992 resultados para Practical corporal


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The present dissertation tells a proposal of based pedagogical intervention in the use of practical corporal cooperatives during lessons of physical education in intention to create situations that allow to educating to reflect on the violence and its consequences in the social relations in the school. For in such a way, we leave from the following question of study: which perspectives of the physical education to contribute to minimize the aggressive and violent attitudes of the pupils in the school? Centered in the objective to reflect on the aggressiveness, the violence and bullying in the school, the light of a theoretical recital and in the perspectives of contribution of practical the corporal cooperatives for the reduction of its effect in the pertaining to school environment, in particular in the lessons of physical education, we search among others to involve the pupils in activities that stimulated the expression of human values as solidarity, respect and cooperation. In this intention, we opt to a ethnographic study for the possibility of next interaction between investigator and the investigated one. Our research is directly on to the social aspects that involve the problems of the society in a general way, in the attempt to diminish the decurrent problems of aggression situations, that they happen in one definitive municipal school of the city of Natal/RN, the sample being constituted of pupils of 6º year of Basic Education. It analyzes the practical situations lived deeply by the pupils had revealed efficient to minimize the aggressive attitudes in the pertaining to school space, as well as it opens perspectives so that the educators deal better with such attitudes, using to advantage them to educate the pupils in the direction to stimulate the good relations. We believe that with this research, to be able to of course share with other schools our experiences in the attempt of resolution of similar problems regarding thematic of the aggressiveness, respecting the specificity of each school in particular


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In the Renaissance, the anatomy project a map of the body. Since then, the human body has been investigated for innumerable techniques, configuring new landscapes on the condition human being and the proper knowledge. In accordance with Merleau-Ponty (1975), All technique is body technique. It configures and extends the Metaphysical structure of our meat. In this direction, any intervention in the human body, a tattooing, a surgery or a performance, extends the perception and the directions of the existence of the subject. Merleau-Ponty (1975) still affirms, that all technique presents objective interventions. However, the body, ahead of these interventions, doesn t have to be considered only object, but subject that, from the interventions, attributes sensible and meanings through the movements, also being this its way of being in the world. Searching to extend this reflection on the discontinuities between the object body and the subject body, as well as, with the objective to reflect on the relation between the corporal techniques and the production of the subjectivity and the knowledge of the physical education, we reflect on the body art, as one technique of body that marks the exterior of the body, exteriorizing the subjectivity, to search new means to the body and that ahead of this, we believe being able to project innumerable directions for the corporal transformations in the contemporarily. As a method for our reflection in we will support them in the phenomenology. IT presents as a new ontology, in which distinction does not occur enters the operating paper of the citizen that knows and the influence of the known object. The phenomenological understanding of body will be able to contribute with the knowledge of the Physical Education, a time that gives us important arguments on the experience of the body in relation with the nature, the culture, history. To be a body is to be tied to a world that we do not possess completive, but that we do not cease to search it


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Objetivo: Recientemente, se han propuesto varios dispositivos de impedancia bioeléctrica (BIA) para la estimación rápida de la grasa corporal. Sin embargo, no han sido publicadas referencias de grasa corporal para niños y adolescentes en población Colombiana. El objetivo de este estudio fue establecer percentiles de grasa corporal por BIA en niños y adolescentes de Bogotá, Colombia de entre 9 y 17.9 años, pertenecientes al estudio FUPRECOL. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo y transversal, realizado en 2.526 niños y 3.324 adolescentes de entre 9 y 17.9 años de edad, pertenecientes a instituciones educativas oficiales de Bogotá, Colombia. El porcentaje de grasa corporal fue medido con Tanita® Analizador de Composición Corporal (Modelo BF-689), según edad y sexo. Se tomaron medidas de peso, talla, circunferencia de cintura, circunferencia de cadera y estado de maduración sexual por auto-reporte. Se calcularon los percentiles (P3, P10, P25, P50, P75, P90 y P97) y curvas centiles por el método LMS según sexo y edad y se realizó una comparación entre los valores de la CC observados con estándares internacionales. Resultados: Se presentan valores de porcentaje de grasa corporal y las curvas de percentiles. En la mayoría de los grupos etáreos la grasa corporal de las chicas fue mayor a la de los chicos. Sujetos cuyo porcentaje de grasa corporal estaba por encima del percentil 90 de la distribución estándar normal se consideró que tenían un elevado riesgo cardiovascular (chicos desde 23,4-28,3 y chicas desde 31,0-34,1). En general, nuestros porcentajes de grasa corporal fueron inferiores a los valores de Turquía, Alemania, Grecia, España y Reino Unido. Conclusiones: Se presentan percentiles del porcentaje de grasa por BIA según edad y sexo que podrán ser usados de referencia en la evaluación del estado nutricional y en la predicción del riesgo cardiovascular desde edades tempranas.


