983 resultados para Repertory grid technique


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This study proposes a conceptual model for customer experience quality and its impact on customer relationship outcomes. Customer experience is conceptualized as the customer’s subjective response to the holistic direct and indirect encounter with the firm, and customer experience quality as its perceived excellence or superiority. Using the repertory grid technique in 40 interviews in B2B and B2C contexts, the authors find that customer experience quality is judged with respect to its contribution to value-in-use, and hence propose that value-in-use mediates between experience quality and relationship outcomes. Experience quality includes evaluations not just of the firm’s products and services but also of peer-to-peer and complementary supplier encounters. In assessing experience quality in B2B contexts, customers place a greater emphasis on firm practices that focus on understanding and delivering value-in-use than is generally the case in B2C contexts. Implications for practitioners’ customer insight processes and future research directions are suggested.


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Please consult the paper edition of this thesis to read. It is available on the 5th Floor of the Library at Call Number: Z 9999 E38 K66 1983


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In the increasingly competitive Australian tertiary education market, a consumer orientation is essential. This is particularly so for small regional campuses competing with larger universities in the state capitals. Campus management need to carefully monitor both the perceptions of prospective students within the catchment area, and the (dis)satisfaction levels of current students. This study reports the results of an exploratory investigation into the perceptions held of a regional campus, using two techniques that have arguably been underutilised in the education marketing literature. Repertory Grid Analysis, a technique developed almost fifty years ago, was used to identify attributes deemed salient to year 12 high school students at the time they were applying for university places. Importance-performance analysis (IPA), developed three decades ago, was then used to identify attributes that were determinant for a new cohort of first year undergraduate students. The paper concludes that group applications of Repertory Grid offer education market researchers a useful means for identifying attributes used by high school students to differentiate universities, and that IPA is a useful technique for guiding promotional decision making. In this case, the two techniques provided a quick, economical and effective snapshot of market perceptions, which can be used as a foundation for the development of an ongoing market research programme.


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Attempts to increase public participation in heritage related activities have had mixed success. Tourism to heritage sites remains an overt activity that many engage in, but other heritage related activities, such as nominating objects for formal heritage listing, are much rarer. Through a series of qualitative research activities, we examine the public perceptions of what constitutes "heritage" and "heritage - related" behaviours, in order to examine barriers to greater involvement. The findings are that heritage is important to many people, particularly on a personal level. Although initially uncertain about the validity of their views, our respondents defined heritage broadly, believing it to encompass a wide range of objects, places and experiences. Most respondents were undertaking the type of heritage-related behaviours that heritage managers would encourage, however the respondents did not recognise them as being heritage-related. Barriers to greater involvement include this uncertainty over the definition of heritage and a lack of confidence in their ability to effectively recognise and protect heritage. In addition to feeling uncertain about the heritage significance of their own actions and beliefs, the respondents felt even more uncertain about prescribing things of "national heritage value". This uncertainty stifles discussion and action. The solution appears to lay in celebrations of both individual and national heritage, to foster discussions and understanding of communalities across different cultural groups within the nation.


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Die Repertory-Grid-Technik (RGT) (vgl. Kelly, 1955; Scheer & Catina, 1993; Slater, 1964, 1976, 1977) wurde bisher kaum im Kontext religionspsychologischer Forschung angewandt. Ausnahmen sind die Dissertationen von Hass (1974), O’Conner (1983) und Todd (1977). Dies ist bedauerlich, da die RGT ein hilfreiches Werkzeug ist, um subjektive Sichtweisen der Religiosität und individu-elle Entwicklungsdynamiken verstehen und vergleichen zu können. Zusätzlich bildet sie eine Brü-cke zwischen qualitativer und quantitativer Forschung, da sie gewissermassen die Aussagekraft qualitativer Forschung mit dem Quantifizierungsmöglichkeiten eines Fragebogens verbindet. In meinem Beitrag stelle ich religionspsychologische Anwendungsmöglichkeiten der RGT auf der Grundlage einer Studie über die individuelle Konstruktion religiöser Persönlichkeiten vor (Huber, 1999, 2000b, 2000c und 2000d). Dabei knüpfe ich an frühere Arbeiten an, in denen Möglichkeiten einer individuumzentrierten Erhebung von subjektiven Sichtweisen der Religiosität diskutiert wur-den (Huber, 1996, 1998 und 2000a).


