989 resultados para RDF,Named Graphs,Provenance,Semantic Web,Semantics
La semantica di RDF non permette di esprimere punti di vista contraddittori sullo stesso set di dati. Il problema consiste sostanzialmente nell’impossibilità di esprimere, in RDF, affermazioni il cui valore di verità sia sconosciuto, oppure in contrasto con quello di altre affermazioni, senza però asserirle, poichè questo le renderebbe indubbiamente vere. Nel corso del tempo, partendo dalla necessità di esprimere statement su altri statement, sono stati prodotti diversi approcci, nessuno dei quali sembra dare una risposta convincente all’esigenza che potremmo riassumere nel poter esprimere senza asserire. Nel presente lavoro, dopo un'analisi dei differenti approcci al problema, e dei relativi risultati, verranno presentate le "Congetture": una nuova proposta di estensione di RDF 1.1 che permette l’espressione di grafi il cui valore di verità è sconosciuto. Le Congetture sono una notazione per esprimere, senza asserire, named graphs in RDF, unitamente ad un meccanismo per affermarne la verità chiamato "collasso alla realtà". Una Congettura collassata è allo stesso tempo un grafo congetturale e un grafo asserito, ed è un modo semplice per gestire situazioni che, espresse inizialmente sotto forma di congetture, devono successivamente essere considerare vere. La proposta è costruita attorno a due concetti principali: 1) la Congettura: un concetto il cui valore di verità non è disponibile; 2) il collasso alla realtà: un meccanismo per asserire pienamente, in RDF, quando necessario, il valore di verità della Congettura. Verranno analizzati scenari avanzati quali Congetture di Congetture, Congetture di collassi e collassi a cascata. Verrà delineata la semantica formale completa della proposta, estendendo la simple interpretation di RDF 1.1, dimostrando che le Congetture sono pienamente compatibili con RDF. Le Congetture, con un'estensione minima del modello, aggiungono ad RDF la possibilità di esprimere, senza asserire, incertezze, ipotesi e dubbi.
OntoTag - A Linguistic and Ontological Annotation Model Suitable for the Semantic Web
Computational Linguistics is already a consolidated research area. It builds upon the results of other two major ones, namely Linguistics and Computer Science and Engineering, and it aims at developing computational models of human language (or natural language, as it is termed in this area). Possibly, its most well-known applications are the different tools developed so far for processing human language, such as machine translation systems and speech recognizers or dictation programs.
These tools for processing human language are commonly referred to as linguistic tools. Apart from the examples mentioned above, there are also other types of linguistic tools that perhaps are not so well-known, but on which most of the other applications of Computational Linguistics are built. These other types of linguistic tools comprise POS taggers, natural language parsers and semantic taggers, amongst others. All of them can be termed linguistic annotation tools.
Linguistic annotation tools are important assets. In fact, POS and semantic taggers (and, to a lesser extent, also natural language parsers) have become critical resources for the computer applications that process natural language. Hence, any computer application that has to analyse a text automatically and ‘intelligently’ will include at least a module for POS tagging. The more an application needs to ‘understand’ the meaning of the text it processes, the more linguistic tools and/or modules it will incorporate and integrate.
However, linguistic annotation tools have still some limitations, which can be summarised as follows:
1. Normally, they perform annotations only at a certain linguistic level (that is, Morphology, Syntax, Semantics, etc.).
2. They usually introduce a certain rate of errors and ambiguities when tagging. This error rate ranges from 10 percent up to 50 percent of the units annotated for unrestricted, general texts.
3. Their annotations are most frequently formulated in terms of an annotation schema designed and implemented ad hoc.
A priori, it seems that the interoperation and the integration of several linguistic tools into an appropriate software architecture could most likely solve the limitations stated in (1). Besides, integrating several linguistic annotation tools and making them interoperate could also minimise the limitation stated in (2). Nevertheless, in the latter case, all these tools should produce annotations for a common level, which would have to be combined in order to correct their corresponding errors and inaccuracies. Yet, the limitation stated in (3) prevents both types of integration and interoperation from being easily achieved.