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RESUMO: A principal razão que me levou a escolher este estágio e esta intervenção, foi o facto de gostar muito de trabalhar com jovens. Esse gosto, aliado à paixão que tenho pelo exercício e saúde, trouxe-me para um projecto que visa alterar e promover estilos de vida saudáveis em jovens obesos com idades entre os 12 e os 16 anos de idade. O estágio teve a duração de 10 meses, de Outubro de 2010 a Julho de 2011. Começamos com a definição dos protocolos a implementar e das tarefas a realizar. A primeira dessas tarefas, centrava-se no recrutamento da amostra que pretendíamos para desenvolver o estudo. Paralelamente ao projecto TOP, colaborámos também nas consultas de obesidade pediátrica no Hospital de Santa Maria, o que nos permitiu recrutar jovens que iam às consultas e incluí-los no projecto TOP. Após termos efectuado o recrutamento, começámos com as aulas práticas e teóricas. Essas aulas ocorriam na Universidade Lusófona, todos os sábados, das 10 às 12 horas. Eram sempre da nossa responsabilidade as aulas práticas, e as teóricas quando se falava de exercício. Nas aulas práticas realizavam-se circuitos, jogos tradicionais, jogos colectivos, e jogos que promovessem a competição saudável e a inter-ajuda, visto que ali todos os participantes tinham um objectivo comum. Durante o ano foram realizadas duas colónias de férias, onde organizámos outro tipo de actividades, nomeadamente mini-golf e caminhadas na zona do Jamor. Tanto as colónias de férias, como as avaliações eram da nossa inteira responsabilidade, desde a preparação, à execução e realização das mesmas. De referir que, tendo em conta os resutados obtidos, os participantes que melhoraram na sua capacidade cardiovascular apresentaram igualmente melhoras ao nível da composição corporal, nomeadamente com a diminuição do perímetro da anca e do perímetro acima das cristas ilíacas. Importa ainda referir que ocorreram melhorias significativas (p <0,05) ao nível da composição corporal, no que se refere ao perímetro da meia distância entre a grelha costal e as cristas ilíacas, no teste da flexibilidade dos membros inferiores e na força média. Os objectivos do estágio centravam-se em adquirir competências no que diz respeito a conhecer as características da população alvo tanto das consultas como do programa TOP, saber aplicar as recomendações internacionais de actividade física para adolescentes obesos, ser capaz de adaptar a prescrição de exercício às diferentes necessidades dos adolescentes, planear e colocar em prática os planos de aula da componente física do TOP, conduzir de forma autónoma uma consulta de avaliação e aconselhamento físico, interagir em contexto clínico com especialidades de outras áreas de intervenção, planear e implementar a calendarização das sessões teórico-práticas do Projecto TOP, saber colaborar com uma equipa multidisciplinar num ambiente clínico e colaborar na intervenção e elaboração de um projecto científico. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que uma replicação futura deste projecto, tendo em conta sempre limitações que possam ocorrer, por exemplo, ao nível dos protocolos e testes, pode melhorar a qualidade de vida do adolescente, com vista a um futuro adulto mais saudável.ABSTRACT: The main reason that made me decide on this internship is the fact that I enjoy working with young people. This, combined with the passion I have for exercising and health, led me to a project aiming at changing lifestyles by promoting a healthy lifestyle among obese young people aged between 12 and 16 years old. The internship lasted for 10 months, from October 2010 to July 2011. We started with the definition of protocols to implement and carry out the POT project (Pediatric Obesity Treatment). The first task focused on the recruitment of the sample we needed to conduct the study for this project. Along with the POT project, we‟ve also collaborated in clinical pediatric obesity surgery in Santa Maria Hospital, which allowed us to recruit young people who came to surgery and include them in the sample. After having carried out the recruitment, we started with the practical and theoretical lessons. These lessons took place at the Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias (ULHT) every month on Saturdays from 10 to 12. It was always our responsibility to prepare and present both the physical lessons and the theoretical ones concerning advice on everyday exercising. During practical lessons, circuits, traditional games and team games were held in order to promote a healthy competition and mutual help, since all the participants had a common goal. During the year there were two holiday camps, where we did many more activities, including mini-golf and walking in the area of Jamor. In those camps, all activities and evaluation sessions were our responsibility. By analysing the results we came to the conclusion that the participants who improved their cardiovascular capacity also improved their body composition, particularly with the reduction of the hip circumference and the circumference above the iliac crests. It should also be noted that significant improvements (p <0.05) in terms of body composition occurred namely concerning the circumference of the half distance between the rib cage and the iliac crests, the test of lower limbs flexibility and average strength. The objectives of the internship were to develop the ability to understand the characteristics of the adolescents in the POT project, know how to apply international recommendations for physical activity for obese adolescents, being able to individualize the exercise prescription for the different needs of adolescents, plan and implement physical and theorical lessons, conduct an independent surgery with a physical evaluation and counseling, interact in the context of other clinical speciality areas, plan and implement the scheduling of theoretical-practical sessions, learn how to collaborate with a multidisciplinary team in a clinical setting, intervene and collaborate in the development of a scientific project. The results show that a future replication of this project, always taking into account constraints that may occur, for example, the ones concerning the protocols, the testing, can improve the quality of life of adolescents aiming to a healthier adult life.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the level of physical activity confronting to the real and ideal body image of 65 individuals of both gender (27 women and 38 men) aged between 18 and 37 years old, all students of a Physical Education College of Santo André´s City - SP. The instruments used were the International Physical Activity Questionnaire, Short version (IPAQ, 2005) and Test for assessment of Body Image proposed by Stunkard et al., (1983) and adapted by Marsh and Roche (1996). According to the results, male subjects are more actives compared with female, as well as for the real and ideal body image males showed no significant difference, however, the females showed differences between the real and the ideal body image, between the gender no significant differences existed on the real and ideal body image. We can conclude that the students of this Physical Education College mostly presents in moderate or high level of physical activity, showing that the male are pleased with the real and ideal body image, and for a willing female body silhouette thinner ideal than real, with no significant differences between genders, and thus leading us to believe that the physical education College lead the students to experience practical activities becoming them lifestyle most active in search of a better quality of life and wellness.


