459 resultados para NAD glycohydrolase
Streptococcus pyogenes isolates from a tropical region and a subtropical region of Australia with high and low incidences of severe streptococcal diseases, respectively, were analyzed for speA, speB, and speC gene distributions and NAD-glycohydrolase expression. No direct correlation of these characteristics with a propensity to cause invasive diseases was observed.
The extent of ADP-ribosylation in rectal cancer was compared to that of the corresponding normal rectal tissue. Twenty rectal tissue fragments were collected during surgery from patients diagnosed as having rectal cancer on the basis of pathology results. The levels of ADP-ribosylation in rectum cancer tissue samples (95.9 22.1 nmol/ml) was significantly higher than in normal tissues (11.4 4 nmol/ml). The level of NAD+ glycohydrolase and ADP-ribosyl cyclase activities in rectal cancer and normal tissue samples were measured. Cancer tissues had significantly higher NAD+ glycohydrolase and ADP-ribosyl cyclase activities than the control tissues (43.3 9.1 vs 29.2 5.2 and 6.2 1.6 vs 1.6 0.4 nmol mg-1 min-1). Approximately 75% of the NAD+ concentration was consumed as substrate in rectal cancer, with changes in NAD+/ADP-ribose metabolism being observed. When [14C]-ADP-ribosylated tissue samples were subjected to SDS-PAGE, autoradiographic analysis revealed that several proteins were ADP-ribosylated in rectum tissue. Notably, the radiolabeling of a 113-kDa protein was remarkably greater than that in control tissues. Poly(ADP)-ribosylation of the 113-kDa protein in rectum cancer tissues might be enhanced with its proliferative activity, and poly(ADP)-ribosylation of the same protein in rectum cancer patients might be an indicator of tumor diagnosis.
Weltweit existiert keine zum Tierversuch alternative Methode, um adsorbierte Pertussis-Impfstoffe auf restliche Toxin-Aktivitt hin zu untersuchen. Der im Europischen Arzneibuch vorgeschriebene Tierversuch besitzt nach Erfahrungen der Industrie, internationaler Prfbehrden sowie des Paul-Ehrlich-Institutes eine schlechte Aussagekraft. Er ist wenig standardisierbar und weist hufig ein zweifelhaftes Ergebnis auf, so dass Wiederholungen und damit einhergehend ein hoher Verbrauch an Versuchstieren unumgnglich sind. Enthlt der Impfstoff Reste von nicht-inaktiviertem Pertussis-Toxin (PTx), muss mit schweren und schwersten Nebenwirkungen bei den Impflingen gerechnet werden. In dieser Arbeit wurde ein In vitro-Nachweis fr aktives PTx entwickelt. rnAngeregt durch Publikationen, wonach Pertussis-Toxin humane Monozyten aktiviert, wurde zunchst versucht, diesen Effekt zum Toxin-Nachweis auszunutzen. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt jedoch eindeutig, dass Pertussis-Toxin selbst nicht zur Stimulation humaner Monozyten fhrt. Vielmehr konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass die Aktivierung dieser Immunzellen auf Kontaminationen durch Lipopolysaccharide zurckzufhren ist. Damit wurden die Aussagen in den oben erwhnten Verffentlichungen widerlegt. Dieses Ergebnis wurde bereits zur Publikation eingereicht.rnNunmehr wurden verschiedene Anstze zum Nachweis von Pertussis-Toxin entwickelt, welche seine enzymatischen Aktivitten als NAD-Glycohydrolase und ADP-Ribosyltransferase ausnutzen. Zunchst wurde versucht, die Hydrolyse von NAD zu ADP-Ribose und Nicotinamid photometrisch nachzuweisen. Wegen unbefriedigender Sensitivitt wurde dieses Verfahren zu einem fluorometrischen Nachweis weiterentwickelt. Verwendet wurde hier fluorogenes etheno-NAD, welches von Pertussis-Toxin als Substrat akzeptiert wird. Letzteres Prinzip ist zum In vitro-Nachweis von Pertussis-Toxin geeignet, wird jedoch durch das in Impfstoffen hufig verwendete Adsorbens Aluminiumhydroxid gestrt. Deshalb wurde dieser Ansatz aufgegeben und ein neuer Weg verfolgt, welcher am Energiestoffwechsel von humanen Zellen ansetzt. Eine Konsequenz des Angriffs von Pertussis-Toxin auf seine Zielzellen im Respirationstrakt besteht nach komplexen Reaktionen des Signaltransduktionsweges im Absenken des ATP-Gehaltes. Als menschliche Surrogat-Zellen wurden frisch isolierte periphere mononuklere Zellen (PBMCs) sowie die permanente Lymphozyten-Zelllinie Jurkat eingesetzt und deren ATP-Gehalt mittels Luziferin-Luziferase-Lumineszenz gemessen. Der Test wird nicht durch Lipopolysaccharid gestrt und auch Aluminiumhydroxid bt erst nach mehreren Stunden Inkubation einen interferierenden Einfluss aus. Ebenso konnte aktives Pertussis-Toxin mit Hilfe kryokonservierter PBMCs detektiert werden, auch in orientierenden Versuchen mit komplexen Impfstoffen. Der Pertussis-ATP-Test kommt der In vivo-Situation in der Zelle sehr nahe, weil beide Untereinheiten des Toxins in einem Test berprft werden. Demnach soll er Bestandteil einer geplanten internationalen Studie zu alternativen Pertussis-Toxin-Testungen sein.
