27 resultados para Misogyny


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Commentaire / Commentary


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Placing issues of homophobia and anti-lesbianism on the agenda of teacher education programmes often meets with resistance from some students, and others. Such resistance is indicative of broader attempts to maintain the straight face of schooling. However, one way in which it is possible to place such issues on the agenda in schooling and teacher education is to demonstrate how these discourses impact upon all students and teachers. A current opening for raising such matters within teacher education programmes is the problematisation of the calls for more male teachers, calls that are becoming pervasive in many Western education systems. Within the drives to attract more male teachers to the profession there is usually a silence relating to the ways in which homophobia and its counterpart, misogyny, work to construct normalised notions of teachers. This paper examines the ways in which these silences perpetuate existing gender regimes in schools to the detriment of female teachers, girls, and marginalised male teachers and boys. It then suggests that teacher education programmes use this topic to demonstrate the impact of homophobia and misogyny on all involved in education.


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MISOGYNY, no matter how it's defined, has become a political football. Fifteen minutes into the first quarter of David Williamson's Managing Carmen and Brent Lyall, a star AFL footballer, has already taken a high tackle from his hottie girlfriend, had a clanger with his manager and been caught wearing women's clothes by his acting coach. Not a good look for Brent's sponsors. By full time, Williamson's witty banter and colourful characters have hit their mark. No wonder he's already working on the screenplay.


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It has been an assumption of most anti-pornography discourse that porn damages women (and children) in a variety of ways. In Porno? Chic!, the author interrogated this assumption by examining the correlation between the incidence of sexual violence and other indicators of misogyny, and the availability and accessibility of pornography within a number of societies. This article develops that work with a specific focus on the regulatory environment as it relates to pornography and sexual representation. Does a liberal regulatory regime in sexual culture correlate with a relatively advanced state of sexual politics in a given country? Conversely, does an illiberal regime, where pornography and other forms of sexual culture are banned or severely restricted, correlate with relatively strong patriarchal structures? A comparative cross-country analysis seeks to explain the correlations identified, and to assess the extent to which the availability of porn can be viewed as a causal or a consequential characteristic of those societies where feminism has achieved significant advances.


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Twitter and other social networking sites play an ever more present role in the spread of current events. The dynamics of information dissemination through digital network structures are still relatively unexplored, however. At what time an issue is taken up by whom? Who forwards a message when to whom else? What role do individual communication participants, existing digital communities or the technical foundations of each network platform play in the spread of news? In this chapter we discuss, using the example of a video on a current sociopolitical issue in Australia that was shared on Twitter, a number of new methods for the dynamic visualisation and analysis of communication processes. Our method combines temporal and spatial analytical approaches and provides new insights into the spread of news in digital networks. [Social media dienen immer häufger als Disseminationsmechanismen für Medieninhalte. Auf Twitter ermöglicht besonders die Retweet-Funktion den schnellen und weitläufgen Transfer von Nachrichten. In diesem Beitrag etablieren neue methodische Ansätze zur Erfassung, Visualisierung und Analyse von Retweet-Ketten. Insbesondere heben wir hervor, wie bestehende Netzwerkanalysemethoden ergänzt werden können, um den Ablauf der Weiterleitung sowohl temporal als auch spatial zu erfassen. Unsere Fallstudie demonstriert die verbreitung des videoclips einer am 9. Oktober 2012 spontan gehaltenen Wutrede der australischen Premierministerin Julia Gillard, in der sie Oppositionsführer Tony Abbott als Frauenhasser brandmarkte. Durch die Erfassung von Hintergrunddaten zu den jeweiligen NutzerInnen, die sich an der Weiterleitung des Videoclips beteiligten, erstellen wir ein detailliertes Bild des Disseminationsablaufs im vorliegenden Fall. So lassen sich die wichtigsten AkteurInnen und der Ablauf der Weiterleitung darstellen und analysieren. Daraus entstehen Einblicke in die allgemeinen verbreitungsmuster von Nachrichten auf Twitter].