In addition, most high-level annotation tools rely on other lower-level annotation tools and their outputs to generate their own ones. For example, sense-tagging tools (operating at the semantic level) often use POS taggers (operating at a lower level, i.e., the morphosyntactic) to identify the grammatical category of the word or lexical unit they are annotating. Accordingly, if a faulty or inaccurate low-level annotation tool is to be used by other higher-level one in its process, the errors and inaccuracies of the former should be minimised in advance. Otherwise, these errors and inaccuracies would be transferred to (and even magnified in) the annotations of the high-level annotation tool.
Therefore, it would be quite useful to find a way to
(i) correct or, at least, reduce the errors and the inaccuracies of lower-level linguistic tools;
(ii) unify the annotation schemas of different linguistic annotation tools or, more generally speaking, make these tools (as well as their annotations) interoperate.
Clearly, solving (i) and (ii) should ease the automatic annotation of web pages by means of linguistic tools, and their transformation into Semantic Web pages (Berners-Lee, Hendler and Lassila, 2001). Yet, as stated above, (ii) is a type of interoperability problem. There again, ontologies (Gruber, 1993; Borst, 1997) have been successfully applied thus far to solve several interoperability problems. Hence, ontologies should help solve also the problems and limitations of linguistic annotation tools aforementioned.
Thus, to summarise, the main aim of the present work was to combine somehow these separated approaches, mechanisms and tools for annotation from Linguistics and Ontological Engineering (and the Semantic Web) in a sort of hybrid (linguistic and ontological) annotation model, suitable for both areas. This hybrid (semantic) annotation model should (a) benefit from the advances, models, techniques, mechanisms and tools of these two areas; (b) minimise (and even solve, when possible) some of the problems found in each of them; and (c) be suitable for the Semantic Web. The concrete goals that helped attain this aim are presented in the following section.
As mentioned above, the main goal of this work was to specify a hybrid (that is, linguistically-motivated and ontology-based) model of annotation suitable for the Semantic Web (i.e. it had to produce a semantic annotation of web page contents). This entailed that the tags included in the annotations of the model had to (1) represent linguistic concepts (or linguistic categories, as they are termed in ISO/DCR (2008)), in order for this model to be linguistically-motivated; (2) be ontological terms (i.e., use an ontological vocabulary), in order for the model to be ontology-based; and (3) be structured (linked) as a collection of ontology-based
We provide all agent; the capability to infer the relations (assertions) entailed by the rules that, describe the formal semantics of art RDFS knowledge-base. The proposed inferencing process formulates each semantic restriction as a rule implemented within a, SPARQL query statement. The process expands the original RDF graph into a fuller graph that. explicitly captures the rule's described semantics. The approach is currently being explored in order to support descriptions that follow the generic Semantic Web Rule Language. An experiment, using the Fire-Brigade domain, a small-scale knowledge-base, is adopted to illustrate the agent modeling method and the inferencing process.
Article About the Authors Metrics Comments Related Content Abstract Introduction Functionality Implementation Discussion Acknowledgments Author Contributions References Reader Comments (0) Figures Abstract Despite of the variety of available Web services registries specially aimed at Life Sciences, their scope is usually restricted to a limited set of well-defined types of services. While dedicated registries are generally tied to a particular format, general-purpose ones are more adherent to standards and usually rely on Web Service Definition Language (WSDL). Although WSDL is quite flexible to support common Web services types, its lack of semantic expressiveness led to various initiatives to describe Web services via ontology languages. Nevertheless, WSDL 2.0 descriptions gained a standard representation based on Web Ontology Language (OWL). BioSWR is a novel Web services registry that provides standard Resource Description Framework (RDF) based Web services descriptions along with the traditional WSDL based ones. The registry provides Web-based interface for Web services registration, querying and annotation, and is also accessible programmatically via Representational State Transfer (REST) API or using a SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language. BioSWR server is located at http://inb.bsc.es/BioSWR/and its code is available at https://sourceforge.net/projects/bioswr/under the LGPL license.