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) is a ubiquitous cofactor participating in numerous redox reactions. It is also a substrate for regulatory modifications of proteins and nucleic acids via the addition of ADP-ribose moieties or removal of acyl groups by transfer to ADP-ribose. In this study, we use in-depth sequence, structure and genomic context analysis to uncover new enzymes and substrate-binding proteins in NAD-utilizing metabolic and macromolecular modification systems. We predict that Escherichia coli YbiA and related families of domains from diverse bacteria, eukaryotes, large DNA viruses and single strand RNA viruses are previously unrecognized components of NAD-utilizing pathways that probably operate on ADP-ribose derivatives. Using contextual analysis we show that some of these proteins potentially act in RNA repair, where NAD is used to remove 2'-3' cyclic phosphodiester linkages. Likewise, we predict that another family of YbiA-related enzymes is likely to comprise a novel NAD-dependent ADP-ribosylation system for proteins, in conjunction with a previously unrecognized ADP-ribosyltransferase. A similar ADP-ribosyltransferase is also coupled with MACRO or ADP-ribosylglycohydrolase domain proteins in other related systems, suggesting that all these novel systems are likely to comprise pairs of ADP-ribosylation and ribosylglycohydrolase enzymes analogous to the DraG-DraT system, and a novel group of bacterial polymorphic toxins. We present evidence that some of these coupled ADP-ribosyltransferases/ribosylglycohydrolases are likely to regulate certain restriction modification enzymes in bacteria. The ADP-ribosyltransferases found in these, the bacterial polymorphic toxin and host-directed toxin systems of bacteria such as Waddlia also throw light on the evolution of this fold and the origin of eukaryotic polyADP-ribosyltransferases and NEURL4-like ARTs, which might be involved in centrosomal assembly. We also infer a novel biosynthetic pathway that might be involved in the synthesis of a nicotinate-derived compound in conjunction with an asparagine synthetase and AMPylating peptide ligase. We use the data derived from this analysis to understand the origin and early evolutionary trajectories of key NAD-utilizing enzymes and present targets for future biochemical investigations.
Reduction in sirtuin 1 (Sirt-1) is associated with extracellular matrix (ECM) accumulation in the diabetic kidney. Theobromine may reduce kidney ECM accumulation in diabetic rats. In the current study, we aimed to unravel, under diabetic conditions, the mechanism of kidney ECM accumulation induced by a reduction in Sirt-1 and the effect of theobromine in these events. In vitro, we used immortalized human mesangial cells (iHMCs) exposed to high glucose (HG; 30 mM), with or without small interfering RNA for NOX4 and Sirt-1. In vivo, spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) were rendered diabetic by means of streptozotocin and studied after 12 wk. The effects of treatment with theobromine were investigated under both conditions. HG leads to a decrease in Sirt-1 activity and NAD(+) levels in iHMCs. Sirt-1 activity could be reestablished by treatment with NAD(+), silencing NOX4, and poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP-1) blockade, or with theobromine. HG also leads to a low AMP/ATP ratio, acetylation of SMAD3, and increased collagen IV, which is prevented by theobromine. Sirt-1 or AMPK blockade abolished these effects of theobromine. In diabetic SHR, theobromine prevented increases in albuminuria and kidney collagen IV, reduced AMPK, elevated NADPH oxidase activity and PARP-1, and reduced NAD(+) levels and Sirt-1 activity. These results suggest that in diabetes mellitus, Sirt-1 activity is reduced by PARP-1 activation and NAD(+) depletion due to low AMPK, which increases NOX4 expression, leading to ECM accumulation mediated by transforming growth factor (TGF)-1 signaling. It is suggested that Sirt-1 activation by theobromine may have therapeutic potential for diabetic nephropathy.
