846 resultados para MOTION CAPTURE
Motor dysfunction is consistently reported but understudied in schizophrenia. It has been hypothesized that this abnormality may reflect a neuro-developmental disorder underlying this illness. The main goal of this study was to analyze movement patterns used by participants with schizophrenia and healthy controls during overarm throwing performance, using a markerless motion capture system. Thirteen schizophrenia patients and 16 healthy control patients performed the overarm throwing task in a markerless motion capture system. Participants were also examined for the presence of motor neurological soft signs (mNSS) using the Brief Motor Scale. Schizophrenia patients demonstrated a less developed movement pattern with low individualization of components compared to healthy controls. The schizophrenia group also displayed a higher incidence of mNSS. The presence of a less mature movement pattern can be an indicator of neuro-immaturity and a marker for atypical neurological development in schizophrenia. Our findings support the understanding of motor dysfunction as an intrinsic part of the disorder of schizophrenia.
El proyecto trata de convertirse en una herramienta para animadores 3D, tanto para los que hacen películas como para los que modelan videojuegos, que necesiten de un software para simplificar el trabajo que conlleva animar un modelo 3D. Todo sin necesidad de usar trajes especializados. El proyecto, usando Kinect, convertirá los movimientos captados por la cámara y los agregará al modelo, creando una animación basándose en los movimientos reales de una persona.
The purpose of the study was to examine any differences that exist in the quality of motions employed by pianists when they are sight-reading versus performing repertoire. A secondary question of interest was whether or not an improvement in the efficiency of motion could be observed between two sight-reading trials of the same musical excerpt. While data analysis for the full study is ongoing, the following results from a case study are illustrative.
L'elaborato descrive il lavoro svolto in cinque mesi presso il Centro Protesi INAIL di Budrio (BO), che ha portato allo sviluppo di un banco prova per testare articolazioni elettromeccaniche. I dispositivi target, in particolare, sono stati due gomiti mioelettrici: il primo di produzione interna INAIL e il secondo prodotto da Selex ES in collaborazione con il Centro Protesi stesso. Per il controllo del movimento e l'acquisizione dei segnali elettrici si è scelto il PAC CompactRIO (National Instruments), mentre per le acquisizioni cinematiche di angolo e velocità angolare si è sfruttata la stereofotogrammetria.
Con il passare degli anni le tecnologie nel campo delle protesi mioelettriche di arto superiore stanno compiendo sempre più passi in avanti. In questo elaborato di tesi si darà un iniziale introduzione sulla protesica di arto superiore cercando di coprire tutte le possibili tipologie di protesi, prestando particolare attenzione agli arti artificiali mioelettrici. Gli scopi di questo studio sono in prima analisi una miglioria dell'unità di controllo di una protesi comandata da segnali elettromiografici di superficie, tramite l'utilizzo del nuovo IDE della Microchip (MPLAB X). In seconda analisi, invece, si attuerà un confronto prestazionale a livello di consumo in corrente di un prototipo di protesi mioelettrica nata dalla sinergia tra l'azienda "Selex ES" e il "Centro Protesi INAIL di Vigorso di Budrio". Per questo studio ci si è serviti di stereofotogrammetrica per la determinazione delle grandezze meccaniche, mentre tramite un sistema PAC si è riusciti ad ottenere specifiche grandezze elettriche. Lo studio ha portato, a livello di Firmware, l'inserimento del giusto comando di attuazione di un servofreno comandato in corrente e l'introduzione di una particolare modalità a basso consumo che consente un risparmio energetico di circa il 60% rispetto alla vecchia modalità. Discorso diverso per i risultati del confronto prestazionale che non ha portato ai risultati sperati in fase di progetto.
In this paper we present a hybrid method to track human motions in real-time. With simplified marker sets and monocular video input, the strength of both marker-based and marker-free motion capturing are utilized: A cumbersome marker calibration is avoided while the robustness of the marker-free tracking is enhanced by referencing the tracked marker positions. An improved inverse kinematics solver is employed for real-time pose estimation. A computer-visionbased approach is applied to refine the pose estimation and reduce the ambiguity of the inverse kinematics solutions. We use this hybrid method to capture typical table tennis upper body movements in a real-time virtual reality application.
