998 resultados para Queensland Government


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A range of influences, technical and organizational, has encouraged the wide spread adaption of Enterprise Systems (ES). Nevertheless, there is a growing consensus that Enterprise Systems have in the many cases failed to provide the expected benefits to organizations. This paper presents ongoing research, which analyzes the benefits realization approach of the Queensland Government. This approach applies a modified Balance Scorecard. First, history and background of Queensland Government’s Enterprise Systems initiative is introduced. Second, the most common reasons for ES under performance are related. Third, relevant performance measurement models and the Balanced Scorecard in particular are discussed. Finally, the Queensland Government initiative is evaluated in light of this overview of current work in the area. In the current and future work, the authors aim to use their active involvement in Queensland Government’s benefits realization initiative for an Action Research based project investigating the appropriateness of the Balanced Scorecard for the purposes of Enterprise Systems benefits realization.


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This paper reports on a study of ERP lifecycle major issues from the perspectives of individuals with substantial and diverse involvement with SAP Financials in Queensland Government. A survey was conducted of 117 ERP system project participants in five closely related state government agencies. A modified Delphi technique identified, rationalized and weighed perceived major issues in ongoing ERP life cycle implementation, management and support. The five agencies each implemented SAP Financials simultaneously using a common implementation partner. The three survey rounds of the Delphi technique, together with coding and synthesizing procedures, resulted in a set of 10 major issue categories with 38 sub-issues. Relative scores of issue importance are compared across government agencies, roles (client vs implementation partner) and organizational levels (strategic, technical and operational). Study findings confirm the importance of this finer partitioning of the data, and distinctions identified reflect the circumstances of ERP lifecycle implementation, management and support among the stakeholder groups. The study findings should also be of interest to stakeholders who seek to better understand the issues surrounding ERP systems and to better realise the benefits of ERP.


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Dr Gillian Hallam is project leader for the Queensland Government Agency Libraries Review. As an initial step in the project, a literature review was commissioned to guide the research activities and inform the development of options for potential future service delivery models for the Government agency libraries. The review presents an environmental scan and review of the professional and academic literature to consider a range of current perspectives on library and information services. Significant in this review is the focus on the specific issues and challenges impacting on contemporary government libraries and their staff. The review incorporates four key areas: current directions in government administration; trends in government library services; issues in contemporary special libraries; and the skills and competencies of special librarians. Rather than representing an exhaustive review, the research has primarily centred on recent journal articles, conference papers, reports and web resources. Commentary prepared by national and international library associations has also played a role informing this review, as does the relevant State and Federal government documentation and reporting.


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This thesis consists of three related studies: an ERP Major Issues Study; an Historical Study of the Queensland Government Financial Management System; and a Meta-Study that integrates these and other related studies conducted under the umbrella of the Cooperative ERP Lifecycle Knowledge Management research program. This research provides a comprehensive view of ERP lifecycle issues encountered in SAP R/3 projects across the Queensland Government. This study follows a preliminary ERP issues study (Chang, 2002) conducted in five Queensland Government agencies. The Major Issues Study aims to achieve the following: (1) identify / explicate major issues in relation to the ES life-cycle in the public sector; (2) rank the importance of these issues; and, (3) highlight areas of consensus and dissent among stakeholder groups. To provide a rich context for this study, this thesis includes an historical recount of the Queensland Government Financial Management System (QGFMS). This recount tells of its inception as a centralised system; the selection of SAP and subsequent decentralisation; and, its eventual recentralisation under the Shared Services Initiative and CorpTech. This historical recount gives an insight into the conditions that affected the selection and ongoing management and support of QGFMS. This research forms part of a program entitled Cooperative ERP Lifecycle Knowledge Management. This thesis provides a concluding report for this research program by summarising related studies conducted in the Queensland Government SAP context: Chan (2003); Vayo et al (2002); Ng (2003); Timbrell et al (2001); Timbrell et al (2002); Chang (2002); Putra (1998); and, Niehus et al (1998). A study of Oracle in the United Arab Emirates by Dhaheri (2002) is also included. The thesis then integrates the findings from these studies in an overarching Meta-Study. The Meta-Study discusses key themes across all of these studies, creating an holistic report for the research program. Themes discussed in the meta-study include common issues found across the related studies; knowledge dynamics of the ERP lifecycle; ERP maintenance and support; and, the relationship between the key players in the ERP lifecycle.


