951 resultados para MB


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In this paper we describe the assembly and restriction map of a 1.05-Mb cosmid contig spanning the candidate region for familial Mediterranean fever (FMF), a recessively inherited disorder of inflammation localized to 16p13.3. Using a combination of cosmid walking and screening for P1, PAC, BAG, and YAC clones, we have generated a contig of genomic clones spanning similar to 1050 kb that contains the FMF critical region. The map consists of 179 cosmid, 15 P1, 10 PAC, 3 BAG, and 17 YAC clones, anchored by 27 STS markers. Eight additional STSs have been developed from the similar to 700 kb immediately centromeric to this genomic region. Five of the 35 STSs are microsatellites that have not been previously reported. NotI and EcoRI mapping of the overlapping cosmids, hybridization of restriction fragments from cosmids to one another, and STS analyses have been used to validate the assembly of the contig. Our contig totally subsumes the 250-kb interval recently reported, by founder haplotype analysis, to contain the FMF gene. Thus, our high-resolution clone map provides an ideal resource for transcriptional mapping toward the eventual identification of this disease gene. (C) 1997 Academic Press.


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Serum levels of troponin and heart-related fraction of creatine kinase (CK-MB) mass are used as diagnostic and prognostic criteria in myocardial infarction, but the relation between those levels and-the necropsy-determined size of necrosis has not been tested in human beings. In this retrospective study, 1-cm-thick transverse sections of the ventricles were cut from the base to the apex in the necropsy hearts of 27 patients aged 47 to 86 years (mean 66, median 69; 19 men). Total and necrotic areas were measured using a computer-linked image analysis system. The weights of the necrotic areas were also calculated. The correlations of the areas and weights of necrotic myocardium with the highest serum values of CK-MB mass and troponin 1, which had been quantified during life by chemiluminescence immunoassays, were verified by Pearson`s test; results were considered significant at p <= 50.05. Significant correlations were detected between CK-MB mass peak and infarct size (r = 0.63, p < 0.01) and weight (r = 0.69, p < 0.01) and between CK-MB mass and highest troponin level (r = 0.73, p < 0.01); however, the correlations between highest troponin level and myocardial infarct size (r = 0.31, p = 0.11) and weight (r = 0.35, p = 0.07) were small and nonsignificant. In conclusion, despite the well-established role of serum levels of troponin as a diagnostic tool for myocardial infarction, their highest values showed poor correlations with the extent of infarct. In contrast, the highest serum level of CK-MB mass was well correlated with myocardial infarct size. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) alpha is a ligand-activated transcription factor that has been linked with rodent hepatocarcinogenesis. It has been suggested that PPARalpha mRNA expression levels are an important determinant of rodent hepatic tumorigenicity. Previous work in rat mammary gland epithelial cells showed significantly increased PPARalpha mRNA expression in carcinomas, suggesting the possible role of this isoform in rodent mammary gland carcinogenesis. In this study we sought to determine whether PPARalpha is expressed and dynamically regulated in human breast cancer MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cells. Having established the presence of PPARalpha in both cell types, we then examined the consequence of PPARa activation, by its ligands Wy-14,643 and clofibrate, on proliferation. With real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction, we showed that PPARalpha mRNA was dynamically regulated in MDA-MB-231 cells and that PPARalpha activation significantly increased proliferation of the cell line. In contrast, PPARalpha expression in MCF-7 cells did not change with proliferation during culture and was present at significantly lower levels than in MDA-MB-231 cells. However, PPARalpha ligand activation still significantly increased the proliferation of MCF-7 cells. The promotion of proliferation in breast cancer cell lines following PPARalpha activation was in stark contrast to the effects of PPARgamma-activating ligands that decrease proliferation in human breast cancer cells. our results established the presence of PPARalpha in human breast cancer cell lines and showed for the first time that activation of PPARalpha in human breast cancer cells promoted proliferation. Hence, this pathway may be significant in mammary gland tumorigenesis. (C) 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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In the absence of heart failure or cardiogenic shock, cardiac involvement diagnosis in icteric leptospirosis is possible on the basis of abnormal electrocardiograms. As metabolic and electrolytic disorders are frequently seen during acute leptospirosis infection, they may be responsible for some electrocardiograms changes. We conducted a study to assess if creatine phosphokinase isoenzyme determinations are useful in selecting patients with a high cardiac involvement suspicion. Sixty-nine patients were studied prospectively. Ten patients out of 16 with cardiac involvement and 25 without had high CK-MB levels (p>0.05), although mean values of abnormal CK-MB levels were higher in the group with cardiac involvement (p<0.05). Our analysis indicates that serum CK-MB determination does not provide a specific indicator of myocardial involvement in the course of icteric leptospirosis.


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Signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) performance of a multiband orthogonal frequency division multiplexing ultra-wideband system with residual timing offset is investigated. To do so, an exact mathematical derivation of the SIR of this system is derived. It becomes obvious that, unlike a cyclic prefixing based system, a zero padding based system is sensitive to residual timing offset.