Versatile and accurate motion capture systems, with the required properties to be integrated within both clinical and domiciliary environments, would represent a significant advance in following the progress of the patients as well as in allowing the incorporation of new data exploitation and analysis methods to enhance the functional neurorehabilitation therapeutic processes. Besides, these systems would permit the later development of new applications focused on the automatization of the therapeutic tasks in order to increase the therapist/patient ratio, thus decreasing the costs [1]. However, current motion capture systems are not still ready to work within uncontrolled environments.
Clinical optical motion capture allows us to obtain kinematic and kinetic outcome measures that aid clinicians in diagnosing and treating different pathologies affecting healthy gait. The long term aim for gait centres is for subject-specific analyses that can predict, prevent, or reverse the effects of pathologies through gait retraining. To track the body, anatomical segment coordinate systems are commonly created by applying markers to the surface of the skin over specific, bony anatomy that is manually palpated. The location and placement of these markers is subjective and precision errors of up to 25mm have been reported [1]. Additionally, the selection of which anatomical landmarks to use in segment models can result in large angular differences; for example angular differences in the trunk can range up to 53o for the same motion depending on marker placement [2]. These errors can result in erroneous kinematic outcomes that either diminish or increase the apparent effects of a treatment or pathology compared to healthy data. Our goal was to improve the accuracy and precision of optical motion capture outcome measures. This thesis describes two separate studies. In the first study we aimed to establish an approach that would allow us to independently quantify the error among trunk models. Using this approach we determined if there was a best model to accurately track trunk motion. In the second study we designed a device to improve precision for test, re-test protocols that would also reduce the set-up time for motion capture experiments. Our method to compare a kinematically derived centre of mass velocity to one that was derived kinetically was successful in quantifying error among trunk models. Our findings indicate that models that use lateral shoulder markers as well as limit the translational degrees of freedom of the trunk through shared pelvic markers result in the least amount of error for the tasks we studied. We also successfully reduced intra- and inter-operator anatomical marker placement errors using a marker alignment device. The improved accuracy and precision resulting from the methods established in this thesis may lead to increased sensitivity to changes in kinematics, and ultimately result in more consistent treatment outcomes.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Biomédica
The aging population has become a burning issue for all modern societies around the world recently. There are two important issues existing now to be solved. One is how to continuously monitor the movements of those people having suffered a stroke in natural living environment for providing more valuable feedback to guide clinical interventions. The other one is how to guide those old people effectively when they are at home or inside other buildings and to make their life easier and convenient. Therefore, human motion tracking and navigation have been active research fields with the increasing number of elderly people. However, motion capture has been extremely challenging to go beyond laboratory environments and obtain accurate measurements of human physical activity especially in free-living environments, and navigation in free-living environments also poses some problems such as the denied GPS signal and the moving objects commonly presented in free-living environments. This thesis seeks to develop new technologies to enable accurate motion tracking and positioning in free-living environments. This thesis comprises three specific goals using our developed IMU board and the camera from the imaging source company: (1) to develop a robust and real-time orientation algorithm using only the measurements from IMU; (2) to develop a robust distance estimation in static free-living environments to estimate people’s position and navigate people in static free-living environments and simultaneously the scale ambiguity problem, usually appearing in the monocular camera tracking, is solved by integrating the data from the visual and inertial sensors; (3) in case of moving objects viewed by the camera existing in free-living environments, to firstly design a robust scene segmentation algorithm and then respectively estimate the motion of the vIMU system and moving objects. To achieve real-time orientation tracking, an Adaptive-Gain Orientation Filter (AGOF) is proposed in this thesis based on the basic theory of deterministic approach and frequency-based approach using only measurements from the newly developed MARG (Magnet, Angular Rate, and Gravity) sensors. To further obtain robust positioning, an adaptive frame-rate vision-aided IMU system is proposed to develop and implement fast vIMU ego-motion estimation algorithms, where the orientation is estimated in real time from MARG sensors in the first step and then used to estimate the position based on the data from visual and inertial sensors. In case of the moving objects viewed by the camera existing in free-living environments, a robust scene segmentation algorithm is firstly proposed to obtain position estimation and simultaneously the 3D motion of moving objects. Finally, corresponding simulations and experiments have been carried out.
