797 resultados para Offshore Gambling
This paper provides a description of the wave climate off the Brazilian coast based on an eleven-year time series (Jan/1997-Dec/2007) obtained from the NWW3 operational model hindcast reanalysis. Information about wave climate in Brazilian waters is very scarce and mainly based on occasional short-term observations, the present analysis being the first covering such temporal and spatial scales. To define the wave climate, six sectors were defined and analyzed along the Brazilian shelf-break: South (W1), Southeast (W2), Central (W3), East (W4), Northeast (W5) and North (W6). W1, W2 and W3 wave regimes are determined by the South Atlantic High (SAH) and the passage of synoptic cold fronts; W4, W5 and W6 are controlled by the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) and its meridional oscillation. The most energetic waves are from the S, generated by the strong winds associated to the passage of cold fronts, which mainly affect the southern region. Wave power presents a decrease in energy levels from south to north, with its annual variation showing that the winter months are the most energetic in W1 to W4, while in W5 and W6 the most energetic conditions occur during the austral summer. The information presented here provides boundary conditions for studies related to coastal processes, fundamental for a better understanding of the Brazilian coastal zone.
Shallow-water tropical reefs and the deep sea represent the two most diverse marine environments. Understanding the origin and diversification of this biodiversity is a major quest in ecology and evolution. The most prominent and well-supported explanation, articulated since the first explorations of the deep sea, holds that benthic marine fauna originated in shallow, onshore environments, and diversified into deeper waters. In contrast, evidence that groups of marine organisms originated in the deep sea is limited, and the possibility that deep-water taxa have contributed to the formation of shallow-water communities remains untested with phylogenetic methods. Here we show that stylasterid corals (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa: Stylasteridae)-the second most diverse group of hard corals-originated and diversified extensively in the deep sea, and subsequently invaded shallow waters. Our phylogenetic results show that deep-water stylasterid corals have invaded the shallow-water tropics three times, with one additional invasion of the shallow-water temperate zone. Our results also show that anti-predatory innovations arose in the deep sea, but were not involved in the shallow-water invasions. These findings are the first robust evidence that an important group of tropical shallow-water marine animals evolved from deep-water ancestors.
The concrete offshore platforms, which are subjected a several loading combinations and, thus, requires an analysis more generic possible, can be designed using the concepts adopted to shell elements, but the resistance must be verify in particular cross-sections to shear forces. This work about design of shell elements will be make using the three-layer shell theory. The elements are subject to combined loading of membrane and plate, totalizing eight components of internal forces, which are three membrane forces, three moments (two out-of-plane bending moments and one in-plane, or torsion, moment) and two shear forces. The design method adopted, utilizing the iterative process proposed by Lourenco & Figueiras (1993) obtained from equations of equilibrium developed by Gupta (1896) , will be compared to results of experimentally tested shell elements found in the literature using the program DIANA.
The present study approaches the economic and technical evaluation of equivalent carbon dioxide (CO(2) eqv.) capture and storage processes, considered in a proposal case compared to a base case. The base case considers an offshore petroleum production facility, with high CO(2) content (4 vol%) in the composition of the produced gas and both CO(2) and natural gas emissions to the atmosphere, called CO(2) eqv. emissions. The results obtained with this study, by using a Hysys process simulator, showed a CO(2) emission reduction of 65% comparing the proposal case in relation to the base case.
Neuropsychiatric conditions are common in patients with primary antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) with or without vascular thrombosis of the central nervous system. There are frequent descriptions of memory alterations, cognition and mood disorders, such as depression, anxiety, and even conditions of mania and psychosis preceding the diagnosis of primary APS. However, this study is the first to present primary or secondary APS associated with habit or impulse control disorders. The authors describe the case of a 53-year-old male patient who had been a pathological gambler since adulthood and who has had APS for more than 20 years. We describe the case and review its characteristics, criteria for diagnosis and treatment offered for patients with this specific subtype of impulse disorder. Lupus (2011) 20, 1086-1089.
Gambling has experienced world-wide growth The current study is the first national survey into household gambling conducted in a developing country The sample was a three-stage probabilistic one designed to cover individuals 14 years old or older of both genders and from all regions of the national territory 325 census sectors were visited including rural areas DSM-IV-based instruments were used to assess problem and pathological gambling individuals were asked to estimate their monthly gambling expenditure The lifetime prevalences were pathological gambling 1 0% and problem gambling 1 3% Maximum gambling expenditure corresponded to 5 4% of the household income for social gamblers 16 9% for problem gamblers and 20 0% for pathological gamblers The male female ratio among adults for pathological gambling was 3 2 1 The data suggest the existence of two subgroups of pathological gamblers one younger (33 9 +/- 4 19) and severe (7 or more DSM-IV criteria) another older (47 8 +/- 6 01) and less severe (5-6 criteria) In a multinomial logistic regression problematic gambling was associated with gender age education employment region of origin and living in metropolitan areas The data suggest that feeling active and socially inserted protects against problematic gambling Individuals who are young male unemployed or not currently pursuing further education may be at special risk for severe pathological gambling (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd All rights reserved
This study investigates the needs, experiences, behaviours and attitudes of older Queenslanders who participate in gambling. It aims to understand the special needs and circumstances of older Queensland gamblers which might make them particularly vulnerable to problem gambling behaviour, or other negative effects of gambling. The findings of the research will provide an evidence base for the development of initiatives and policies that can address the specific prevention, protection and rehabilitation needs of older gamblers. This is with a particular view to informing the ongoing development and implementation of the Queensland Government’s Responsible Gambling Strategy and its voluntary industry code – the Queensland Responsible Gambling Code of Practice.