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Background Adherence to evidence based medicines in patients who have experienced a myocardial infarction remains low. Individual’s beliefs towards their medicines are a strong predictor of adherence and may influence other factors that impact on adherence. Objective To investigate if community pharmacists discussing patients’ beliefs about their medicines improved medication adherence at 12 months post myocardial infarction. Setting This study included 200 patients discharged from a public teaching hospital in Queensland, Australia, following a myocardial infarction. Patients were randomised into intervention (n = 100) and control groups (n = 100) and followed for 12 months. Method All patients were interviewed between 5 to 6 weeks, at 6 and 12 months post discharge by the researcher using the repertory grid technique. This technique was used to elicit the patient’s individualised beliefs about their medicines for their myocardial infarction. In the intervention group, patients’ beliefs about their medicines were communicated by the researcher to their community pharmacist. The pharmacist used this information to tailor their discussion with the patient about their medication beliefs at designated time points (3 and 6 months post discharge). The control group was provided with usual care. Main outcome measure The difference in non-adherence measured using a medication possession ratio between the intervention and control groups at 12 months post myocardial infarction. Results There were 137 patients remaining in the study (intervention group n = 72, control group n = 65) at 12 months. In the intervention group 29 % (n = 20) of patients were non-adherent compared to 25 % (n = 16) of patients in control group. Conclusion Discussing patients’ beliefs about their medicines for their myocardial infarction did not improve medication adherence. Further research on patients beliefs should focus on targeting non-adherent patients whose reasons for their non-adherence is driven by their medication beliefs.


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The present study was a phenomenological investigation of adolescent constructs of stress and academic achievement. The study utilised a modified version of George Kelly's Repertory Grid Technique to provide direct insight into adolescent stress and academic achievement. The premise of the study was that only students who exhibited extreme cases of stress and academic achievement levels would be examined. The investigation identified and examined the adolescents who exhibited these extremes and explored the underlying constructs that defined these differences. It was expected that if adolescents were able to identify the stressors in their lives, how these stressors affect their lives, and how these stressors affect their academic performance, then suggestions could be made to help students to better cope with stress and to improve their academic achievement level. Further, based on the results of the study, the pedagogical implications for classroom research are provided. Phenomenological inquiries, using modified, and less complex versions of the repertory grid, can be conducted pre-, mid-, and postacademic terms, to determine and to monitor the stressors and the academic performance of the students in a classroom. Specific assessments for individual students will help teachers to better exercise their knowledge and understanding of the realm of teaching and learning strategies (e.g., Gardiner's Multiple Intelligences) that exist.


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Determinar aquellas variables en la conducta del líder que se perciben como más adecuadas para el mejor funcionamiento del centro, o sea que producen mayor satisfacción por un lado y un mayor grado de eficacia por otro; elaborar un cuestionario que recoja aquellas variables que se aprecien adecuadas e importantes para la actuación del líder en nuestros centros educativos. La hipótesis de partida gira en torno a la idea de que el liderazgo transformacional puede ser el más eficaz y adecuado para dirigir los centros siempre hacia el cambio y hacia la mejora. 7 centros de primaria y 7 de secundaria en el sector público. Se llevó a cabo a lo largo de cinco fases; en la primera, se llevó a cabo la recogida de infomación inicial y un estudio de los centros. En una segunda y tercera fase, se han llevado a cabo las entrevistas; en una cuarta fase, se elaboró el cuestionario sobre liderazgo. Finalmente en una quinta fase se analizaron los resultados del cuestionario. Las técnicas e instrumentos de recogida de datos se van a basar en el Repertory Grid Technique. Se comenta el análisis de los resultados, al pasar el cuestionario, y se confirma que el liderazgo transformacional es el que mejor responde a las necesidades que demandan los centros educativos, para iniciar procesos de mejora en el ámbito de la dirección del centro.