845 resultados para Organization, vision, strategy, learning, monitoring


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Markkinatalouden heikentyminen ja kilpailijoiden merkitys tekevät nykyaikaisesta yritystoiminnasta haastavaa. Menestyäkseen yritysten täytyy jatkuvasti kehittää toimintaansa monin eri keinoin. Yksi pitkän tähtäimen kehitystyökalu on organisaatiomuutos. Työn tavoitteena selvitetään, mitä organisaatio tarkoittaa käsitteenä ja mitä kaikkea sen ympärille liittyy. Tutkimuksen kautta selvitetään erilaiset vaiheet organisaatiomuutoksessa, mikä helpottaa työskentelyä tulevaisuuden organisaatiomuutosprosesseissa. Organisaatiokäsitettä tutkitaan teoriassa monissa tieteenaloissa, mikä tekee siitä sen parissa työskentelevälle monialaisen ja laajan työkentän. Organisaatioita on tutkittu tarkemmin viimeiset sata vuotta ja siihen on vaikuttanut eri vuosikymmenten ajattelumallit. Organisaatiotyöskentelyssä tarvitaan monialaista ymmärrystä, jossa tärkeiksi ominaisuuksiksi muodostuvat oman liiketoiminnan tuntemisen lisäksi psykologian ja kulttuurin huomioiminen. Työssä tuodaan esille näkö-kulmia organisaatiokehitystyöhön sekä kuvataan organisaatiorakenteita ja siihen kuuluvia eri vaiheita teorioista. Tutkimuksen kautta selvitetään soveltuva mallinnus organisaatiomuutokseen tutkimuksen kohteena olevalle yritykselle. Yrityksen lähtökohdat organisaatiomuutokselle selvennetään ja etsitään epäkohdat, joita halutaan muutoksella parantaa. Työn tutkimuksessa saadaan yritykselle käsitys siitä, mitä organisaatiomuutos käsittää, mitä siinä täytyy huomioida, ketä kaikkia se koskee ja miten muutos otetaan käyttöön sekä mitä tulee muutoksen jälkeen tehdä. Tuloksena esitetään uusi tiiviimpi ja yhteistyökykyisempi organisaatiomalli ja sen tuomat etuudet yrityksen toiminnalle. Tutkimustyö mahdollistaa ja herättää ajatuksia parempaan organisaatiotyöskentelyyn eri mallinnusten avulla.