Semantic Web technologies are strategic in order to fulfill the openness requirement of Self-Aware Pervasive Service Ecosystems. In fact they provide agents with the ability to cope with distributed data, using RDF to represent information, ontologies to describe relations between concepts from any domain (e.g. equivalence, specialization/extension, and so on) and reasoners to extract implicit knowledge. The aim of this thesis is to study these technologies and design an extension of a pervasive service ecosystems middleware capable of exploiting semantic power, and deepening performance implications.
La ricerca nel campo del cultural heritage management ha adottato negli ultimi decenni le tecnologie web quali strumenti privilegiati per stabilire i nuovi approcci e indirizzi nella valorizzazione della conoscenza. Questa tesi si colloca nell'ambito interdisciplinare tra le scienze umanistiche e informatiche e si fonda sulla consapevolezza del reciproco arricchimento che può derivare dal continuo confronto, le une disponendo di mezzi più espressivi e popolari per divulgare il proprio patrimonio e le altre usufruendo di “materia prima” autorevole (ossia dati strutturati di qualità e alto livello di fiducia) in fase di sperimentazione. Lo studio dei punti di tangenza tra le discipline muove da due ambiti precisi, ovvero le applicazioni informatiche nel campo dell'archivistica e gli sviluppi del semantic web nel settore delle digital humanities.
This paper presents a Focused Crawler in order to Get Semantic Web Resources (CSR). Structured data web are available in formats such as Extensible Markup Language (XML), Resource Description Framework (RDF) and Ontology Web Language (OWL) that can be used for processing. One of the main challenges for performing a manual search and download semantic web resources is that this task consumes a lot of time. Our research work propose a focused crawler which allow to download these resources automatically and store them on disk in order to have a collection that will be used for data processing. CRS consists of three layers: (a) The User Interface Layer, (b) The Focus Crawler Layer and (c) The Base Crawler Layer. CSR uses as a selection policie the Shark-Search method. CSR was conducted with two experiments. The first one starts on December 15 2012 at 7:11 am and ends on December 16 2012 at 4:01 were obtained 448,123,537 bytes of data. The CSR ends by itself after to analyze 80,4375 seeds with an unlimited depth. CSR got 16,576 semantic resources files where the 89 % was RDF, the 10 % was XML and the 1% was OWL. The second one was based on the Web Data Commons work of the Research Group Data and Web Science at the University of Mannheim and the Institute AIFB at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. This began at 4:46 am of June 2 2013 and 1:37 am June 9 2013. After 162.51 hours of execution the result was 285,279 semantic resources where predominated the XML resources with 99 % and OWL and RDF with 1 % each one.
Personal archives are the archives created by individuals for their own purposes. Among these are the library and documentary collections of writers and scholars. It is only recently that archival literature has begun to focus on this category of archives, emphasising how their heterogeneous nature necessitates the conciliation of different approaches to archival description, and calling for a broader understanding of the principle of provenance, recognising that multiple creators, including subsequent researchers, can contribute to shaping personal archives over time by adding new layers of contexts. Despite these advances in the theoretical debate, current architectures for archival representation remain behind. Finding aids privilege a single point of view and do not allow subsequent users to embed their own, potentially conflicting, readings. Using semantic web technologies this study aims to define a conceptual model for writers' archives based on existing and widely adopted models in the cultural heritage and humanities domains. The model developed can be used to represent different types of documents at various levels of analysis, as well as record content and components. It also enables the representation of complex relationships and the incorporation of additional layers of interpretation into the finding aid, transforming it from a static search tool into a dynamic research platform. The personal archive and library of Giuseppe Raimondi serves as a case study for the creation of an archival knowledge base using the proposed conceptual model. By querying the knowledge graph through SPARQL, the effectiveness of the model is evaluated. The results demonstrate that the model addresses the primary representation challenges identified in archival literature, from both a technological and methodological standpoint. The ultimate goal is to bring the output par excellence of archival science, i.e. the finding aid, more in line with the latest developments in archival thinking.
