999 resultados para Pozo i Ronffancoll, Baró de-Biografies


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Analizar las dificultades que presenta la población escolar de los barrios Can Baró y Carmelo de Barcelona, socioeconómicamente desfavorecidos, a nivel de realidad social, integración, aprendizaje y relación familiar y social. Comprobar los recursos existentes y los necesarios, de cara a mejorar la calidad de la enseñanza. Cinco escuelas de los barrios de Barcelona Carmelo y Can Baró, con una población global de unos 2900 alumnos, entre Preescolar y octavo curso de EGB. Exponen la realidad social de los dos barrios: aspectos demográficos, recursos escolares, recursos infancia-juventud y problemática general. Realizan un planteamiento global de las escuelas y del equipo de servicios sociales. Analizan la problemática que presenta la población escolar a partir de la confección de unos modelos de plantilla para la obtención de datos, respecto a los niveles de gravedad de la problemática de los alumnos y el tipo de problemática en relación a estos niveles. Recogen los datos en dos fases y realizan un análisis descriptivo. Elaboran una relación de los recursos que se utilizan para atender las necesidades y otra relación de los que serían necesarios y no se dispone. Utilizan básicamente plantillas de registro ad hoc y estadísticas oficiales. Estadísticos descriptivos: porcentajes, diagramas de barras, etc. Necesidad a nivel de organización general interna de servicios tales como: comedores, talleres, atención individualizada y, a nivel de barrio, de equipos profesionales que actúen conjuntamente de cara a identificar las necesidades de la población para poder planificar la prioridad de las actuaciones y aportar la información necesaria a las instituciones.


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Se trata la figura del mallorquín Joan Mascaró i Fornés (Santa Margalida, Mallorca 1897- Cambridge, Inglaterra 1987), quién pasó gran parte de su vida ejerciendo como profesor en Cambridge, Ceylán y Barcelona. Además de poseer estudios mercantiles, sus profundos conocimientos de sánscrito y Pali, sus traducciones de los grandes libros de la tradición hindú (los Upanisad y el Bhagavad-Gita), y su valor como poeta y pensador le hicieron ganarse un prestigioso lugar en los círculos intelectuales y científicos, recibiendo también numerosos reconocimientos como el título Honoris Causa por la Universidad de las Islas Baleares. El volumen realiza un repaso por las temáticas de estudio, cursos, diserciones y conferencias que realizó a lo largo de su etapa académica así como las aportaciones de sus investigaciones sobre el sánscrito, la filosofía y las religiones orientales. Realizó también diversas observaciones y reflexiones comparativas entre los sistemas educativos orientales y occidentales y sobre la educación en Mallorca en el primer tercio del siglo XX.


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Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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Given a compact 2 dimensional manifold M we classify all continuous flows phi without wandering points on M. This classification is performed by finding finitely many pairwise disjoint open phi-invariant subsets {U(1), U(2), ..., U(n)} of M such that U(i=1)(n) (U(i)) over bar = M and each U(i) is either a suspension of an interval exchange transformation, or a maximal open cylinder made up of closed trajectories of phi.


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Firms compete by choosing both a price and a design from a family of designs thatcan be represented as demand rotations. Consumers engage in costly sequential searchamong firms. Each time a consumer pays a search cost he observes a new offering. Anoffering consists of a price quote and a new good, where goods might vary in the extentto which they are good matches for the consumer. In equilibrium, only two design-styles arise: either the most niche where consumers are likely to either love or loathethe product, or the broadest where consumers are likely to have similar valuations. Inequilibrium, different firms may simultaneously offer both design-styles. We performcomparative statics on the equilibrium and show that a fall in search costs can lead tohigher industry prices and profits and lower consumer surplus. Our analysis is relatedto discussions of how the internet has led to the prevalence of niche goods and the"long tail" phenomenon.


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We consider borrowers with the opportunity to raise funds from a competitive baking sector,that shares information about borrowers, and an alternative hidden lender. We highlight thatthe presence of the hidden lender restricts the contracts that can be obtained from the banking sector and that in equilibrium some borrowers obtain funds from both the banking sector and the (inefficient) hidden lender simultaneously. We further show that as the inefficiency of the hidden lender increases, total welfare decreases. By extending the model to examine a partially hidden lender, we further highlight the key role of information.