Methods for optical motion capture often require timeconsuming manual processing before the data can be used for subsequent tasks such as retargeting or character animation. These processing steps restrict the applicability of motion capturing especially for dynamic VR-environments with real time requirements. To solve these problems, we present two additional, fast and automatic processing stages based on our motion capture pipeline presented in [HSK05]. A normalization step aligns the recorded coordinate systems with the skeleton structure to yield a common and intuitive data basis across different recording sessions. A second step computes a parameterization based on automatically extracted main movement axes to generate a compact motion description. Our method does not restrict the placement of marker bodies nor the recording setup, and only requires a short calibration phase.
In this paper, we investigate how a multilinear model can be used to represent human motion data. Based on technical modes (referring to degrees of freedom and number of frames) and natural modes that typically appear in the context of a motion capture session (referring to actor, style, and repetition), the motion data is encoded in form of a high-order tensor. This tensor is then reduced by using N-mode singular value decomposition. Our experiments show that the reduced model approximates the original motion better then previously introduced PCA-based approaches. Furthermore, we discuss how the tensor representation may be used as a valuable tool for the synthesis of new motions.
Studies of fluid-structure interactions associated with flexible structures such as flapping wings require the capture and quantification of large motions of bodies that may be opaque. Motion capture of a free flying insect is considered by using three synchronized high-speed cameras. A solid finite element representation is used as a reference body and successive snapshots in time of the displacement fields are reconstructed via an optimization procedure. An objective function is formulated, and various shape difference definitions are considered. The proposed methodology is first studied for a synthetic case of a flexible cantilever structure undergoing large deformations, and then applied to a Manduca Sexta (hawkmoth) in free flight. The three-dimensional motions of this flapping system are reconstructed from image date collected by using three cameras. The complete deformation geometry of this system is analyzed. Finally, a computational investigation is carried out to understand the flow physics and aerodynamic performance by prescribing the body and wing motions in a fluid-body code. This thesis work contains one of the first set of such motion visualization and deformation analyses carried out for a hawkmoth in free flight. The tools and procedures used in this work are widely applicable to the studies of other flying animals with flexible wings as well as synthetic systems with flexible body elements.
The evolution of computer animation represents one of the most relevant andrevolutionary aspects in the rise of contemporary digital visual culture (Darlew,2000), in particular, phenomena such as cinema “spectacular “ (Ibidem) and videogames. This article analyzes the characteristics of this “culture of simulation” (Turkle, 1995:20) relating the multidisciplinary and spectrum of technical and stylistic choices to the dimension of virtual characters acting. The result of these hybrid mixtures and computerized human motion capture techniques - called virtual cinema, universal capture, motion capture, etc. - cosists mainly on the sophistication of “rotoscoping”, as a new interpretation and appropriation of the captured image. This human motion capture technology, used largely by cinema and digital games, is one of the reasons why the authenticity of the animation is sometimes questioned. It is in the fi eld of 3D computer animation visual that this change is more signifi cant, appearing regularly innovative techniques of image manipulation and “hyper-cinema” (Lamarre, 2006: 31) character’s control with deeper sense of emotions. This shift in the culture that Manovich (2006: 27) calls “photo-GRAPHICS” - and Mulvey (2007) argue that creates a new form of possessive relationship with the viewer, in that it can analyze in detail the image, it can acquire it and modify it - is one of the most important aspects in the rise of Cubbit’s (2007) “cinema of attraction”. This article delves intrinsically into the analyze of virtual character animation — particularly in the fi eld of 3D computer animation and human digital acting.