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This paper draws on the theoretical arguments outlined in Hayes (2014) to frame critical analyses of two real life domestic violence narratives. The authors are both academic criminologists and victims/survivors of domestic violence, but within differing contexts – one a conventional heterosexual relationship, the other a female same-sex relationship. Their experiences are intertwined in an extensive collaborative auto-ethnographic analysis that spans seven years of working and socialising together, in which each provided a sounding board and support for the other. The analysis therefore documents two personal journeys. The academic and theoretical are intertwined with the personal and subjective to elicit an evocative and yet empirically validated study. The theoretical underpinnings of romantic love distortion, misogyny and sexism are used to frame these experiences of domestic violence and the differing sexualities of the authors provide a rich context for exploring the ways in which domestic violence victimisation experiences are impacted by gender, sexuality, and heteronormative discourses of love, sex and relationships.


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[FR] La femme homosexuelle, reflet d’un désir mythique hermaphrodite, est, pendant la fin du siècle une figure littéraire paradoxale et en même temps obsédante. Sapho est, comme la femme fatale, une des protagonistes de la fin-du-siècle qui répond à une misogynie récurrente dans l’imaginaire créateur. Il s’agit d’un désir artificiel, éros intangible (Péladan 1910: 74), contre nature, un idéal impossible: Sexe initial,sexe définitif, absolu de l’amour, absolu de la forme, sexe qui nies le sexe, sexe d’éternité! Los à toi, Androgyne! (Péladan 1910: 76). Sapho, figure archétypique, androgyne, constitue en définitive le symbole de l’abolition des sexes, de la confusion des genres, de la crise du couple traditionnel. Elle met en évidence la solitude, la peur et un désir inassouvi.


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Ao longo do processo histórico nas culturas ocidentais e orientais o papel feminino esteve relegado ao segundo plano. Tanto a religião quanto a tradição oral tiveram papéis primordiais no aprisionamento do feminino no quarto escuro da História. A teoria da mulher como origem e potência do mal remonta à antiguidade. Muitos historiadores acreditam na existência de sociedades matriarcais que foram desarticuladas pelas sociedades patriarcais. O universo feminino foi, e ainda é na atualidade, um grande enigma para os homens.A presente dissertação tem o objetivo de demonstrar a importância da religião, dos mitos, lendas e contos na construção da figura feminina medieval, para isso, abordaremos como a tradição oral em conjunto com as religiões patriarcais reforçou a ideia da mulher como origem e potência do mal. Recorremos a aspectos históricos, religiosos e literários, procuramos por intermédio de a Bíblia Sagrada e de O Corão entender a influência religiosa, além de verificarmos quais os aspectos históricos que tiveram relevância na perpetuação da misoginia e a ainda como a tradição oral teve a sua cota na construção desse universo misógino. Tentamos compreender como se deu a conexão entre tradição oral e religião na formulação da figura feminina e o porquê dessa mulher ter historicamente uma posição desprivilegiada diante de determinadas culturas


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A partir dos pressupostos teóricos dos pesquisadores da Nova História e dos estudos literários do comparativismo, este trabalho analisa o Amadis de Gaula entre os dois códigos: o da cavalaria de Ramon Llull expressão do ideal cristão do cavaleiro virtuoso e perfeito , e o do amor cortês, de André Capelão, que expressa os ensinamentos do refinado amor cortesão, dentro de uma ética feudo-vassálica. Entre os interstícios desses códigos e numa Península Ibérica marcada por uma ascese cristã, erige uma história de amor que se constitui num paradigma da expressão do desejo carnal e da busca do re(encontro) com o feminino. É na via oposta ao contexto peninsular da Reconquista ibérica que se efetua a caminhada de Amadis rumo à perfeição amorosa ao encontro do Amor


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In me tota ruens Venus Vênus derrubando-se inteira sobre mim, esse verso de Horácio representa claramente a posição dos personagens de Fedra e Hipólito na tragédia Hipólito de Eurípides. Em linhas gerais, Fedra, enfeitiçada por Afrodite, sofre de amor pelo seu enteado Hipólito, que a rejeita veementemente. Enfurecida pelo tratamento dispensado por Hipólito não só a ela, mas às mulheres em geral, Fedra acusa Hipólito de estupro, através de um bilhete e suicida-se logo em seguida. Teseu, pai de Hipólito, ao encontrar a esposa morta, exila o filho e providencia que ele seja morto. As tensões criadas pelos discursos de Fedra e Hipólito têm sido material de inúmeros debates críticos. A análise da fortuna crítica levanta mais perguntas que fornece respostas. De todas as linhas críticas, duas linhas antagônicas merecem ser ressaltadas. A leitura crítica do discurso misógino que irá defender que Eurípides não pregava a misoginia através dos seus textos, mas, muito pelo contrário, a combatia ao fazer mudanças no mito dando voz a personagens femininas tão fortes quanto Fedra. E a leitura do discurso feminista que irá defender que há um discurso misógino presente no texto de Eurípides, fruto de uma imposição ideológica vigente na Grécia do século V a.C.. O presente trabalho irá discutir ambos discursos e demonstrar, que a sua maneira, Eurípides não era misógino