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%WL: porcentaje de pérdida de peso; %FL: porcentaje de pérdida de grasa; PNLWF: pacientes que pierden peso o grasa; PLWF: pacientes que pierden peso y grasa. Objetivo: evaluar si el %WL y el %FL en el tratamiento dietético, se vieron afectados por el género, la edad, el IMC y la asistencia a la consulta. Método: 4.700 consultas, 670 pacientes (IMC ≥ 25), en el sur-este de España (2006-12). Se utilizó la dieta equilibrada e hipocalórica. Dos tipos de pacientes: PNLWF y PLWF (91,9%). Resultados: en los PLWF, los hombres y los que asisten en mayor número de ocasiones a la consulta han mostrado una mayor pérdida, frente a las mujeres (%FL: 23,0 vs 14,3%, p = 0,000; %WL: 7,7 vs 6,6%, p = 0,020), y los que asisten con menor frecuencia (%FL: 19,1 vs 7,3%, p = 0,000; %WL: 7,8 vs 2,9%, p = 0,000). El análisis de regresión multinomial (PNLWF/ PLWF) indica que solo el asistir a más de mes y medio a la consulta es un factor que influye en la pérdida, OR 8,3 (IC 95% 4,5-15,1; p = 0,000). Conclusión: la medición de la grasa corporal proporciona una información adicional al peso perdido; la mayoría de los pacientes que asisten más de mes y medio obtienen un elevado %FL; la asistencia es un factor predictor de la pérdida; el %FL indica que el tratamiento dietético juega un papel principal en la resolución de esta patología; se recomienda diseñar esquemas prácticos del proceso de actuación de los nutricionistas en función del IMCi y el variable.


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Este trabajo rastrea el tratamiento dado a las categorías Actividad Física e Imagen Corporal en una selección de textos científicos del área de la salud; revisa la relación entre categorías y examina si en dichos textos son abordadas desde el enfoque de los Determinantes Sociales de la Salud o desde el enfoque de la Determinación Social de la Salud, usando la categoría de equidad como parámetro y explorando las implicaciones de ello. Su paradigma epistemológico es la construcción social del conocimiento y el eje metodológico el análisis de contenido. Los resultados muestran una construcción insipiente de las categorías, una relación diversa entre ellas y un privilegio del enfoque de los determinantes sociales de la salud en los textos académicos. Finalmente, el trabajo indaga sobre las implicaciones prácticas mediante un análisis de contenido de dos documentos de la OMS. Se concluye que en la práctica sí se reflejan las diferencias de enfoque.


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El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar la construcción social del conocimiento en Actividad física desde dos planteamientos teóricos de la salud centrando el análisis en la relación con la imagen corporal y las condiciones de vida. Se trata de un estudio teórico desde el análisis de contenido de corte narrativo de 98 artículos desarrollado en cinco etapas a través de: rastreo de documentos en bases de datos en el periodo 2000-2014, revisión de artículos, y análisis y hallazgos de significados, sentidos o contenidos. Como hallazgo importante se puede mencionar que en la literatura científica relacionada con la triada Actividad física-imagen corporal-condiciones de vida predomina la construcción del conocimiento a partir de modelos hegemónicos y dominantes que priorizan la intensidad, la frecuencia y el tiempo dedicado a la AF, la estandarización en la comparación de la apariencia física y la medición de elementos materiales en el modo de vivir de las personas, principalmente desde el abordaje de los determinantes sociales de la salud. Se concluye que es necesario revisar las poblaciones que incluyendo en los estudios al estar concentrados el conocimiento en solo unos grupos; así como se hace explícita la necesidad de revisar cuales son los aportes de la Educación Física y otras disciplinas (ciencias sociales) para una mayor comprensión teórica y práctica de la AF.


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Both traditional and progressive curricula are inadequate for the task of responding to the economic, political, social, and cultural changes that have occurred as a result of globalization. This book documents some of the ongoing work occurring in early childhood settings that is aimed at improving, and ultimately transforming, early childhood practice in these changed and changing times. The authors do not simply critique developmental approaches or the increasing standardization of the field. Instead, they describe how they are playing around with postmodern ideas in practice and developing unique approaches to the diverse educational circumstances that confront early childhood educators. Whether it is preparing teachers, using materials, or developing policies, each chapter provides readers with possibilities for enacting pedagogies that are responsive to the contemporary circumstances shaping the lives of young children.