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OBJETIVO: Comparar o desempenho, em termos de teste diagnóstico, da dosagem sérica de mioglobina (Mgb) com a creatinofosfoquinase (CK) e a sua fração MB (CK-MB), para o diagnóstico de infarto agudo do miocárdio (IAM). MÉTODOS: Estudo observacional, contemporâneo e não controlado de 64 pacientes, admitidos entre setembro/94 e fevereiro/95, em uma emergência especializada em cardiologia, com dor torácica não traumática. Excluíram-se pacientes com sintomas há mais de 6h, trauma muscular, ressuscitação cardiopulmonar e insuficiência renal. O diagnóstico de IAM foi estabelecido quando ao menos dois dos seguintes critérios estavam presentes: dor torácica típica há mais de 20min, alterações eletrocardiográficas compatíveis com necrose (ondas Q), ou elevações tardias de CK e CK-MB. RESULTADOS: Na amostra estudada, 18 tiveram diagnóstico de IAM. A sensibilidade (S) encontrada para CK, CK-MB e Mgb foi de 33%, 22% e 61% e a especificidade (E) de 85%, 96% e 98%, respectivamente. A diferença entre a S de Mgb e a de CK foi de 28%, com um intervalo de confiança de 95% (IC 95%) de -4% a 59%, e a diferença entre a S de Mgb e a de CK-MB foi de 39%, IC 95% de 9% a 69%. A diferença entre a E de Mgb e a de CK foi de 13%, IC 95% de 12% a 14%, e a diferença entre a E de Mgb e a de CK-MB foi de 2%, IC 95% de -5% a 9%. CONCLUSÃO: A mioglobina mostrou ser um marcador mais sensível e tão específico quanto a CK-MB, para o diagnóstico de IAM na população estudada. Em relação a CK, a Mgb foi mais específica e com igual sensibilidade.


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FUNDAMENTO: Há incertezas do valor prognóstico comparativo entre troponina I cardíaca (cTnI) e CK-MB em síndrome coronariana aguda (SCA). OBJETIVO: Comparar o valor prognóstico entre a cTnI e a CK-MB massa em pacientes com SCA sem supradesnível do segmento ST. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados 1.027 pacientes, de modo prospectivo, em um centro terciário de cardiologia. Combinações dos biomarcadores foram examinadas: cTnI normal, CK-MB massa normal (65,5%); cTnI normal, CK-MB massa elevada (3,9%); cTnI elevada, CK-MB massa normal (8,8%); cTnI elevada, CK-MB massa elevada (20,7%). Análise multivariada de variáveis clínicas, eletrocardiográficas e laboratoriais determinou o valor prognóstico independente dos biomarcadores para o evento de morte ou (re)infarto em 30 dias. RESULTADOS: Pacientes com pelo menos um biomarcador elevado foram mais idosos (p = 0,02) e do sexo masculino (p < 0,001). Uso prévio de aspirina (p = 0,001), betabloqueador (p = 0,003) ou estatina (p = 0,013) foi mais frequente naqueles sem elevação da cTnI. Pacientes com elevação de ambos os biomarcadores tinham mais depressão do segmento ST (p < 0,001) ou creatinina elevada (p < 0,001). Em análise multivariada com a inclusão da cTnI, a CK-MB massa não foi variável independente para o evento de morte ou (re)infarto em 30 dias (odds ratio [OR] 1,16; p = 0,71). Quando não se incluiu a cTnI, teve-se: idade (OR 1,07; p < 0,001); sexo masculino (OR 1,09; p = 0,77); diabete melito (OR 1,95; p = 0,02); acidente vascular cerebral prévio (OR 3,21; p = 0,008); creatinina elevada (OR 1,63; p = 0,002); elevação da CK-MB massa (OR 1,96; p = 0,03); estatística-C 0,77 (p < 0,001). CONCLUSÃO: Com dosagem da cTnI, a CK-MB massa pode ser dispensável para avaliação prognóstica. Na indisponibilidade da cTnI, a CK-MB massa é aceitável para decisão terapêutica.


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L’anàlisi de l’efecte dels gens i els factors ambientals en el desenvolupament de malalties complexes és un gran repte estadístic i computacional. Entre les diverses metodologies de mineria de dades que s’han proposat per a l’anàlisi d’interaccions una de les més populars és el mètode Multifactor Dimensionality Reduction, MDR, (Ritchie i al. 2001). L’estratègia d’aquest mètode és reduir la dimensió multifactorial a u mitjançant l’agrupació dels diferents genotips en dos grups de risc: alt i baix. Tot i la seva utilitat demostrada, el mètode MDR té alguns inconvenients entre els quals l’agrupació excessiva de genotips pot fer que algunes interaccions importants no siguin detectades i que no permet ajustar per efectes principals ni per variables confusores. En aquest article il•lustrem les limitacions de l’estratègia MDR i d’altres aproximacions no paramètriques i demostrem la conveniència d’utilitzar metodologies parametriques per analitzar interaccions en estudis cas-control on es requereix l’ajust per variables confusores i per efectes principals. Proposem una nova metodologia, una versió paramètrica del mètode MDR, que anomenem Model-Based Multifactor Dimensionality Reduction (MB-MDR). La metodologia proposada té com a objectiu la identificació de genotips específics que estiguin associats a la malaltia i permet ajustar per efectes marginals i variables confusores. La nova metodologia s’il•lustra amb dades de l’Estudi Espanyol de Cancer de Bufeta.


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Chief Medical Officer Annual Report 2010


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A Guide for wheelchair users on regional eligibility criteria for the provision of wheelchairs through the Northern Ireland Wheelchair Service


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New set of standards aimed at improving patient care


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Proposals for the reform of the Northern Ireland Wheelchair Service


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Tackling Sexual Violence and Abuse - A regional Strategy 2008-2013