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This thesis addresses the contemporary issue of the control, restoration and potential for reuse of State Government-owned heritage properties with commercial potential. It attempts to reconcile the sometimes competing interests of the range of stakeholders in such properties, particularly those seeking to maximise economic performance and return on one hand and community expectations for heritage preservation and exhibition on the other. The matters are approached principally from the Government's position as asset owner/manager. It includes research into a number of key elements - including statutory, physical and economic parameters and an analysis of the legitimate requirements of all stakeholders. The thesis also recognises the need for innovation in approach and for the careful structuring and pre-planning of proposals on a project-by-project basis. On the matter of innovation, four case studies are included in the thesis to exhibit some approaches and techniques that have already been employed in addressing these issues. From this research base, a series of deductions at both a macro and micro level are established and a model for a rational decision-making process for dealing with such projects is developed as a major outcome of the work. Finally, the general model is applied to a specific project, the currently unused Port Office heritage site in the Brisbane Central Business District.


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Much of the effort of the construction industry is directed towards the provision of services and products, many with substantial long term implications. Systems and procedures have evolved over centuries to provide these services and products, but inefficiencies have developed. One strategy for improving the efficiency of the construction industry is to restructure the systems and procedures which deliver projects so that improved benefits to the end users are provided. In this paper, contemporary systems and procedures for the delivery of projects are reviewed and the roles of the major stakeholders are examined. The recent construction of Woodford Correctional Centre in Queensland is reviewed as a case study in restructuring the delivery process and the lessons learned from this successful project are summarised.


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This instrument was used in the project entitled Teachers Reporting Child Sexual Abuse: Towards Evidence-based Reform of Law, Policy and Practice (ARC DP0664847)


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The Queensland Government Agency Libraries Review was undertaken during the period January-June 2010. The research project was sponsored jointly by the Director-General, Department of the Premier and Cabinet, and the Director-General, Department of Public Works. The objective of the project was to examine future options for the Queensland Government library and research services that provide clients with efficient and cost-effective access to the information they need to conduct government business, to develop a picture of the services provided, the information resources managed, the client base and staffing. The review also considered the environmental factors impacting on contemporary government libraries to determine possible strategies that would ensure a strong and sustainable future for the services. The review process culminated in identifying potential options for future service delivery. The preferred option involves a proposal for the centralizing responsibility for the coordination of a network of Queensland Government Libraries and Research Centres (QGLR). The establishment of a network of research centres, with a central point for coordination of common strategies, systems and processes will enable library and research services to flow around individual agencies, and provide clearer avenues for multi-disciplinary work that characterises contemporary government policy and government services. The key elements of the proposal include the development of a single library and research portal for all government officers, which can be tailored to meet their particular research needs; increasing the visibility and accessibility of information and knowledge resources to those officers regardless of their agency affiliation; introducing better, more cost effective purchasing and licensing arrangements; and the potential to have a voice of influence in the strategic agenda for the government’s use of information and research.


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This discussion paper has been provided to assist the Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services (DOCCSDS) in developing the Queensland Government’s Youth Strategy and inform the review of state government funded youth services. The paper lists a number of key concepts and social determinants which need to be considered in this undertaking. Additionally, it proposes a number key concepts and principles pertinent to understanding and working with young people, and for quality youth service provision.


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The Office of Urban Management recognises that the values which characterise the SEQ region as 'subtropical' are important determinants of form in urban and regional planning. Subtropical values are those qualities on which our regional identity depends. A built environment which responds positively to these values is a critical ingredient for achieving a desirable future for the region. The Centre for Subtropical Design has undertaken this study to identify the particular set of values which characterises SEQ, and to translate theses values into design principals that will maintain and reinforce the value set. The principles not only apply to the overall balance between the natural environment and the built environment, but can be applied by local government authorities to guide local planning schemes and help shape specific built for outcomes.


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Telephone and web-based technologies such as SMS, smartphone apps, gamification, online/mobile games, online quizzes and tools can be used in personal health interventions in two ways: health promotion or social marketing. In response to the Queensland government's call for submissions to the parliamentary inquiry, a social marketing and design submission from four of the faculties at Queensland University of Technology was submitted. There appears to be a great deal of confusion in government circles about the terms ‘social marketing’ and ‘health promotion’ and often they are used interchangeably when they are actually significantly different approaches. Social marketing is the science and practice of behaviour change and involves goods and services that offer a value proposition, and which incentivises citizens to change their behaviour voluntarily. However, social marketing is often mistakenly used to describe advertising and communication or social media marketing. This submission contains an overview of how technology interventions need to be implemented to be successful, provides examples of the evidence that telephone and web-based interventions can effectively influence public health outcome. This submission poses seven critical factors.


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This submission covers the following terms of reference: • the current levels of financial literacy of seniors and how that can be improved, for example by education programs; • what support and advice is available to assist seniors with their independent financial decision-making; • online and internet based vulnerabilities and the prevalence and vulnerability of seniors to scams; • agencies and organisations that provide advice and support to seniors requiring financial protection; and • the role of the financial sector in ensuring adequate safeguards for seniors in relation to financial decision-making.