RESUMO:Os recentes progressos na imagiologia mdica possibilitaram um papel de destaque para a Tomografia Axial Computorizada Multicorte no estadiamento do carcinoma do estmago (GA). Foi objetivo deste estudo avaliar a acuidade desta tcnica no estadiamento T (invaso mural) e N (ganglionar) e avaliar fatores de prognstico como fatores de representao/substituio para melhorar a referida acuidade. Sessenta e nove pacientes operados a carcinoma gstrico (GA) entre Janeiro de 2010 e Julho de 2012 e avaliados por Tomografia Computorizada, a maioria recorrendo a tcnica de multicorte com distenso gstrica, foram estadiados retrospetivamente por trs imagiologistas. Utilizaram-se critrios de avaliao referidos na literatura especializada e fatores de substituio/representao nos estadios menos eficazes. O estadiamento T revelou acuidade de 66,7% e sensibilidade de 92% e a acuidade, sensibilidade e especificidade obtidas para o estadiamento N foram respetivamente 49%, 40,9% e 64%. Usando um fator de substituio de estadiamento diagnstico T4/N2 para mudar o estadiamento N2 obtido por MDCT para estadiamento N3A aumentaria a acuidade do estadiamento N para 59% e a sensibilidade para 58,1% e baixaria a especificidade para 61,5%, embora essa mudana no fosse estatisticamente significativa (Teste exato de Fisher 0,159). Em concluso a acuidade de uma tcnica simples de MDCT com distenso gstrica no estadiamento T e N do GA est dentro dos valores citados na literatura e fatores de substituio/representao como o estadiamento T4 e o tipo Difuso da classificao de Lauren podem melhorar a acuidade do estadiamento N.-------------- ABSTRACT: Recent innovations in medical sectional imaging have allowed a major role of multi-detector computed tomography (MDCT) in staging of gastric adenocarcinoma (GA). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of this technique in depth of mural invasion (T) and nodal (N) staging of GA and to evaluate prognostic factors as surrogate factors to improve such accuracy. Sixty nine patients operated to GA between January 2010 and July 2012 that underwent Computed Tomography, the majority through Multidetector Computed Tomography (MDCT) with gastric distention, were staged retrospectively by three imagiologists with state-of-the-art criteria and surrogate prognostic factors were analyzed for less accurate stages. MDCT T-staging was 66,7 % accurate with a sensibility of 92 % and there was a 49 % accuracy, 40,9 % sensibility and 64 % specificity for N Staging. Using a surrogate factor of T4/N2 diagnostic staging to change diagnostic MDCT N2 disease to N3A disease would increase accuracy of N staging to 59% and sensibility to 58,1% and would decrease specificity to 61,5 %, although that change was not statistically significant (Fishers Exact Test 0,159)In conclusion the accuracy of a simple hydro-MDCT technique in T and N staging of GA is in the range of values cited in the literature and surrogate factors as diagnostic T4 disease and diffuse type of Laurens Classification may improve the accuracy of N staging.
APO866 inhibits nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase (NMPRTase), a key enzyme involved in nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) biosynthesis from the natural precursor nicotinamide. Intracellular NAD is essential for cell survival, and NAD depletion resulting from APO866 treatment elicits tumor cell death. Here, we determine the in vitro and in vivo sensitivities of hematologic cancer cells to APO866 using a panel of cell lines (n = 45) and primary cells (n = 32). Most cancer cells (acute myeloid leukemia [AML], acute lymphoblastic leukemia [ALL], mantle cell lymphoma [MCL], chronic lymphocytic leukemia [CLL], and T-cell lymphoma), but not normal hematopoietic progenitor cells, were sensitive to low concentrations of APO866 as measured in cytotoxicity and clonogenic assays. Treatment with APO866 decreased intracellular NAD and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) at 24 hours and 48 to72 hours, respectively. The NAD depletion led to cell death. At 96 hours, APO866-mediated cell death occurred in a caspase-independent mode, and was associated with mitochondrial dysfunction and autophagy. Further, in vivo administration of APO866 as a single agent prevented and abrogated tumor growth in animal models of human AML, lymphoblastic lymphoma, and leukemia without significant toxicity to the animals. The results support the potential of APO866 for treating hematologic malignancies.
Dietary obesity is a major factor in the development of type 2 diabetes and is associated with intra-adipose tissue hypoxia and activation of hypoxia-inducible factor 1α (HIF1α). Here we report that, in mice, Hif1α activation in visceral white adipocytes is critical to maintain dietary obesity and associated pathologies, including glucose intolerance, insulin resistance, and cardiomyopathy. This function of Hif1α is linked to its capacity to suppress β-oxidation, in part, through transcriptional repression of sirtuin 2 (Sirt2) NAD(+)-dependent deacetylase. Reduced Sirt2 function directly translates into diminished deacetylation of PPARγ coactivator 1α (Pgc1α) and expression of β-oxidation and mitochondrial genes. Importantly, visceral adipose tissue from human obese subjects is characterized by high levels of HIF1α and low levels of SIRT2. Thus, by negatively regulating the Sirt2-Pgc1α regulatory axis, Hif1α negates adipocyte-intrinsic pathways of fatty acid catabolism, thereby creating a metabolic state supporting the development of obesity.