Early life course determinants of young adults' gambling behaviour. An Australian Longitudinal Study
Problem gambling represents a public concern as both a social and health issue. Available evidence shows problem gambling is associated with a range of psychological disorders, criminality, and disruption to families. While gambling itself may represent a pleasurable pursuit for the majority, for a proportion, gambling-related activities may assume many of the characteristics of an addiction and have the capacity to undermine individuals� mental and physical health, social relationships, financial independence, as well as the financial and psychological wellbeing of their families and/or friends. The objectives of this study are based on the need to increase our understanding of gambling behaviour, its antecedents, as well its influence on the health and wellbeing of gamblers and their families. One of the most important and unresolved issues in gambling research is whether the mental health and social/family correlates of gambling precede or follow gambling behaviour. This report focuses on this issue.
Internet gambling presents substantial new challenges to governments and regulatory agencies. Existing approaches to betting, lotteries and gaming are limited by the nature of Internet technology, and the international nature of the activity. Particular aspects of Internet gambling are considered, and the conclusion is reached that prohibition is an ineffectual alternative, and that licensing of gambling services providers is the appropriate approach. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
When companies opt for information systems (IS) outsourcing, within the set of contracted services, they can contract their entire service needs to onshore suppliers or to offshore companies, or part of these services can be contracted to onshore suppliers and the other part to offshore suppliers. The offshore outsourcing reveals itself nowadays as an important strategic option to IS management optimization. This paper presents and discusses the main results of a survey that was carried out in Portugal to determine several aspects of offshore practice in large companies. It allowed the identification of the services more frequently contracted, the most common motivations for choosing offshore suppliers and the main risks perceived by companies. This research contributes to a better understanding of the IS offshore market, enabling client companies and vendors to improve their strategic business action.
This paper proposes the use of a Modular Marx Multilevel Converter, as a solution for energy integration between an offshore Wind Farm and the power grid network. The Marx modular multilevel converter is based on the Marx generator, and solves two typical problems in this type of multilevel topologies: modularity and dc capacitor voltage balancing. This paper details the strategy for dc capacitor voltage equalization. The dynamic models of the converter and power grid are presented in order to design the converter ac output voltages and the dc capacitor voltage controller. The average current control is presented and used for power flow control, harmonics and reactive power compensation. Simulation results are presented in order to show the effectiveness of the proposed (MC)-C-3 topology.
Os Projectos de Investimento desempenham um importante papel no crescimento económico-social dos países, proporcionando emprego e desenvolvimento tecnológico. Na óptica dos projectos inovadores, concretamente no sector das energias renováveis, acarretam elevados investimentos, numa base temporal de longo prazo. Nestes casos as decisões estratégicas assumem um papel determinante, assim, o principal objectivo desta dissertação é a utilização das Opções Reais como métrica de avaliação dos projectos de investimento. A análise e avaliação dos projectos implica em si incerteza nas previsões, desta forma, as Opções Reais minimizam o risco associado à incerteza através da inclusão da flexibilidade no processo de avaliação. A primeira parte da dissertação consiste na contextualização energética mundial e nacional, ao nível da energia primária e das energias renováveis, com incidência na energia eólica. A segunda consiste na introdução teórica dos projectos de investimento e dos conceitos inerentes às Opções Financeiras e às Opções Reais. Por último, apresenta-se um caso de estudo de construção de três parques eólicos e as consequentes decisões de investimento concluindo que os modelos de avaliação das Opções Reais proporcionam alternativas e interdependência em investimentos futuros.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Estruturas
A produção de energia eólica é essencial para o cumprimento dos objetivos europeus, no âmbito das energias renováveis. De acordo com as previsões da União Europeia (UE), a produção hidroelétrica irá manter a sua posição dominante como fonte de energia renovável para a produção de energia elétrica. No entanto, o uso da energia eólica irá continuar a expandir e, em 2020 a capacidade eólica instalada deverá superar o setor hidroelétrico [1]. O setor eólico offshore começa também a dar sinais de interesse por parte de investidores e governantes. No entanto, os investimentos offshore diferem em muito dos investimentos onshore. O planeamento é muito mais complexo e demorado, a construção e manutenção requerem novas soluções e a ligação à rede é um processo exigente. Dada a reduzida experiência das empresas, a incerteza associada ao investimento é elevada. Deste modo, os parques eólicos offshore são uma área de negócio inovadora e de elevado risco, que requerem elevados recursos organizacionais associados frequentemente a grandes empresas do setor da energia. O relatório da Comissão das Comunidades Europeias, destaca a energia eólica offshore como um setor prioritário. Contudo, evidência a necessidade de tempo para o desenvolvimento da tecnologia, assim como, a importância de assegurar à indústria maior segurança e condições de mercado mais estáveis.
Foi de forma natural que o aproveitamento do recurso eólico evoluiu dos tradicionais parques em terra (onshore) para locais offshore. Se por um lado os melhores locais para instalação em terra começam a escassear, a grande disponibilidade de recurso offshore permite a disponibilidade de áreas muito elevadas para a sua exploração. Os ventos mais fortes, no mar, associados a uma rugosidade de classe zero criam condições ideais para a instalação de geradores eólicos de potência elevada tornando assim possível uma maior produtividade, que pode compensar os inerentes custos de instalação e de operação mais elevados. No entanto existem alguns desafios que necessitam de ser mais investigados e que estão a ser alvo de investimento, tais como as torres, os sistemas de fixação e a instalação da cablagem.