958 resultados para Multidisciplinary Residency


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Objective: To investigate practical teaching of nurse residents in a multidisciplinary residency in oncology. Method: A qualitative descriptive study grounded in the problematization methodology and its steps, represented by the Maguerez Arch. Data were analyzed using content analysis. Results: Potentiating and limiting elements of the residency guided the design of a practical teaching protocol from the perspective of residents, structured in three stages: Welcoming and ambience; Nursing care for problem situations; and, Evaluation process. Conclusion: Systematization of practical teaching promoted the autonomy of individuals and the approximation of teaching to reality, making residency less strenuous, stressful and distressing.


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Este trabalho analisa o Programa de Residência Multiprofissional em Saúde, com objetivo de identificar como o Programa de Residência Multiprofissional em Saúde, desenvolvido pelo Ministério da Educação e pelo Ministério da Saúde a partir de 2005, tem se constituído como uma proposta de política de formação profissional para o SUS. Foi realizada pesquisa documental com análise de conteúdo que possibilitou configurar a Política Nacional de Gestão da Educação na Saúde, na área de formação do ensino superior, especificamente na pós-graduação, onde se situa a modalidade Residências Multiprofissionais. As legislações do Sistema Único de Saúde para a formação dessa política determinam diretrizes para a formação na área da saúde baseadas na integração ensino/Serviço. São eixos que se destacam no interior do processo de constituição da política de formação profissional e são as bases dos Programas de Residência Multiprofissional em Saúde. Constatou-se que houve, na primeira metade dos anos 2000, o surgimento de inúmeros atores (fóruns de residentes, coordenadores e preceptores) que estiveram presentes na luta para estruturação da Comissão Nacional de Residência Multiprofissional em Saúde, também presentes na disputa acirrada da composição e da luta pelo reconhecimento das Residências Multiprofissionais, a partir do ano 2005. Há um campo que coloca interesses em confronto e por onde caminha a definição da base legal para institucionalização do Programa. Polariza-se e ganha força posicionamentos corporativistas indo contra aos pressupostos do perfil profissional para a saúde. Ao mesmo tempo observa-se o esvaziamento das Residências na atenção básica e o movimento do Ministério da Saúde e do Ministério da Educação para implantar as Residências Multiprofissionais nos Hospitais Universitários Federais, direcionando especialmente aos serviços de alta complexidade. Os riscos podem ser observados na conformação da formação em saúde no plano da tarefa do fazer. Frente ao contexto de precarização do trabalho, fragiliza-se a presença dos residentes para cobrir o déficit de trabalhadores nas instituições de saúde, tornando necessárias uma intensa defesa e afirmação dos residentes enquanto profissionais em formação e não profissionais de serviço. Diante desse quadro fica a dúvida quanto ao papel das Residências Multiprofissionais nas transformações do modo de se produzir saúde e formação profissional. Por outro lado a observação dos vários aspectos vinculados à residência tem demonstrado também que elas, contraditoriamente, tem sido, ou podem ser, também um reduto importante de resistência à sucumbência dos novos contornos que vêm sendo desenhado no próprio SUS. E que apesar desse contexto, elas têm sido importantes como qualificação dos serviços e dos profissionais. Há um consenso em torno da importância das presenças dos residentes e dos tutores nos serviços, através dos seus questionamentos para rompimento com práticas de cunho conservador, pois a presença dos residentes nas equipes multiprofissionais pode assumir esse enfrentamento.


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A residência multiprofissional em saúde é uma modalidade de ensino de pós graduação lato sensu, voltada para a educação em serviço. Emerge no contexto brasileiro como uma proposta complementar a fim de se atingir as metas e os princípios preconizados pelo sistema único de saúde (SUS), principalmente quanto à integralidade. Além de trazer implicações e lançar desafios ao exercício profissional do psicólogo, inserindo-o no entrelaçamento de campos densos e complexos (saúde, educação e políticas públicas), a modalidade propõe que profissionais com formações diferentes atuem num mesmo campo, com discussões e intervenções conjuntas. A questão que move a pesquisa é a posição-sujeito no programa de residência multiprofissional face ao modelo de educação-saúde vinculado. Assevera-se que a posição-sujeito é objeto discursivo deslizante (de tessitura simbólica) que toma em consideração o sujeito constituído no claudicar da linguagem e interpelado pelo inconsciente e que se manifesta como efeito de significantes em direção ao grande Outro. Para tal, vale-se da interface dos aportes teóricos da análise de discurso pêchetiana e da psicanálise lacaniana. A análise de discurso sustenta o discurso como efeito de sentidos mediados pela ideologia e ocupa-se, especialmente, da incursão da alteridade do discurso-outro sobre o mesmo. A psicanálise lacaniana, por sua vez, reitera a primazia do inconsciente estruturado como linguagem diante de um eu imaginário e versa para o sujeito marcado como falta que, dividido, faz do discurso o estatuto do significado. Assim, é proeminente na análise do objeto a metodologia indiciária dada ao caráter simbólico e cambiante da posição-sujeito no discurso. A análise se realizou mediante o dispositivo da interpretação como gesto analítico, que acompanha as elações próprias do objeto. O corpora é constituído por uma materialidade escrita e por uma oral. A escrita compõe-se de recortes de leis, portarias e resoluções que fundam a modalidade de residência multiprofissional e reforçam os ideias do sistema único de saúde; a materialidade oral compõe-se de recortes e fragmentos discursivos advindos da transcrição de supervisões realizadas mediante a prática clínica do psicólogo-residente na cena hospitalar. Da análise, conclui-se que a materialidade escrita se posta como campo-Outro que ordena a estrutura política da residência multiprofissional e direciona a manutenção da ordem e reprodução das relações hierárquicas mediante ideologia assujeitante. Essa materialidade, por sua vez, age como intradiscurso e reverbera-se na memória discursiva e na prática clínica. A posição-sujeito, no plano da articulação significante, faz deslizar e produzir sentidos que denotam ora a manutenção e reprodução de uma posição fusionada ao discurso médico, científico-positivista; ora a posição-sujeito é marcada pelo saber condicionado ao fetiche da mercadoria, deflagrando a ordem do capital nas insígnias da multiprofissionalidade e da educação permanente. O trabalho propiciou, enfim, acompanhar as transmutações da posição-sujeito, independentemente do indivíduo ou da naturalização de sentidos provenientes da função que exerce. O objeto posição-sujeito reiterou a construção da realidade a partir da condição faltante. É essa condição faltante e incompleta que outorga ao desejo o modo de o sujeito se posicionar desta e outra maneira - na formação, no trabalho, na vida.