Semantic Web technologies provide the means to express the knowledge in a formal and standardized manner, enabling machines to automatically derive meaning from the data. Often this knowledge is uncertain or different degrees of certainty may be assigned to the same statements. This is the case in many fields of study such as in Digital Humanities, Science and Arts. The challenge relies on the fact that our knowledge about the surrounding world is dynamic and may evolve based on new data coming from the latest discoveries. Furthermore we should be able to express conflicting, debated or disputed statements in an efficient, effective and consistent way without the need of asserting them. We call this approach 'Expressing Without Asserting' (EWA). In this work we identify all existing methods that are compatible with actual Semantic Web standards and enable us to express EWA. In our research we were able to prove that existing reification methods such as Named Graphs, Singleton Properties, Wikidata Statements and RDF-Star are the most suitable methods to represent in a reliable way EWA. Next we compare these methods with our own method, namely Conjectures from a quantitative perspective. Our main objective was to put Conjectures into stress tests leveraging enormous datasets created ad hoc using art-related Wikidata dumps and measure the performance in various triplestores in relation with similar concurrent methods. Our experiments show that Conjectures are a formidable tool to express efficiently and effectively EWA. In some cases, Conjectures outperform state of the art methods such as singleton and Rdf-Star exposing their great potential. Is our firm belief that Conjectures represent a suitable solution to EWA issues. Conjectures in their weak form are fully compatible with Semantic Web standards, especially with RDF and SPARQL. Furthermore Conjectures benefit from comprehensive syntax and intuitive semantics that make them easy to learn and adapt.
Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Bioinformatics
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Informática
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.
Ontologies formalized by means of Description Logics (DLs) and rules in the form of Logic Programs (LPs) are two prominent formalisms in the field of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. While DLs adhere to the OpenWorld Assumption and are suited for taxonomic reasoning, LPs implement reasoning under the Closed World Assumption, so that default knowledge can be expressed. However, for many applications it is useful to have a means that allows reasoning over an open domain and expressing rules with exceptions at the same time. Hybrid MKNF knowledge bases make such a means available by formalizing DLs and LPs in a common logic, the Logic of Minimal Knowledge and Negation as Failure (MKNF). Since rules and ontologies are used in open environments such as the Semantic Web, inconsistencies cannot always be avoided. This poses a problem due to the Principle of Explosion, which holds in classical logics. Paraconsistent Logics offer a solution to this issue by assigning meaningful models even to contradictory sets of formulas. Consequently, paraconsistent semantics for DLs and LPs have been investigated intensively. Our goal is to apply the paraconsistent approach to the combination of DLs and LPs in hybrid MKNF knowledge bases. In this thesis, a new six-valued semantics for hybrid MKNF knowledge bases is introduced, extending the three-valued approach by Knorr et al., which is based on the wellfounded semantics for logic programs. Additionally, a procedural way of computing paraconsistent well-founded models for hybrid MKNF knowledge bases by means of an alternating fixpoint construction is presented and it is proven that the algorithm is sound and complete w.r.t. the model-theoretic characterization of the semantics. Moreover, it is shown that the new semantics is faithful w.r.t. well-studied paraconsistent semantics for DLs and LPs, respectively, and maintains the efficiency of the approach it extends.
This work briefly analyses the difficulties to adopt the Semantic Web, and in particular proposes systems to know the present level of migration to the different technologies that make up the Semantic Web. It focuses on the presentation and description of two tools, DigiDocSpider and DigiDocMetaEdit, designed with the aim of verifYing, evaluating, and promoting its implementation.
In the past, research in ontology learning from text has mainly focused on entity recognition, taxonomy induction and relation extraction. In this work we approach a challenging research issue: detecting semantic frames from texts and using them to encode web ontologies. We exploit a new generation Natural Language Processing technology for frame detection, and we enrich the frames acquired so far with argument restrictions provided by a super-sense tagger and domain specializations. The results are encoded according to a Linguistic MetaModel, which allows a complete translation of lexical resources and data acquired from text, enabling custom transformations of the enriched frames into modular ontology components.