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Cette thèse sur l’oeuvre de Christian Bobin (1951-) porte aussi et avant tout sur le lyrisme et le désenchantement contemporains. En posant pour horizon ces deux objets de discours, j’interprète le discours éthique et poétique sur l’« enchantement simple » chez l’auteur français. Dans une perspective herméneutique, il s'agit d'éprouver l'hypothèse selon laquelle les oeuvres de Bobin véhiculent un discours poétique « répliquant » (Ricoeur) à un certain discours intellectuel dominant, s'énonçant contre lui, mais aussi en réitérant plusieurs de ses credo. La première partie annonce la posture théorique et la méthode (comparatiste), puis définit le lyrisme et le désenchantement comme horizon d’interprétation. La seconde partie, qui interroge l’identité « poéthique » (Pinson) de l’auteur (entendu comme catégorie du texte), dévoile la manière dont l’auteur prend acte du désenchantement et du nihilisme : en masculinisant le désenchantement, le reliant au logos, et en féminisant l’enchantement, l’associant au muthos. Le parti pris du temps authentique est soutenu par la valorisation de conduites et d’attitudes temporelles relevant de l’éthique de l’authenticité (Rousseau), alors que le parti pris du féminin correspond à la valorisation d’attitudes relevant de l’éthique de la bonté (Levinas). Puisque la première éthique mise sur le temps du sujet et que la seconde favorise le temps de l’autre, un premier paradoxe émerge au coeur des messages spéculatifs véhiculés, dont on prend la mesure grâce au discours de l’auteur sur le temps, les hommes, les femmes et la bonté. Dans la troisième partie, je mets au jour le grand projet éthique dont l’auteur investit son oeuvre : écrire pour prendre soin, soigner. Après avoir défini ce que j’appelle « l’écriture du care » chez Bobin, je m’attarde aux figures féminines fondatrices de l’oeuvre et constate que l’ambition est triple chez l’auteur : premièrement, prendre soin du présent, deuxièmement, protéger les femmes de la misogynie et troisièmement, revaloriser les attitudes care qui leur sont traditionnellement reconnues et comprendre, dédramatiser, esthétiser leur « folie ». Apparaît alors un second paradoxe : la valorisation simultanée de figures charnelles inscrites dans la temporalité (maternité) et de figures atemporelles, hors temps (extase). Enfin, un regard sur les « femmes à venir » bobiniennes montrera trois figures promises à la pratique du soin promue par l’auteur. Au final, c’est non seulement la poéthique bobinienne qui est mise en lumière, mais aussi des postures éthiques et poétiques centrales en Occident, que plusieurs poètes lyriques adoptent « en temps de détresse » (Hölderlin).


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Abstract Introduction: This seminar is on the topic of "GamerGate", an international movement, ostensibly about "ethics in video game journalism" but which has become inextricably linked with extreme forms of online misogyny, rape and death threats towards women in the industry. It is of relevance to all Web science researchers, because it raises many issues of free speech, online governance, trolling and (not least) the representation of women in the tech industry. Our guest speaker (Mark Bernstein) is known for his criticism of the movement, and his work was featured in an article in the Guardian last week. He is a longtime collaborator in the field of hypertext and online media research, who co-orgainsed our annual international Web Science conference two years ago. Based in Boston, US, he will be speaking to us via Skype on Wednesday morning, to give us some background on the Gamergate phenomenon and to explain the recent developments regarding Wikipedia.


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El desbarrancadero, published in 2001 by Colombian author Fernando Vallejo is foremost a moving story about brotherly love, but it is also a highly critical novel that lashes out on a number of phenomena such as the catholic church, the Pope and the very idea of religion. It also addresses the poverty of Colombia, its corrupt politicians, the drug trade, viral diseases and animal abuse to mention a few more subjects. This essay however, does not aim to explore any of the above mentioned matters but rather examine how women are portrayed in this novel. The objective of this investigation, based on feminist theories, is to establish the very clear presence of misogyny attitudes.