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Let M = (V, E, A) be a mixed graph with vertex set V, edge set E and arc set A. A cycle cover of M is a family C = {C(1), ... , C(k)} of cycles of M such that each edge/arc of M belongs to at least one cycle in C. The weight of C is Sigma(k)(i=1) vertical bar C(i)vertical bar. The minimum cycle cover problem is the following: given a strongly connected mixed graph M without bridges, find a cycle cover of M with weight as small as possible. The Chinese postman problem is: given a strongly connected mixed graph M, find a minimum length closed walk using all edges and arcs of M. These problems are NP-hard. We show that they can be solved in polynomial time if M has bounded tree-width. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We study properties of self-iterating Lie algebras in positive characteristic. Let R = K[t(i)vertical bar i is an element of N]/(t(i)(p)vertical bar i is an element of N) be the truncated polynomial ring. Let partial derivative(i) = partial derivative/partial derivative t(i), i is an element of N, denote the respective derivations. Consider the operators v(1) = partial derivative(1) + t(0)(partial derivative(2) + t(1)(partial derivative(3) + t(2)(partial derivative(4) + t(3)(partial derivative(5) + t(4)(partial derivative(6) + ...))))); v(2) = partial derivative(2) + t(1)(partial derivative(3) + t(2)(partial derivative(4) + t(3)(partial derivative(5) + t(4)(partial derivative(6) + ...)))). Let L = Lie(p)(v(1), v(2)) subset of Der R be the restricted Lie algebra generated by these derivations. We establish the following properties of this algebra in case p = 2, 3. a) L has a polynomial growth with Gelfand-Kirillov dimension lnp/ln((1+root 5)/2). b) the associative envelope A = Alg(v(1), v(2)) of L has Gelfand-Kirillov dimension 2 lnp/ln((1+root 5)/2). c) L has a nil-p-mapping. d) L, A and the augmentation ideal of the restricted enveloping algebra u = u(0)(L) are direct sums of two locally nilpotent subalgebras. The question whether u is a nil-algebra remains open. e) the restricted enveloping algebra u(L) is of intermediate growth. These properties resemble those of Grigorchuk and Gupta-Sidki groups.


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The buffalo population in Brazil increased about 12.9% between 1998 and 2003, to 2.8 million head, evidencing the importance of this species for the country. The objective this work was evaluation of animal growth using multivariate analysis. The data were from 2,944 water buffalo from 10 herds raised in pasture conditions in Brazil. Principal components and genetic distances were estimated using proc PRINCOMP and proc CANDISC in SAS (SAS Inst. Inc. Cary, NC, USA). Variables analyzed were birth weight (BW), age at weaning (AW), weaning weight (WT), weight adjusted to 205 d (W205), total gain between BW and WT (TG), daily gain between BW and WT (DG), weight adjusted to 365 d (W365), total gain between WT and W365 (TG3), daily gain between WT and W365 (TGD3), weight adjusted to 550 d (W550) and weight adjusted to 730 d (W730). Means and standard deviations for each variable were 39.4 +/- 3.2 kg, 225.6 +/- 38.8 d, 209.4 +/- 39.4 kg, 195.4 +/- 30.2 kg, 157.4 +/- 32.0 kg, 0.77 +/- 0.16 kg/d, 282.0 +/- 43.5 kg, 73.9 +/- 33.9 kg, 0.53 +/- 0.21 kg/d, 406.8 +/- 67.9 kg, and 468.2 +/- 70.6 kg, respectively. The eigenvalues to four first principal components were 5.29, 2.54, 1.66, 1.01, and justify 48%, 23%, 15% and 9%, respectively, with a total cumulative 95%. We created an index using the first principal component which is Y. 0.0552 BW + 0.0438 AW + 0.3142 WT + 0.3549 W205 + 0.3426 TG + 0.3426 DG + 0.4070 W365- 0.1531 TG3 - 0.2059 TGD3 - 0.3833 W550 - 0.3966 W730. This index accounted for 48% the variation in the correlation matrix. This principal component emphasizes early growth of the animal. Estimates the pair-wise squared distances between herds, D2(i vertical bar j)= ((x) over bar (i)-(x) over bar (j))' cov(-1)((x) over bar (i)-(x) over bar (j)), using with basis the average of weight of animals, showed the largest distance between herds eight (Murrah: DF) and seven (Murrah: Amazon) and the closest distance between herds one (Mediterranean - RS) and five (Jafarabadi - SP).


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We demonstrate a quantum error correction scheme that protects against accidental measurement, using a parity encoding where the logical state of a single qubit is encoded into two physical qubits using a nondeterministic photonic controlled-NOT gate. For the single qubit input states vertical bar 0 >, vertical bar 1 >, vertical bar 0 > +/- vertical bar 1 >, and vertical bar 0 > +/- i vertical bar 1 > our encoder produces the appropriate two-qubit encoded state with an average fidelity of 0.88 +/- 0.03 and the single qubit decoded states have an average fidelity of 0.93 +/- 0.05 with the original state. We are able to decode the two-qubit state (up to a bit flip) by performing a measurement on one of the qubits in the logical basis; we find that the 64 one-qubit decoded states arising from 16 real and imaginary single-qubit superposition inputs have an average fidelity of 0.96 +/- 0.03.