213 resultados para Paranoid Ideation
Trabalho apresentado em ICAP 2015: 17th International Conference on Applied Psychology, Session 13, Tokyo, Japan, May 28-29, 2015.
Paranoid ideation is a common thought process that constitutes a defense against perceived social threats. The current study aimed at the characterization of paranoid ideation in youths and to explore the possible predictors involved in the development of paranoid ideations. Paranoid ideation, shame, submission, early childhood memories and current depressive, anxious and stress symptomatology were assessed in a sample of 1516 Portuguese youths. Higher frequencies of paranoid ideation were observed, particularly in females and youths from lower socioeconomic status. The main predictors identified relates to submissive behaviors and adverse childhood experiences, and especially to shame feelings. The current study emphasizes that the predictors are similar to findings in adults and clinical populations, and future implications to research and clinical practice aiming at paranoid ideations are discussed, as well as the pertinence of the study of mediating factors that allow a wider understanding of this thought process in younger populations and the prevention of psychopathology in adulthood.
A ideação paranoide é um processo cognitivo e social que pode ser considerado normativo (e.g. sentimentos de desconfiança ocasionais) ou disfuncional, constituindo-se, neste ultimo caso, como um sintoma psicopatológico (e.g. delírios paranoides). Mesmo em níveis subclínicos, a ideação paranoide pode constituir um entrave para o bom funcionamento interpessoal, na medida em que o comportamento disruptivo que dela advém pode afetar todas as esferas de funcionamento do indivíduo (e.g. relações familiares, entre pares, profissionais e/ou académicas). O presente estudo explorará a influência dos estilos parentais e o papel mediador da ideação paranoide na agressividade durante a adolescência, bem como as implicações para a prevenção e intervenção em contextos clínicos e educacionais.
Background: Paranoid ideation has been regarded as a cognitive and a social process used as a defence against perceived threats. According to this perspective, paranoid ideation can be understood as a process extending across the normal-pathological continuum. Methods: In order to refine the construct of paranoid ideation and to validate a measure of paranoia, 906 Portuguese participants from the general population and 91 patients were administered the General Paranoia Scale (GPS), and two conceptual models (one - and tridimensional) were compared through confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Results: Results from the CFA of the GPS confirmed a different model than the one-dimensional model proposed by Fenigstein and Vanable, which com-prised three dimensions (mistrust thoughts, persecutory ideas, and self-deprecation). This alternative model presented a better fit and increased sensitivity when compared with the one-dimensional model. Further data analysis of the scale revealed that the GPS is an adequate assessment tool for adults, with good psychometric characteristics and high internal consistency. Conclusion: The model proposed in the current work leads to further refinements and enrichment of the construct of paranoia in different populations, allowing the assessment of three dimensions of paranoia and the risk of clinical paranoia in a single measure for the general population.
Paranoia in the General Population : a revised version of the General Paranoia Scale for adolescents
The aim of the current study was to validate the General Paranoia Scale for Portuguese Adolescents population (GPS-A). This scale assesses the paranoid ideation in non-clinical population. Results from a confirmatory factor analysis of the scale on 1218 youths confirmed an alternative model to the one-dimensional model proposed by Fenigstein and Vanable (1992) comprising three different dimensions (Mistrust thoughts, persecutory ideas and depreciation). This alternative model presented a good fit: χ2 (162)= 727.200, p = .000; CFI = .925; RMSEA = .054, P(rmsea ≤0.05) = .000; PCFI = .788; AIC = 863.200. All items presented adequate factor loadings (λij ≥0.5) and individual reliability ((λij)2 ≥0.25). Further data analysis on the scale revealed that the GPS-A is an adequate assessment tool for adolescents, with good psychometric characteristics and high internal consistency.
Trabalho apresentado em XIII Congreso Internacional Galego-Portugués de Psicopedagoxía, Área 5 Familia, Escuela y Comunidad. Universidad da Coruña, 2 de Setembro de 2015.