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Introduction: Although it seems plausible that sports performance relies on high-acuity foveal vision, it could be empirically shown that myoptic blur (up to +2 diopters) does not harm performance in sport tasks that require foveal information pick-up like golf putting (Bulson, Ciuffreda, & Hung, 2008). How myoptic blur affects peripheral performance is yet unknown. Attention might be less needed for processing visual cues foveally and lead to better performance because peripheral cues are better processed as a function of reduced foveal vision, which will be tested in the current experiment. Methods: 18 sport science students with self-reported myopia volunteered as participants, all of them regularly wearing contact lenses. Exclusion criteria comprised visual correction other than myopic, correction of astigmatism and use of contact lenses out of Swiss delivery area. For each of the participants, three pairs of additional contact lenses (besides their regular lenses; used in the “plano” condition) were manufactured with an individual overcorrection to a retinal defocus of +1 to +3 diopters (referred to as “+1.00 D”, “+2.00 D”, and “+3.00 D” condition, respectively). Gaze data were acquired while participants had to perform a multiple object tracking (MOT) task that required to track 4 out of 10 moving stimuli. In addition, in 66.7 % of all trials, one of the 4 targets suddenly stopped during the motion phase for a period of 0.5 s. Stimuli moved in front of a picture of a sports hall to allow for foveal processing. Due to the directional hypotheses, the level of significance for one-tailed tests on differences was set at α = .05 and posteriori effect sizes were computed as partial eta squares (ηρ2). Results: Due to problems with the gaze-data collection, 3 participants had to be excluded from further analyses. The expectation of a centroid strategy was confirmed because gaze was closer to the centroid than the target (all p < .01). In comparison to the plano baseline, participants more often recalled all 4 targets under defocus conditions, F(1,14) = 26.13, p < .01, ηρ2 = .65. The three defocus conditions differed significantly, F(2,28) = 2.56, p = .05, ηρ2 = .16, with a higher accuracy as a function of a defocus increase and significant contrasts between conditions +1.00 D and +2.00 D (p = .03) and +1.00 D and +3.00 D (p = .03). For stop trials, significant differences could neither be found between plano baseline and defocus conditions, F(1,14) = .19, p = .67, ηρ2 = .01, nor between the three defocus conditions, F(2,28) = 1.09, p = .18, ηρ2 = .07. Participants reacted faster in “4 correct+button” trials under defocus than under plano-baseline conditions, F(1,14) = 10.77, p < .01, ηρ2 = .44. The defocus conditions differed significantly, F(2,28) = 6.16, p < .01, ηρ2 = .31, with shorter response times as a function of a defocus increase and significant contrasts between +1.00 D and +2.00 D (p = .01) and +1.00 D and +3.00 D (p < .01). Discussion: The results show that gaze behaviour in MOT is not affected to a relevant degree by a visual overcorrection up to +3 diopters. Hence, it can be taken for granted that peripheral event detection was investigated in the present study. This overcorrection, however, does not harm the capability to peripherally track objects. Moreover, if an event has to be detected peripherally, neither response accuracy nor response time is negatively affected. Findings could claim considerable relevance for all sport situations in which peripheral vision is required which now needs applied studies on this topic. References: Bulson, R. C., Ciuffreda, K. J., & Hung, G. K. (2008). The effect of retinal defocus on golf putting. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 28, 334-344.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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NY-ESO-1 elicits frequent antibody responses in cancer patients, accompanied by strong CD8+ T cell responses against HLA-A2-restricted epitopes. To broaden the range of cancer patients who can be assessed for immunity to NY-ESO-1, a general method was devised to detect T cell reactivity independent of prior characterization of epitopes. A recombinant adenoviral vector encoding the full cDNA sequence of NY-ESO-1 was used to transduce CD8-depleted peripheral blood lymphocytes as antigen-presenting cells. These modified antigen-presenting cells were then used to restimulate memory effector cells against NY-ESO-1 from the peripheral blood of cancer patients. Specific CD8+ T cells thus sensitized were assayed on autologous B cell targets infected with a recombinant vaccinia virus encoding NY-ESO-1. Strong polyclonal responses were observed against NY-ESO-1 in antibody-positive patients, regardless of their HLA profile. Because the vectors do not cross-react immunologically, only responses to NY-ESO-1 were detected. The approach described here allows monitoring of CD8+ T cell responses to NY-ESO-1 in the context of various HLA alleles and has led to the definition of NY-ESO-1 peptides presented by HLA-Cw3 and HLA-Cw6 molecules.


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Golfers, coaches and researchers alike, have all keyed in on golf putting as an important aspect of overall golf performance. Of the three principle putting tasks (green reading, alignment and the putting action phase), the putting action phase has attracted the most attention from coaches, players and researchers alike. This phase includes the alignment of the club with the ball, the swing, and ball contact. A significant amount of research in this area has focused on measuring golfer’s vision strategies with eye tracking equipment. Unfortunately this research suffers from a number of shortcomings, which limit its usefulness. The purpose of this thesis was to address some of these shortcomings. The primary objective of this thesis was to re-evaluate golfer’s putting vision strategies using binocular eye tracking equipment and to define a new, optimal putting vision strategy which was associated with both higher skill and success. In order to facilitate this research, bespoke computer software was developed and validated, and new gaze behaviour criteria were defined. Additionally, the effects of training (habitual) and competition conditions on the putting vision strategy were examined, as was the effect of ocular dominance. Finally, methods for improving golfer’s binocular vision strategies are discussed, and a clinical plan for the optometric management of the golfer’s vision is presented. The clinical management plan includes the correction of fundamental aspects of golfers’ vision, including monocular refractive errors and binocular vision defects, as well as enhancement of their putting vision strategy, with the overall aim of improving performance on the golf course. This research has been undertaken in order to gain a better understanding of the human visual system and how it relates to the sport performance of golfers specifically. Ultimately, the analysis techniques and methods developed are applicable to the assessment of visual performance in all sports.


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Use of military analogy is rampant and considered an acceptable part of business vernacular. However, analogies only illustrate, and bad analogies make bad strategy. There are important lessons to be learned from military strategy, though. This article identifies "the ten principles of strategy" that corporate strategists could utilize in testing their strategic theories, concepts, and plans.


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Learning organizations are a special form of organization where enhancing learning is a strategy to increase intellectual capital. Developing learning organizations has become an imperative for many managers, since an organization's learning methods and rate may be the only source of sustainable competitive advantage. However, learning organization theory tends to be prescriptive and rhetorical, with empirical research still relatively new. This paper contributes to the literature by reporting case-study research in progress based on four Australian organizations. In the organizations studied, use of the learning organization metaphor was coupled with an emergent metaphor: organization as `family". By employing structure mapping of metaphor within analytical induction, both established methods but not combined before, this paper shows how theory might be developed from metaphor.