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The proposal of teaching-service integration from work experience brings a challenge to the professionals involved in health services: to combine their healthcare practice to the preparation of new professionals in accordance with the national health model. In Recife, the assistance network is known as school network, since it provides all its health equipment for Higher Education Institutions, in special for professionals who work as preceptors, making this activity an important component of the services network. The objective of the present study was to analyze preceptorship experience herein Multidisciplinary Residences in Health in the look of health professionals. This is a qualitative descriptive study, involving physicians, dentists, and nurses that have worked as preceptors for at least two years in multidisciplinary residency linked to two Higher Education Institutions. A semistructured interview was used as research instrument and data were processed by using the software Alceste 4.9. Results indicated four semantic classes which were divided into two axis. Axis 1, composed of class 4, and Axis 2, composed of classes 3, 2 and 1. Categorization considered the relation between classes. It was observed that in class 4 work overload is a dilemma for professional participation in preceptorship. This is noted by the words manage, time, patient, give, and complicated. However, it is also observed that the preceptorship involves positive learning and teaching actions, reinforced by the words say, explain, and discuss. Class 2 shows the preceptorship as an experience exchange, a positive moment that provides theoretical upgrade to the preceptor, associated to the professional practices performed by the binominal preceptor-student in health services and communities. In this perspective, everyone is benefited since preceptorship is structured according to dynamic aspects of knowledge, experienced in settings permeated by people´s health necessities. In class 3, potentialities of this practice are shown, and personal compromise is the main reason of acting as a preceptor in this network of education/attention, demonstrated in the words reason, formation, to like and professionals. Last, but not the least, class 1 suggests the importance of preceptorship and one of the strategies to create the National Politics of Humanization, from the teachingservice-community integration, observed in the words: arrives, university, fundamental, manner, partnership, service, and student. Besides, it rates perspectives and challenges for the improvement of the preceptorship in health services. Integrating teaching and service can enhance the proposals of changes concerning the healthcare model practiced in services, but this relation is still superficial. The preceptor is an actor in action, playing real life roles, and that is when he becomes essential to seek training with the profile defended in the proposed training of a professional who is capable of learning to learn


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Objective To investigate the process of learning on human resource management in the radiology residency program at Escola Paulista de Medicina – Universidade Federal de São Paulo, aiming at improving radiologists' education. Materials and Methods Exploratory study with a quantitative and qualitative approach developed with the faculty staff, preceptors and residents of the program, utilizing a Likert questionnaire (46), taped interviews (18), and categorization based on thematic analysis. Results According to 71% of the participants, residents have clarity about their role in the development of their activities, and 48% said that residents have no opportunity to learn how to manage their work in a multidisciplinary team. Conclusion Isolation at medical records room, little interactivity between sectors with diversified and fixed activities, absence of a previous culture and lack of a training program on human resources management may interfere in the development of skills for the residents' practice. There is a need to review objectives of the medical residency in the field of radiology, incorporating, whenever possible, the commitment to the training of skills related to human resources management thus widening the scope of abilities of the future radiologists.


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This paper presents a rational approach to the design of a catamaran's hydrofoil applied within a modern context of multidisciplinary optimization. The approach used includes the use of response surfaces represented by neural networks and a distributed programming environment that increases the optimization speed. A rational approach to the problem simplifies the complex optimization model; when combined with the distributed dynamic training used for the response surfaces, this model increases the efficiency of the process. The results achieved using this approach have justified this publication.


