and CaCoGe2O6 have been classified, in analogy with silicate (Wang et al., 2001) counterparts, in different ranges: - R1 (880-640 cm-1): strong T-O stretching modes of Ge and non-bridging O1 and O2 atoms within the GeO4 tetrahedron; - R2 (640-480 cm-1): stretching/bending modes of Ge-Obr-Ge bonds (chain stretching and chain bending); - R4 (480-360 cm-1): O-Ge-O vibrations; - R3 (360-240 cm-1): motions of the cations in M2 and M1 sites correlated with tetrahedral chain motion and tilting tetrahedra; - R5 (below 240 cm-1): lattice modes. The largest shift with respect to CaMgSi2O6 - CaCoSi2O6 is shown by the T-O stretching and chain modes. High-pressure Raman spectroscopy (up to about 8 GPa) on the same samples of Ca-pyroxenes using an ETH-type diamond anvil cell shows no phase transition within the P-ranges investigated, as all the peak positions vary linearly as a function of pressure. Our data confirm previous experimental findings on Si-diopside (Chopelas and Serghiou, 2000). In the investigated samples, all the Raman peaks shift upon compression, but the major changes in wavenumber with pressure are attributed to the chain bending (Ge-Obr-Ge bonds) and tetrahedra stretching modes (Ge-Onbr). Upon compression, the kinking angle, the bond lengths and T-T distances between tetrahedra decrease and consequently the wavenumber of the bending chain mode and tetrahedra stretching mode increases. Ge-pyroxenes show the higher P-induced peak-position shifts, being more compressible than corresponding silicates. The vibrational properties of CaM2+Ge2O6 (M2+ =Mg, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Zn) are reported for the first time. The wavenumber of Ge-Obr-Ge bending modes decreases linearly with increasing ionic radius of the M1 cation. No simple correlation has been found with M1 atomic mass or size or crystallographic parameters for the peak at ~850 cm-1 and in the low wavenumber regions. The magnetic properties of the system CaCoSi2O6 - CoCoSi2O6 have been investigated by magnetometry. The join is always characterized by 1 a.p.f.u. of cobalt in M1 site and this causes a pure collinear antiferromagnetic behaviour of the intra-chain superexchange interaction involving Co ions detected in all the measurements, while the magnetic order developed by the cobalt ions in M2 site (intra-chain) is affected by weak ferromagnetism, due to the non-collinearity of their antiferromagnetic interaction. In magnetically ordered systems, this non-collinearity effect promotes a spin canting of anti-parallel aligned magnetic moments and thus is a source of weak ferromagnetic behaviour in an antiferromagnetic. The weak ferromagnetism can be observed only for the samples with Co content higher than 0.5 a.p.f.u. in M2, when the concentration is sufficiently high to create a long range order along the M2 chain which is magnetically independent of M1 chain. The ferromagnetism was detected both in the M(T) at 10 Oe and M(H).


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It has been recently shown that the double exchange Hamiltonian, with weak antiferromagnetic interactions, has a richer variety of first- and second-order transitions than previously anticipated, and that such transitions are consistent with the magnetic properties of manganites. Here we present a thorough discussion of the variational mean-field approach that leads to these results. We also show that the effect of the Berry phase turns out to be crucial to produce first-order paramagnetic-ferromagnetic transitions near half filling with transition temperatures compatible with the experimental situation. The computation relies on two crucial facts: the use of a mean-field ansatz that retains the complexity of a system of electrons with off-diagonal disorder, not fully taken into account by the mean-field techniques, and the small but significant antiferromagnetic superexchange interaction between the localized spins.


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This paper demonstrates that in order to understand and design for interactions in complex work environments, a variety of representational artefacts must be developed and employed. A study was undertaken to explore the design of better interaction technologies to support patient record keeping in a dental surgery. The domain chosen is a challenging real context that exhibits problems that could potentially be solved by ubiquitous computing and multi-modal interaction technologies. Both transient and durable representations were used to develop design understandings. We describe the representations, the kinds of insights developed from the representations and the way that the multiple representations interact and carry forward in the design process.