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"Lecture notes in computational vision and biomechanics series, ISSN 2212-9391, vol. 19"


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Tutkimuksen päätavoitteena on oppivan organisaation teoriaan perustuen tunnistaa organisaation ja yksilön oppimisen esteet ja analysoida strategian toimeenpanon ja oppimisen esteiden välistä yhteyttä ja niiden keskinäistä vuorovaikutusta, sekä analysoida empiiristen case -esimerkkien avulla niissä havaittujen organisatorisen ja yksilöllisen oppimisen esteitä strategian toimeenpanossa teoreettisen viitekehyksen näkökulmasta. Aihetta on käsitelty määrittelemällä oppivan organisaation, arvojen, toiminta- ajatuksen, vision, strategisen osaamisen johtamisen, organisaation oppimisen, oppimistaitojen, organisaation oppimisen esteiden, tiimioppimisen, yksilön oppimisen, yksilön oppimisen esteiden ja reflektion käsitteet. Empiirinen osuus tutkimuksessa analysoi oppimisen esteitä ja näiden eroavaisuuksia kahden tavaratalon välillä. Empiirinen tutkimusaineisto on kvalitatiivinen, jossa henkilökohtaisten haastattelujen avulla kerätyn tutkimusaineiston rooli on merkittävä. Tutkimuksen keskeisimmät tulokset ovat aiemman tutkimuksen ja kirjallisuuden sekä empiirisen tutkimuksen perusteella löydetyt tutkituissa organisaatioissa toimivat organisatoriset ja yksilöllisen oppimisen esteet. Keskeisimmät johtopäätökset saaduista tutkimustuloksista ovat osaamisen johtamisen strategian käyttöönotto, esimiestoiminnan kehittämisen ja vaadittavan osaamisen näkyväksi tekemisen sekä tietojärjestelmien kehittämisen avulla saavutettava strategian oppimisen esteitä poistava johtamistapa - osaamisen strateginen johtaminen.


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A reputação é considerada o ativo mais importante das empresas. Ela permite o estabelecimento de relações comerciais e garante um bom funcionamento da organização. Quando um evento inesperado surge, a reputação pode ser ameaçada. Os gerentes, líderes da organização, têm então que demonstrar reatividade e capacidade em responder as necessidades dos stakeholders, e capacidade de detectar e consertar as falhas dentro da organização através de um processo de aprendizagem, para evitar conseqüências negativas que poderiam danificar a reputação e impactar o desenvolvimento operacional da empresa. Através da comunicação de crise, observamos que depois da queda do avião AF 447, a companhia Air France adotou diferentes posturas adaptadas ao pedido dos stakeholders e ao grau de ameaça sofrido. Logo depois do acidente, a empresa decidiu adotar a estratégia do reconhecimento, assumindo uma responsabilidade simbólica e comunicando prioritariamente para as famílias das vitimas e para a mídia. Nas seguintes semanas ela utilizou a estratégia do silêncio que consiste em não comunicar diretamente a mídia. Finalmente, ela usou a estratégia do “bode expiatório” quando ela foi sujeita a ataques diretos. As reações da empresa somadas ao avanço das investigações judiciais revelaram falhas organizacionais “históricas” dentro da própria empresa, como por exemplo, a falta de comunicação entre pilotos e gerentes ou uma falha de sensibilidade técnica e operacional da parte dos gerentes. Apesar de problemas interno e externo, a Air France demonstrou que uma comunicação de crise bem gerenciada limita os impactos financeiros e de reputação. As conseqüências negativas sofridas pela companhia Air France foram limitadas.


