1000 resultados para Parameterization techniques


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Continuation methods have been long used in P-V curve tracing due to their efficiency in the resolution of ill-conditioned cases, with close to singular Jacobian matrices, such as the maximum loading point of power systems. Several parameterization techniques have been proposed to avoid matrix singularity and successfully solve those cases. This paper presents a simple geometric parameterization technique to overcome the singularity of the Jacobian matrix by the addition of a line equations located at the plane determined by a bus voltage magnitude and the loading factor. This technique enlarges the set of voltage variables that can be used to whole P-V curve tracing, without ill-conditioning problems and no need of parameter changes. Simulation results, obtained for large realistic Brazilian and American power systems, show that the robustness and efficiency of the conventional power flow are not only preserved but also improved.


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The conventional power flow method is considered to be inadequate to obtain the maximum loading point because of the singularity of Jacobian matrix. Continuation methods are efficient tools for solving this kind of problem since different parameterization schemes can be used to avoid such ill-conditioning problems. This paper presents the details of new schemes for the parameterization step of the continuation power flow method. The new parameterization options are based on physical parameters, namely, the total power losses (real and reactive), the power at the slack bus (real or reactive), the reactive power at generation buses, and transmission line power losses (real and reactive). The simulation results obtained with the new approach for the IEEE test systems (14, 30, 57, and 118 buses) are presented and discussed in the companion paper. The results show that the characteristics of the conventional method are not only preserved but also improved.


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New parameterization schemes have been proposed by the authors in Part I of this paper. In this part these new options for the parameterization of power flow equations are tested, namely, the total power losses (real and reactive), the power at the slack bus (real or reactive), the reactive power at generation buses, and the transmission line power losses (real and reactive). These different parameterization schemes can be used to obtain the maximum loading point without ill-conditioning problems, once the singularity of Jacobian matrix is avoided. The results obtained with the new approach for the IEEE test systems (14, 30, 57, and 118 buses) show that the characteristics of the conventional method are not only preserved but also improved. In addition, it is shown that the proposed method and the conventional one can be switched during the tracing of PV curves to determine, with few iterations, all points of the PV curve. Several tests were also carried out to compare the performance of the proposed parameterization schemes for the continuation power flow method with the use of both the secant and tangent predictors.


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Continuation methods have been shown as efficient tools for solving ill-conditioned cases, with close to singular Jacobian matrices, such as the maximum loading point of power systems. Some parameterization techniques have been proposed to avoid matrix singularity and successfully solve those cases. This paper presents a new geometric parameterization scheme that allows the complete tracing of the P-V curves without ill-conditioning problems. The proposed technique associates robustness to simplicity and, it is of easy understanding. The Jacobian matrix singularity is avoided by the addition of a line equation, which passes through a point in the plane determined by the total real power losses and loading factor. These two parameters have clear physical meaning. The application of this new technique to the IEEE systems (14, 30, 57, 118 and 300 buses) shows that the best characteristics of the conventional Newton's method are not only preserved but also improved. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents efficient geometric parameterization techniques using the tangent and the trivial predictors for the continuation power flow, developed from observation of the trajectories of the load flow solution. The parameterization technique eliminates the Jacobian matrix singularity of load flow, and therefore all the consequent problems of ill-conditioning, by the addition of the line equations which pass through the points in the plane determined by the variables loading factor and the real power generated by the slack bus, two parameters with clear physical meaning. This paper also provides an automatic step size control around the maximum loading point. Thus, the resulting method enables not only the calculation of the maximum loading point, but also the complete tracing of P-V curves of electric power systems. The technique combines robustness with ease of understanding. The results to the IEEE 300-bus system and of large real systems show the effectiveness of the proposed method. © 2012 IEEE.