OBJECTIVE To analyze the state of psychosocial and mental health of professionals affected by asbestos.METHODS A cross-sectional study was conducted with 110 professionals working in the Ferrolterra region of Spain, who were affected by asbestos poisoning. This group was compared with a group of 70 shipyard workers with no manifestation of work-related diseases. All the participants were male with a mean age of 67 years. This study was conducted in 2013, between January and June, and used the SCL-90 questionnaire by Derogatis as its primary measure for research. This questionnaire consists of 9 variables that measure psychosomatic symptoms. In addition, an overall index of psychosomatic gravity was calculated. The participants were also asked two questions concerning their overall perception of feeling good. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and logistic regression.RESULTS Participants affected by asbestos poisoning showed high occurrence rates of psychological health variables such as somatization, obsessive-compulsive, interpersonal sensitivity, depression, anxiety, hostility, phobic anxiety, paranoid ideation, psychoticism, and global severity index.CONCLUSIONS Social interaction as a differentiating factor between workers affected by work-related chronic syndromes as compared to healthy participants will possibly aid in the development of intervention programs by improving the social network of affected individuals.
Background: Psychotic phenomena appear to form a continuum with normal experience and beliefs, and may build on common emotional interpersonal concerns. Aims: We tested predictions that paranoid ideation is exponentially distributed and hierarchically arranged in the general population, and that persecutory ideas build on more common cognitions of mistrust, interpersonal sensitivity and ideas of reference. Method: Items were chosen from the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis II Disorders (SCID-II) questionnaire and the Psychosis Screening Questionnaire in the second British National Survey of Psychiatric Morbidity (n = 8580), to test a putative hierarchy of paranoid development using confirmatory factor analysis, latent class analysis and factor mixture modelling analysis. Results: Different types of paranoid ideation ranged in frequency from less than 2% to nearly 30%. Total scores on these items followed an almost perfect exponential distribution (r = 0.99). Our four a priori first-order factors were corroborated (interpersonal sensitivity; mistrust; ideas of reference; ideas of persecution). These mapped onto four classes of individual respondents: a rare, severe, persecutory class with high endorsement of all item factors, including persecutory ideation; a quasi-normal class with infrequent endorsement of interpersonal sensitivity, mistrust and ideas of reference, and no ideas of persecution; and two intermediate classes, characterised respectively by relatively high endorsement of items relating to mistrust and to ideas of reference. Conclusions: The paranoia continuum has implications for the aetiology, mechanisms and treatment of psychotic disorders, while confirming the lack of a clear distinction from normal experiences and processes.
OBJECTIVE: Define links between psychosocial parameters and metabolic variables in obese females before and after a low-calorie diet. METHOD: Nine female obese patients (age 36.1 +/- 7.1 years, body mass index [BMI] > 30 kg/m2) were investigated before and after a 6-week low-calorie diet accompanied by behavior therapy. Blood lipids, insulin sensitivity (Bergman protocol), fat distribution (by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry [DEXA]), as well as psychological parameters such as depression, anger, anxiety, symptom load, and well-being, were assessed before and after the dieting period. RESULTS: The females lost 9.6 +/- 2.8 kg (p < .0001) of body weight, their BMI was reduced by 3.5 +/- 0.3 kg/m2 (p < .0001), and insulin sensitivity increased from 3.0 +/- 1.8 to 4.3 +/- 1.5 mg/kg (p = .05). Their abdominal fat content decreased from 22.3 +/- 5.5 to 18.9 +/- 4.5 kg (p < .0001). In parallel, psychological parameters such as irritability (p < .05) and cognitive control (p < .0001) increased, whereas feelings of hunger (p < .05), externality (p < .05), interpersonal sensitivity (p < .01), paranoid ideation (p < .05), psychoticism (p < .01), and global severity index (p < .01) decreased. Prospectively, differences in body fat (percent) were correlated to nervousness (p < .05). Waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) differences were significantly correlated to sociability (p < .05) and inversely to emotional instability (p < .05), whereas emotional instability was inversely correlated to differences in insulin sensitivity (p < .01). DISCUSSION: Weight reduction may lead to better somatic risk factor control. Women with more nervousness and better sociability at the beginning of a diet period may lose more weight than others.