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A tanulmány a lean termelés munkaszervezését három termelésmenedzsment koncepció segítségével vizsgálja. Az egyes koncepciók a szervezet eltérő metszeteit érintik: (1) a termék-folyamat mátrix (Hayes és Wheelwright, 1979) a termék és a folyamat jellemzőit helyezi középpontba. A lean hatására a szervezet a mátrixban a nagyobb választék és a folyamat alapú működés (nagyobb függőség) irányába mozdul el. Az elmozdulást üzemi szinten a magas elkötelezettségű munkavégzési rendszer gyakorlatainak bevezetése kíséri, mivel azok támogatják a rugalmas működést, a gyors kommunikációt és problémamegoldást. Az elmozdulás „minősége” és így a munkaszervezési gyakorlatok használata (mélyég, száma, munkavállalók bevonása) nagyban függ a termelési stratégiától és a lean érettségtől. (2) A termelési stratégia szakaszai (Wheelwright és Hayes, 1985) a termelés üzleti stratégiában játszott szerepét elemzik. A lean termelés összeegyeztethető a termelési stratégia harmadik szakaszának „command és control” szemléletmódjával. Az ilyen lean termelők költégfókuszúak, a hagyományos munkaerőképben gondolkodnak és körükben kevésbé jellemző az új emberi erőforrás gyakorlatok használata. A lean termelés adaptálása ösztönözheti a vállalatokat a termelési stratégia negyedik szintje felé. A negyedik szint a bevonásra, problémamegoldásra és tanulásra épít, amely megfelel a lean „emberek tisztelete” pillérének. (3) A lean érettségi modell (Hines és társai, 2004) a lean szervezeten belüli elmélyülését és terjedését mutatja be. A lean utazás során a vállalatok az eszköz alapú megközelítéstől a komplex értékrendszerben gondolkodó lean szervezet felé haladnak. A technikai tudásanyag egyre szélesebb körűvé válik, ami rávilágít a tudásátadás (személyek közöttire, de akár struktúrákba, folyamatokba építése is) képességének jelentőségére. Az emberi erőforrás gyakorlatok folyamatosan jelennek meg. De csak a legfejlettebb szakasz, a lean tanuló szervezet megjelenése teszi valóban szükségessé a munkavállalói kép újragondolását is. = This paper examines work organization in lean production with the help of three production concepts. These concepts embrace different dimensions of the organization: (1) the product-process matrix (Hayes and Wheelwright, 1979) is about product and process characteristics. Due to the lean the organization shifts within the matrix – towards higher variability and flow (higher level of interdependencies). On the shop floor the shift is accompanied by the introduction of high commitment work system’s practices, since those support flexible operations, fast communication and problem-solving. The „quality” of the shift and hence the application of these work practices (number of practices, their embeddeness, employee involvement) highly depends on manufacturing strategy and lean maturity. (2) The concept of stages of manufacturing strategy (Wheelwright and Hayes, 1985) analyzes the role of the manufacturing function in the business strategy. Lean production is compatible with the „command and control” approach of the third stage of manufacturing strategy. These lean producers are cost-driven, they have the traditional approach of employees and apply new work organization practices to a less extent. However, the implementation of lean production may drive these companies to the fourth stage. The fourth stage of manufacturing strategy is based on employee involvement, problem-solving and learning. This stage is in full accordance with the „respect for people” pillar of lean production. (3) Lean maturity (Hines et al., 2004) shows the path how lean management deepens and expands within an organization. During the lean journey, companies progress from the tool-based approach to the complex lean value system. The technical knowledge of lean becomes more and more comprehensive and it points out the crucial importance of knowledge conversion capabilities (intrapersonal or even how to build knowledge into structures, processes). Work organization practices constantly appear with the progress, but the review of the traditional approach of employees is only essential at the most advanced stage, when an organization becomes lean learning organization.


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This paper reports on the outcomes of the first stage of a longitudinal study that focused on the transformational change process being undertaken within the Supply Chain and Operations Area of a major Australian food manufacturing company. Organizational learning is an essential prerequisite for any successful change process and an organization's ability to learn is dependent on the existence of an environment within the organization that nurtures learning and the presence of key enablers that facilitate the learning process. An organization's capacity to learn can be enhanced through its ability to form and sustain collaborative relationships with its chain partners. The results show that an environment that supports organizational learning is being developed through consultative leadership and the empowerment of individuals within a culture that supports innovation and cross-functional teamwork but demands responsibility and accountability. The impact of these changes within the Supply Chain and Operations Area is evident in the significant improvement in the Area's productivity and efficiency levels over the past twelve months. The company's endeavours to engage its major supply chain partners in the learning process have been limited by the turmoil within the company. However the company has involved its supply chain partners in a series of mutually beneficial projects that have improved communication and built trust thereby laying the foundations for more collaborative chain relationships.


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Internationalisation occurs when the firm expands its selling, production, or other business activities into international markets. Many enterprises, especially small- and medium-size firms (SMEs), are internationalising today at an unprecedented rate. Managers are strategically using information to achieve degrees of internationalisation previously considered the domain of large firms. We extend existing explanations of firm internationalisation by examining the nature and fundamental, antecedent role of internalising appropriate information and translating it into relevant knowledge. Based on case studies of internationalising firms, we advance a conceptualisation of information internalisation and knowledge creation within the firm as it achieves internationalisation readiness. In the process, we offer several propositions intended to guide future research. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.