Aquest article pretn daprofundir des duna perspectiva evolutiva en lestudi i lanlisi de les activitats aqutiques del nad. A partir daqu, larticle interpreta des de lptica filogentica i ontogentica de les activitats aqutiques dels nadons, quin significat tindran aquestes activitats en el seu desenvolupament general. Per assolir els objectius fixats, larticle utilitza un enfocament fenomenolgic (Husserl, 1996) que se sustentar conceptualment en labordatge filogentic del desenvolupament psicomotriu de Fonseca (1998). Partint daquesta estructura, sestudiaran les raons filogentiques i ontogentiques que ens poden significar les activitats aqutiques del nad per tal que, en ltima instncia, i des de la lnia ms existencial de la fenomenologia (Sartre, 1999; Merleau-Ponty, 2000), puguem argumentar la significaci evolutiva daquestes activitats.
Then, the expression of angiogenesis markers (western blotting), the formation of portosystemic collaterals (radioactive microspheres) and the production of superoxide anion (lucigenin-enhanced chemiluminescence) were determined. Mean arterial pressure, portal pressure, and superior mesenteric arterial blood flow and resistance were also measured.Results: In portal hypertensive rats, NAD(P)H oxidase blockade significantly decreased portosystemic collateral formation, and superior mesenteric arterial flow. It also reduced the splanchnic expression of VEGF, VEGF receptor-2 and CD31, and attenuated the increased production of superoxide, compared with vehicle.Conclusions: NAD(P)H oxidase plays an important role in experimental portal hypertension, modulating splanchnic angiogenesis, the formation of portosystemic collaterals and the development of splanchnic hyperdynamic circulation. These results suggest that NAD(P)H oxidase may represent a new target in the treatment of portal hypertension.
Nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase (NAMPT), also known as visfatin, is the rate-limiting enzyme in the salvage pathway of NAD biosynthesis from nicotinamide. Since its expression is upregulated during inflammation, NAMPT represents a novel clinical biomarker in acute lung injury, rheumatoid arthritis, and Crohn's disease. However, its role in disease progression remains unknown. We report here that NAMPT is a key player in inflammatory arthritis. Increased expression of NAMPT was confirmed in mice with collagen-induced arthritis, both in serum and in the arthritic paw. Importantly, a specific competitive inhibitor of NAMPT effectively reduced arthritis severity with comparable activity to etanercept, and decreased pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion in affected joints. Moreover, NAMPT inhibition reduced intracellular NAD concentration in inflammatory cells and circulating TNFalpha levels during endotoxemia in mice. In vitro pharmacological inhibition of NAMPT reduced the intracellular concentration of NAD and pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion by inflammatory cells. Thus, NAMPT links NAD metabolism to inflammatory cytokine secretion by leukocytes, and its inhibition might therefore have therapeutic efficacy in immune-mediated inflammatory disorders.
APO866, an inhibitor of NAD biosynthesis, exhibits potent antitumor properties in various malignancies. Recently, it has been shown that APO866 induces apoptosis and autophagy in human hematological cancer cells, but the role of autophagy in APO866-induced cell death remains unclear. Here, we report studies on the molecular mechanisms underlying APO866-induced cell death with emphasis on autophagy. Treatment of leukemia and lymphoma cells with APO866 induced both autophagy, as evidenced by an increase in autophagosome formation and in SQSTM1/p62 degradation, but also increased caspase activation as revealed by CASP3/caspase 3 cleavage. As an underlying mechanism, APO866-mediated autophagy was found to deplete CAT/catalase, a reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenger, thus promoting ROS production and cell death. Inhibition of autophagy by ATG5 or ATG7 silencing prevented CAT degradation, ROS production, caspase activation, and APO866-induced cell death. Finally, supplementation with exogenous CAT also abolished APO866 cytotoxic activity. Altogether, our results indicated that autophagy is essential for APO866 cytotoxic activity on cells from hematological malignancies and also indicate an autophagy-dependent CAT degradation, a novel mechanism for APO866-mediated cell killing. Autophagy-modulating approaches could be a new way to enhance the antitumor activity of APO866 and related agents.
The validation process of an affinity chromatography on heparine-Sepharose method is described.