Atualmente, as investigações acerca da personalidade e dos sintomas psicopatológicos, nos estudantes de Psicologia, parecem ser escassas. De modo a que nos pareceu interessante perceber um pouco mais sobre estas personalidades e sobre os sintomas psicopatológicos adjacentes aos mesmos. Assim sendo, o presente estudo teve como objetivo definir o perfil dos estudantes de Psicologia, explorando as variáveis: personalidade, sintomas psicopatológicos e a relação destas com as variáveis sociodemográficas sexo e anos de curso. Para que este estudo se pudesse realizar, foram inquiridos 240 estudantes, do primeiro e segundo ciclo de Psicologia, pertencentes a Instituições de Ensino Públicas e Privadas do Centro e Norte do País. O questionário foi enviado pelas escolas, sob a forma de hiperligação e foi composto pelo Inventário dos Cinco Fatores de Personalidade (NEO-FFI), pelo Inventário dos Sintomas Psicopatológicos (BSI) e pelo Questionário Sociodemográfico, formulado pelo investigador. No NEO-FFI, verificámos que a Conscienciosidade é a dimensão da personalidade mais predominante. E no BSI, averiguámos que a Depressão e o Psicoticismo foram os sintomas psicopatológicos que apresentaram valores médios mais elevados. Na comparação entre sexos pudemos observar que existem diferenças significativas na dimensão da personalidade Abertura à Experiência (NEO-FFI) e na Sensibilidade Interpessoal e Ideação Paranóide (BSI). Em ambos os instrumentos, pudemos observar, também, que o sexo masculino tende a apresentar valores mais elevados em comparação ao sexo feminino. Em suma, neste projeto de investigação encontrámos alguns resultados similares a estudos anteriores e, também, alguns dados que nos despertam a curiosidade e suscitam interesse para futuras investigações. / Nowadays, investigations about personality and psychopathological symptoms on Psychology students seem to be scarce. Because of that it seemed interesting to us to learn more about these personalities and about the psychopathological symptoms behind them. For that reason, the main purpose of the present study was to explore the profile of psychology students in what concerns personality, psychopathological symptoms and their relation with gender and years of graduation. We inquired 240 students, studying in public and private institutions from the centre and north of Portugal, and used three instruments: the NEO Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI), The Brief Symptoms Inventory (BSI) and a Social-Demographic Questionnaire created by the investigator. The results showed that in the NEO-FFI, Conscientiousness was the most predominant dimension. Regarding the BSI, we found that Depression and Psychoticism were the symptoms that presented higher values. In what concerns gender, there was significant differences in the dimension Openness to Experience (NEO-FFI) and in Interpersonal Sensitivity and Paranoid Ideation (BSI). In both instruments there was a tendency to male students score higher than female students. In conclusion, we found some results that are similar to previous studies and also found some indicators that raise curiosity for further investigation on the profile of psychology students.
Os sintomas psicológicos nos indivíduos consumidores de álcool é o tema investigado neste trabalho, que se dedicou a analisar as diferenças entre grupos de indivíduos alcoólicos e não alcoólicos homens e mulheres. A oportunidade desta investigação se originou no trabalho de psicologia clínica com pacientes alcoólicos e, principalmente, frente às carências bibliográficas no mercado sobre o assunto. O presente trabalho, buscou, portanto, investigar-se, a partir das hipóteses, a intensidade de problemas psicológicos e sintomas psicopatológicos em sujeitos alcoólicos de ambos os sexos. Para tal, foram realizadas entrevistas orientadas para a aplicação do instrumento. O instrumento utilizado na pesquisa foi o SCL 90-R (Symptom Check List 90 - Revised) (DEROGATIS, 1983) que se propõe a medir a intensidade dos sintomas, especificamente em casos de alcoolismo, sendo este instrumento validado no Brasil (LALONI, 2001). Os sintomas psicológicos avaliados foram: Psicose, Relações Interpessoais, Ansiedade, Ideação Paranóide, Hostilidade, Depressão, Fobia e Obsessivo Compulsivo. A população investigada abrangeu pessoas não consumidoras de álcool da comunidade e pessoas alcoólicas pertencentes aos AA (Alcoólicos Anônimos). Os dois grupos pertencem à Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. A comparação foi abrangente em relação aos aspectos de gênero, pois além de comparar o grupo de alcoólicos e não alcoólicos verificou as relações de gênero, analisando as diferenças entre o grupo de homens e mulheres alcoólicos e não alcoólicos. Os resultados encontrados demonstram que os alcoólicos são mais sintomáticos que os não alcoólicos e as mulheres apresentam-se em relação aos sintomas avaliados com médias mais altas que os homens. Os alcoólicos homens e mulheres não diferem de forma estatisticamente significativa em seus sintomas psicológicos. Da mesma forma homens e mulheres não alcoólicos não diferem em seus sintomas psicológicos. / The subject of this research concerns about psychological symptoms on alcohol consuming individuals, analyzing the differences between groups of alcoholic and non alcoholic individuals, men and women. This investigation arose from the psychological clinic work with alcoholic patients in face of the lack of literature about this subject. Based on the hypothesis we investigated the intensity of psychological problems and psychopathological symptoms in alcoholic individuals of both sexes. We also evaluated the presence and intensity of psychological problems and psychopathological