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Purpose: To evaluate prospectively the actual bladder perforation incidence during transurethral resection of bladder tumor (TURB) performed by residents and to identify possible predisposing factors to such condition. Patients and Methods: Thirty-four patients with bladder tumor were submitted to TURB in our academic institution in April 2006, and were prospectively studied. Procedures were all done by senior residents under an attending direct supervision. All patients had a cystograms performed after the procedure by the injection of 400 mL of saline-diluted contrast solution with low-pressure infusion through the Foley catheter. The cystograms were evaluated blindly by a single radiologist. All patients were examined by cystoscopy and/or CT every 3 months for the first 2 years postoperatively. Results: The cystogram showed contrast leaking compatible with bladder perforation in 17 (50%) cases. None of the perforations were recognized intraoperatively by the surgeon. All perforations were extraperitoneal and managed conservatively. There was no significant correlation between the incidence of bladder perforation and the patient age (p = 0.508), the tumor stage (p = 0.998), the tumor grade (p = 0.833), the number of lesions (p = 0.394), and the tumor size (p = 0.651). The only factor that had impact on the development of bladder perforation was tumor localization at the bottom of the bladder (p = 0.035; OR, 6750; 95% CI, 1.14, 39.8). Conclusion: Asymptomatic perforations of the bladder wall occur very frequently after a TURB procedure performed by residents in training and, most of the time, are not noticed by the surgeon. Localization of the tumor at bladder dome was the only factor that negatively influenced perforation rates.


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Sound application of molecular epidemiological principles requires working knowledge of both molecular biological and epidemiological methods. Molecular tools have become an increasingly important part of studying the epidemiology of infectious agents. Molecular tools have allowed the aetiological agent within a population to be diagnosed with a greater degree of efficiency and accuracy than conventional diagnostic tools. They have increased the understanding of the pathogenicity, virulence, and host-parasite relationships of the aetiological agent, provided information on the genetic structure and taxonomy of the parasite and allowed the zoonotic potential of previously unidentified agents to be determined. This review describes the concept of epidemiology and proper study design, describes the array of currently available molecular biological tools and provides examples of studies that have integrated both disciplines to successfully unravel zoonotic relationships that would otherwise be impossible utilising conventional diagnostic tools. The current limitations of applying these tools, including cautions that need to be addressed during their application are also discussed.(c) 2005 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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An anterior open occlusal relationship and diastemata may negatively interfere with the harmony of the smile, often requiring a multidisciplinary intervention. This clinical report presents an integrated orthodontic, periodontal, and restorative solution for an anterior open occlusal relationship associated with multiple diastemata and discusses the most relevant aspects related to Its etiology and treatment planning.


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Aim of study: This study sought to determine whether multidisciplinary case conference reviews improved outcomes for nursing home residents, and the effects of this team approach to resident care on carers, including the hands-on carers employed by the nursing home, and health professionals. Method: 245 residents of three Canberra nursing homes were enrolled in this non-randomised controlled trial. The intervention consisted of sessions of three case conference reviews held between 10/4/96 and 4/12/96. These sessions were attended by the General Practitioners (GPs) of the residents discussed, the GP project officer from the ACT Division of General Practice, a clinical pharmacist, senior nursing staff, other health professionals eg physiotherapist, and occasionally the resident concerned or their representative. At each review, a case presentation by the resident's GP was followed by a multidisciplinary discussion of all aspects, medical and non-medical, of the resident's care. The review concluded with a management plan for the resident. In total 75 residents were reviewed. Main outcome measures: Medication use and cost, and mortality. Results: One month after the reviews were completed comparisons between those who were reviewed and those who were not showed non-significant reductions in medication orders, medication cost, and mortality in the reviewed group. Many of the 92 recommendations in the management plans that were carried out benefited the residents (n=37) and/or carers (n=24). The responses of the GPs and the Directors of Nursing to the reviews were overwhelmingly positive. Conclusion: Recommendations arising from multidisciplinary case conferences were carried out to the benefit of patients and carers. Given the support shown by key stakeholders, multidisciplinary conferences should be used more.


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This study determined the prevalence of intestinal protozoa in Long Term Residency Institutions for the Elderly (ILPI) in elders, nurses and food handlers, identifying the risk factors associated with the infections. Stool samples taken from the elderly (n = 293), nurses (63) and food handlers (19) were studied. Questionnaires were used with questions related to sociodemographic variables, health, behavior and health characteristics. Stool samples were examined using the techniques of Faust and Ziehl Neelsen, and the prevalence of G. duodenalis, Cryptosporidium spp., E. histolytica/dispar in the elderly was 4.0%, 1.0% and 0.3% respectively. Nurses and food handlers showed 4.8% and 5.2% positivity only for G. duodenalis, respectively. The origin of the individuals and contact with domestic animals has been associated with infection by G. duodenalis in the elderly, and contact with domestic animals was considered a risk factor for infection. The last stool examinations were related to Cryptosporidium spp.. None of the variables were associated with E. histolytica/dispar. The frequency of hand washing was significantly associated with G. duodenalis among nurses. The frequency of positive samples of G. duodenalis, Cryptosporidium spp., E. histolytica/dispar showed that ILPIs environments are conducive to this occurring due to contact between the elderly, nurses and food handlers, which are often poorly trained in hygiene procedures and food handling.