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The conventional Newton and fast decoupled power flow (FDPF) methods have been considered inadequate to obtain the maximum loading point of power systems due to ill-conditioning problems at and near this critical point. It is well known that the PV and Q-theta decoupling assumptions of the fast decoupled power flow formulation no longer hold in the vicinity of the critical point. Moreover, the Jacobian matrix of the Newton method becomes singular at this point. However, the maximum loading point can be efficiently computed through parameterization techniques of continuation methods. In this paper it is shown that by using either theta or V as a parameter, the new fast decoupled power flow versions (XB and BX) become adequate for the computation of the maximum loading point only with a few small modifications. The possible use of reactive power injection in a selected PV bus (Q(PV)) as continuation parameter (mu) for the computation of the maximum loading point is also shown. A trivial secant predictor, the modified zero-order polynomial which uses the current solution and a fixed increment in the parameter (V, theta, or mu) as an estimate for the next solution, is used in predictor step. These new versions are compared to each other with the purpose of pointing out their features, as well as the influence of reactive power and transformer tap limits. The results obtained with the new approach for the IEEE test systems (14, 30, 57 and 118 buses) are presented and discussed in the companion paper. The results show that the characteristics of the conventional method are enhanced and the region of convergence around the singular solution is enlarged. In addition, it is shown that parameters can be switched during the tracing process in order to efficiently determine all the PV curve points with few iterations. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The conventional Newton's method has been considered inadequate to obtain the maximum loading point (MLP) of power systems. It is due to the Jacobian matrix singularity at this point. However, the MLP can be efficiently computed through parameterization techniques of continuation methods. This paper presents and tests new parameterization schemes, namely the total power losses (real and reactive), the power at the slack bus (real or reactive), the reactive power at generation buses, the reactive power at shunts (capacitor or reactor), the transmission lines power losses (real and reactive), and transmission lines power (real and reactive). Besides their clear physical meaning, which makes easier the development and application of continuation methods for power systems analysis, the main advantage of some of the proposed parameters is that its not necessary to change the parameter in the vicinity of the MLP. Studies on the new parameterization schemes performed on the IEEE 118 buses system show that the ill-conditioning problems at and near the MLP are eliminated. So, the characteristics of the conventional Newton's method are not only preserved but also improved. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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O método de fluxo de carga convencional é considerado inadequado para se obter o ponto de máximo carregamento (PMC) de sistemas de potência, devido à singularidade da matriz Jacobiana neste ponto. Os métodos da continuação são ferramentas eficientes para a solução deste tipo de problema, visto que técnicas de parametrização podem ser utilizadas para evitar a singularidade da matriz Jacobiana. Neste trabalho, novas opções para a etapa de parametrização do método da continuação são apresentadas. Mostra-se que variáveis com claro significado físico podem ser utilizadas na etapa de parametrização. As seguintes variáveis foram testadas: perda total de potência ativa e reativa, potência ativa e reativa na barra de referência, potência reativa das barras de geração, e as perdas de potência ativa e reativa nas linhas de transmissão (LT). Além de facilitar a implementação computacional do método de continuação, as técnicas de parametrização apresentadas simplificam a definição matemática e o entendimento do método por parte de engenheiros de potência, visto que os métodos de continuação existentes na literatura sempre utilizam técnicas de parametrização complexas, e de interpretação puramente geométrica. Resultados obtidos com a nova metodologia para os sistemas testes do IEEE (14, 30, 57 e 118 barras) mostram que as características de convergência do método de fluxo de carga convencional são melhoradas na região do PMC. Além disso, durante o traçado das curvas PV, as diversas técnicas de parametrização podem ser comutadas entre si possibilitando o cálculo de todos os pontos da curva com um número reduzido de iterações. Diversos testes são realizados para proporcionar a comparação do desempenho dos esquemas de parametrização propostos.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The aim of this work is to develop an automated tool for the optimization of turbomachinery blades founded on an evolutionary strategy. This optimization scheme will serve to deal with supersonic blades cascades for application to Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) turbines. The blade geometry is defined using parameterization techniques based on B-Splines curves, that allow to have a local control of the shape. The location in space of the control points of the B-Spline curve define the design variables of the optimization problem. In the present work, the performance of the blade shape is assessed by means of fully-turbulent flow simulations performed with a CFD package, in which a look-up table method is applied to ensure an accurate thermodynamic treatment. The solver is set along with the optimization tool to determine the optimal shape of the blade. As only blade-to-blade effects are of interest in this study, quasi-3D calculations are performed, and a single-objective evolutionary strategy is applied to the optimization. As a result, a non-intrusive tool, with no need for gradients definition, is developed. The computational cost is reduced by the use of surrogate models. A Gaussian interpolation scheme (Kriging model) is applied for the estimated n-dimensional function, and a surrogate-based local optimization strategy is proved to yield an accurate way for optimization. In particular, the present optimization scheme has been applied to the re-design of a supersonic stator cascade of an axial-flow turbine. In this design exercise very strong shock waves are generated in the rear blade suction side and shock-boundary layer interaction mechanisms occur. A significant efficiency improvement as a consequence of a more uniform flow at the blade outlet section of the stator is achieved. This is also expected to provide beneficial effects on the design of a subsequent downstream rotor. The method provides an improvement to gradient-based methods and an optimized blade geometry is easily achieved using the genetic algorithm.


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[EN]The meccano method is a novel and promising mesh generation technique for simultaneously creating adaptive tetrahedral meshes and volume parameterizations of a complex solid. The method combines several former procedures: a mapping from the meccano boundary to the solid surface, a 3-D local refinement algorithm and a simultaneous mesh untangling and smoothing. In this paper we present the main advantages of our method against other standard mesh generation techniques. We show that our method constructs meshes that can be locally refined by using the Kossaczky bisection rule and maintaining a high mesh quality. Finally, we generate volume T-mesh for isogeometric analysis, based on the volume parameterization obtained by the method…


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During my Doctoral study I researched about the remote detection of canopy N concentration in forest stands, its potentials and problems, under many overlapping perspectives. The study consisted of three parts. In S. Rossore 2000 dataset analysis, I tested regressions between N concentration and NIR reflectances derived from different sources (field samples, airborne and satellite sensors). The analysis was further expanded using a larger dataset acquired in year 2009 as part of a new campaign funded by the ESA. In both cases, a good correlation was observed between Landsat NIR, using both TM (2009) and ETM+ (2000) imagery, and N concentration measured by a CHN elemental analyzer. Concerning airborne sensors I did not obtain the same good results, mainly because of the large FOV of the two instruments, and to the anisotropy of vegetation reflectance. We also tested the relation between ground based ASD measures and nitrogen concentration, obtaining really good results. Thus, I decided to expand my study to the regional level, focusing only on field and satellite measures. I analyzed a large dataset for the whole of Catalonia, Spain; MODIS imagery was used, in consideration of its spectral characteristics and despite its rather poor spatial resolution. Also in this case a regression between nitrogen concentration and reflectances was found, but not so good as in previous experiences. Moreover, vegetation type was found to play an important role in the observed relationship. We concluded that MODIS is not the most suitable satellite sensor in realities like Italy and Catalonia, which present a patchy and inhomogeneous vegetation cover; so it could be utilized for the parameterization of eco-physiological and biogeochemical models, but not for really local nitrogen estimate. Thus multispectral sensors similar to Landsat Thematic Mapper, with better spatial resolution, could be the most appropriate sensors to estimate N concentration.