symptoms in non alcoholic individuals of both sexes. For this research we performed interviews oriented to the application of the instrument. The instrument employed in the research was SCL 90-R (Symptom Check List 90 - Revised) (DEROGATIS, 1983) which measures the intensity of the symptoms. The instrument was validated in Brazil (LALONI, 2001) and is specific to evaluate symptoms in case of alcoholism. The psychological symptoms we evaluated were: Psychosis, Interpersonal Relations, Anxiety, Paranoid Ideation, Hostility, Depression, Phobia, and Obsessive Compulsive. The population investigated is formed by non alcohol consuming people and alcoholics belonging to the Anonymous Alcoholics (AA). Both groups are from the Metropolitan Region of Porto Alegre in the southern sate of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The comparison was comprehensive regarding the aspects of gender, since besides comparing the group of alcoholics and non alcoholics, it compared alcoholic men and women among themselves, and non alcoholic men and women as well. The results that were found demonstrate that alcoholics are more symptomatic than non alcoholics and women, regarding the evaluated symptoms, present themselves with higher averages than men. Alcoholic men and women do not expressively differ in their psychological symptoms, as non alcoholic men and women do not expressively differ in their psychological symptoms as well.
The study shows that social anxiety and persecutory ideation share many of the same predictive factors. Non-clinical paranoia may be a type of anxious fear. However, perceptual anomalies are a distinct predictor of paranoia. In the context of an individual feeling anxious, the occurrence of odd internal feelings in social situations may lead to delusional ideas through a sense of" things not seeming right". The study illustrates the approach of focusing on experiences such as paranoid thinking rather than diagnoses such as schizophrenia.
This study examined the self-reported needs of suicidal users of mental health services and the extent to which needs were met. Data on 10,641 adults were available from the Australian National Survey of Mental Health and Well-being. In the year before the survey, 245 persons with suicidal ideation used services, 37 of whom had attempted suicide. Suicidal persons reported a range of needs, especially for counseling, medication, and information. More than half of those with suicidal ideation and those who had attempted suicide who reported any needs felt that their needs had not been fully met. Suicidal persons were significantly more likely to perceive that they had needs.
Gender differences in the relationship between depression and suicidal ideation in young adolescents
Objective: This study examined the risk relationship between depressive symptomatology and suicidal ideation for young adolescent males and females. Method: A large cohort of students in their first year of high school completed the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) and the Adolescent Suicide Questionnaire. The risk relationship between depressive symptomatology and suicidal ideation was modelled using non-parametric kernel-smoothing techniques. Results: Suicidal ideation was more frequently reported by females compared with males which was partly explained by females having higher mean depression scores. At moderate levels of depression females also had a significantly higher risk of suicidal ideation compared with males and this increased risk contributed to the overall higher levels of female ideation. Conclusions: The risk relationship between depressive symptomatology and suicidal ideation is different for young adolescent males and females. The results indicate that moderate levels of depressive symptomatology can be associated with suicidal ideation (especially among young females) and that for these young people a suicide risk assessment is required.
Objective: To examine the extent to which suicidal ideation and suicide attempts are predictive of service use. Design and setting: The National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing considered service utilisation in relation to self-reported mental health problems. Service utilisation was inquired of in relation to hospital-based care (including both specialist mental health and general care settings), as well as consultations with a range of health professionals (both specialist and non-specialist mental health professionals, including psychiatrists, psychologists and general practitioners) on an outpatient basis. Participants: Secondary analysis of self-report data from 10 641 randomly selected Australian adults who participated in the National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing in 1997. The key predictor variables were reported suicidal ideation and suicide attempts over the past 12 months. Main outcome measures: Use of services for mental health problems (past 12 months). Results: When considered in isolation, individuals reporting suicidal ideation were more likely to make use of at least one type of service for mental health problems than non-suicidal individuals (OR, 17.3; 95% Cl, 13.2-22.6), and individuals reporting suicide attempts were even more likely to do so (OR, 32.3; 95% CI, 9.0-115.4). In the case of suicidal ideation, this effect remained significant after controlling for a range of potential confounders. For suicide attempts, the effect of mental health service use was no longer significant after other variables were taken into account. Conclusions: Suicidal individuals are likely to make use of services, and a high proportion of suicides may be preventable through appropriate healthcare system responses.